The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4736 - The Second Army strikes

“Sig Town may not be called Sig Town anymore. This town is already in dilapidated condition. There is no good house. Not only that, but there are many other unfavorable things going on. Under such a situation Many things have greatly exceeded their expectations, and even many things have put us on the verge of death. We are struggling, struggling at all costs, and so are the enemies on the opposite side. The air is full of gunpowder smoke, filled with rancidity. Taste. We have become accustomed to this kind of taste. Presumably the same is true of the rest of us. Both of us are enduring the torture of this war. Yes, torture, this kind of torture is very terrifying for us. Things.” Li Shaoyang wrote in his notebook.

Next to him was a sergeant with only the upper body. He was blown to death. The lower part of the body didn’t know where it went. It must be impossible to survive. In fact, here, injury is basically equal to death, the injured, the living.

The death of the sergeant dealt a great blow to Li Shaoyang, because the sergeant had been protecting him, but now, the person who protected him has been killed. In the end he tried hard to say something, but he didn’t hear anything clearly. It’s really miserable.

Here is dying every day, and people have become numb. They have become accustomed to it.

Li Shaoyang didn’t know why, as if he had drained something, a person who was with him in a stressful environment disappeared all of a sudden. The feeling of being empty in my heart is uncomfortable. Li Shaoyang wanted to cry. But he just couldn’t cry. Under such circumstances, he himself didn’t know how to say such things.

The fighting here is very cruel. Rest are all elites. Their combat effectiveness is very high. The Persian army is very miscellaneous, but a gang of elite and miscellaneous are mixed together. They will have physical and chemical reactions. They use various Various weapons to fight. The time of the two sides is extremely fair to confront each other, you kill me, I kill you. Then they mix in this town without distinction. The Persians successfully prevented the opponent from advancing, and the Parthians were unwilling to want to rush through the town, shelling, charging, shelling again, charging again, the blood of the soldiers on both sides continued to flow out, turning black, and the entire land Turned brown.

“Boom. Boom.” The enemy attacked again. Li Shaoyang stopped his grief. It may be grief. He put the body of the sergeant into a tunnel and buried it. There were many dead bodies on the battlefield that were not disposed of. He handled it this way, which is already considered to be a very high standard. Many corpses, Persians, Parthians, were torn into pieces by Parthian shells. I don’t know if those missing are alive or dead.

The Parthians still did not give up on attacking, they were not tired, nor were the Persians.

Less than ten kilometers to the rear, the headquarters of the First Army was set up here. It’s already very close to the frontier. But Wang Bo put his position here, and the commander did not withdraw. There is no retreat again. Wang Bo has put two infantry divisions and two infantry regiments into it. Too many troops have gathered in this small town of Sieg. Wang Bo knew that the problem was with the Second Army, if they did not launch an offensive. The First Army really suffered heavy losses.

“Sir, the frontline asks for support.” The chief of staff looked at Wang Bo worriedly while holding the phone. There are not many people around Wang Bo. He has only one guard class. There are no more than four staff members. It’s not like a group army command here at all. But that’s it, Wang Bo insisted on staying here. He hopes to use such a way to encourage officers and soldiers to continue fighting.

“Oh. I see.” Wang Bo slowly took out a cigarette. Wang Bo does not smoke. He likes to drink tea, drinking the pure tea from the Central Plains, the kind without sugar, and he hopes for the mellow taste. But now, he can’t drink the tea anymore. He took out a half pack of cigarettes. This was what he and one of his staff members asked for a few days ago, and that staff member entered Sieg Town. Don’t know life or death.

Wang Bo started smoking a few days ago. There is no way, the battle situation is too disturbed, and there is no way to change other things.

“Ahem. Ahem.” Wang Bo lit the cigarette. He was still unfamiliar with the smell of that cigarette. It irritates people’s throat and lungs are extremely uncomfortable. However, after this uncomfortable feeling, it was a feeling of anesthesia, which made people temporarily forget the current pain. He now knows why frontline officers and soldiers like cigarettes. Under the pressure of death, such a threat is really too threatening. Faced with such situations, they themselves don’t know how to deal with such situations.

This is the situation of the war. Under such circumstances, many of their developments are in an extremely unfavorable situation. To make these situations more favorable, they need to make many different choices . This is the most important situation for them at the moment.

“Sir, front line,” the chief of staff said again.

“Telegraph to the headquarters, we can’t stick to it. Maybe we have to consider retreating.” Wang Bo said helplessly after smoking half a cigarette.

“Sir, our army, retreat, if that’s the case, isn’t it, they are in vain.” The chief of staff asked very puzzled. Such things simply shouldn’t happen. But the fact is that such a thing has already happened, which makes their situation very unfavorable, what else can they say? Can’t say anything. Under such circumstances, it is too unfavorable for them to complete such situations.

“I know, but there is no way. Our situation is so unfavorable. In many cases, it is difficult for us to cope with such situations. This is the current situation we are encountering. We cannot let such a situation continue to develop. The blood of the brethren is shed.” Wang Bo couldn’t say it anymore. There were more than 70,000 people, and the number of deaths in Sieg Town was more than 18,000. Wang Bo didn’t want to fight anymore. The Second Army doesn’t care about their life or death at all. This style of play is too tragic. Wang Bo couldn’t bear it himself. Who can endure such a brutal and **** battle. Too many people died.

“This, okay.” The chief of staff nodded helplessly and said. They can only send such telegrams.

Rest in peace, the headquarters of the Third Corps.

“Damn it. This idiot, idiot, stupid guy. What is he doing? He died in a wine bottle. Such a **** guy, he really should die.” Li Shengzhi cursed extremely dissatisfied. The situation of the Fifth Infantry Division still has not improved much. The reason is that their commander is not there, and the chief of staff cannot shoulder much responsibility. The worst part was that Wang Han was still drinking with his colleagues in the back. Feast. This is really tight at the front and tight at the rear.

Thinking of this, Li Shengzhi couldn’t sit still. In fact, he was very anxious. The Fifth Infantry Division was his old unit. If such old units suffered heavy losses, he really didn’t know what to say.

But his chief is very busy. What is he busy? He is busy buying war bonds. He heard that war bonds can be exchanged for oil, and if the oil is directly transported to Qin, you can make a lot of money. , Many people are already doing this. It seems that this is an extremely good way to make money, and this method is already very popular in higher headquarters. Their chief is concerned about such things. He doesn’t care much about front-line matters, and he even feels that there are some surprises. In such a situation, many things greatly exceeded his expectations. This is simply an incomprehensible thing. I really don’t know how their chief came to this point. Did they solve the problem like this? Li Shengzhi was very annoyed, but there was nothing he could do, because the 3rd Infantry Regiment did not control the affairs of the 5th Infantry Division, they were in another corps.

The headquarters of the Persian Second Army. Chen Li couldn’t sit still.

Under normal circumstances, his commander, Tupley, would not reprimand him, because the troops in his hands are an important bargaining chip in controlling the First Army. The most important thing is that the Second Army has saved a lot before. Without such a large number of troops, they would not be able to mobilize such situations to deal with such situations. It would be very difficult for them to accomplish such things.

Therefore, every time he encounters something, his chief just talks about something and expresses the meaning of punishment. Such punishment is equivalent to a fine of three glasses of wine, and the meaning is enough. But this time, the telegram was extremely harsh, and even with some extremely annoyed appearances, he was probably transferred to the Second Army. This made him feel that things were a little different.

“You said, is the above really annoying to us? I think what the chief meant is like this. If this is the case, it is really not a good thing for us.” Chen Li worried. Speaking of.

“Sir, what do you mean?” the chief of staff asked.

“It seems that we still have to launch an offensive, but the problem is that when we launch an offensive, if we encounter the extremely strong forces of the Parthians, our losses will be very large. You know, the strength of the Parthians, they One regiment of the United States can defeat one of our infantry divisions. If we want to attack the other side, we must come up with an army. Our group army currently has only three armies. How can we eat the other side? This simply does not work. In one situation, we simply can’t eat each other.” Chen Li said. The combat power contrast between Persia and Rest is extremely asymmetrical. If you want to fight against an infantry division of the Parthians, you must be two levels higher, the group army against the opponent’s infantry division, and the infantry army against the opponent’s infantry regiment. This can’t form a big contrast at all, but such a comparison of combat power actually exists. You know, the Parthians are supported by heavy artillery troops. And their army, that is, more equipment like the Seven-Five-Mountain Cannon, other places simply can’t meet their large needs, under such circumstances, their situation is naturally unfavorable.

Chen Li’s worries still exist, and the reason is simple. Because he is afraid of losing too much, this is a common problem of all the actual controllers of the army, and this common problem is common in many places. For example, many Persian troops lose less than one-sixth of their troops, regardless of all conditions. They would retreat. This also explains why the Persians always defeat the war. They can’t afford to lose, so they naturally have a lot of worries, and naturally they can’t fight with peace of mind.

“Sir, we can send an infantry division to attack each other. In this case, an infantry division will also send an infantry regiment to fight, and the infantry regiment will send an infantry battalion. The front line may also be an infantry company to fight. Once we encounter a very rapid attack from the opponent, we can retreat on the spot, or enter a defensive state, and fight, in fact, we are fighting a kind of momentum.” The Chief of Staff said.

In fact, the chief of staff’s approach is not very clever, it’s very simple. What he needs to do is to respond to the opponent’s offense, launch a tentative offense, and achieve some of his goals through constant temptation. This approach is not very clever. , But it is very effective. Moreover, once the opponent counterattacks very strongly, they will retreat quickly by themselves, and they will not lose much.

“Well. This is a good way. In this case, we will attack. And there will be nothing from the above. Just do it.” Chen Li is an extremely cunning person.

He performed the tasks of the superiors very well. He didn’t care about the life and death of the subordinates. As long as he saved the Second Army, he didn’t care about other things. Such things are very suitable for him. He is such a one. People, facing such a person, all people feel very unworthy, but there is no good way. Under such a situation, their situation will only go on like this. This is what they are currently encountering. The situation, such a situation, is really a situation that is really worried. If this situation can be changed a little, they may not encounter such things.

Mediterranean. The “Octopus” submarine has reached the sea area on the 8th, but the problem is that it is too difficult to find the other’s aircraft carrier on the sea. In addition, their sailing speed is very low, and everyone is forcing you to hope that the other’s aircraft carrier will not appear. In this case, they will not have to fight. When their fuel and other things do these things well, they can go home. They sailed here in such a mood. If Wu Jia knew that the sailor thought this way, he would really like to kill the opponent.

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