The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 176

Chapter 176

A hundred kilometers away from Pengcheng, Xue Peng, commander of the Second Division of the Wuwei Army, stood on a high ground with a face full of gunsmoke.

They had just taken the Japanese Heights 307 with the assistance of the Air Force, defeated a Japanese division and annihilated more than 5,000 people.

However, although the victory was won, the Japanese army did not retreat far, and the strength of nearly two divisions was concentrated in the area of Taierzhuang, and a strong defensive line had been built.

Three years ago, a big war broke out in Taierzhuang, which ended in a crushing victory for the Nationalist army.

However, due to a mistake in strategic decision-making, the victorious national army finally retreated completely, giving up Taierzhuang, which had been held at a huge price, to the devil.

Today, the Japanese army regrouped in the area of Taierzhuang and was guarded by two newly re-equipped divisions.

Their intention is already obvious, that is, to fight with the Wuwei Army here.

Where he falls, the little devil will get up.

“Division commander,” an officer with blood on his arm ran over: “Our artillery has advanced up, and the Third Division has just sent a telegram asking when you will attack?”

Xue Pengye took a breath: “What did the commander-in-chief say 13?”

The officer who reported said: “The commander-in-chief explained that after all three of our divisions were assembled, they would begin to launch a fierce attack on Taierzhuang. The air force is ready to bomb and will bomb Taierzhuang in forty minutes. “

“Very good” Xue Peng’s eyes were full of fighting intent: “Taierzhuang, let all the little devils be buried here.” “

At the same time, in Pengcheng, the island general Matsui Ishine and his subordinates quickly studied the battle plan.

Wuwei Army suddenly killed from Shandong. The Japanese were caught off guard, and three wings in a row were annihilated, and tens of thousands of people were wounded.

The Wuwei army advanced all the way and had already carried it to the perimeter of Pengcheng.

Now as long as you have hit Taierzhuang, you can smoothly hit the city.

“Everyone, Taierzhuang is now our last barrier.” Matsui Ishine suddenly raised his head solemnly.

“If Taierzhuang can’t hold it, the army will come to the city.” Matsui Shigen said in a deep voice: “Pengcheng is an important buffer place, and there must be no mistakes here. Therefore, Taierzhuang must be held. “

“Mitsui, Nagamura, do you still need any assistance from your division?” Matsui Ishine looked at the two division commanders.

These two people were the commander of the Mitsui Division and the commander of the Nagamura Division who were firmly guarding Taierzhuang.

The two looked at each other, and Nagamura said, “There is nothing to eat, but the artillery fire of the Shina people is too fierce, and their air strikes are too much.” Previously, our troops kept retreating because the air strikes of the Chinese people were too frequent, and the troops suffered heavy casualties. ”

Mitsui nodded, “This problem must be solved, otherwise you want to hold Taierzhuang.”

Very hard”

Matsui Shigen smiled bitterly: “This question.”

I can’t help you figure it out. “

“Now I can move less than two hundred aircraft, and they’re all old fighters. As you know, in the previous air battle with the Chinese people, we lost almost two hundred aircraft at one time. “

Matsui Shigen said with a bitter heart: “The army aviation unit can no longer lose, and we will lose a lot without aircraft in one day.” So, for now, it’s up to you. I can send two wings as support, and you can go up whenever you need it. “

The two division commanders sighed helplessly.

What they are most afraid of is the Wuwei Army

Air assistance, the rest is not afraid.

Anyway, the Wuwei Army did not have armored units, and in the end it was necessary for the infantry to fight hard.

Matsui Shigen said in a deep voice, “Everyone. I guess the Chi Na people will definitely attack soon. Let’s take their places, this is Pengcheng, not Tianjin or Qingdao. We are the elite of the Army, we are invincible. ”


Time flies by, and forty minutes pass in the blink of an eye.

Five hundred bombers of various types flew from the direction of Shandong, accompanied by a hundred Me109 fighters.

The group flew directly over Taierzhuang, and then dropped a large number of bombs on the ground.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment, the entire Taierzhuang area was completely covered in the explosion.

The pilots on the fighters were on guard while looking down from the sky.

The already dilapidated Taierzhuang was almost in ruins after being bombarded indiscriminately.

Even if someone now says that it hasn’t been inhabited here for hundreds of years, people will believe it.

“This place is so small, the devil also hid two divisions here, they should have all been blown up, right?” Xue Peng’s adjutant sighed.

Xue Peng put down the binoculars, shook his head and said, “Now, the little devils should be hiding in the bomb shelter.” It’s too hard to blow them all up.”


At this moment, the artillery units of the three divisions of the Wuwei Army opened fire en masse.

More than 500 heavy guns bombarded the Taierzhuang area.

On the basis that the bomber has already blown up once, the carpet is pushed forward, striving not to miss a corner. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The adjutant felt pain when he looked at the explosion; “That place is simply not for people, I really want to see how big the devil’s psychological yin 330 shadow is now.”

“What’s the hurry,” Xue Peng said with a smile, “Rush over later, the little devil will tell you with bullets how angry they really are”

The bombers left immediately after dropping all the bombs, their mission was to bomb, and it didn’t matter to them how many people were killed.

The artillery of the Wuwei Army continued to bombard for half an hour before stopping.

At this time, from a distance, Taierzhuang was almost blown flat, and only some ruins were still standing on the ground.

The various positions of the Wuwei Army also sounded a hurried charge at this time, which meant that the general attack had begun.

The killing intent in Xue Peng’s eyes was maximized, and he waved his right hand vigorously: “One ball and two balls. Moving forward”

At the same time, in the ruins of Taierzhuang, a large number of ghosts suddenly drilled out of bomb shelters one after another.

Just like Xue Peng thought, these ghosts are very good at digging bomb shelters, and all the ghosts hid in the bomb shelters when they just bombed.

A ghost Dazuo was lying in the trench that had been blown up, and looked coldly at the Wuwei army that had begun to attack.

“Everyone, pay attention, the Chi Na people are coming up, ready to fight” Daizo shouted sharply, and in response to him was the sound of a bolt pulling.

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