The Way of the Center

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 : Organization center

After the game, the University of Texas offensively played well, and Mike Taylor was also the first time this season that he met an opponent who could completely suppress him. Whether it’s scoring or assisting a teammate, Mike Taylor has nothing to do with this guy. Maybe this is the difference between the first ten draft forecasts and the end of the second round.

D.J. Augustine played very calmly and was full of confidence. His dribbling speed is very fast, and his dribbling ability is very outstanding. Therefore, Mike Taylor’s habitual tricks that interfere with the rhythm of others’ dribbling are useless in front of Augustine. Instead, these moves will allow Taylor to reveal a gap and give Augustine a chance to break through.

In addition to a sharp breakthrough, Augustine’s three-pointer also gave the Tornado team a taste of suffering. As a player whose goal is to enter the NBA, the NCAA’s short three-point line that has been scolded is similar to a long-distance mid-range shot in Augustine’s eyes.

Now Mike Taylor has fallen into a dilemma. He will use his excellent ball-handling ability to quickly break through when he is a little closer to Augustine, and Augustine’s shots are too threatening. People used to say that he was experienced, but now Taylor is like a novice at a loss.

On the offensive end, Mike Taylor was also very restricted by his opponents. His passing is no longer as timely and accurate as in the previous games, and his most proud of the sudden stop mid-range jumper also lost the accuracy under the strict protection of Augustine. In the past, the Tornadoes were able to play an offense with a strong overall success rate. As the organizer, Mike Taylor contributed a lot. It can be said that he is the most important part. Today, the organizers are severely restricted, and the overall offensive quality of the Tornado team is also greatly reduced. Except for Anjie and Morris’s several post-back singles in the paint, the Tornadoes did not play any decent offense today. The other party is not a fool, and they won’t let Anjie and Morris continue to overwhelm in the interior. So Ricard had to figure out how to deal with the situation before it got out of control.

From the first second of the game, the Tornado team has been lagging behind their opponents. Now the score has become 20 to 12, and the University of Texas Longhorns have extended their lead to eight points. Ricard still couldn’t bear it, he called the first timeout of the game.

“That bastard, wasn’t that fierce that day? Why can’t he be fierce on the court.” Catherine didn’t know much about basketball. She only knew that the team was behind now, and that Asian was the only player she knew.

“Now we have to solve the offensive problem first. Taylor was very guarded by that guy, so we need a new organization point!” Ricard sat in the middle of the players and picked up the tactical board.

Who can click on the new organization? Shooting guard Cruze? In addition to his shooting accuracy, other skills are really not flattering, especially the ball control skills. Small forward Ben? He is a good perimeter defensive gate, but his ability to read the game offensively is not enough to make him a playmaker. Morris? forget it. Since Mike Taylor can’t get rid of D.J. Augustine’s defense, the two point guards in the rotation are even worse. As a result, Ricard finally set his sights on An Jie.

“Anjie, now the task of organizing the offense is handed over to you! He is now the command tower on the field, using Anjie as a transit point to revitalize the offense for me!” Even though Anjie is a center forward, Ricard’s arrangement There is no objection. You must know that in addition to the flop, Divac, Anjie’s center coach, is the most impressive pass. Therefore, everyone believes in the judgment of their coach and the abilities of their yellow-skinned teammate.

“Hey, I finally have the opportunity to practice the learning content, boy, don’t shame me!” Divac, who was sitting on the side, heard Ricard’s arrangement and couldn’t help laughing. If a good player does not meet the right coach, then the chance that that player can play will be greatly reduced. And Anjie’s luck was good because he met Ricard, a coach who knows how to use center forwards.

“Your task is to use your broad vision to pass the ball to me. No one of them can keep an eye on you as a big organizer. Mentioned mid-range to empty the inside line and create breakthroughs and cuts for teammates. Chance!” Ricard began to draw on the tactical board.

“Knowing the boss, I will try my best.” An Jie was also very happy to hear this arrangement. First, he had the opportunity to practice what Divac taught him. Secondly, his whole body was covered in internal melee. Almost being touched by the opposing player, the feeling of being pushed by a big man is not so good. After learning so many small moves, I didn’t expect more shameless guys to be there.

After the timeout was over, the changes made by the Tornadoes made everyone on the scene unexpected. Mike Taylor did not continue to control the ball, but actively ran without the ball. As for the role that took the ball through the half, he became the Anthony Ben who no one thought of.

“This is your change? Are you kidding me!” D.J. Augustine couldn’t understand, but he still had to mark Mike Taylor, who didn’t have the ball. You know, this is a guy who can average 16 points per game.

Ben took the ball through half of the court and directly lobbed the ball to An Jie, who was leaning on the opposing center forward. Without the interference of strong defenders, Anthony passed the ball very easily.

After receiving the ball, Anjie didn’t mean to push in. He is still a little far away from the three-second zone. It is a wise choice to hit the back at this distance. He turned around with the ball in both hands, facing the basket.

The opposing center did not dare to rush into the game. He clearly knew that the Asian big man had a wealth of offensive methods. Even though there is still a few steps away from the three-second zone, this position has now entered the attacking range of this yellow-skinned guy.

Anjie made a few probing steps after the face frame, pretending to want to break through. The opposing center didn’t dare to neglect, opened his arms and stood ready. But An Jie didn’t even plan to attack by himself. He watched the active running teammates from his side while making moves.

Finally, Morris, who made an off-the-ball pick and roll according to Ricard’s arrangement, got Anthony’s matchup stuck behind him. Now, the road to the restricted area is smooth.

Anthony Ben’s inside cut is very fast, and Anjie’s possession of the ball attracted the attention of the opposing center forward. He had no idea that the opposing small forward had already cut in. If you pass the ball directly, then the intention is too obvious, it is easy to be interrupted midway, and the opposing center will return to the penalty area. So An Jie chose to use a pass from the back without looking at people to deliver the ball to Ben, who was cutting in. It was exactly the same as Ben’s first pass to An Jie who had a chance.

“Huh? Where did the ball go?” Before the opposing center could figure out the situation, he heard the “groan” from his own basket behind him. Looking back, Anthony Ben just got off the hoop and yelled at the auditorium excitedly.

“Nice pass! Everyone thought Anjie was going to solve the problem by himself, but his wonderful pass and Anthony Ben’s timely internal cut completed an attack that was beyond everyone’s expectations!” The commentator’s passion It burst out completely.

“That’s it, now back to defense, back to defense!” Ricard was waving his hands off the court.

After   , An Jie directly mentioned the high post to complete a hand-to-hand pass with Ben. Ben also successfully got rid of the defensive players again with the help of Anjie’s wall. An Jie, who had no face frame, didn’t even look at it. He was facing the basket and threw the ball to the inside with a hook. The opposing power forward wanted to fight, but Morrisca was behind him. Following Divac for so long, Morris is not the same as he hasn’t learned.

“Doesn’t you look at the basket’s three-pointer, or the hook?” D.J. Augustine is increasingly unable to understand the Tornado offense.

But when Anthony Ben appeared near the free throw line, everyone knew that An Jie had already controlled two people, and Anthony Ben was now unmarked. As for this seemingly random ball thrown into the penalty area, it finally became the first of the top ten **** this week.

Anthony Ben took a big step from the free throw line and took off and caught the basketball thrown by An Jie. The pass was very comfortable, no worse than a defender. As the most athletic player on the team, he will not let go of this opportunity to vent.

Anthony Ben vigorously used his waist to give out strength after catching the ball in the air he just made his body spin. After rotating 180 degrees, Ben dunks the ball with his back to the basket.


“Oh, God!”


Whether it is the commentator or the live fans, they are already shocked to speak. This attack initiated by the center allowed the small forward to complete a beautifully turned 180-degree aerial relay dunk. The high degree of viewing makes everyone crazy.

A passer of 2.19 meters, such a field of vision is too big. What’s more terrifying is that An Jie can really pass the ball to where the chance is. After a few rounds, Anjie sent out four assists and many indirect assists. The Tornado team also reduced the score to only two points. When the offense is played well, the defensive end is more confident, so Tornado’s defense has also been so-so in these rounds.

“Pause! Pause!” The coach of the Long Horns team anxiously gestured to the referee, for fear that the referee would delay him for a second. He couldn’t imagine that he would be disrupted by such an unreasonable arrangement. George Ricard, really a tricky guy.

“You played well, it would be better if you were more decisive.” After the game, Divac gave An Jie a thumbs up.

“This guy, really has two brushes.” Catherine in the stands was also deeply attracted by this wonderful game.

Who said that a center can’t organize an offense? Divac did it in the NBA many years ago. Now An Jie has used actions to tell the world that the true center has not disappeared in this league Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at www . For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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