The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 159

Chapter 159

In the island country of Tokyo, the combat base camp of the Ministry of Defense has been crowded for the past two days.

Various vehicles are parked in front of the gate, and there is an endless stream of people dressed in naval and army uniforms.

Everyone came and went in a hurry, and their faces were full of sadness, just like the emperor died and the whole country mourned.

Unlike the usual defeat in the battle in Huaxia, no meeting was held immediately this time.

The first was because the emperor was ill and had a poor appetite for three days.

The second is because the cabinet and the military department have reached a consensus that it is necessary to investigate clearly before making a decision.

Ten days after the outbreak of the Battle of Qingdao, the investigation work of various departments was finally completed.

The navy and the army sent special personnel to the area around Lu Province in disguise, conducted field investigations, and obtained a first-hand account of the defeat of the Japanese army.

On the eighth day, Prime Minister Hideki Tojo convened the largest military meeting since the beginning of the war, with Emperor Hirohito as an escort, this time he did not even have the right to speak, and it was completely left to the cabinet to organize~.

The participants in the meeting included many notorious generals.

Army, Navy, Ministry of Aviation.

All the famous old dogs in World War II are basically here.

Especially the generals of the navy and army basically have a murderous aura on their faces.

The reason why the Navy is angry is because it has destroyed three aircraft carrier fleets in a row, which is already a very huge loss for the Navy with only more than twenty aircraft carriers.

Moreover, the navies of the island countries have been crushing China at sea since the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War.

It then crushed polar bears and finally swept across Asia and the Pacific.

Now overtaken by Huaxia, they are naturally unwilling, thinking that this is the greatest shame in the history of the imperial navy.

The people of the Army are not as pretentious as the Navy, and the reason why they are angry is not because they have lost nearly 300,000 troops since the beginning of the war.

When the army fights, it is quite normal to lose a little more people.

Moreover, there are many people in those troops who are puppet troops from the colonies, such as the country of sticks, such as Treasure Island and Southeast Asia.

The military department calculated that the total number of soldiers from the island countries who died in the battle in China added up to 200,000, which is not a wound for the army.

What they are really angry about is the death of many good brothers in Huaxia.

For example, Seishiro Itagaki, many of the people present are his classmates or good comrades-in-arms.

For example, Kiyoji Kagetsu, Ishihara Wan’er, and Kenji Doihara.

The army is talking about brotherhood, back then it was in a trench to get beaten, and now I am alive and you are dead, and the generals of the army are naturally very angry.

At the beginning of the meeting, Hideki Tojo has a serious expression and is wearing a black tuxedo, which looks like a priest holding a funeral.

He briefly made an opening statement. They then submitted the intelligence they had taken to the people of the Navy and Army.

The people of the army and navy will return from the front line with first-hand evidence in front of everyone.

That tragic battle reappeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

It was as if bullets were flying, soldiers were tragically killed, and the scene of the sinking of the battleship was repeated again.

After the navy and land armies listed all the evidence, the scene was already silent.

The anger in the eyes of the generals was even stronger than just now, but it was also a lot more rational.

“Guys, today’s meeting is just to let you know. In Huaxia, we already have a terrible opponent,” Tojo Hideki said word by word: “This opponent is very hostile to our island country, and after the soldiers of the empire are captured, they are executed to a lesser extent, and the most disgusting thing is to castrate us as slaves.” ”

“Baga” Army General Yamashita Fengwen roared angrily: “To treat the imperial soldiers like this, the people of China are too hateful!” ”

Tojo Hideki sneered: “This is nothing, the Shina people also send our girls to officers and soldiers as maids.” Then brainwash them into thinking that the Empire is the most evil, and use the bodies of our most precious girls to bear children for them. ”

“Eight Grid Tooth Road…” Army General Ikujima Mitsuru had already stood up angrily and shouted at everyone: “The women of the empire, how can you let the disgusting Shina people spoil it?” Their bodies should give birth to the strongest next generation for the empire. ”

Ikujima roared as if his daughter had been, “The Shina people must pay for this, and the Empire’s iron fist must smash their bones!” ”

Hideki Tojo looked at the navy who had not spoken, “The meaning of the army is already obvious, but I don’t know about the navy’s side…”

The representative of the Navy, Isoroku Yamamoto, flicked his fingers lightly on the table.

His aura is very powerful, just a small movement, will make everyone feel a sense of suppression.

“Yamamoto-kun!” Hideki Tojo looked at him expectantly.

Yamamoto Fifty-Six was silent for a moment and then said: “The Chinese people have a very good saying, called the side of the couch will not allow others to sleep peacefully.”

Ask for flowers

“Since ancient times, if the island country wants to be strong, it must conquer China. Only by conquering China can we conquer the world. This is the common understanding of famous generals throughout the ages, and I think you should agree with it. ”

Everyone present nodded.

The island country has always studied the Han and Tang culture of China, and like the country of Bangzi, it considers itself the most authentic heir to Han and Tang culture.

Therefore, if they want to conquer the world, the first step is to conquer China, which is a unified understanding of the whole country.

Yamamoto Fifty-Six continued: “But the speed of China’s rise is too fast, a few months ago they didn’t even have a navy, but now even aircraft carriers have been built, and they are catching up with us in terms of air force and army equipment. ”

“We have a feud with Huaxia. We have been trying to conquer China since hundreds of years ago, but because they are separated by a sea, they have no way to take the empire. ”

“But now it’s different, they have aircraft carriers”

“As long as they are given time, they can build more aircraft carriers.”

Yamamoto Fifty-Six looked at everyone present and said solemnly: “Think about it, if one day we are fighting in the Pacific Ocean, and suddenly hear that the aircraft carrier fleet of the Chinese people has blocked the entire island country and invaded our mainland, how will you feel!” ”

Everyone present felt a tingling in their scalps.

Face Ben Fifty-Six said softly: “So I propose to concentrate all the current forces and completely eliminate the budding Iron and Blood Legion. ”

“I’m done.” Yamamoto Fifty-Six flicked his finger again.

The people present gradually recovered their sanity from anger.

They had to admit that Yamamoto Fifty-Six was right.

Slowing down the Pacific Ocean just makes the empire bigger.

But Huaxia is right next to the island country, and their navy can completely surround the entire island country in two days.

If that scene really happened, the island country was invaded, Tokyo was bombed, and it was not possible to capture the king or something again, and directly destroy the military headquarters, and then there would be a fart fight.

Hideki Tojo took a deep breath and said decisively: “So, the Navy’s meaning is to change the combat plan and focus on Huaxia, right?”

“Hai” The bigwigs of the Admiralty nodded collectively.

“What about the Army?” Tojo Hideki asked, and several bigwigs of the army stood up en masse: “Do not destroy the Iron and Blood Legion, swear not to return to the army!” “。

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