The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 199

Chapter 199

When Chen Fan was a student, he learned in history books why China has been so backward and poor since modern times.

Mainly because the former Qing Dynasty vigorously suppressed the national industry, believing that only reading was high in the world, and the social status was ranked as a scholar, agriculture, industry and commerce, and completely strangled the social atmosphere that had just opened up at the end of the Ming Dynasty in the cradle.

During the more than two hundred years of Manchu rule, merchants, even if they were rich and noble, would be inferior after going out.

They were not even allowed to use the money they earned to dress in silk, and even the way they traveled was strictly controlled.

On the street, because they are the lowest level of society, even if they encounter a poor talent who can’t even afford to eat, they have to bow and salute.

The most hateful thing is that the government will carry out exploitation and suppression from time to time, and where there is a flood, businessmen will have to pay.

Where there is a drought or flood, merchants will also come out.

Real officials and businessmen will not lose a dime, but ordinary people and businessmen are the most exploited level.

Therefore, even if many businessmen become rich, they do not let their heirs inherit the mantle, but blindly go to read the Baguwen to gain fame. Get rid of the position at the bottom ~ of society.

Coupled with the former Qing Dynasty’s closed-door policy, the Western vigorous industrial revolution, while the former Qing still encouraged people to farm well.

It is precisely because of this environment that the industry of China has almost been extinguished.

When the great powers opened the country with heavy artillery, those foreign goods that the Chinese people had never seen before became hot commodities, and a large amount of Chinese capital was plundered by the great powers.

Although the Chinese people are painfully determined, they also want to do it.

But you started hundreds of years later than others, the core technology is in the hands of Westerners, the industry built by the Chinese people is also low output, inferior products, and foreign goods have no competitiveness at all.

This eventually led to the labeling of domestic products as inferior and cheap.

It can only be sold to poor countrymen, and it is simply impossible to occupy the high-end market, and then the money earned by various enterprises has to buy foreigners’ machinery, and finally give the money to the great powers.

Chen Fan was sad, why didn’t he cross earlier.

However, it is not too late to change.

If you want to revitalize the national industry, the most important thing is to master the core technology.

Only by not seeking people, and ensuring that the things produced by Huaxia are unique in the world, and other countries simply cannot make them, and there is no such process.

Then the national industry of China can be regarded as a real rise.

He planned a little that if he just built a few factories with technology, he could make more money.

But all this money belongs to the government and has nothing to do with the people.

If you want to stir up the industry of the entire nation, you must give them advanced machines and let the productive forces of the whole people move together, so that the country will be truly strong and some capable chambers of commerce will be really rich.

There are too many fields involved in national industry, spanning various industries, and the needs of ordinary people for food, clothing, housing and transportation are almost innumerable.

Chen Fan thought for a long time and had no solution, so he could only go to the mall to find it.

At present, he still has 300,000 military merit points left, and he wants to make good use of it and unlock several useful technologies to come out.

If you want social development, you must make the people rich, and Chen Fan cannot always use his own strength to change the country, he must involve the people.

Eventually, he found a machine-building factory technology.

Using this technology, we have built world-class machine building plants that can manufacture machines from a wide range of industries.

Chen Fan checked, there are many classification options in technology, he clicked on the option of the car, and immediately came out more sub-options.

For example, manufacturing a complete set of glass equipment, manufacturing a complete set of tire equipment and so on.

Chen Fan clicked on the input of a film again, and a large number of sub-options also appeared in it, involving all aspects of the industry.

Chen Fan took a closer look and saw that the technology could produce all the equipment needed by the plant from upstream to downstream.

It’s just that the price is a bit outrageous, and it takes 150,000 military merit points.

And all the steel resources, power resources, etc. required by the production equipment need to be provided by Chen Fan.

But Chen Fan did not have any hesitation, and decisively bought this technology with 150,000 military merit value.

Huaxia businessmen set up factories, and the most lacking thing is the core machine.

If they are given machines, they can create a whole world.

Chen Fan immediately established a factory in Shanxi and Lu Province, named Brilliant Machinery Manufacturing Company.

Chen Fan stipulated that the mechanical products produced by this company were not sold to any country, but were sold exclusively to businessmen in need.

Until the product replacement and upgrading has better competitiveness, then sell the old products to foreign countries.

Chen Fan chose the time item, and the machines produced by the two workers were all kinds of top machines in the seventies of the twentieth century.

What these machines can produce is a perfect product that this era has never had.

After the establishment of the two factories, Chen Fan immediately publicized it to the whole country through the media. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Considering that many private businessmen did not have enough capital, he also set up a special bank to lend money to businessmen to buy machinery.

Businessmen need to mortgage their plant and machinery, and if they are not well managed, the government will take back all the plant and machinery.

After the introduction of this policy, industrial businessmen across the country were shocked.

In the past, the machines they bought were purchased from abroad, and if they encountered maintenance and other problems after buying back, they had to invite foreigners to come and pay a large fee.

Even if a small part is broken, you must invite those foreign masters to eat and drink.

Now, the machinery produced by the brilliant company is far better than that sold by the great powers, and the price is very fair, and some of it is cheaper than that sold abroad.

Most importantly, Brilliant promises free repairs within three years.

After three years, even if there is a problem, it is the cost of repair, and the most important thing is that the customer is first, and the boss is happy.

Such a good treatment, and then compare with the after-sales service of foreigners, as long as you are not a fool, you know where to choose where to buy.

For a while, the threshold of the brilliant company was almost broken.

Brilliant Company will test the qualifications and abilities of businessmen, and if they meet the conditions, they can help them apply for a one-time loan, which can be described as a one-stop service.

In just a few days, many enterprises in Chen Fan’s territory opened, and many enterprises across the country also made their names.

The national industry is rising, and Chen Fan believes that it will not be long before the whole world will be impressed by Made in China.

Things made in Huaxia must also be labeled as excellent and excellent.

At the same time, Chen Fan exchanged the last bit of military merit for an industrial technology.

Next, he wants to start a business that makes money for himself.

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