The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Yamamoto Fifty-Six rushed onto the deck and saw from a distance the two aircraft carrier battle groups of the Amagi and Katsuragi and about thirty warships approaching rapidly.

Yamamoto Fifty-Six and the devils around him all laughed excitedly.

After running all the way, he was almost carried to the whole army, and finally waited for reinforcements to come.

“Quick, inform them that the fleet of the Shina people is out of ammunition. Let them immediately send planes to bomb the Chinese fleet. Yamamoto Fifty-Six roared eagerly.

As soon as the two aircraft carrier fleets of the Japanese army appeared, they were already discovered by the Yanhuang fleet.

Liu Dong said to Chen Fan with a look of admiration. “Generalissimo, you are really a clever calculation. Just if we had sent planes to bomb the Devil Fleet, then now we would have no ammunition. ”

Chen Fan smiled faintly: “Yamamoto Fifty-Six is a gambler, even if he runs out of ammunition, he will launch a suicidal charge.” But he chose to escape, and the only explanation was that he had an ambush “two one zero”. ”

Chen Fan waved his hand: “Let the plane take off and blow up all their aircraft carriers.” ”

“Yes,” Liu Dong roared excitedly.

At this time, the six aircraft carriers of the Yanhuang fleet had long been ready to take off.

As soon as the alarm sounded, all the planes roared into the sky.

At the same time, the submarine fleet under the sea also rushed towards the new aircraft carrier battle group of the Japanese army.

In the air and underwater, the two forces quickly killed out.

Seeing almost six hundred planes taking off, Yamamoto and his men were all dumbfounded.

“Aren’t they without ammunition? Just hit the warship, why can the plane take off again?”

All the devils are confused, it is clear that the plane can take off for battle, why take a warship to hit hard?

No one can figure out why Huaxia’s navy did this.

Yamamoto Fifty-Six suddenly figured it out, his face full of anger, “Shina people are playing on me, they deliberately deceive me to make me think that they have no ammunition. In fact, they have always kept a hand, just for now……. They obviously saw through it early on, and I will look for reinforcements. ”

Yamamoto Fifty-Six was thunderous, but it was too late to say anything, and the planes of the Yanhuang ship rushed towards the Katsuragi and Amagi like rolling clouds.

The devils on the Amagi and Gecheng were all frightened when they saw such a large-scale aircraft charge.

The combined aircraft of their two aircraft carriers are only a little over 200, only one-third of the Huaxia aircraft, and the victory and defeat are already clear

But this is a battlefield, since they have all met, you can’t retreat and wait to be beaten.

The commanders of the two aircraft carriers gave the order to meet the battle at the same time, and all the aircraft on the aircraft carrier took off to meet the battle.

Two hundred planes had just taken off, just in time for the arrival of the planes of the Yanhuang fleet.

As soon as the two sides clashed, the Japanese unprotected bombers exploded directly in rows.

Other Zero aircraft are fast and can compete with Huaxia fighters.

But they soon lost their advantage, either being bitten by faster pirate fighters and exploding with a shuttle bullet.

Or it is attacked by two or three Hellcat fighters at the same time, even if the speed of the Zero is fast, it cannot hide from the left side

One after another, the beaten smoke caught fire and fell headlong into the sea.

The anti-aircraft artillery of the two aircraft carrier fleets strafed the sky together, but the speed of the aircraft of the Yanhuang fleet was too fast, and the devil’s aircraft carrier fleet was red-eyed, and only seven planes were shot down.

Yamamoto Fifty-Six watched from a distance as the planes on the two aircraft carriers were slowly annihilated.

After almost forty minutes, all two hundred planes had been annihilated, and the two aircraft carrier fleets that came to support had completely lost their superiority in the air.

“Oh my God, we’re finished.” Nagumo Zhongyi sat on the ground with his butt.

The eyes of other Japanese generals were also full of despair.

They just waited for an aircraft carrier to come to support, and then the carrier-based aircraft annihilated the Yanhuang fleet in one fell swoop.

But now that even the aircraft carrier battle group that came to support it has been abandoned, they naturally have no hope of survival.

At this moment, the bombers of the Yanhuang fleet began to launch a merciless bombardment of the Gecheng and Amagi ships.

The bombers let out a piercing whistle, and bombs were dropped on the two aircraft carriers.

Avenger torpedo planes used lightning strike tactics, with torpedoes bombing the carrier’s frigates from different directions.

In just ten minutes, eight frigates slowly sank, and all the devils above jumped into the sea to escape.

The Amagi was continuously bombed by more than sixty dreadnought-bombers, and the entire deck had been blown up.

And the Katsuragi was even worse, the submarine forces under the water cooperated with the air strike, and more than twenty torpedoes directly hit the Katsuragi from underwater.

The Japanese aircraft carrier exploded in two from the middle, turning into a piece of burning scrap iron and slowly sinking into the sea.

“They’re finished, and we’re done!” A major general looked at Yamamoto Fifty-Six: “Sir, let’s surrender, otherwise the whole army will really be destroyed…”

Yamamoto Fifty-Six’s eyes were full of anger: “Surrender? You say let the Imperial Navy surrender to the Chi-Na?”

As soon as the major general nodded, Yamamoto Fifty-Six suddenly pulled out his knife and directly cut off his head. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

All the officers were frightened, and Yamamoto Fifty-Six’s appearance had gone crazy to the extreme.

“The navy of the empire would rather die in battle than surrender.” Yamamoto Fifty-Six brandished a bloody saber: “Order the fleet to ram Huaxia’s warships.” Even if they die, pull them back. ”

The combined fleet, which was already hopeless, went crazy, and under the command of Yamamoto Fifty-Six, a madman, four aircraft carriers billowing black smoke, like four dying people about to enter the earth, crashed headlong towards the Yanhuang fleet.

Chen Fan looked at the fast-sailing combined fleet from a distance, and his eyes were full of contempt.

“Let our warships send them, since they are navy, let them return to the sea”

Liu Dong nodded: “Understood.” ”

Soon, the frigates of the Yanhuang fleet were quickly concentrated on both sides of the aircraft carrier.

All the guns on the warship were aimed at the four Japanese aircraft carriers under the control of the fire control system.

“Fire the gun”


A large number of shells rained down on the Japanese aircraft carrier at close range.

Within five minutes, each carrier was hit by at least forty shells.

The bombed hulls of the aircraft carriers Dafeng and Yunlong were divided into 3.5 parts, and the whole body was on fire and sank.

The remaining two ships, the Ruihe and the Longxiang, were also on fire, and the bombed lost power and stopped on the sea.

The frigates of the Yanhuang fleet surrounded them and began the final devastating bombing.

“Boom boom”

Two aircraft carriers were blown up and ragged. Finally, there was a terrible breaking sound, and the hull was slowly dismembered, sinking towards the sea little by little.

Yamamoto Fifty-Six and his men stayed on a section of the hull that had not been blown up, and collectively knelt in the direction of the island country.

Yamamoto stroked the sword in his hand, and his eyes showed despair and guilt: “Your Majesty the Emperor, I’m sorry.” Heihachiro Togo-senpai, I lost the naval empire you created”

Yamamoto Fifty-Six shed tears—the knife stabbed him in the lower abdomen, and then cut horizontally—the knife, ending his life.

With his death, the Dragon Jun let out its last mournful cry and sank into the sea in a cannonball.

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