The Way of the Mysterious Dust

Chapter 664: Ghost Road 1 Vein

"Junior Brother Wang, stare a little bit, go for your brother!" Pu Chu and Wang Qingchi, the leader of the fourth team in the ghost forest, huddled in a corner and whispered.

"Got it! Brother Pu, you should also be more careful. In some cases, the younger brother will immediately notify the senior." Wang Qingchi nodded and turned back.

Uncle Tai Xiong, the commander of the Weisuo, has returned to the mountain gate to participate in the Golden Core Ceremony of the newly promoted elders of the Zongmen "Haoyi". This time is just convenient for them to act.

Eight boxes of raw ore have been prepared in just ten days. Uncle Qiu Ji has already heard a spiritual word, asking Senior Brother Pu to go to the joint to transport the ore boxes out of the ghost forest and move them to the hidden mine cave house in the gray mist mountain.

Inside the room of the Weisuo Camp, Liu Yu sat at the talisman table attentively, holding a "clear breeze talisman pen". He was drawing a charm on a piece of fourth-grade "huapi talisman paper". The pen looked like a dragon. The rune was quickly drawn on the rune paper.

With the completion of the last "eclipse" rune, a fourth-rank "yin wind thorn" charm has been drawn into shape.

After that, Liu Yu knotted the "Gathering Spirit Seal" on both hands and pointed directly at the talisman paper suspended in the air, capturing the pure Yin Qi floating around, and pouring it into the talisman paper like wisps of black smoke.

As a large amount of Yin Qi was injected into the talisman paper, it gave off a gloomy glow and shrank a little. About two quarters later, the palm-sized talisman slowly dropped onto the talisman table.

Liu Yu lifted his handprints, a slight smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, picked up the "Yinfeng thorn" talisman that had been filled with spirits on the table, and carefully looked at the appearance of the charms and talismans.

After nodding in satisfaction, he put the talisman in his storage, got up and stretched out, drawing such a "yin wind thorn", it took a lot of effort.

This is the fifth one today. In addition to practicing and patrolling the ghost forest, Liu Yu stayed in the house all day to draw charms. With the powerful spirit and "soul liquid" to restore his spirit, he could barely draw and remove Seven to eight "yin wind thorns" magic symbols.

After drinking tea and resting for a while, Liu Yu took out the "monitoring pan". When Tuobayan returned to the sect a dozen days ago, he gave this pan to Liu Yu and asked Liu Yu to monitor the ghost forest on his behalf.

An instruction entered the jade plate, and saw a burst of light from the inner plate of the "supervisory plate", which quickly revealed the information of the ghost repair disciples in the forest.

Liu Yu glanced at it and frowned. He saw the word "Qiu Ji" displayed on the jade plate, and the distance information behind it was more than forty miles.

In other words, this person has only left the guard station for more than forty miles, which is close to the outer layer of the ghost forest, and this is the third time in the past ten days.

How can this person be close to the outer layer of the ghost forest many times? What is the intention? Recalling the heavy resentment spirit surrounding this person’s soul body last time, Liu Yu immediately turned the bronze wheel of the jade plate and moved the bronze grid with the words "Qiu Ji" to the top "Hang position". Into the device tray groove.

The information displayed on the inner disk is immediately converted into a pointer compass. In the compass, the yellow light needle points toward the sill position, and the disk displays:

Akiyoshi (Alert)

Forty-five li in kanzifang

Liu Yu immediately put away the "monitoring board", got up and went out of the house, drew out the silver wind sword to inspire the flying sword form, broke through the air, and flew towards the direction of the ghost forest.

He is going to explore this person. Why does he come close to the ghost forest so many times? Is there something tricky in this?

This scene was hidden in the defensive disciple's barracks. Through the screen windows, the defensive disciple Wang Chen, who secretly monitored the movement of Liu Yu's house, saw it.

After Liu Yu's sword light disappeared into the sky, the man immediately took out a "spiritual talisman" to stimulate, and passed the news to Wang Qingchi, the deputy captain of the fourth team of the clan brother.

"Not good!" Wang Qingchi by the ghost forest took out a "spiritual talisman" that lingered with aura from his pocket, and immediately activated it. As the magic talisman turned into a mass of ashes, the head of a section of Weisuo Head Master Xuan Ting left the camp. The spirit words that were flying towards the ghost forest sounded in Wang Qingchi's ears.

"Brother, come back soon!" Wang Qingchi's complexion changed, and he immediately took out a piece of "Tongyan Yuyu". He was told by the voice that the senior brother Pu Chu, who had just entered the ghost forest, had changed, and he had left the camp and came to the ghost forest to inspect the ghost forest Now, first cancel the operation of transporting mine boxes, and then look for other opportunities.

"Yeah!" Liu Yu flew with his sword while checking the "monitoring disc" in his hand. His brows could not help but frowned. Judging from the information displayed on the jade disc, Qiu Ji was moving towards the depths of the ghost forest and did not stop. Staying in the outer layer of the ghost forest, is it because you think too much?

It's a pity that the information displayed on this "monitoring disk" is refreshed every 20 breaths, and it can only display the approximate position and distance. Where can you stop in the ghost forest if you can't track this person?

It is said that some advanced "monitoring discs" can not only display the position and distance of the target in real time, but also track the position and distance before the target.

Continuous long-term tracking can gradually become the target’s track route, determine the opponent’s specific whereabouts, and find the target’s previous visits and stays. It is a great weapon, but that level of "monitoring disk", and The same magic weapon, extremely rare.

"That's right!" Liu Yu held the "Monitoring Disk" and watched for a while. Seeing that Qiu Ji's distance was getting farther and farther, and that he was going to the depths of the ghost forest, he didn't follow it anymore, thinking for a moment. Later, he flew towards Yaokeng Village, but he was still a little worried.

When Tuobayan left, he said that if there is something tricky, he can go to the forest to find Uncle Feng Yi for help. Liu Yu intends to go to Yaokeng Village to find Uncle Feng Yi to find out the details of this person.

Uncle Feng Yi is both Guixiu, and he is the deacon of these Guixiu disciples, so he should have some understanding of Qiu Ji.

"Disciple Xuan Ting, meet Uncle Feng Yi!" Liu Yu rushed to Yaokeng Village, but Taoist Feng Yi was not in the village. Only after inquiring did he find out that he was in a quiet retreat in an underground mine tunnel. Following a ghost forest disciple, After going down into the mine tunnel through the tiankeng in the village, turning around seven times, and after a stick of incense, did he arrive at the Dongfu of Taoist Fengyi.

"How come Master Xuan Ting's nephew has time to come here? Come in and sit down!" Taoist Feng Yi retreated from the Guixiu disciple who led the way, opened the restriction and put Liu Yu into the cave, and said hello.

The cave mansion is extremely simple, at the bottom is a yin gathering magic circle. Except for a set of stone tables for hospitality, there is nothing in the cave mansion, not even a stone bed.

"The disciple found a suspicious point, and Uncle Tai Xiong returned to the sect, so he had no choice but to disturb Uncle you." Liu Yu said respectfully.

"Oh! What's the matter?" Taoist Feng Yi asked in confusion.

"I wonder if the uncle has any understanding of Qiuji?" Liu Yu sat down and asked bluntly.

"It's about Junior Brother Qiuji?" Taoist Feng Yi asked in a deep voice.

"Exactly, the last time I met with Uncle Qiuji, the disciples noticed that Uncle Qiuji was lingering in a very heavy resentment, and in the past ten days, the disciples found that Uncle Qiuji was close to the ghost forest repeatedly through the "monitoring disc". , Will there be any problems in this?" Liu Yu asked for a moment, gritted his teeth.

"It turns out that this is the case. Junior Brother Qiuji was a foundation-building cultivator before his death. He died during the war. Then he was forced to turn to the ghost road. His life is not much. Therefore, he would hunt down some monsters in the forest to capture his spirits. Blood, practice by the way of refining blood, with more necromantic resentment on your body, it is also normal!"

"But don't worry, Junior Nephew, since Junior Brother Qiuji entered the ghost forest more than a hundred years ago, he has not left the ghost forest for half a step, so he secretly refined some monster blood."

"Although this action violates the order, given the special circumstances of Junior Brother Qiuji, the poor Dao is usually unaware of it! It's like the case of the jade-glass snake that the teacher nephew is stocking in the forest on weekdays."

"However, my nephew is keenly aware of his spiritual consciousness, so he noticed the strangeness on one side, not bad!"

"As for Junior Brother Qiuji approaching the outer layer of the ghost forest, the nephew misunderstood him. Junior Brother Qiuji is the deputy of the poor road. During the retreat of the poor road, the younger brother Qiuji will patrol the ghost forest and appear by the ghost forest. It is normal!" Feng Yi Dao Ren explained in a slow tone.

It turned out that Qiu Jidao's cultivation base had reached Liufu before his life. When his body was damaged, he had more than two hundred and thirty years of his life. When he switched to the ghost way, he lost another thirty years of his life.

In other words, the life of the soul body is about two hundred years left. Within these two hundred years, the Qiuji Taoist must cultivate to the late stage of the ghost repair pill.

Although it is a method of cultivation created by the cultivator of ghosts, it is a little different from those of the day before yesterday or the day after tomorrow.

The creatures die out, and the remnant souls turn into unconscious ghosts, which can be recognized as having entered "reincarnation", jumping out of the five elements, and saying that there is no longevity.

Even if the ghost gets the opportunity, the cultivation is successful, and the awakening part of the memory of life is also called "new life", the heaven has recognized that it is not the same person as before, and the monk takes the initiative to leave the body and change to the ghost way, it is not the same day. .

Under such special circumstances, the birth of the soul still remembers the lifespan, and after the birth of the soul, the lifespan will even be lost. If the soul is successfully born during the Qi training period, the heaven will be given to the life. Ghost Since the main body of the built mansion has increased lifespan, it will no longer grant lifespan.

Like these sect ghost cultivation disciples in the ghost forest, including Feng Yi Dao people, they were forced to switch to the ghost path due to various reasons during the training period. For these people, there is no pressure on Shouyuan, and they only need to worry about the thunder and catastrophe.

But Qiu Ji Taoist is different, not only need to worry about the sudden fall of thunder catastrophe, but also worry about the lack of longevity, two hundred years of cultivation to the late stage of the false pill, even if the ghost cultivation is one line, the speed of cultivation is extremely fast, and the time is too tight.

Although it is said that when the foundation is built, the spirit is strong, and once the conversion is successful, it is equivalent to the shadow soul cultivation base.

However, I still couldn't keep up. I wanted to quickly cultivate to the late stage of the false pill and condense the Yin Pill through the catastrophe to increase the lifespan. This way is extremely difficult and very slim.

This is also the reason why Taoist Feng Yi would hunt and kill monsters in the ghost forest privately to Junior Brother Qiuji, take blood for refining, and open one eye and close one eye.

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