The Way of the Center

Chapter 88

Chapter 88 : Mystery List

At the end of November, the weather has gradually cooled down. In the cold morning, most people will want to sleep in the quilt for a few more minutes. And Jeff Van Gundy got up early, put on a coat and sat down at the desk in his room.

On the desk is the complete list of Thunder players. This list has been completely unrecognizable by Van Gundy.

The characteristics of each player, the shortcomings of each player, the playing time of each player… Van Gundy took the trouble to write these details on the list, and only he could understand the dense handwriting.

He has arranged all the rotations, except for the position of center. Today on the day of the game, he still has not made up his mind.

Of course, Van Gundy is not questioning An Jie’s abilities. On the contrary, he admires An Jie very much. He has seen a lot of Yao Ming’s shadow in this kid.

It’s just that if An Jie is also going to start, then the Thunder’s backup lineup will really have a hard time getting a foothold on the court.

Thinking of this, Van Gundy scratched his already bald head again. If it hadn’t been for thinking day and night, his hair wouldn’t fall so badly.


Even if it was a match day, Anjie would wake up at half past six. Today, Anjie has gotten a lot of energy. He knows Van Gundy is a defensive coach, so he doesn’t have to worry about his playing time.

This is not An Jie’s arrogance. Among the Thunder’s centers, An Jie’s defense is undoubtedly the best.

An egg, a few slices of bread, and a glass of milk. An Jie has eaten this breakfast for a whole year. Otherwise, just relying on training, An Jie’s muscles would not grow so fast.

After a quick breakfast, with his black Air.Jordan basketball bag on his back, Anjie started to head towards the Chesapeake Energy Arena.

Since Anjie did not buy his own car, he goes to the gym by bicycle every morning. During the ride, An Jie was also pulling apart his joints and muscles.

There will be many Oklahoma City residents greet An Jie along the way, and occasionally a few reporters will raise their cameras to take pictures of An Jie riding a bicycle. But without exception, no one will bother him.

An Jie rode very fast, and the house he rented was near the gym, so in just fifteen minutes, An Jie could reach the basketball court on time.

Every time An Jie enters the training ground, he is usually the only person in there. Sometimes Durant or Westbrook will come first, but only occasionally.

But today, An Jie saw other people besides the three of them in the training ground.

“Coach, so early?” The man standing in the middle of the training ground is Jeff Van Gundy.

“Hello An, how are you?” Van Gundy picked up the basketball on the ground and threw it to An Jie. He has already made a decision about the starting center.

Anjie walked to the three-point line and took a jump shot. His high shooting point made the basketball fly relatively high, and in the end the basketball fell accurately into the net.

“As long as I’m on the court, I will do my best.” Since Morris called and scolded An Jie, An Jie now has this attitude towards every game. Because even the suffering Morris could insist, he really didn’t have any excuses for self-defeating and abandoning himself.

“Very well, let’s put this **** ten-game losing streak to an end.” Van Gundy is very optimistic about Anjie. He has a strong center in the team he coaches. He had Ewing during the Knicks and Yao Ming during the Rockets. And now, Anjie is the role of the powerful center in his heart.

When the other Thunder players came to the training ground one after another, Van Gundy returned to his office after watching the players warm up for a few minutes. Although he had just taken office for the fourth day, the neat desk was messed up with various documents.

Van Gundy took out a small note, he is about to start customizing countermeasures for the Suns’ tactics. O’Neal missed due to injury, this is undoubtedly the best chance to win the Suns.


Catherine returned to the store early after school today. Because of Anjie, the business of the Chinese restaurant with Beard is now very hot. But she came back so early not to help her father take care of the business, but because two hours later, at eight o’clock, Anjie will usher in the Thunder’s first game after the coaching change.

Anjie praised Coach Van Gundy to Catherine more than once on the phone. It seems that Anjie and this new coach get along very well, and Catherine is relieved a lot. Today, she will see if Van Gundy is as good as Anjie said.

“Hey Catherine, don’t go to your room and watch it alone.” The beard stopped the daughter who was about to go upstairs to the room.

“These people dining today, they are all watching An Jie’s game, they are all An Jie’s fans. Later, we all watch the football together, it is better than you alone in the room to watch. So, right? Now, you can take a cameo appearance as a waiter for now.” The beard blinked at his daughter.

“Hey.” Catherine smiled and put on her apron, and kissed her beard cheerfully.

In the quiet city of Ames, this restaurant with Beard is undoubtedly the busiest place in the city.

In the last game against the Hornets, the stands of the Chesapeake Energy Arena were empty, but today, the stadium is full again. What these fans are looking forward to most is the Jeff Van Gundy who is akimbo on the sidelines at this time.

Van Gundy has not announced his starting roster, everyone is guessing what kind of lineup Van Gundy will line up. This has become one of the topics most discussed by the commentators on each channel before the start of the game.

Due to the rumors of Van Gundy and ESPN during that time, this game naturally received great attention from ESPN. Therefore, ESPN sent their ace commentator Mike Brin to serve as the main commentator of the game.

“We did have contact with Jeff Van Gundy. Seriously, if it wasn’t for the Thunder to intercept midway, he would be the one sitting next to me to explain the game.” Mike Brin laughed, he did not expect it. Van Gundy will stand on the court again.

At this time, Van Gundy looked serious, not as relaxed as Mike Brin. He knows how important a coach’s debut is. Looking at the Suns players who warmed up in the other half, Van Gundy quickly went through the established tactics in his mind.

Half an hour before the start of the game, Van Gundy called the players back to the locker room. The players walked towards the player channel with anticipation, and they all looked forward to entering the starting lineup.

“I hope you all remember what we have practiced these days. The Suns will definitely launch a fierce attack from the beginning, and we will also have a strong defense at the beginning!” Van Gundy drew on the whiteboard again .

After all the tactics are explained, Van Gundy came up with the list that all players are paying attention to Today! An Jie is very likely to be selected for the starting list! We see that the starting lineups of both sides have been given in front. “As soon as the CCTV commentator’s voice fell, the five Suns starting photos appeared on the TV screen. However, the Chinese audience is not interested in the Suns starting, if they can, they all want to fast forward the picture.

Ten seconds later, the screen flashed and the Thunder’s starting lineup appeared in front of the audience.

Point guard Westbrook, the shooting guard was replaced by the swingman Damien Wilkins, who had rarely played before.

Small forward or Durant, no matter who coaches the Thunder, Durant’s position is unlikely to change. The other forward turned into a better defensive Joe Smith.

When they saw the player at the center position, all the Chinese fans couldn’t help but cheer.

Jeff Van Gundy put Anjie on the start in the first game after taking office!

Standing in the middle circle, facing the Suns’ starting center, Robin Lopez is also a very familiar opponent. An Jie hasn’t experienced the feeling of an opening scrimmage for a long time.

“The Thunder had lost ten consecutive defeats under the leadership of Coach Kalesimo! Now the Thunder have hired Jeff Van Gundy to take over the team, and we have already seen the changes made by Coach Van Gundy. So this game, Can the Thunder break the spell of losing streak?” Mike Brin also entered the state immediately, his commentary was moderate, and his voice was clear. This is why NBA2K games will find him every year to record the commentary in the game.

“Both sides jump in the middle circle! The game starts Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at For mobile phone users, please visit.

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