The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4721 - Rounds

Carthage. **In the attack aircraft base. Lieutenant Luohua is drinking his tea water at leisure. A lot of sugar is added to his tea. This is the Carthaginian’s favorite way to drink tea. However, the price of sugar is not cheap. Middle-class families generally cannot afford to drink such tea. Even if they are entertaining guests, they still use smuggled sugar. They come from Aijiren. Aijiren is such a group of people. They follow. South Koreans conduct smuggling business everywhere. They have no limit to breaking the rules, but they can meet their needs.

The air units are treated well. At the very least, their sugar supply has never been cut off. Some unconscious pilots will secretly take them out in exchange for some money, sometimes. These things are much easier to use than paper money. This is also an important reason why the military like to drink tea, because they can take some sugar out.

Lieutenant Luohua had done this too. They were just collecting some very necessary materials. As for other things, they basically wouldn’t do such things. Under such circumstances, they need to take many things seriously. This is an inevitable result that they have come up with. After all, such a result is still very important to them.

“Loma’s aircraft carrier is near us. Unfortunately, we have too few planes to find them all at once. There are only six planes, how can we find them.” A pilot said what he had seen recently. .

Indeed, Luo Hua and the others worked very hard, and they kept searching during the day. However, it is impossible to find the other side’s aircraft carrier at all. Even if it is divided into many areas, it is very difficult for them to find the other side’s aircraft carrier at once. Moreover, they only have six aircraft, and the mission of the pilots is also very high. Tension. But even so, they have no effect.

“We don’t know where they are hiding. But what I do know is that Lockheed Martin’s aircraft are constantly attacking our coastal areas. They are no longer satisfied with attacking military targets. They will also attack civilian targets. In this case, many of our situations are actually in an unfavorable situation, because we can’t find each other, but the other can attack us. Damn it,” the pilot said.

Luo Hua nodded and agreed. They didn’t have a good way. Carthage, lacking in aircraft, was very passive, coupled with the long coastline, and the other side’s aircraft carrier was flexible and maneuverable, and they could avoid the navy. The situation of the ships attacked, the aircraft is not too good, their number is too small. The effect of the submarine is not very favorable. In short, the Carthaginians have too many sea defense loopholes and too low efficiency, which makes them unable to catch the opponent’s trail for a long time. Pressure is constantly exerted on them, and the pilots are exhausted to search. This is too difficult for them. Without accurate information, they will waste more resources. However, there does not seem to be a good way to solve this problem.

“Take off, take off, and found the aircraft carrier.” At this moment, the officer shouted loudly. All the people threw down the things in their hands and quickly ran to the plane with their flight suits. Once an attack was launched, all the planes staying at home took off. All the people ran nervously, but Luo Hua hoped that this time it was true, because the last time they attacked, they just attacked a transport ship, a lone smuggling ship. Although they knew that the other party was innocent, they They finally got there, and they were so nervous, everyone vented their anger on the transport ship. Easily sent the opponent to the bottom of the sea. This time they hope that this will not happen again.

The aircraft engines started quickly, and they took off one after another, howling. Then pounce on their target. All people are praying to the gods, blessing them, and making them more advantageous. But if they can find their aircraft carrier, they really need to check some other conditions.

The Sicily aircraft carrier, the seventh aviation squadron, and the flight sergeant Hailin followed the ground crew to the flight deck. He just ventilated and walked casually. Although the pilots are treated the best on the aircraft carrier, the aircraft carrier is after all an aircraft carrier. , The air below is still very turbid, what they don’t know is that there are worse treatments than them, such as the engine room, they will stay there all the time, and the cooks, they may be suffocated. . Even so, they can’t walk around on the deck at will, because everyone has their own responsibilities and positions. In such a situation, they must have their own area to accomplish their own things, which the aircraft carrier can provide. The area is not too big. They can only wear it aggrievedly.

Hailin belongs to the seventh aviation squadron. They only recently boarded the aircraft carrier. Obviously, Lockheed Martin wants to fully train them into new carrier pilots. Many squadrons continue to rotate on the flight deck for training and combat. They came to fight. Such a task is very attractive to them. There are many different places. In this kind of situation, they think that such a situation is far more complicated than they think, at least it is very complicated. It is attractive.

Flight sergeants are actually cadets. They are accumulating experience. After a certain degree, they will be transferred to the treatment of flight officers. Training new pilots is a very needed position.

In fact, their mission was mainly difficult to take off and land. They flew on the ground for a long time before flying to the deck. Many people didn’t get used to it at first, but slowly, they gradually got used to it, which is not too difficult for them.

Lockheed Martin trained a new batch of pilots through a large number of actual combat methods. When performing the task for the first time. Hailin is still very scared. He doesn’t know what they will face. It is said that their aircraft was attacked during the last batch of flights. The only best way is that they need to keep flying, adjusting, and checking for possible occurrences. In short, they have to be constantly careful, and then be careful, and then they can completely solve the problem.

Fortunately, their task was done well, which also laid their confidence in the next step.

The aircrafts of both sides are constantly groping, this kind of experience comes from a little bit of accumulation, and these are things they can’t learn. However, in contrast, Lockheed Martin has more talent training. Although it will have a greater impact on new pilots and combat skills, their talents are growing up in batches. The number is huge.

As for the Carthaginians, because they didn’t invest much, and not everyone could do it as a pilot, this required a certain foundation. Without such a foundation, they couldn’t do such things at all. It is too difficult to complete such a situation.

The situation of the war is far more difficult than they thought. But this kind of empirical training is more beneficial than mobilizing a part of the elite to train.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Supreme Command.

“The Persians have no choice. They have had to issue more banknotes to deal with such things. Maybe in the future, they will have severe inflation and even more large-scale price increases.” Zhang Liang said. To. The biggest impact of the war is still trade, because a lot of materials will be scarce, and because of the huge consumption of war, they have to make some preparations for more relevant situations, because only in this way, many of their favorable situations can be transformed.

“Yeah. It seems that they insist on doing it.” Han Shu said. The issuance of banknotes without gold reserves can certainly solve their financial problems in a relatively short period of time, but the problem is also very big. At the very least, many of their things have become different. In such a situation, many of their things have become difficult to proceed. Want to accomplish something like this, it will make their situation very different.

However, in such a situation, the Koreans only care about their trade quota, as for other things, they don’t care about it.

“Does Persia have any requirements?” Han Shu asked.

“My lord, the Persian side hopes that we can provide more assistance, so that they can resist the other side. But relying solely on us is equivalent to that we have been fighting this kind of battle. We are very disadvantaged here. At the same time, they I also hope to hire some people to fight the war. But it doesn’t seem to work because they don’t have money. How to pay? Unless a few people fight to achieve this kind of situation, as for others, it’s really hard to solve this kind of problem.” Zhang Liang said so.

A war without money is hard to fight. Persia is mobilizing all military forces to do such a thing. But such a thing itself is not so simple and can be done.

“It seems that this issue is really complicated.” Han Shu said. The Koreans are too aware of the Persian family status. They are still worth that little oil. Others, they don’t have too many valuable things. When such a war is fought, it is naturally difficult to talk about. After all, Persia’s value is so great and too much investment. In that case, their own risks will continue to increase. The Koreans are unwilling to take on such things. Therefore, they are unwilling to invest in many situations. Without the financial help of the Koreans, this war becomes extremely difficult. When it is difficult, at least their combat operations will be greatly restricted, which makes Tuplei very helpless.

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