The Way of Heaven

Chapter 10: Civilization Fire (2)

A fierce werewolf army rode a giant wolf forward quickly in the forest. At the forefront, a werewolf leader nearly two meters tall looked at the lunar star whose sky was blocked by clouds. The hideous wolf head grinned and said in the language of the werewolf tribe. .

"Quickly, we have to reach the front tauren city before dawn. What qualifications do these **** tauren have to occupy the most fertile land here? We werewolves are the masters here. We have to kill them all and take their land. Grab it!"

   "Yes! Kill them all!" The werewolf army replied, controlling the giant wolves under their feet and making them speed up.

  The werewolf army ran into the wilderness and forests for dozens of miles under the cover of the dark night, and did not stop at all. After an hour or so, a small city appeared in front of the werewolf army.

   The werewolf leader stretched out his hand, and the well-trained werewolf army controlled the giant wolf and slowly stopped, hiding in the dense forest.

It was a small city, covering an area of ​​200,000 square meters. There were about thousands of tauren inside. The outside was just a three-meter-high city wall built of crude earth and stone. A dozen towers were distributed on the four walls, on each side. There are no more than four.

   The werewolf leader observed for a while, and then gave an order. Under the cover of darkness, the werewolf army violently raided the tauren city and rushed towards a city gate at a very fast speed.

   In this process, when the alert tauren on the guard tower found out, the distance between the front werewolf and the city gate was less than 50 meters.

   "Enemy attack!"

   A stern and sharp sound cut through the silent night, awakening the sleeping tauren in the city, and also increased the speed of the werewolf army again.


   The tauren on the sentry tower quickly picked up bows and arrows, shot arrows, and killed two or three werewolf soldiers who could not dodge, but they did not have much impact on the overall situation.

   No accident, the werewolf army broke through the wooden gate like a sharp sword, crossed the wall, and penetrated into the tauren city.

   Then, with ten werewolf soldiers as a team, they slaughtered in the city. After a while, the tauren, who had just gotten out of bed after hearing the "enemy attack", was seriously injured with weapons.

   Although the tauren were brave, most of them just woke up from sleep and faced several werewolves alone because they hadn't prepared in advance. Therefore, after the werewolf army as a cavalry charged back and forth several times, the tauren was killed and wounded.

   The tauren leader holds a huge stone axe in each hand, watching the scenes of the remnant drama in front of him, and his heart is extremely angry. He yelled and rushed into the werewolf army. The stone axe swept forward. Several werewolf soldiers broke their bones and vomited blood. It seemed that they couldn't survive.

   The stone axe turned again and chopped down. Suddenly, the giant wolf on which the werewolf soldier was riding screamed, his body was torn in two, blood and internal organs spilled on the ground, terrifyingly terrifying.

   The werewolf leader snorted coldly, and he slapped the giant wolf down, and instantly accelerated to the tauren leader. With a spear made of giant beast bones in his hand, he stabled the tauren leader who had killed him everywhere.

   The tauren leader yelled and fought with the werewolf leader, but the werewolf army was so powerful that only the tauren leader was left. He was exhausted and died under the gun of the werewolf leader!

   When the tauren leader was dying, he stared at the werewolf leader in front of him and said: "You guys, one day the beast **** will make you pay the price!"

   The werewolf leader smiled disdainfully, and cut off the head of the tauren leader, "The great beast **** does not care about your life or death."

  The werewolf army killed all the tauren who were higher than the giant wolf, and then drove the captured tauren women and children, took all the belongings here, and burned the city to ashes.


   Like the scene where the werewolf army slaughtered a tauren city, it happened constantly on the land northwest of the Yuanjie Continent.

   When other intelligent races developed their own races, from hunting civilization to farming civilization, without contact with other intelligent races, the various races of the orcs had already been fighting endlessly and killing.

In order to survive the space and food, the contradictions between the various races of the orcs are getting deeper and deeper. Finally, in the six hundred and thirtieth year of the birth of the intelligent race, the Lion race and the kobold race competed for a fertile territory. The war that engulfed the various races of the orcs kicked off.

The flames of war ignited this land. Countless orc tribes were destroyed in the war. The scale of the battles became larger and larger. At the same time, the annexation between races became more and more fierce. The conflicts and fusions of different cultures between the races continued to burst into civilization. Sparks.

First of all, in order to resist the enemy’s invasion and sneak attacks, the tribe surrounded by simple wooden fences became a city protected by a city wall built with soil and stones. The large and small cities are scattered in the northwest, and the large city has tens of thousands of orcs. , The small number of orcs is less than a thousand, and the orcs of all races have entered the city-state era.

War also promotes the evolution of weapons. Weapons smelted from bronze shine in the war. Bronze weapons can easily cut off stones, swords, bones and spears, and cut down the enemy’s head. The strength of bronze weapons surprised all races and made them. The power of mining ore has been increased one after another, and the number of artifacts made of bronze has continued to increase.

At the same time, in order to meet the large amount of labor required to build cities and mine veins, the defeated tribes no longer slaughter all their tribes once they are defeated. Of course, there are also slaves serving as cannon fodder in war.

In order to avoid being extinct in the war, the weak tribes have surrendered to the powerful races and prayed for refuge; and the strong races are also willing to accept the surrender of the other side in order to strengthen their own strength. Those who are always strong, the weak are still weak.

   In addition, for the normal language communication between different orc races, the language of each race is constantly evolving, and a new orc lingua franca is born, and all races use the orc lingua franca one after another.

In the end, after decades of wars, in the 673rd year of the birth of the wisdom race, the orc races were led by more than a dozen races, including the Lion race, the tiger race, the snake race, and the ape race. The city-state regime, the surrounding city-states respected these dozens of city-states and surrendered to them, the turbulent northwest land calmed down...

   In the following hundreds of years, although the area of ​​the Metaverse Continent continued to expand, the territories of the major intelligent races expanded at a faster rate. Naturally, they inevitably came into contact with other races and communicated with each other.

   But by this time, the territories of the various races have long been able to satisfy their own populations, so there has not been a large-scale war like the orcs between them, but more exchanges and fusions between different civilizations.

For example, the human race, their population has only reached more than one million after thousands of years of reproduction, but the human race footprint covers more than one million square kilometers, so there is no need to go to war with foreign races to fight for territories, they will more Focus on internal development and unity.

On the Yuanjie Continent, large and small cities stand on the wilderness, mountains, and plains. The society has also begun to be divided into different classes such as nobles, commoners, and slaves. There are different official and clerical divisions, and there is a trace. The prototype of the country.

   With the arrival of the first thousand and two hundred years, the sleeping supreme will gradually awakened...


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