The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 184 - The Hundreds of Thousands of Territories of King Qin

“In addition, this king named Alexander brought an army of only a few hundred thousand. He defeated a Persian country with one million troops. The weapon used was a spear formation like my Daqin. It was invincible wherever he went.” Shang Wen also I had to say something casually.

“These are true?” King Qin asked immediately. King Qin knew only now that there was such a country outside Daqin and the six Guandong countries. Obviously this king named Alexander has seriously threatened Qin State. King Qin believed that compared to the Six Nations, this one called Alexander was more threatening.

Shang Wen didn’t know what to say. This Alexander the Great was dead at this time, and now a Roman Republic is emerging, and it is estimated that he is fighting Carthage in full swing. If you tell King Qin that there is still a country rising at this time, forget it, now even Alexander has not told the past, how to explain the next thing. Forget it, take a step and take a look.

“It’s true. These are all known by a master’s master who traveled to the Western Regions. When my master traveled back then, it was when the King of Alexandria was the most powerful. And it expanded very rapidly. Attack all the way. Almost nothing. Any opponent can block him.” Shang Wen said.

“Oh, what else?” King Qin was obviously very interested in such an opponent. It is estimated that King Qin will also follow the example of Alexander to take the west. Or forcefully implement an expansion policy.

“No, the minister also heard it from the master. This country is always expanding, and it never stops. They don’t take care of the civil war. They keep fighting for wealth. In their eyes, we are The east where we live is the land of wealth. There is gold everywhere, and they come for our gold.” Shang Wen had to say about Marco Polo. Anyway, the pursuit of wealth is unique to Westerners. The ancient East has been described as a rich and prosperous country. The expansion of the Qin Kingdom should not be a simple expansion of territory, but more of seeking wealth, driven by wealth. Expansion of the territory will never dry up.

“They want to be beautiful. Is the widow’s wealth that they can grab if they want? The widow thinks that the king of Alexander is nothing but a bandit leader. Regardless of the territory, my soldiers in Daqin are not weaker than those bandits. The widow also opened a big territory for him to see. The widow must not only be big, but also occupy the land of Alexander, and the widow must capture the Alexander alive. The widow must take a good look at what this king is.” King Qin said viciously.

“My lord, Wang Jian’s army is coming soon.” Zhao Gao reminded carefully from the side.

“Okay. The widow will go now.” King Qin took the civil and military officials to welcome the return of Wang Jian’s army after finishing his speech. Shang Wen was thinking about the expansion intentions of the Qin Empire. King Qin now thinks that Alexander is his opponent. If it expands westward, Shangwen believes that the Qin State does have such capabilities, but the price is the ultra-long logistics supply line, which will greatly drag down the Qin Empire. Qin has an army of one million, and its combat power is only higher than that of Alexander’s. There is no problem with fighting. The Western Regions have some effects now, and now even the most powerful Huns are finished. And weapons and equipment have begun to upgrade. But logistical supplies. Stretches for thousands of miles. There are thousands of miles calculated in terms of kilometers. In this case, the distance from Xianyang to the Western Regions is now Xinjiang. Alexander is constantly consolidating his logistic supply line to continue the previous advancement. And the speed of advancing is obviously too fast. The results have been proven. The price of being too fast is that this huge empire is short-lived. It fell apart after death. Could it be the case of Qin State too. Obviously this approach is not advisable.

War is not a movie, nor is it a war TV series. The frontline is fierce, and those who do logistics behind are equally fiery. War is not a purely military behavior, it is a national system issue. The war really consumes the power of the country. Strength should not be consumed excessively, otherwise it will hurt the fundamentals. It is basically taxation. Moreover, the progress of the war is a major transfer of wealth. It is the flow of wealth. War can also make a country poor, and it can also make a country rich. It depends on the means of warfare adopted by this country.

Western countries have sacrificed time in exchange for increased wealth. This approach is very good, and the wealth of the countries that started the war has increased significantly. For example, the war against India. It took two hundred years before it was finally officially established. But the effect is obvious. The Indian national economy is firmly tied to the British chariot. At the same time, economic independence is also slowly becoming single in the consumption of time. The single result is that it is greatly attached to the big country. The impact is the most fundamental, that is, fundamentally, you no longer have any qualifications to speak. This name will also be completely ticked off from the list of world powers.

The method adopted by King Qin was brute force. Effective in a short time. But it is a poison. Take the South as an example. Although the South quickly moved south after the war of unification, 500,000 troops quickly returned to the south, but there are many historical problems left behind. Such as the local indigenous people. It is those ethnic minority issues. These problems were not properly resolved from the Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. It is nominally attached to the central government, but in fact, the local economic independence is still very strong. The strong price is that ethnic issues have become a hidden danger in this country. This kind of hidden danger is like a poisonous thorn.

These are hidden dangers and cannot be kept. Nor can it be done. The economy of the local land must be completely destroyed. The approach adopted is like treating Indians, black Africans. Indians do. Never leave any historical issues. It must be completely erased from the local land. This must be done.

The power of capital needs to do this. The same must be done for the primitive accumulation of capital. Shangwen believes that King Qin must have been extremely interested in the affairs of Alexander. King Qin would definitely summon himself to ask about this in the evening. Shangwen decided to take advantage of this opportunity to greatly persuade King Qin’s rapid expansionism and revise a timetable. King Qin don’t worry. The power of Qin can not be exhausted to expand.

The story of Alexander has greatly stimulated King Qin. During the whole process of receiving Wang Jian, King Qin showed some trance, and Wang Jian was a little uneasy. Wang Jian was worried about this. Fortunately, Wei Liao stepped forward in time to remind him in a low voice, and Wang Jian was relieved. The ceremony ended in this way. The morale of the returning Qin army was extremely high. All the soldiers stayed near the orchestra involuntarily, unwilling to leave for a long time.

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