The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 182 - Morale is high

While Shang Wen was preparing for Wang Jian’s return, Yan Guo made a major decision. That is to destroy the Kingdom of Zhao with the power of a country. From the moment when Yan Wangxi received the victory, he began to dream of achieving the same feats as the King of Zhao. Yan’s strength is in the strong rise of his own generation.

The reason why King Yan dared to do this was because Qin sent more than a thousand muskets at once. Although there is no artillery. But the power of more than a thousand muskets is not to be underestimated. King Yan does not care whether the soldiers can practice. Immediately more than one thousand elites were transferred to the Musketeers, and the next day they were immediately deployed to Julu. At the same time, King Yan summoned again and asked Ju Xin to immediately go to Qin to buy muskets and artillery again. And the quantity should be large. To this end, King Yan allocated one hundred thousand gold from the treasury. Purchasing firearms exclusively.

King Yan began to be superstitious about the power of firearms, thinking that a strong country must be a strong army, and a strong army must be a strong weapon. And this gun and artillery became a weapon in Yan Guo’s hands. The advantages of this weapon have already fascinated King Yan. Soldiers don’t have to be as tough as Zhao Jun. As long as there are a few steps of operation, it is enough. Then just form a certain formation. No matter how powerful Zhao Jun is, he can’t resist a random shot.

The powerful military strength of Zhao Jun in the past made Yan Guo weigh Zhao Jun’s power every time. And this time. Yan Jun was not afraid at all. Soldiers can defeat Zhao Jun through simple training. But Zhao Jun has to pay a heavy price. This is an opportunity. Defeat Zhao Jun. Yan country can greatly expand its territory. Become a real big country among the six Kanto countries.

On the second day, King Qin personally led a civil servant and military officer to welcome Wang Jian’s triumphant victory. This time he sent troops to fight against foreign races, and achieved unprecedented results. The 300,000 Huns were completely wiped out. Ten thousand people. At the same time, he obtained a large number of prisoners of war, horses, cattle and sheep from the northern nomads. At the same time, it has expanded its territory by thousands of miles. This kind of result has surpassed the sum of the expansion of Qin’s ancestors over several generations.

Such results have already spread in the city of Xianyang and in the Kingdom of Qin. The people of Qin were very happy. This kind of happiness comes not only from the honor of the country, but also from the benefits of Qin’s victory. King Qin has already ordered emigration in the spring of next year. Those who voluntarily emigrate to the north will be given the title of first class. Enjoy five horses, five cows, and ten sheep. Ten acres of pasture. No tax will be levied within three years. As soon as this order came out, Qin State exclaimed that thousands of people from various places had signed up. Everyone began to prepare for the beginning of spring next year.

This order was not originally like this. The order issued by King Qin was mandatory, but it was changed to this after Shang Wen’s persuasion. In this way, the very counterproductive effect of levying and issuing was suddenly eliminated. It will be replaced by a crazy wave of immigration. This wave of immigration will bring about a chain reaction, and Shangwen did not inform King Qin of this result.

The first is that a lot of land will be left unused. This is conducive to large-scale mergers of land. Land annexation will bring commercial grains that are intensively cultivated in agriculture. As a result, the newly established feudal small peasant economy has not yet gained a firm foothold, and quickly transitioned to the capitalist mode of large-scale production. The most important thing is to provide a large amount of labor. Large-scale infrastructure construction such as muskets, textiles, tractors, railways and highways all require a lot of labor. The production of these labors will greatly stimulate the development of the commodity economy and further consolidate the position of currency. The consolidation of the position of currency will completely crush the newly established feudal system. Makes Qin country break through again. Enter the road of capitalist development. Shangwen didn’t say anything about these reasons. Because it is not necessary. All this depends on future development.

King Qin was very happy. The ministers and generals are also very happy. Shangwen ran early and was useless. Shang Wen is here to arrange the orchestra.

The “king” banner of Wang Jian’s army has appeared. Shangwen immediately began to order the band to start playing. Although not here, we must warm up.

The first song was “Victory Is Calling”. The sound of the trumpet caught the attention of King Qin, and the ministers and generals began to turn their heads curiously. King Qin was a little surprised.

But I was quickly attracted by the impassioned tone of the music, because the tone at the beginning of the score was a solo trumpet, which was somewhat monotonous. Moreover, Shang Wen found it a bit unpleasant, which might cause misunderstanding. But there is no way, next. It quickly became generous and powerful in the rhythm of the drum. It was very exciting.

The musicians played with full energy and spirit. These musicians practiced very hard last night and played very skillfully. The price is that they only rested for an hour and a half. But this song is exciting at first. Under such tunes, it is rare to fall asleep. There is no need to worry about this.

“The King.” Zhao Gao stepped forward with some worry.

King Qin stretched out his right hand to stop it.

King Qin couldn’t help nodding his head in appreciation. A faint smile appeared on his face. The military commanders showed a seriousness. Orchestral music is different from traditional Chinese music. As a music developed from military music, its tune is more awe-inspiring than the drums and horns used in China. At the same time, the score can arouse military personnel. Recognition and resonance for this kind of music. The traditional drums also have a morale boosting effect at the beginning, but they have a sense of desolation in the whole. For example, although the rhythm of Yanzhao’s drum music is fast, the desolation in its tune cannot be eradicated, while orchestral music lies in A mix and match of fast and slow tempo. It lies in the wave of encouraging things, and finally boosting morale to the highest point. Let the soldiers feel a sense of excitement brought by music.

Obviously, the music has achieved this effect, and those generals nodded frequently and have recognized the role of this kind of music. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????”????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????”??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Wang Jian’s army kept a neat formation and marched in, but I didn’t know why the front stopped suddenly, causing the rear team to be a little chaotic. But soon the soldiers began to calm down. Music, a kind of music that boosts morale.


“What kind of music is really nice.” A soldier said in a low voice.

There was no answer, the soldiers chose to be silent. They were unwilling to let a murmur interrupt the tune. Qin Jun recognized this orchestral music with this quietness. Morale rose slowly in the orchestral tune.

Shangwen is a little puzzled, why, if it’s good, just say it. Isn’t it possible that this kind of music can’t be accepted, but I do good things with kindness, isn’t it? It’s messed up.

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