The Way of the Mysterious Dust

Chapter 609: Bone Demon

In an empty flat cave on the ghost cave level, there is a campsite with nearly a hundred tents and wooden sheds arranged in a circular arrangement. There are bonfires everywhere in the campsite.

Inside the simple factory shed built with wooden planks, there are boxes of spirit mustard boxes neatly stacked. This campsite is exactly the gathering point opened up by the Bone Gang for mining.

Around the camp, there is a magic circle restriction, a semicircular scarlet giant spiritual cover, which protects the entire camp. At this time, it is the time for the miners to rest. All the miners sleep soundly in the animal skin tents.

The camp was quiet, with only some overseers serving as guards patrolling around the camp.

Liu Yu sat in a single-room tent with three fourth-rank "extreme talisman" as the base, and a "hidden talisman array" was laid to isolate the exploration of spiritual sense.

A top-grade "yin stone" filled with light gray smoke floated above Liu Yu's head, and he kept inhaling wisps of gray air from the "yin stone" above his head, and was practicing "Tianshi Mantra·Dao Soul Heart Sutra".

The mining team needs to go out for mining for eight or nine hours a day, with only three or four hours of rest. The same is true for Liu Yu, who is a mine supervisor.

For Liu Yu, this free time was not enough to cultivate. In addition, the ghost cave layer was filled with Yin Qi, but the five elements spiritual energy was extremely thin, and the effect of cultivating the main practice "Golden Earth Society Dao Jing" was extremely poor.

As a result, the expansion of the space in the Purple Mansion has almost stagnated in the past two months, and Liu Yu can only maintain the basic Qi replenishment practice, absorbing the spiritual stones in the storage bag to supplement the mana consumed daily in the Purple Mansion.

However, he insists on practicing the "Tianshi Mantra·Dao Soul Heart Sutra" every day, because in this place with strong Yin Qi, the "Dao Soul True Qi" condenses relatively smoothly.

At the time of Mao, the miners got out of the square tents in the ten-person room and walked towards the largest wooden shed in the camp. The wooden shed was set with several long square wooden tables.

There are benches on both sides of the wooden table for people to sit on. This is the camp canteen. The miners line up in front of the stove to get food.

"Here!" The guy spooned out a large spoonful of white liquid from the pot and poured it into the miner's bowl. It was a kind of milk that was loved by the people in the North. Then he gave two pieces of scones. The cake resembles Yunzhou coarse grain lumps, but it is softer, freshly baked, it also has a fragrance, and the taste is good.

The miners only eat two meals a day, during and after work. The food at the end of work is grilled meat and low-quality spirit wine.

When Liu Yu and other supervisors went out, they could bring a meal, a piece of scones, a piece of barbecue, and a small pot of inferior spirit wine. Liu Yu never drank this sour and inferior spirit wine, and he rewarded it to the miners.

"Lao Hei Niu, where are we going today?" After the meal, all the members of the Lao Niu Sub-Mining Team assembled, and the team leader "Ghost Tooth" casually asked the Lao Niu.

"My lord, let's go to the mining area yesterday. There should be some minerals hidden." The old man from the mine hurriedly replied respectfully.

"Let's go!" Guiya nodded, and led the Lao Niu mining team out of the camp, heading towards the mining land yesterday.

At this time, the other mine teams of the Kugubang also set out from the camp in different directions. There are 15 mining teams in the Kugubang. These mines will be centered on the camp and will be mined within ten miles. They dare not leave. Is too far.

As a result, if the mine team is in danger, the camp receives a message for help, and can send people to come to the rescue in time.

Secondly, it is too far away, and it is troublesome to move the minerals back and forth. When the Shili mining area is cleaned up, the camp will move elsewhere and continue mining.

"Black Sparrow, stay here, Xuankong, follow me!" The mine team came to the mine tunnel area that was mined yesterday, "Ghost Tooth" brought a fist blade, and walked towards the dark and empty tunnel ahead, Liu Yu recruited gold. The village sword lifted the magic mask and followed.

After the mine team left yesterday, the vitality left behind will surely attract ghosts. Before mining, it needs to be cleaned up.

There is no need to open the "psychic eyes", Liu Yu can perceive this small area of ​​criss-crossing tunnels with ghostly energy, and the seemingly empty tunnels are half empty, but in fact, there are a lot of ghosts floating in the small mining area. .

"Bump, touch!" The gloves on Guiya's hand flashed with a cold light, and two short blades were projected from each of the gloves, just like animal claws. After stimulating the bodyguard, it was like A gust of wind rushed out, the fist blade waved, and a burst of black smoke burst out of the mine tunnel, all of which were the ghosts that were blown by the fist blade.

"Sand, sand!" As if stabbing a hornet's nest, from the ground of the tunnel, or from the **** piled on the side, a festering carrion crawled out.

Among them, there are many zombies with long green hairs, all in the form of humanoid animals. A humanoid zombie in front of Liu Yu crawled out of his upper body from the hidden dirt hole, and was chopped in half by a sword aura.

Although there are a large number of these ghosts and zombies, they are facing two base-building phases, both of them are ants, Liu Yu and "Ghost Tooth". The two are like cutting melons and vegetables, cleaning up the ghosts in this small mining area.

As soon as it was about to be cleaned up, with a dull beast roar, a white and ghostly animal-shaped bone demon rushed out from a corner.

Bone monsters are "ghost fires" in their bodies, and their bodies are collectively called skeletal ghosts. They exist in both human and animal forms. The formation of such ghosts is quite different from ghosts and zombie ghosts.

Ghosts and zombie-like ghosts are all ghosts that have remnants left before death, and are stimulated by the yin qi, and then slowly absorb the yin qi to form an acquired ghost.

The conditions for the formation of the bone demon are even more demanding. The bones left over after the death of living creatures are eroded and nourished by a large amount of "first yin eroding air" in a place full of yin. ", and come alive, it can be regarded as a kind of half-acquired ghost.

Because this wisp of "ghost fire" born in the first yin eclipse qi can be regarded as a kind of special spirit body similar to living soul, also called "soul fire".

At first, this "soul fire" was as thin as smoke, but as the "first yin eroding air" was continuously absorbed by itself, the "soul fire" in the bone demon's body became more and more solid, and eventually it became more and more condensed with the "soul fire" in the palace. "Soul" is no different.

Although the "soul fire" in the bone monster is the condensation of heaven and earth, it has nothing to do with the soul that has long since died, but the broken skeleton that shelters the "soul fire" is still left over before death, so it is classified as a half-acquired ghost. .

It is precisely because the bone demon is difficult to form, so relatively speaking, it is not common, and it is only in the underground ghost cave layer that you occasionally encounter such ghosts.

Once the bone demon awakens, its combat power will not be low, and this kind of ghost has a special preference to collect various monster bones, slowly smelt into its own monster bones through Yin Qi, and become a part of itself.

If luck is incorporated into the spirit bones of some powerful monsters, it will even bring some special abilities to the bone monsters themselves, greatly enhancing their combat power.

Therefore, the body shape of each skull monster is strange and different. Some have several heads at the same time, some have many hands and feet, and some are full of bones and spurs.

Like the skull demon in front of him, from the general size, he should have been four-legged beasts such as tigers and leopards.

Now, a long tailbone protruding from the iliac bone behind him was refined later, because it was a scorpion tail with a huge barb at the end. The barb bone was sharp and black, and it was very poisonous. .

This skull monster has a high scorpion tail, and its bones are filled with black smoke. The skeleton that was originally decomposed is filled with a solemn and true black spirit.

The skull of the beast is huge, a mouthful of white beast teeth, creaking up and down, the hollow eye sockets, two groups of scarlet blood light up, that is the "soul fire" hidden in the skull, the spirit reflected mango.

"Bump!" The beast-shaped bone demon rushed towards the "Ghost Tooth", opened the hideous skull beast mouth, and bit towards the "Ghost Tooth". The "Ghost Tooth" escaped, and the bone demon continued to charge and flew all the way. The stones on the ground.

"Blade Blade Shadow!" Gui Ya followed the Bone Demon, ventilating acupuncture points, and punched a fist and blade skill. Nearly a hundred spirit blades with spiritual breaking power attacked the Bone Demon like a ghost.

I saw these spirit blades instantly hit the bone demon, but only a few of them hit the skeleton, and most of them passed directly through the gap between the bones, only smashing some of the bone demon's evil energy.

And the spiritual blade that hits the bones of the bone demon only left a shallow white mark on the roots of the dark gray bones. The bones of the bone demon are tempered by Yin Qi throughout the year, and the hardness of the bones is not weaker than that of some defensive spirit weapons. , This blow did not cause any harm to the bone demon.

"Trouble is big!" Guiya frowned. Bone demon is always extremely difficult to deal with. The bones are skinless and meatless, and they don't know the pain. In addition, the bones have been tempered by Yin Qi over the years, and the defense is extremely strong. Easy to deal with.

Even if a few are cut off, it is not painful to the bone demon, unless within a short period of time, most of its bones are broken, collapsed, or the entire skeleton is shattered and scattered.

However, judging from the spiritual aura emitted by the skull demon and the suffocating aura of the bones, it is equivalent to the foundation period of the monks. Even if the deputy gang leader is here, it will take some time to dismantle the skull demon in a short time.

Now I can only try to smash the skull of this bone monster and disperse the "soul fire" hidden in it. This is also the biggest weakness of all bone monsters. Helping out.

"Shadow Wind!" Guiya instantly aroused the state of "Mad Spirit Overlord Body", his body speed increased greatly, turned into a shadow, flew towards the rushing Bone Demon, escaped a beast claw, and poured his spiritual power into it. The fist blade, the sharp light of the blade gleamed, and it was about to pierce the skull of the bone monster head.

"Not good!" Suddenly a cold light hits, and Ghost Tooth's secret path is not good. It is the scorpion tail on the tail of the skull monster. Ghost Tooth immediately stops and stimulates the bodyguard Qi to the strongest. At the same time, a pair of Fist blades crossed in front of him.

"Puff!" Guiya was hit by this scorpion tail, and his body was shot out like a cannonball. He slammed into the thick rock wall behind him. After slipping, he vomited a mouthful of blood. At this time, the bone demon was already stretched. Opening the mouth of the skeleton beast, he flew at the "Ghost Tooth" and bit it.

"Rock Shield·Get up!" At this time, Liu Yu rushed to the rock shield and stood in front of "Ghost Tooth". With a "touch", the bone demon slammed into the rock shield and broke. There were many bones, but the skull demon didn't know the pain at all, so he got up and immediately rushed towards Liu Yu.

"Rock Shield·Explosion!" Liu Yu turned his two-handed seal, and the heavy rock shield that had been hit and cracked instantly exploded, shaking the bone demon back, and then the two-handed seal was changed again, and the spiritual door of the Purple Mansion opened, a large amount of "golden meaning" "Tu Yuanzhen Qi" is injected into the ground beneath the feet from both feet.

I saw the large and small rocks scattered on the corners of the mine tunnel ground, floating up one after another, and smashing at the bone demon quickly, hitting the bones and immediately shattered.

The bones of the bone demon are as hard as cold iron. Although they are not afraid of the impact of stones, there are too many large and small stones scattered on the ground. The head of a huge beast.

"Pan Dao won't last long, do it!" Liu Yu drove a large amount of Zhen Qi into the hill-shaped pile of stones, firmly pressing the bone demon buried under the pile of stones so that he could not move, and he faced the "Ghost Tooth" behind him. ", said.

"Broken soul kill!" Knowing that the opportunity is not to be lost, Guiya immediately jumped up, and the true energy in his body was injected into the right fist blade, and the strongest killing move was displayed. The blade tip of the fist blade directly pierced the skull of the bone demon Hearing a harsh grating of teeth, the fist blade pierced the bone demon's skull.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", the small rock pile exploded together with the bone demon below. Obviously, this fist blade had exploded the bone demon's "soul fire", and the burst of psychic energy storm swept all over the square in an instant. , Bone **** and rubble flew around, and dust filled the entire mining area.

"Guiya, are you okay!" When everything subsided, another mine supervisor "Black Sparrow" brought the other members of the mine team forward, looked at the mess in front of him, and asked with concern.

"Cough, cough, it's okay!" Guiya breathed a sigh of relief, waved his hand, and walked to Liu Yu to say gratefully, "Thanks to Daoist Xuankong for his help!"

"You don't need to be polite! The nearby ghosts have been emptied, and Pandao will guard the fork on the west side as it was yesterday!" Liu Yu smiled back nodded, and then addressed the old black bull and the others. He said bluntly: "Don't rush, let's start!"

Seeing Taoist Xuankong walking away from the back, to be honest, he hadn't looked down upon this solitary and silent Zhongzhou Taoist before that, plus this Taoist was a hired outsider, vice When the helper arranged this person to the mine team, he also specifically instructed him to keep an eye on this person.

In the past two months, in addition to his little words and incompatibility, Xuan Kong also abide by the rules. He didn't notice any small actions. I have to say that since this man came, the mine team's casualties have dropped a lot. This man is indeed skilled. It's true that Jiaonian offered to help, and "Gui Ya" couldn't help but feel a hint of friendship.

"Niutou, look at that!" The six sharp-eyed sons pointed to a collapsed stone wall not far away, and said with joy.

"Go and see!" The old black bull looked in the direction, and saw a stone wall that collapsed due to the fierce fighting not far away, revealing a dark blue and cold rock layer inside, which looked like a layer of cold. Iron Ore Rock, hurriedly walked over.

"Great, Niutou, it's a cold iron mine!" Liu Zi ran over first and immediately shouted loudly.

Afterwards, the Lao Niu mining team became very busy. This layer of cold iron ore is very deep and rich in minerals. It has been mined for more than a long time before being mined.

Obviously, the amount of ore mined by the Lao Niu mining team today will not be low. Sure enough, after the camel team from the Zishi camp arrived, the "Ling Mustard Box" was filled with several large boxes.

After returning to the camp, Liu Yu received a dispatch order to **** the camel team tomorrow to transport the boxes of ore accumulated in the camp back to the mine located dozens of miles away in Niuguo Town.

This kind of transportation is very frequent, once every half a month, the escorts will be transferred from the various mining teams in turn. However, Liu Yu has never received an **** mission in the two months since he joined the Kugu Gang, and has never been to the Kugu Gang’s mine.

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