The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 170 - Musical instrument

Shangwen had just returned to his residence when someone came to look for it. These people claim to be court musicians. Shang Wen understood it all at once. This is what King Qin used to form a band for himself. Shang Wen let them rest first. Then immediately went to the craftsman who made the musical instrument and asked how the musical instrument was made.

Shang Wen, who came to the craftsman in a hurry, first checked the production situation of the musical instrument. Fortunately, make a large, trombone, and French horn. Not difficult. The craftsmen who have been engaged in making bronzes for a long time already have rich experience. It’s easy to make such an instrument.

Shang Wen took a large size and looked at it. It’s like that. The French horn looks a little ugly. But when you blow it up, the actual sound is a bit similar. Shang Wen smiled and looked at these musical instruments.

“Yes, well made. How many of these instruments have been made today?” Shang Wen said, pointing to these new instruments.

“My lord. There are three of this long horn, and one of this crooked horn. There is only one of this larger horn. That’s it.” A craftsman said.

“Well, yes, it’s just a bit less.” Shang Wen said. Looking at the built instrument in front of him, Shang Wen felt that something was missing. It is a small number. Naturally, with the advent of the first musical instrument, these things should be able to become proficient slowly. But something seems to be missing. What that. Shang Wen looked at the instrument in thought.

“My lord, do you need to make some more musical instruments?” the craftsman asked.

“Well, the quantity is not enough. Let’s do more.” Shangwen ordered.

What is missing? Orchestral music can’t be formed by this kind of instrument. At the very least, a band needs a bass drum, a snare drum, a trombone, a French horn, and a tuba, yes. There is also a trumpet and oboe.

The basis of the oboe is a suona musical instrument.

“By the way, do you have a musical instrument called Suona?” Shang Wen asked the craftsman.

“Suona? What kind of musical instrument is this?” the craftsman asked suspiciously.

“Oh, no.” Shang Wen replied with some disappointment. Yeah now BC. It was the Warring States Period, how could there be such a mature musical instrument as later generations. Forget it, go back and look up the information. Who knows these information? Usually not paying attention.

“Then I will leave first.” Shang Wen gestured with a fist. Then he muttered and left.

“My lord, go slowly,” the craftsman said.

To form a military band, there are so many things that are missing. After Shang Wen went back. Open your own database immediately and start searching for information. First of all, we must understand the composition of the military band.

In addition to these, there is a trumpet. Shangwen immediately recorded this point in the notebook, the oboe is indispensable. The body of the oboe consists of three parts. There are about 20 air holes of different sizes. The air holes are equipped with gold-plated or silver-plated keys to cover the air holes to adjust the pitch. The whole set of keys is composed of a complex lever structure. When you play the keys, the lever combination will automatically open or close the required air holes according to the pitch being played.

Such a complicated design really made Shangwen feel sweaty. A military band cannot do without an oboe. A military band without oboe. Shang Wen really can’t imagine. Shangwen stood up and walked a few times. No, no matter how difficult this thing is, it can be done.

Shang Wen sat down and began to sketch the structure of the oboe in detail. The first is a rough overall picture. Then Shangwen will disassemble the different parts and make more simple sketches. In this way, there will be no great difficulty in production. This is a test. It is a test of the skills of those craftsmen as well. The price of surpassing the times is the increase in processing difficulty.

Shang Wen detailed the structure of the oboe. Shang Wen depicts a semi-automatic oboe, which is currently commonly used. The main body of the oboe is a wooden tube. Moreover, Shang Wen checked it out. Oh my God, Suona has to wait until 300 AD to enter China. The ancestors of the oboe took so long. There is also the predecessor of the oboe, Shamm, which also takes a long time to be introduced. In this way, wouldn’t the military band be lost?

After checking the information, Shang Wen finally knew the vicissitudes of history. It takes such a long time for a musical instrument to become what it is now. Not to mention weapons. What this requires is not the effort of one generation, but the effort of several generations.

No way to work. Reed. When playing, it is held between the lips. By blowing air, the double reeds vibrate to form a column of air in the tube, which vibrates to produce sound. Shangwen is recording and painting. This is simply a terrible task.

It took Shangwen about two hours to get the oboe. Especially the complicated lever system. The most terrible.

The oboe is over, and there is a snare drum. The material of the snare drum needs to be special. Sheepskin is used instead of traditional Chinese cowhide. Moreover, there are multiple sounding strings on the side that is not struck; the drum cue uses two hardwood cue, the head is small, and does not contain any foreign objects. Fortunately, the design is not simple. These are all acceptable.

Needless to say the trumpet, it’s so simple. Next, is the cymbal. These are very simple.

Shang Wen rubbed his sore eyes and continued to explore. Next is the hardest. It’s a musical score. Without musical scores, these musical instruments are also waste.

Shangwen can only copy from the simplest instruments. The first is the score. Shang Wen first came up with the simplest method. Directly transcribe the scores. As for this use, Shangwen is really too tired. At the end of the day, Shangwen is already busy and tired. And they are all overworked, and the body can’t bear it.

Shangwen doesn’t care about three or seven twenty one. Directly find the score to copy. The music scores copied are mainly for the US military, and there are some current better music scores, just like that of the world military music. “Anchor March” This is the United States Navy. “Anthem of the Marine Corps” This is for the Marine Corps. “Victory is Calling”, I don’t know which country it is from, Shangwen copied it directly. The tune of “Manhattan March” is more cheerful. “Five Major Services Joint Singing” is a score that unites the five major US services. tone. do not know. I still have a little influence.

When Shang Wen finished copying the last score. It’s too tired. He fell asleep on the desk.

At this time, the sky was already bright. Shang Wen, who had stayed up all night, was already asleep.

There was one other person who did not sleep that night, that is, Guo Kai, who ran around the envoys of the six countries, but when it came to the purchase of a weapon, they were all rejected. The reason was that it caused a chain reaction. Although he is not afraid of the weak Yan State, it is a trouble after all, so the other countries all rejected Guo Kai’s request.

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