The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

In Chu Yunfei’s eyes, this war had become a chess game.

Every tank and armored vehicle of the armored division was his pawn, and under his orders, he rushed left and right to kill, and the puppet army of the stick country could not be defeated.

Two hours later, the establishment of the puppet army of the stick country had been completely disrupted.

Countless people went their separate positions, no one gave orders, they only knew that when they saw the tank, they pulled the trigger, and they ran everywhere if they couldn’t beat it.

Within 30 kilometers, the number of dead and wounded puppet troops of the Stick Country had exceeded 40,000.

However, only half of them were actually killed by planes or run over by tanks, and the remaining half were all trampled to death by themselves.

Li Xiaoguo looked embarrassed and dodged tanks everywhere under the protection of a group of guards.

He also tried to command the “240” team, and although he was the commander-in-chief, the soldiers at the bottom did not know him at all.

Several times soldiers tried to kill him because he was blocking the way for his life.

If it weren’t for the protection of guards, he would have been killed by his own people a long time ago.

“It’s over, it’s over.” Li Xiaoguo looked at the chaotic team and shouted in frustration: “We have completely defeated, we can’t stay here, there is only one way to stay here.” ”

His guards shouted anxiously, “Sir, let’s withdraw.” Maybe the other troops are also retreating, and when we withdraw to the edge of the Green River, it will not be too late to regroup the ranks. ”

Li Xiaoguo nodded, this is the best way at present.

He immediately fled on two legs with the few remaining guards, and ran vigorously along the road he came.

Someone took the lead in fleeing, and the news spread immediately.

More and more puppet armies of the Stick Country joined the ranks of escape.

Half an hour later, almost all the puppet troops were rushing towards the Green River.

It’s as if running there, they’re safe.

“Master, the devil has escaped.” Huang Ligong said: “Do you want to pursue now?”

Chu Yunfei waved his hand: “If they can’t run away, let the armored troops chase and kill on both sides of them, and our troops immediately get on the truck, chase after them, and drive them all the way to the bank of the Green River.” ”


A moment later, Chu Yunfei’s troops quickly jumped onto one truck after another.

The artillery was thrown down by them, all the soldiers advanced lightly, and the most powerful weapons were general-purpose machine guns and RPG rockets.

The armored troops began to circle the sides of the puppet army of the Stick Country, unhurriedly driving them to the middle.

Chu Yunfei’s troops quickly followed, and the soldiers mounted machine guns on the front of the car, and all the puppet soldiers who ran slowly immediately rewarded them with a shuttle of bullets.

Those puppet soldiers who were left alone were even more pitiful, and they were crushed by the trucks rushing up from behind, and the bodies were glued to the ground.

“Xiba, do the Huaxia people want to kill them all.” The eyelids of the pseudo-military spirit of the stick country jumped.

Many people wanted to surrender, but they saw the Huaxia soldiers chasing behind blindly shooting, so frightened that no one dared to stop this group of puppet troops, and could only lower their heads and blindly flee for their lives.

After running for five hours, more than fifty kilometers, all the legs of the puppet army were almost broken.

And the Chinese troops who were pursuing them all sat leisurely on trucks, shooting at them while urging them behind.

Some soldiers can stick in Mandarin, and tell them vigorously to cheer and run quickly, and many of the rod lungs of the gas are exploded.

“Xiba, I’m going to fight with them, and I won’t run away if I kill me.”

“Running like this is like a dog, and it’s not as good as a dog when you die.” It’s better to fight with them, and the dead have a little dignity. ”

“Fight, let the Huaxia people know that the heroes of our stick country are not afraid of them.”

Many puppet soldiers who were chased could no longer run, so they simply used their pickle spirit to motivate themselves, turned around and fought with the pursuing troops.

However, the result can be imagined, a group of infantry blocked the road, and in a blink of an eye became the target of machine guns.

The puppet army of the stick country fell in rows, and blood splattered the ground.

The terrifying scene, so frightened that a group of puppet soldiers who had just been arrogant came out, and they screamed and turned around and continued to escape…….

So they fled all the way, pursued all the way, and the puppet army ran from dusk to night, and from night to dawn.

Finally, the Green River appeared in front of them.

“It’s the Green River, it’s the Green River, we can go home”

The puppet army who rushed to the front burst into tears, and one by one they were as excited as little tadpoles finally finding their mother.

Li Xiaoguo was also in this group, he couldn’t run anymore, and he relied on a few guards to carry him in turn.

When he saw the Green River, he almost burst into tears with excitement.

“Great, finally back to the motherland.” He shouted to his subordinates, “You are all good, when you go back, I will promote all of you.” Promoted to high official, give you a lot of money. ”

But at this moment, one shell after another suddenly fell from the sky and exploded in the puppet army. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A shell landed right next to Li Xiaoguo.

With a loud bang, Li Xiaoguo and his subordinates were all blown up into a puddle of meat mud.

At this time, on the Green River, more than a dozen heavy warships opened fire in unison.

Large-caliber shipborne guns roared and fired shells after shells.

Shipborne guns are devastating, a row of shells falls, explosions of one or two kilometers of strip are connected, and all the puppet troops who rushed to this area are torn to smithereens.

2.1 Just as the ship-based guns roared, carrier-based aircraft flew from a distance.

Because the aircraft carrier cannot enter the Green River-belt, it can only anchor at the mouth of the sea.

As soon as they received the order, most of the carrier-based aircraft took off and rushed towards the puppet army quickly.

The puppet army of the stick country was completely panicked, there were warships in front, planes on top, tanks on both sides, and pursuers behind.

The eyes of the prostrate puppet army that had already run were full of despair, and under the blows from all directions, they were completely defeated.

Chen Fan’s gaze moved away from the hanging window, and he closed his eyes with a smile: “The puppet army of the stick country is solved, a bunch of weak chickens.” Go back to refuel, and then go to see how Kong Jie and Ding Wei are doing. “。

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