The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4733 - Indecision is a big deal

Carthage, within Hannibal’s headquarters. Hannibal is now in utter despair. Because Lockheed’s dual aircraft carriers have been constantly scurrying along their coast, their combat aircraft have been attacking their coastal trade, and the Carthaginian terrain, landforms, and climatic conditions are very special. Most of the residential areas are concentrated in the coastal areas, and basically do not go as far as two hundred kilometers. If they exceed two hundred kilometers, they will basically enter no man’s land. Most of the population is concentrated in the coastal areas, where more than 95% of the commercial trade is concentrated. The transportation lines are also concentrated there, which gives Lockheed an opportunity to attack. They will never consider other tentative attacks.

But the Loma’s attack was indeed very effective. They caused great obstacles to the Carthaginians’ commercial trade, but the Carthage’s air force was just a little bit like that, coupled with the terrible and extremely inefficient air defense system, directly This caused their air defense to be completely paralyzed. Many people are extremely dissatisfied with this, but dissatisfaction can only express dissatisfaction, and they also express extremely powerless, because in such a situation, they really have no way to deal with such a situation. This situation, this is their current situation, it seems very difficult to change such a situation.

Hannibal had nothing to do. He was a clever woman who could not cook without rice. Without more combat aircraft and more military expenditures, it is simply impossible to rely solely on his army troops to organize defenses.

“Drink some ginseng tea. In this way, it can relieve fatigue.” Li Wei said with a cup of tea.

“Well, I really want to be able to cope with such a situation, but unfortunately, many things are not something we can cope with.” Hannibal took the tea and drank it dry. This way of drinking tea is really true. It is the way of the soldiers. They never feel distressed about good things. They even feel that in such a situation, they should enjoy it. Saving time is more important than anything else.

“The current situation is much worse than we thought at any time. I don’t know how to solve this problem. First of all, we are dealing with a large number of military threats. The air force cannot find the enemy because we The lack of enough aircraft for reconnaissance and the lack of intelligence prevents us from letting our eyes see many things clearly. This is extremely unfavorable for us. If such situations continue to operate, our result will be It will become extremely difficult to proceed. We absolutely cannot see such things, or even such conditions, we cannot proceed by ourselves.” Hannibal said.

“But at the same time, we have to take some other measures to deal with such things, such as some current unfavorable offensive methods, etc. Under such circumstances, many of our things are difficult to carry out and more advantageous. We don’t know how we should deal with such situations. “Hannibal has no way. Carthage has too few technical weapons. This directly leads to their lack of means. For example, their navy can only guarantee the safety of their trade, but even this is still vulnerable to enemy attacks.

Not only that, because their air force lacks the necessary reconnaissance planes, and the liaison equipment on their reconnaissance planes is not the best, which directly leads to their situation has been in the most unfavorable situation. Hannibal will have nothing to do without improvement. Therefore, he is worried now, but there are not many good ways to solve such a thing.

“I think we shouldn’t worry too much about this kind of thing. At least we can have room for relaxation in many things. The navy is trying to launch an offensive. If this is the case, there may be some breakthroughs.” Li Wei persuaded. He felt that Hannibal was under a lot of pressure.

“I hope they will have some results.” Hannibal said helplessly. What he can do now is to fight for some military expenses, expand their air power, or buy more anti-aircraft guns and lay down some planes, but it still has an effect. of. In this way, their situation can become much more advantageous.

However, Hannibal still did not hold any hope for some of the Navy’s actions. The reason was simple. He believed that the navies lacked some of the courage of the Army in combat. They only defended the coastal waters, and they were not able to attack actively. Do it, the navy, when Carthage’s talents established the navy, it is estimated that they were firmly tied to trade. This kind of navy hasn’t done much at all. After all, such situations still put a lot of pressure on them. Under such circumstances, they simply cannot cope with such situations to deal with such things. This is what they are currently in the most unfavorable situation.

In the coastal area of ​​Carthage, the submarine Octopus of the Carthage Navy is slowly moving toward the deeper Mediterranean. This makes many Carthage naval personnel very worried, because they only existed as offshore defensive weapons before. They never attacked actively. At most, they were early warning. In reconnaissance missions and offensives, they felt that they were too far away. It was this kind of thought and mission that caused the Carthage Navy to achieve nothing. The Carthage Navy is such a mess day by day. The navy is so naturally.

But some things have some exceptions. For example, they came to a group of advisers to the Navy of the State of Zhao. Lieutenant Commander of the State of Zhao was extremely dissatisfied with this. The Carthaginians bought a 1,500-ton submarine, but it was placed in the coastal area. This is simply a battle against the submarine. A huge insult.

Major Wu Jia is an instructor of the Zhao State Naval Submarine Branch. He is here as a consultant to enrich his submarine warfare theory. He was full of confidence. As a result, he came here and discovered such a thing. This kind of thing is really unbearable, because such a thing means a huge mistake and an incorrect thing. Facing such a mistake, It is really difficult for him to tolerate such a situation. Therefore, he hopes to actively change such a situation. Only in this way can his situation have greater development and change. But helplessly, it is indeed difficult to do such a thing, or that the Carthage naval personnel are extremely passive, and they dare not attack at all.

Major Wu Jia is extremely powerful, even if the submarine is controlled by a Carthage navy lieutenant colonel officer, and he is only a major. But he still forcibly ordered the opponent to go out to sea, and he wanted to educate the opponent on the correct use of submarines in a practical way.

“That, sir, is it too dangerous for us to do this? After all, if we go out to sea like this, we will be in a very unfavorable situation in some situations. Once such things happen, they will cause serious problems. The casualties happened.” The other party said so.

“No, no. For us, there is not so much danger in such a situation. For us, this is not something we need to do at all.” Wu Jia said to Lieutenant Colonel Heming on the side. . A lieutenant colonel called the major the chief, and this kind of thing really happened. I really don’t know why such a thing happened in so many situations. In short, this situation made them feel a little embarrassed.

Wu Jia didn’t care about the fear of these Carthage sailors. He felt that their fears were too much. They did not have the courage of self-sacrifice at all, and the navy lacking such courage could still survive, and the military expenditure of the Carthaginians was really wrong.

Persia, National Army Command.

“Can something like this work?” Tupley is skeptical of attacks. It’s not that he can’t make such a determination, but because he is extremely hesitant when doing many things. , Indecision is definitely a big harm. Such harm will cause their situation to be in an extremely unfavorable situation. If such a thing happens, many of their conditions will be in an extremely unfavorable situation.

However, Wang Bo clearly stated the possibility of offensive in the report. He believes that after the continuous consumption of the front line of defense, the strength of the Parthians cannot be remembered to be replenished, and their strength has been weakened a lot. In addition, the opponent’s The pace of heavy artillery bombardment has become slower and slower, and the number of artillery shells has become less and less. The reason is simple. Most of their artillery lacks artillery shells. The lack of artillery shells is due to their extremely poor logistics supplies. Most of their roads were carried on without complete repairs. Under such a situation, many of their things were difficult to carry out. In short, the offensive power of the Parthians has been greatly weakened. They need to retreat and rest for a while before they can attack, but they did not do so and are still attrition in Sieg Town. Such consumption. It’s hard to understand. Many mistakes may happen unintentionally, but they don’t care why. What they care about is the current facts. If they really develop like this, the result will become extremely passive. It is even difficult to proceed. They absolutely cannot see such a situation happening. They need to adjust such a state in time to launch a more fierce attack. This is their most favorable situation at the moment.

Attacks, extremely fierce attacks, and how they can attack in such a situation.

The harder the Parthians attacked, the more disadvantaged they were. Such an opportunity is rare in a lifetime. He hoped that the above could tell the Second Army to quickly launch an offensive and insert it into the enemy’s rear. In this way, the front and the back of them would be surrounded, and if the Fifth Infantry Division was eaten, it would be a big blow to them. It can also create a great boost in morale.

The reason is very good. In many cases, they can express an extremely favorable situation. But the problem is that the circumstances that can be expressed for such reasons also make them behave very unfavorably. How they choose and how to attack, this is their biggest problem at the moment.

“Sir, such an offensive is extremely beneficial to us. The Fifth Infantry Division of Anxi has entered our pre-set position, and their offensive power is steadily declining. This is the most advantageous for us as never before. Locally, this situation is the best result for us.” Li Pu said.

“I know what you said, but the problem is that the Second Army is not ready yet, and most of them are supplementary soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is very poor. They will not launch effective attacks. This is for them. , This is a very troublesome thing, they still have no combat effectiveness, we should consider such a practical situation.” Tupley said.

“Sir, I personally think that this kind of situation should be seriously considered, but the problem is that the same situation also happened to the First Army. Their strength is weaker than the Second Army, and their weapons are far inferior to the other. It has taken a long time to fight on the front line. The troops put in is already very much. In the entire Sieg Town, the front line battle will become extremely difficult. Every day an infantry company will be killed. In contrast, the situation of the Second Army is nothing.” Li Pu said.

Without comparison, one would not know what kind of situation has come up. This is the situation that he personally thinks most should be seen. This kind of situation allows him to see some different places, that is to say, he must pay attention to such situations in some other places. This is what he The most noticeable situation.

“I understand. Look at the preparations of the Second Army and give them some time. I believe they will understand.” Tupley said.

After listening to Li Pu, he almost had the urge to hit the wall, because some situations like this would only cause them more trouble, and this kind of trouble will continue. I really don’t know why their chief thinks this way. Doesn’t he know that some of their current actions are made under extremely unfavorable circumstances?

The victory or defeat of the Persian situation depends on the Second Army, which is very good at making money. They really don’t know whether they can defeat the enemy and whether they can achieve the results they should have.

Tupley’s old problem is committed again. Hesitating is the greatest harm to the situation, and this kind of harm will cause him great disadvantage, but Tupley didn’t realize it at all.

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