The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Fifteen mortars bombarded the pillboxes, and three were quickly reduced to rubble.

As Li Yunlong and his team charged, mortars and heavy machine guns moved forward rapidly, completely within their range of fire.

Li Yunlong looked up at the bunker that was indiscriminately bombarded, wiped the blood off his face vigorously, and yelled at the soldiers: “Attack Taiyuan City!” ”

At the rear of the attack group, Chen Fan put down his binoculars and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Meng Sanjin gave a thumbs up: “General, your vision is really good.” This Li Yunlong is really not afraid of death when he fights, he has only been in this regiment for a few days, and he is not afraid of death like him. It is very appropriate for him to be the commander of this fortification regiment. ”

Chen Fan smiled and said, “If he wasn’t powerful, I wouldn’t have spent so much equipment to change him back.” Let the troops advance, the little devil should also be impatient. ”

At this time at the head of Taiyuan City, Itagaki Seishiro put down the binoculars with a serious face.

“This force is too ferocious, and charging into battle is a completely lifeless way to play.” Itagaki Seishiro said in a deep voice: “If Chen Fan’s troops are like this, this Taiyuan City will not be able to hold at all. ”

The chief of staff on the side shook his head: “Sir, you think too much, the people of China are afraid of death, how many troops can there be that are not afraid of death.” We are ready, just waiting for the Chi Na people to come and send them to death. ”

Itagaki Seishiro waved his hand: “Let the artillery prepare, wait for them to enter the range, and then open the gun!” ”


Itagaki Seishiro glanced at the storming regiment that was rushing over again, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: “You like to work hard, then I will take your life first!” ”

“Good, good, immediately correct the direction of the artillery fire, please rest assured, within ten minutes they will absolutely disappear from the world.”

Commander of the 114th Artillery Wing, Ikeshitachi, put down the phone and immediately handed over the coordinates he had just recorded to his subordinates.

“Within two minutes, adjust the position of the muzzle. Two minutes later, howitzers began to bomb, go! ”

“Hai!” One Nakazo quickly ran towards the howitzer position with coordinates.

The 114th Artillery Wing was an independent artillery wing of the Japanese army stationed in Shanxi.

When Shinozuka Yoshio was there, he deliberately enlarged the 114th Artillery Wing, which is now more than double the size of the normal wing.

The wing had twenty howitzers of 105 mm caliber, twenty field guns of 70 mm caliber, and twenty rapid-fire guns of 45 mm caliber, which were specially used against infantry.

Ikeshita looked at his watch, two minutes had just arrived, twenty howitzers roared together, and one by one large-caliber shells whistled into the distance.

“Sir, the Chi Na people have not opened fire yet, we have a meeting now, will it expose the target?” A devil asked.

Ikeshita shook his head confidently: “Our position is very hidden, and it is completely out of their range. The coordinates just given above are just right inside our range. The artillery of the Chinese wanted to hit us unless they moved the artillery forward. ”

Chishita said with a smile: “But if they dare to move, before they can open fire, our artillery will already wipe out their entire army.” ”

The devils around him nodded one by one, and everyone began to admire Seishiro Itagaki’s vision.

The other commanders would position the artillery as far forward as possible so that they could inflict maximum casualties on the enemy with heavy bombardment.

But Itagaki Seishiro asked the artillery position to lean back as far as possible, in order to attract the enemy’s infantry into range and then bombard them.

This is a rogue way of playing, my artillery can blow you up, but yours can’t blow me up, so I can only be in a hurry.

“Boom boom”

Shells exploded around the fortification regiment, and the soldiers who were running wildly were overturned on their backs.

Li Yunlong saw with his own eyes that more than a dozen soldiers disappeared in an instant, and the shell left a big hole in the position they had just had.


A cannonball exploded in front of him, and Li Yunlong flew out backwards and slammed into the ground, with all Venus in front of him.

“Regiment commander, regiment commander” Zhang Dabiao ran over with people frantically, picked up Li Yunlong and found a place to hide.

“Concealed, all concealed,” Li Yunlong said with difficulty.

Zhang Dabiao immediately ordered all the soldiers of the attack regiment to quickly find a place to hide.

Li Yunlong shook his head vigorously, except for the buzzing of his ears, his head was already much clearer.

“Commander, are you all right?” Zhang Dabiao shouted anxiously.

“Lao Tzu is not dead, what the fuck are you crying about?” Li Yunlong roared angrily.

Then he looked up, there were explosions everywhere around, and it was a dead end to continue to rush forward.

“Fuck, the little devil is waiting for us here.” Li Yunlong sighed helplessly.

No matter how fierce he was, he was not stupid enough to lead his brothers into the artillery fire.

“Request artillery support!” Li Yunlong roared.

The situation of the attack group, Chen Fan all saw it.

For Itagaki Seishiro’s move, he had actually expected it for a long time.

“Zhao Changsheng, do you know what to do?” Chen Fan said coldly.

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