The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Xingchi Auto and the agricultural company made Chen Fan a lot of money.

More than half a month ago, he was still worried about money, but now he has begun to worry about how to spend it.

Moreover, the production capacity of Xingchi Auto is relatively low, which cannot meet the needs of customers.

If you can’t meet the needs of customers, you can only take a deposit and can’t collect the final payment.

Another important factor is that Xingchi Automobile and Agricultural Machinery Company need a lot of steel, which is in conflict with the Navy.

At present, there is only so much steel production, and the only way to want more resources is to expand.

Chen Fan used technology to build a steel plant in Shanxi and Hebei provinces.

But the steel produced is only enough for the current use, as long as the production capacity is slightly larger, it will not be enough immediately, which is why Chen Fan did not build another steel plant.

Resources are too important for the development of a country.

Oil, steel, and all kinds of rare minerals are all in short supply for Chen Fan at present.

Huaxia was originally a place with large land and thin resources, few resources, and it was very scattered.

The only place where resources can be quickly obtained is in the northeast.

Therefore, Chen Fan quickly put his next strategic goal on the three eastern provinces.

Over the past month or so, reports have been continuously coming from the northeast.

The Kwantung Army took advantage of this time to ruthlessly clean up the anti-Japanese forces in the territory, basically wiped out their rear, and bought and divided most of the bandit forces.

And there is also intelligence that shows that the Kwantung Army received a lot of funding, both in terms of money and direct weapons.

Where exactly these funds came from, the intelligence has not yet clarified.

Moreover, the Kwantung Army has already mobilized a large number of troops to Shencheng, a full 200,000, and about 150,000 puppet troops from the country of Stick have entered the area around Shencheng, preparing to assist the Japanese army in counterattacking.

The country of sticks has been occupied by little devils for fifty years, and many local people are crossed with devils.

When the puppet army of the island country is not a shame in the stick country, they have been assimilated for fifty years, and those who dare to resist have long been killed, so there is nothing bloody in society.

So these 150,000 puppet troops were loyal to the Kwantung Army and could be treated as part of the Japanese army.

Moreover, these stick country puppet troops were trained by the Japanese army, and their ability to command combat in a unified manner tactically was not very bad.

This intelligence was aggregated from the northeast to Beiping, and Chen Fan received many such reports every day on his desk.

Now he is ready to do something to the Kwantung Army.

The generals under him were summoned at the first time.

He did not preside over this meeting, but let Zhao Changsheng, who is most familiar with the northeast, support it, after all, the defense of the northeast line was created by him,

Zhao Changsheng talked eloquently and thoroughly analyzed the current situation in Liao Province.

And he faintly revealed that he felt that the polar bear seemed to be hooking up with the devil, and it was likely that a large part of the aid received by the Kwantung Army came from the big country of dry polar bears.

Finally, Zhao Changsheng emphatically pointed out that the northeast was too big, so the Kwantung Army was concentrated together to prepare for the battle.

If you want to attack, you must invest enough troops, enough weapons, and the most important thing is that the logistics must keep up, otherwise the large army will be dragged to death by the long terrain of the northeast.

After Zhao Changsheng finished speaking, Chen Fan looked at the generals present: “If you have any opinions, you can put them forward.” Tohoku I am determined to get it, so I will listen to any valuable opinions. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Xu Shaohua stood up and said, “Generalissimo, the terrain in the northeast is very suitable for our armored troops to advance. I would like to add some Panther tanks so that I can take advantage of the speed of the Panther tanks to move back and forth quickly. Then the Tiger tank group followed, crossing on both sides to smash the enemy’s defenses, and even encircle the enemy. Better send me some Cobra helicopters, that stuff is a good thing, faster than calling Air Force bombers. And the combat effectiveness is very fierce, it is definitely a weapon to break through the enemy’s defense line. ”

Chen Fan asked, “If you are asked to fight Shen Cheng, how many days will it take you?”

Xu Shaohua smiled: “At most a week, I promise to cut Shen Cheng’s ghosts and puppet army into eighteen pieces.” ”

“Good.” Chen Fan said: “I will give you another six hundred Panther tanks and three hundred Tiger tanks. Cobra helicopters give you twenty, is it enough?”

Xu Shaohua’s eyes instantly lit up, which was equivalent to adding two armored divisions to him.

“Enough, absolutely enough.” Xu Shaohua laughed excitedly: “I promise to beat the little devil crying daddy and calling his mother.” ”

Chen Fan looked at the infantryman, “What about you! What are the requirements?”

Li Yunlong stood up and asked, “Generalissimo, doesn’t that Xingchi Automobile Factory of yours have a new truck?” Can you equip us?”

Chen Fan suddenly laughed: “Li Yunlong, Li Yunlong, you really picked up sesame seeds and lost melons.” The military trucks you use now are all the latest ones. The kind of truck produced by Xingchi is only a civilian version. Even if it is converted into a military one, it is much worse than what you use now. ”

Li Yunlong laughed: “So that’s the case, then I’ll be relieved, there is no problem.” Infantry is one word, dry”

No one had any more opinions, so Chen Fan asked them to go back and prepare immediately.

When the logistics were ready, they immediately marched to the east (Zhao) north.

It not only solves internal problems, but also grabs resources, killing two birds with one stone.

After everyone dispersed, Chen Fan suddenly had some doubts.

At present, the weapons of the infantry are already very good, but the terrain in the northeast is relatively complicated, and the Kwantung Army has been painstakingly operating for more than ten years, digging forts in many mountains.

If you want to attack hard, it will definitely be much more difficult than in Talu Province, and the casualties of the troops will be very large.

He suddenly thought of some infantry weapons, but unfortunately he now has no military merit value, and he can’t exchange it for technology if he wants to.

If the infantry can equip those artifacts, this trip to the northeast will be much smoother.

“System, is there any way to allow me to redeem some technology now?” Chen Fan asked.

The system smiled slightly: “Yes, do the task, I have arranged it for you.” “。

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