The Way of the Center

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 : Head-to-head (Part 1)

The more Ricard talked about DeAndre Jordan in the locker room, the more excited Angel became. The coach takes him seriously, which shows that this guy is really good. Being able to fight against a strong opponent is also a great opportunity to prove one’s strength.

Anjie also studied the game video of Texas A&M University with the whole team. In the video, DeAndre Jordan gave the impression that his physical fitness was superb and his athletic ability was outstanding. What else? Nothing.

Jordan did not show his back-body skills in the game, nor did he help his teammates in pick-and-roll screens. There is only one offensive method for scoring 16 goals, and that is dunks, all kinds of dunks. After grabbing the offensive rebounds, he immediately jumped and dunked on the spot, made up dunks, dunked in the air, dunked with one hand, dunked with two hands, dunked with two hands… Every goal that Jordan scored made people fascinated, but Reading too much will inevitably raise questions in my mind. “Can this guy have something other than dunking?”

“Angel! You have to prepare me mentally for this game, not to underestimate the enemy! DeAndre Jordan and the opponents you met before are not of the same level! You will encounter very big obstacles on the defensive end, he The terrifying jumping ability can make your height and wingspan advantage disappear in an instant. Be careful of his cover, don’t take it for granted!” Ricard loudly reminded An Jie, the most common mistake young people make It is self-inflated, arrogant and arrogant. After only playing a few good games, he regarded himself as an incredible star. Ricard didn’t want to see such a mistake happen to Anjie.

“Don’t worry, coach, I am not qualified to despise any opponent. I will try my best as usual.”

“Very good! So far we have done a good job, let us keep this momentum today! Alright boys! Time is up, let’s play!”

In the locker room on the other side, the head coach of Texas A&M University Carter Robertson also listed Angel as the player to focus on in this game. Although in the first three games, Andrew Morris and Mike Taylor from Iowa State University also performed well. But he still believes that as long as the Chinese is contained, the offensive threat of Morris and Taylor, who lack support, will be much smaller.

“DeAndre, don’t underestimate the thin Chinese big man, you must do your best to stop him on the defensive end.” Carter Robertson was also afraid that Jordan, who just broke the record, would take it lightly, so he told him before the game. Killed him once.

“Don’t worry, boss, I will let the yellow-skinned guy see what a real insider melee is.” As he said, little Jordan bulged the muscles of his arms. The teammates also followed him to make noise, and the atmosphere in the dressing room became extremely relaxed.

No one can see the atmosphere in the locker room, but the atmosphere on the court has gradually warmed up.

As soon as Anjie came out of the player channel, he stared at DeAndre Jordan. Jordan also turned his head and saw Anjie on the other side of the court. The two of them faced each other with murderous expressions in their eyes. Before the game started, the two opponents were already competing in secret.

Divac also sat on the bench in a suit, silently watching the stadium. This is the first time An Jie has met an opponent who can really pose a threat to him. I hope he can make a blockbuster and also enhance An Jie’s confidence in the draft. How much did this kid absorb the things he taught? This also makes Divac very much looking forward to it.

“It is also a team that has experienced three consecutive victories. It is also a team with a center as the first point of attack. It is also a team that is not favored by everyone this season. Iowa State University Tornado and Texas A&M University The farmer’s children’s team really has too many similarities, but the two headed centers of the two teams have completely opposite playing styles. The Tornado team’s An Jie has a thin body and average athleticism, relying on excellent performance. DeAndre Jordan has no skills to speak of. He relies entirely on his strong body and excellent athletic ability. This kind of game-playing style with a severely polarized confrontation is also very much anticipated. Ah.” Paul Philips still served as the commentator for the game at the local sports station in Ames.

“You are right, and with Divac’s personal guidance, I think we might see a completely different Angel in the game.” Philips’ partner is still the Bill he is familiar with.

The commentator’s debate, the fans’ shouts, the cheerleaders’ dance, and the media’s hype. All the preparations have been made, and people are looking forward to this duel with endless success. Now, just wait for the exciting game to officially start.

With the referee’s whistle, DeAndre Jordan jumped into the sky directly in the middle circle! He easily won the opening ball for the farmer’s children team. It was only after facing off on the court that An Jie experienced how terrifying Jordan’s bounce and speed were. An Jie has never lost a scramble in the first three games, and today Jordan jumped a whole palm faster than him!

After landing, the little Jordan didn’t stop for a moment, and ran directly towards the three-second zone. An Jie knew his intentions, and when the others hadn’t reacted, he quickly started and chased after little Jordan. But An Jie was still a little slower all the time, and little Jordan’s running speed was much faster than An Jie.

Morris also discovered that the situation was not right, and immediately chased after An Jie.

Seeing that Jordan had stepped into the free throw line, the Farmers’ point guard Marvin Jones threw the ball directly into the air.

An Jie jumped and intercepted on the way. He failed to touch the ball, so it was a bit short.

Morris also took off and intercepted on the way, he was much worse than Anjie.

The ball passed over the heads of Angel and Morris, and flew in the direction of little Jordan.

Neither of the two insiders of the Tornadoes can touch the ball, so can DeAndre Jordan catch it?

When the ball was about to reach the top of Jordan’s head, it had already begun to fall. The pass is just right, it won’t be destroyed by others, but it can be taken by one’s own.

DeAndre Jordan will not miss this opportunity to ravage the rim. He stood up from the ground and picked up the basketball that was still falling in the air with both hands. He didn’t land, but directly slammed the ball into the basket after he got the ball. This heavy dunk made the whole basket tremble and the whole arena cheered.

After landing, Jordan hammered his chest hard a few times. This was a catharsis, and he also announced that it would be his game.

After   , Little Jordan turned around and looked at the big yellow man who had failed to chase back. He stretched out his index finger to face An Jie.

This game is destined to be a contest between the two of us. DeAndre Jordan silently declared war on Anjie.

“Now the score is 1:0.” When he ran back to his half and passed An Jie, little Jordan said this to An Jie softly.

Anjie knew that Jordan was not talking about the score on the court, but the unique score between the two of them.

“Haha, this guy named Jordan is interesting. What will you do next? Boy.” Everyone on the whirlwind bench frowned, but Divac showed a slight smile.


“Lucy, Lucy, Lucy.” While holding the ball, Mike Taylor shouted the signal to open the formation, urging his teammates to move. After hearing the code name, everyone stood very open, and both Anjie and Morris were also pulled out of the three-second zone, giving a lot of offensive space in the penalty zone.

“Why, don’t you plan to face me directly? Or did you say that the ball just scared you?” Little Jordan provoked in An Jie’s ears, but An Jie’s mood was not affected. He resolutely executed the attack in accordance with the tactics, and did not get feverish because of the opponent’s provocation.

When Taylor had just dribbled the ball to the top of the arc of the three-point line, Anjie suddenly started and ran out to make a wall for Taylor. Little Jordan knew that this guy had a shot, so he didn’t dare to neglect, and followed An Jie.

The quality of this pick-and-roll was average, and Taylor did not completely get rid of Jones’ defense. When he was halfway through the jumper and was ready to take a shot, Jones rushed to interfere with Taylor’s shot.

An Jie turned and ran towards the basket as soon as Taylor shot. Of course, Jordan also reacted in the same way. The chance of this shot was not good, and the chance of not scoring was very high.

As expected, the basketball bounced out of the frame. Little Jordan wanted to use his bounce and strength to squeeze into the inside to grab the rebound, but found that An Jie opened his arms and stuck himself outside. Little Jordan was not reconciled, and still took off with all his strength, but did not reach the goal of basketball. On the contrary, Anjie has been observing the changes of the basketball, stuck in position and constantly moving in his footsteps. He was not disturbed when little Jordan jumped from behind. In this way, An Jie saw the right time, took a light leap, and took the offensive rebound into his arms.

Divac carefully watched Angela’s footsteps and upper limb technical movements when he was on the court, and he was very pleased. This kid, it’s so fast. It would be even more perfect if the judgment of the rebounding point were more accurate. But this thing can’t be taught, you can only accumulate experience through constant competition.

After getting the rebound and landing, Anjie was just below the basket but he didn’t rush to take off and complete the second offense. He knew that behind him there was someone more anxious than him.

Anjie raised the basketball, seemingly ready to jump and dunk on the spot. Sure enough, Jordan saw that he lost a defensive rebound, and he couldn’t let this kid finish the second offensive scoring so easily. He saw An Jie lift the basketball and jumped decisively to prepare to block the shot.

An Jie knew that Little Jordan would be fooled. In this case, even he himself might be shaken by the same action. This is the conditioned reflex of every basketball player. Seeing that the opponent is in an open position and ready to take a shot, most people will rush to make up for it and interfere with the attack.

An Jie knew that someone would rush towards him, but he didn’t mean to dodge. Little Jordan jumped too high and fell to the ground directly under An Jie’s back. Fortunately, An Jie didn’t mess up at this time, so Jordan didn’t fall too hard.

Without a doubt, the referee blew a defensive foul. Anjie not only got two free throw opportunities, but also made DeAndre Jordan back a foul in the opening game.

Under Divac’s guidance, Anjie’s shots have become more robust. Therefore, the two free throws did not happen accidentally, and the two free throws were perfect. Anjie scored 2 points and 1 rebound in an offense, and made Jordan a foul. It’s just a multitude of things.

When he ran back to his half-court defense, Anjie made a two-to-one comparison against Jordan with both hands.

“My friend 1:1, we’ll be here again.”

This game is destined to be the cruelest contest between the two centers! As for who can see the final victory, now only God knows Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users Please go to read.

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