The Way of the Center

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 : Super sparring

The duel between Anjie and DeAndre Jordan ended in this unexpected result. DeAndre Jordan, who has an overwhelming physical advantage, was so embarrassed by Anjie who weighed less than 100 kilograms, and it really surprised many critics.

“The hope of the traditional center for the future!”

“The second Yao Ming, the whirlwind is coming!”

“This is the center!”


All the headlines on various newspapers and websites are all compliments to An Jie. The situation of DeAndre Jordan, who became a loser, is completely opposite to that of the well-known Anjie. In the latest rookie ranking prediction, DeAndre Jordan has dropped from the middle of the first round to the beginning of the second round. After confronting An Jie exposed the shortcomings of inadequate skills and immaturity, little Jordan immediately went from Texas A&M University’s top card quickly became a substitute. He was able to break the record in the first three games. It can only be said that he met a good opponent, not a good strength.

Speaking of rookie ranking predictions, recently the hottest Anjie did not appear on this list. The Tornado has only one player on the list, and he is the team’s eldest brother Mike Taylor. But because Mike Taylor is already in his junior year, and the statistics are not particularly good, he was temporarily placed at the 55th overall by the experts, at the end of the second round. Tyler doesn’t particularly care about this. He knows his level, so as long as he doesn’t lose the draft within the draft range, he is already satisfied.

The list was singled out, and many people came to ask Anjie about the draft. Friends, teammates, even reporters and fans, they all think that Anjie is fully capable of participating in the draft and should sign up.

“I will continue to hone and hone in the college league, let’s consider this question again.” This is Anjie’s answer to everyone.

Divac could only shook his head helplessly. If he trained An Jie but An Jie was unwilling to play in the NBA, then everything he did would be meaningless. But it doesn’t matter, he still has enough time to train An Jie and enough time to make An Jie improve. When this kid defeated strong opponents one after another in the NCAA arena, Anjie would definitely not be willing to leave the basketball court and give up the opportunity to go to the NBA. The last game also gave Divac greater confidence in Anjie’s success. This guy is hardworking, skilled, and smart. The most important point is that he is really bad.


As usual, Anjie refused everyone’s invitation to go out and play after the afternoon training. After returning to the bedroom to prepare the nutrition package, An Jie came to the gym alone. Every night to practice until twelve o’clock, this is Anjie’s “traditional show” every day.

For any youth who loves basketball, it is very tempting to enter the NBA to play. Although the draft is not the only way to enter the NBA, it is undoubtedly the best way. Who doesn’t want to be a professional player? Who doesn’t want to turn hobbies into work? But An Jie must first have a strength that can convince him before he has the capital to convince his parents.

Thinking of this, Anjie is full of motivation for the boring training. He finished the dull dinner just as quickly, ready to start today’s extra training.

Just when An Jie got dressed and was about to walk into the equipment training room, the door of the basketball court was actually pushed open by a person. Since An Jie is the only person here every night, he does not turn on the lights of the basketball court. As long as there is light in the equipment training room, it is enough for An Jie. The entire basketball court was dark, only a few ray of lights from the equipment training room pushed away a trace of darkness.

“Who is there?” Isn’t it possible that another teammate forgot to take something, An Jie thought.

“Are you actually practicing here? I knew it, I didn’t look away.” This is… Divac’s voice!

“Mr. Divac, did you forget to take something?”

“No.” Divac finally walked out of the darkness and came to Anjie. Normally, suits and leather shoes are dressed differently. Now Divac wears a sports suit and carries a sports-style satchel in his hand.

“I’m here to train too.” Divac said to Anjie with a smile.


“Yes, training. I decided to go into battle in a few days to guide your movements and fight against you personally. You know, I’ve lost my old bones. If I don’t do some recovery and adaptability training in advance, I’m afraid I will be very difficult after going up. You will soon make it impossible to play.” Divac joked with Anjie in an easygoing manner.

“Are you doing strength training in the equipment room?” Divac pointed to the room where the door was hidden and bright.

“Yes, because Coach Ricard said I was too skinny, so I had to gain weight. However, in order to maintain my muscle strength while gaining weight, I had to take a nutrition package while doing strength training.”

“How long have you been doing this?”

“It’s almost three months, I started to practice for myself in mid-September.” Anjeby put out three fingers.

“Three months! Never stopped for a day?” Divac couldn’t believe it.

“No, I didn’t come to practice for two days in three months. The first time I had a high fever, I couldn’t move it, and the second time it was my roommate’s birthday that I couldn’t push. Then…” An Jie began to think seriously.

“There has been no interruption since then, every day.”

Divac has been in the basketball world for so many years, and have seen thousands of basketball players, who hasn’t he met Divac before? But if there is any athlete who can be as diligent as Anjie, Divac can only think of one person’s name: Kobe Bryant.

“Listen, I want you to increase training every two days. If you have to practice every day, you must take out one day to practice other things. In short, you can’t practice strength every day. Your training intensity is too big, I can I don’t want your body to be worn out so early. Don’t worry, your weight gain plan will not be affected by this.” After returning from the shocked mood, Divac immediately gave more scientific suggestions for additional training.

“Well, I’m going to change clothes too, let me practice with you today.” Divac finished speaking, and walked to the dressing room with his bag.

Training in the strength room with Divac, Anjie learned a lot of more efficient and safer training methods. Moreover, having someone who can chat while training also makes Anjie feel that training has become much easier than before.


The next day, Divac appeared in front of everyone wearing a training jersey. The strong muscles on his arms make you never see that he is a player who has retired for many years.

“Oh, when did the NCAA begin to allow teams to have overage players?” Ricard saw Divac’s outfit and joked.

“Aren’t you planning to fight those boys?” Old Moore looked at the “fully armed” Divac in surprise.

“Of course, verbal instruction is far less than personal demonstration. Don’t worry about me. Although I am retired, my body is still strong.” With that, Divac showed his muscles to Ricard and Moore.

“I don’t worry about you, I worry about my players. Don’t open your heart and hurt one or two, then we will be over this season.” Ricard knows how dark Divac is playing, he It’s strange that this kind of people suffer.

“Hahahaha, don’t worry, buddy. It won’t be long before your inside players will be better than they are now.” Divac said, looking at An Jie who was running on the court.

Looking at Divac’s smirk, Anjie and Morris, who were running back and forth on the court, felt a chill in their backs.


After finishing a series of basic training, Anjie, Morris and Assagin were handed over to Divac.

“I think you have guessed the content of today’s training. What we are still doing today is rebounding training, but your opponents are training this time.” Divac pointed out a finger to himself. “Your opponent in this training is me!”

“This… are you sure? Coach.” Morris’s eyes widened. He is about to confront a legendary star, which is a bit unbelievable.

“I’m sure! When you fight against me, you treat this as a game. Don’t let me pity the old man. Although I am not as young as you, I am still not so easy to deal with.” Divac moved a bit. My own muscles and bones, the hearts of the three young people underneath were all squeezed.

“Anjie, you can come first. Morris, you shoot from different positions, try not to shoot for me, let the basketball fall randomly and irregularly, so that training can be closer to actual combat.” Divac said to Ann. Jie hooked his finger.

An Jie swallowed and walked up anxiously.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m actually a civilized person, but it’s not like what the media said before.” Having said this, Divac laughed badly again.

“Do you show good civilized people with flops and elbows every day?” An Jie thought in his heart Let the demons of the alliance to train with him, which is simply a terrible thing. Starting today, maybe someday An Jie will break a few ribs during training, or be knocked out of two front teeth by a wildly waving elbow.

An Jie didn’t know, a few years later, whenever a rookie center was about to face An Jie, they would have the same concerns in their hearts.

An Jie has already performed well on the NCAA court. He has also absorbed Divac’s oral teaching very well, so An Jie is quite confident in his card position skills. But when he faced an old ball ruffian like Divac at the basket, An Jie knew how immature he was.

Anjie has the advantages of height, wingspan and jumping, but these advantages are completely invalid in front of Divac. Divac’s card position and footsteps in the basket made Anjie unable to grab the best rebounding position. Divac is like a moving door, shutting Anjie out of the rebounding range. After 15-point training, An Jie had very few rebounds, but his face was covered with sweat.

“Anjie take a break and think carefully about how I dealt with you just now. Now it’s Morris, and Asakin shoots.” Although Anjie was sweating profusely, Divac, as an uncle, didn’t need to rest at all. . He immediately called Morris up to continue the next round of training.

“Ha, maybe, An Jie can really embark on the road of the NBA.” Looking at An Jie thinking and observing during the break and Divac, who is personally on the training ground, Ricard knows a wicked traditional center. It is about to be born Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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