The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4725 - Can\\\'t withdraw

In Siger Town, the 217 Infantry Regiment is in full defense operations. The Parthians are fierce. They must stick to this place in order to stabilize the entire Siger line of defense.

“Boom. Boom. Boom. Whoosh whoosh.” But in fact, their defense outside Chengcheng only held for less than half an hour before they were breached.

“Damn it. How did the second battalion defend the position.” Cheng Yun was very annoyed when he heard the news. The 217th Regiment put its defenses outside the city from the beginning. They didn’t think about fighting on the street, or even using complex terrain. To restrict each other, there is no such thing, they just stick to the outside of the city, hoping to block the enemy outside.

“Sir, there is no way. The brothers are desperately resisting, but the opponent has armored tanks. They are constantly shooting and bombarding the positions of the brothers. After being beaten into a big blood hole, the brothers had no choice but to retreat. It was not that the brothers couldn’t hold their ground, but the enemy was too fierce.” The staff officer ran over and explained. In order to be able to hold the ground, Cheng Yun dispatched all his staff. In order to be able to hold the position, but now the position is not held at all.

“His mother, let alone it’s useless. Give Lao Tzu into the city and fight in the city. No one can retreat to Lao Tzu. Take a step back. Lao Tzu will kill him. If you don’t kill all the devils, no one will want to leave the city. Cheng Yun shouted loudly.

Fighting in the street is the most helpless choice, because they are completely forced to do so. Under such circumstances, their own losses are also very large.

Very helpless choice, because they are far behind the opponent in terms of firepower and combat tactics, and the Anthians will never engage with them. The Persian army lacking the necessary anti-tank artillery is completely in a passive state of being beaten. Among them, their infantry suffered a lot. Under such combat, they had to carry out such combat, otherwise, they would not do such things.

Under the conditions of field combat, the Persian army was unable to resist the opponent at all. Facts have also proved this point. If they want to hold on to their positions, they must pay an extremely heavy price. Now they had to retreat into the city.

Fifth Infantry Division, forward position command. Li Shengzhi is a very bold person, he has always been in front of the command, which is rarely done in the first-level command of the Sabbath division. But he did just that. Because he felt that only in this way could he command the battle in time.

“The Persians, exactly, they want to stop us in the wild. This is simply impossible. Under such conditions, they want to accomplish such things, which are simply impossible. So. For some of these situations, I personally oppose them to do so, because for us, they simply cannot reach such a high level.” Li Shengzhi said with confidence. It is impossible for the Persian army to stick to the field fortifications without the necessary heavy weapons. Not only these, but they also have other things to do. For example, they need to do something to change their situation. A more favorable situation to deal with such situations. How to deal with such a situation, this requires them to make some new moves to make such a change.

For example, their important artillery units, as well as the configuration of more troops, etc. Under such circumstances, many of their situations will be changed to a greater extent. This is their most advantageous point.

In other words, in the field, the Persians can’t occupy a strong position at all.

“Sir, the Persians retreated to the city, shall we pursue them?” a staff officer asked.

“I used heavy artillery to bombard them while letting armored tanks enter them and let them provide some firepower points. In this way, our situation would become much more advantageous.” Li Shengzhi said.

“Yes, sir.” The other party agreed in time. As for the heavy artillery bombardment, Li Shengzhi believes that it is completely unnecessary. They did not hold on in the field. Can they hold on in the city battle? Obviously this is impossible.

“Boom, Tutu Tutu. Tutu.” The rest of the soldiers entered the city immediately fought fiercely. However, they encountered some problems, that is, the narrow streets and the continuous emergence of various commanding heights, which made their situation not too favorable. Under such circumstances, they wanted to complete such moves. They still need to do a lot of things to complete, otherwise, many of their situations will be difficult to proceed. Under such circumstances, their state will also be in an extremely unfavorable situation.

“Suddenly. Boom.” Several huge explosions continued to sound, which showed that the battle was still very intense. This puts a lot of pressure on them.

First Army Command.

“Pa.” Seeing the telegram from the headquarters, Wang Bo angrily slapped the telegram on the command table.

“Retreat. If you retreat again, the Persian backbone will be interrupted. Morale will drop to an astonishing level. If you retreat again, we will directly surrender under the white flag.” Wang Bo extremely Angrily said that for the decision made by Tupley, he felt very stupid and very inappropriate. The current situation is like this, and even they need to make some brand-new rectifications to complete such a situation.

Tupley did not give him the necessary support, especially the support of the reserve force, which was directly turned off. The use of the reserve team in his hands is what he prepared for the counterattack later. But now the reserve force has not been provided to him, which puts him in a very troubled situation. In such a situation, it is difficult for him to do many things. This is a very troublesome thing for them.

“Sir, if you do this, you are disobeying the above orders. This may put us in a very unfavorable situation. This is a very bad thing for us.” The combat staff worriedly persuades.

Judging from the angry behavior of their chief, it seems that their chief must do this.

“Yes, disobeying the order. We can’t do this, even if I am revoked from my post, we can’t hesitate to retreat. We must stand here, we have the confidence to defeat each other, otherwise, our situation will change. It is extremely difficult, and it will cause us to suffer extremely heavy losses.” Wang Bo said.

“You telegraph our current situation to the sir and tell them that we are determined to stick to the victory. If we continue to retreat, our troops will be lost. In that case, our elite will be lost. All of them are lost. From now on, there will be no more opportunities to attack and counterattack. Under such a situation, we absolutely cannot do this kind of thing again. This situation is very important to us. We Can’t retreat.” Wang Bo insisted on his point of view.

“As for the crisis on the Sieg line, I think we have the ability to block the other side. This situation is still under our control.” Wang Bo immediately ordered such a telegram.

Will be subject to orders from foreign monarchs. This is the method taught by the people of the Central Plains, and now he has to deal with such a situation. the reason is simple. In such a situation, they must make great progress if they want to complete such situations. This is the current situation they must face.

Headquarters of the Persian National Army.

“Can’t retreat, why can’t we retreat?” Tupley asked after hearing Wang Bo’s telegram.

“Sir, if we retreat, morale will be completely collapsed. If you want to gather such a lot of morale all at once, I am afraid that it will take more time. Even the loss we have paid will become extremely difficult. In such a situation, our losses may become difficult to deal with.” Li Pu said.

“If we don’t retreat, wouldn’t we have any losses? Wouldn’t the enemy launch an offensive? We have only this strength. If we are all lighted up, our situation will become extremely difficult. At present, we are a little bit weaker. There can be no losses.” Tupley said worriedly that there is a reason to retreat. He wants to save his army, and only if he saves his army can they have the possibility of winning.

Therefore, Tupley wanted to ensure the safety of his army. However, Li Pu thinks they can win, and Wang Bo thinks so too.

“Sir, if we can win a victory, the morale will be very strong, and the occupation will form a great development for us. In this way, we will also be in an extremely favorable situation in the next defensive operations. Under such a situation, our development will become much more advantageous. Under such a situation, our situation may be completely reversed. For us, this is a very advantageous Good opportunity.” Li Pu persuaded.

“But once we retreat, the opportunity we originally prepared will be lost all at once, and the initiative is in the hands of the enemy again. This is a huge failure for us, and such a failure will directly lead to our situation. We can’t let this situation continue to happen because of the complete disadvantage of the previous situation. Because if this situation continues to develop, we will not be able to reverse the situation.” Li Pu persuaded.

Tupley nodded. He didn’t know what to do. Nodding is only subconscious.

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