The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4739 - Inaction second army

Wu Jia felt that his luck was pretty good. At least he was able to find the opponent’s aircraft carrier. Although the specific location was still unclear, he thought that following the opponent’s main direction, he should be able to do so.

However, the sailors felt that their luck was so bad that they actually found the opponent’s aircraft carrier. If they did find the other side, they might have to attack. Initiating an attack would undoubtedly mean suicide. I really don’t know what their commander thought. Yes, they thought of something like this. It was a **** situation. They felt extremely wronged. They even found it hard to believe that something like this would happen to them. Under such a situation, They have to accept this fact. This fact is difficult, but they must bear such a result. This is a situation they must face at present, and such a situation is a result they must bear.

“Do we need to dive? In this case, we might be safer.” He Ming said worriedly.

“No, we can’t dive right now, because such a dive will put our situation in a very unfavorable situation. In such a situation, we actually have many things in a very unfavorable situation. . This will become extremely troublesome for our situation. Therefore, many of our things actually have to go forward like this.” Wu Jia explained.

The exact location of the aircraft carrier has not been found, and they need to move on. Only in particularly dangerous situations, or when they need to launch an offense, will they do such situations. Otherwise, they will not be able to do such things. Under such conditions, they actually have Many things need to be done by themselves. This is their most favorable situation at the moment.

“The situation of the war is far more complicated than we thought. Therefore, in some cases like this, we are actually fighting for ourselves. This kind of battle is of great significance to us.” Wu Jia said. But Lieutenant Colonel Heming was thinking about other things. They only have three **. Can they sink the opposing aircraft carrier? In other words, can they find the aircraft carrier and attack each other safely? Can they return safely? This seems to be an extremely difficult thing. You have to know that such things are usually difficult to achieve such transfers. I really don’t know how they did such things. If such a situation is really achieved, they themselves don’t know how to deal with it.

Carthage, Hannibal’s headquarters.

“Loma’s aircraft carrier once again attacked one of our railway stations, causing a warehouse to burn down. The loss is not small.” Li Wei said with a telegram.

“The air threat cannot be resolved. Even though our aircraft is constantly patrolling, the other side is constantly launching attacks. Only when we form a warning zone of more than two hundred nautical miles in the coastal area, can we effectively block the other side, but how can we Fill in such a gap.” Hannibal said with great worry, he actually didn’t have a good way to solve such a problem, after all, he didn’t have too many ways. Technical means limit their many methods.

“Yeah. There is another news. One of our submarines actively attacked. They launched an attack towards the 8th area. Perhaps they might create some accidents. I think that under such an attack, we should try our best. Let the military attack aircraft also launch an attack, so that at least it can give them some opportunities to launch an aerial attack at the same time, creating some opportunities for them, so that they can also effectively launch an attack. We do not seek to sink the other aircraft carrier. , I just want to be able to let the other person leave here.” Li Wei said.

Relying solely on submarines may not make their results look good. This is a certain view, because such a view will create a great disadvantage for them. They can only change these conditions and make their situation change. They have to be advantaged in order to form the best advantageous situation, and this situation is of great help to them.

“Well, I think it can. Under such a situation, we can actually do a lot of things like this. If we can really do this, it may have an impact on us. It won’t be too big.” Hannibal agreed.

Using air power to launch an offense can maximize the chance of an attack. This is also one of their most advantageous ways at the moment.

Lockheed Martin’s aerial threat had already had a great impact on Hannibal’s defense, and they had to prevent some of these attacks from proceeding.

Just when Hannibal paid attention to these issues. Lockheed Martin is also considering new targets.

“If we attack the other party’s oil industry, it will be of great help to us. Oil has contributed a lot to the Carthaginians’ economy. They are an important basis for maintaining the continuous operation of the war and obtaining foreign exchange reserves. If we can attack there, our chances of success will be very high.” Han Kui said.

Regarding the importance of oil, Han Kui has submitted relevant operational reports many times. His suggestion is to attack the other party’s oil industry, because the oil industry is continuously providing financial support to Carthage. Attacking the other party’s oil industry is to attack the other party’s finances. After the other party’s finances are greatly reduced, they attack. Being rational will become extremely advantageous, which is extremely advantageous to them.

“But doing so will also cause us a lot of trouble. We are forming an armored force. Our navy needs a lot of fuel. Not only that, but domestic fuel consumption is also rapidly increasing. If we attack there, we The price of fuel will rise to a very high level, and the armored forces we have formed will become a pile of scrap iron, because they do not have fuel, they can’t start, move forward, and even let them initiate the desired result. Come up, if we continue to do this, it will cause us a lot of trouble. We can’t do this. Even in many cases, we are attacking the other party, which is equivalent to attacking ourselves. We can’t do this, and we It won’t do that either,” Scipio said. It’s ridiculous that most of the fuel used by the Loma was imported through smuggling, and it was Carthage’s fuel, because in comparison, the fuel from Aiji was much higher than that of smuggled Carthage. Jiren’s fuel, such a price advantage, is enough for them to reconsider some of these situations. After all, they must consider such a favorable situation. Under such a situation, there are really quite a lot of things they need to do. If they can really do such things, they may Will become more advantageous. This is what they think.

Attacking the cheap Carthage oil industry and getting them to accept high oil prices is an important factor that is absolutely impossible.

“Okay.” Han Kui quickly understood what the other party was thinking. They were thinking very simply, they needed some cheap oil. They would not end many things for these high oil prices. Under such circumstances, they will not allow such situations to continue, because there is no reason for this, which will make their losses even greater, or even difficult to proceed. This is the most difficult thing for them to understand. Obviously, the Loma people will not be so stupid that it is not good for them, and they do not need to make some situations that are not good for them for such things. This is definitely not a good result for them, because some of these conditions will put them in an extremely unfavorable situation to the greatest extent.

Persia, outside the town of Sig, a large number of wounded soldiers and soldiers who withdrew from the front line slowly passed by here. This is the forward command of their First Army. Their commander Wang Bo is standing outside. He looks much older. It was difficult for him to fall asleep under the torment of the battle. Many times, he was worried about the development of the advancing situation. Such worries took too much effort. Although there was only a short time, it was enough for him to endure a greater disaster.

The team is long, but most of them are wounded. Many people are seriously injured, they are ragged. It looks like a beggar, and some of these conditions are enough to make their situation very unfavorable. But in such a situation, they persisted for a long time.

The soldiers passed by their chief in silence, and they were numb. There is no joy in retreating. They survived. But this feeling is very numb, and they are still immersed in the fighting in the city.

Li Shaoyang was among them, and he was also injured. The bullet pierced one of his arms. There are some minor injuries in other places. It’s not serious. Many people are carried out, and they leave here on foot. For others, there is only one breath left. The field hospital was still far away from them. The First Army also had a field hospital. They had a hospital in the city, but the Parthians were extremely crazy. They occupied it three times, and the wounded soldiers there were also killed.

That is slaughter, it is killing. The peacekeepers were frantic and attacked the wounded. Doctors and nurses also suffered heavy losses. They set up field hospitals three times, but they were all destroyed. There was another heavy artillery bombardment by the opponent, and the casualties were extremely heavy. The field hospital has become farther away. Some people just disappeared on the road.

Many people don’t know how they came back, anyway they don’t know, but now, their situation is much better. Survived. Instead, they think less. Because they don’t know what to think.

The same is true for the rest of the people, both sides withdrew from Sieg Town tacitly, perhaps this town brought unpleasant memories to both sides. The Parthians also suffered heavy losses here, with more than 7,000 casualties. Their heavy artillery shot all the shells out, but in the end they still couldn’t take such a place. The rest of the people think they are afraid.

There is another important reason to withdraw here. Disengagement. Their rear is attacked by the Persians. If they do not adjust in time, they may be surrounded by the enemy. At this time, the Fifth Infantry Division has extremely strong forces. Weak, they only have less than 8,000 people, and there are too many logistical personnel among them. If a group army rushes forward, their situation is very unfavorable. The two nearby brigades are in emergency rescue, but it still takes too much time for them to do such things. It is still an unacceptable thing for them. Faced with such a situation, they themselves cannot Accept this fact. But what can it do? They still cannot change such unfavorable situations.

Nineteenth Infantry Division. Command.

“Hey, I need support, I need support. The enemy has added reinforcements in front of us, and their artillery began to gather. Our attack is very unsatisfactory and unsuccessful. I need reinforcements and reinforcements.” We talked loudly with the rear. In order to show our support for them, the Second Army marched forward symbolically for 20 kilometers, and there was still 30 kilometers away from them, but the distance seemed too long. As for the 19th Infantry Division, the attack was very unsuccessful. They had attacked the opponent’s position three times. They lost three battalions of troops to achieve such an attack result, but the Anxi people quickly adjusted their troops and launched them. It fought back. The Nineteenth Infantry Division was expelled back at once, which made Shi San very annoyed. If his friendly forces could launch an offensive, he would not have encountered such a situation. In this case, his situation would be too. It won’t be so disadvantageous. But the situation is that their situation is just such a disadvantage. Under such circumstances, their troop loss was extremely heavy, but friendly forces were delayed. There are tens of thousands of people in the Second Army, and they are doing nothing in the rear like spectators. This made Shi San very annoyed.

“Hey. Hey.” Shi San threw the phone down very annoyed. The telephone line always stops working at the most critical time. He contacted their commander several times in a row and asked them to attack as quickly as possible, but the result was that their commander just refused to obey and did not move. If the Second Army can launch an offensive, why are they so?

“Damn it. This Chen Li. It’s really a grandson.” Shi San scolded extremely annoyed about this. He was very angry, but there was nothing he could do. The reason was simple. The opponent didn’t attack, and they had nothing to do. In one case, what else can they do? Naturally, nothing can be done. It is really difficult to change such a state.

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