The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4744 - Dive attack

The station of the Persian First Army. In particular, wounded soldiers like Li Shaoyang were also called out. Because today they came to a special group of guests, the Korean Observer Group. They are also a kind of consultants. In short, they have great rights. Li Shaoyang was told to perform well and say something that should be said.

Li Shaoyang didn’t know what to say, but what he knew was that these people from the Central Plains came here just to see what kind of front-line officers like them had on the battlefield. That’s all.

Li Shaoyang is unwilling to do such a thing. It is better to kill a few rest devils on the battlefield to do such a thing. But now, they have to do such a thing. In fact, they themselves feel very depressed. They feel that doing such a thing is meaningless, really, meaningless. This is their own opinion. In such a situation, they really don’t know what to say. It’s a pity that their chiefs don’t care about these things, and don’t know what to tell them.

A member of the Korean Observer Group, South Korean Army Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Gan really looked at this place with great interest. The barracks of the Persian First Army did not look very tidy. Although on the surface, they seemed to have undergone some cleaning, but such cleaning seemed to be It is not very ideal, because in many places, they can still see the environment and various poor sanitary conditions here.

For example, in some blind spots, a lot of garbage was piled up here and was not cleaned up in time. It seems that they have not had time to clean up. In addition, there are also soldiers’ clothes, and there is still a lot of dirt on their clothes. The reason is that it has not been cleaned up for a long time. In addition, there are blood stains on it, which may be other people’s or their own.

“Excuse me, this lieutenant. Is the blood on your clothes your own?” Zhang Gan took the camera and asked Lieutenant Li Shaoyang. He was promoted. However, there is still room for promotion, because the above said that too few people survived in the 217 regiment. As a compensation, they can only continue to promote them. Li Shaoyang doesn’t care about those, what he cares about is, can people like them still fight? When will they be able to defeat the enemy? These are the questions asked by those who died in battle. If they can persevere, they will be able to continue fighting.

“Yes, there are my own, I am injured. But more often there are enemies.” Li Shaoyang said.

“This is when we stabbed them with a bayonet and the blood splashed on us. That **** rest devil, assassinated the three of us and killed many of us. I stabbed them directly with the bayonet and turned around. All his internal organs were shredded. Then they were pulled out.” Li Shaoyang said.

“Do you still have your companions? I think you are just like them. They are all heroes. I want to take a photo with them as a souvenir.” Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Gan said, and then he raised the camera in his hand and gestured to the other party. , Which means that you want to take a photo with the other party.

“Yes, they are all lying there.” Li Shaoyang said and pointed to the cemetery in the distance. There was an endless sight, and many people died. The First Army did a good job, and some people’s bones were recovered. . But most of the coffins are empty. The reason is simple, because most people can’t find the bones.

“Gudong.” Zhang Gan didn’t know what to say. In other words, he should not say anything now, because only in this way can he explain some problems, otherwise, he really doesn’t know what to say.

“The 217 regiment, there are not many people. They are still good, and they can still go to the battlefield after raising them. Those. That’s not good.” Lieutenant General Wang Bo said.

“This.” Zhang Gan really couldn’t understand the meaning of such words.

“Our officers and soldiers are very good, very good. They are all good fighters, but I am not a good officer, and I cannot let the soldiers guarantee my life. I took them to the battlefield, but there was no way to bring them back. , There are too many such things. I don’t know why there is such a result. If such things continue to continue, I am a sir. Hehe.” Wang Bo said with a wry smile. The officers and soldiers present were all moved, and some of them couldn’t help crying.

They have seen their chief look helpless, looking at a large number of wounded soldiers, and his chief can do nothing, no one knows what their chief thought at that time, maybe their thoughts It’s not too much, it may be some basic things, but even in such a situation, their leader can’t do his best. He can only watch his soldiers continue to retreat.

“General Wang Bo, you are the commander most capable of fighting in the Persian National Army. If your conditions can be half of the Second Army, I believe that your army will become extremely advantageous. “Zhang Gan said this.

Wang Bo didn’t answer anything. It seems that he himself doesn’t seem to care about this problem at all. But Koreans are concerned about such a problem.

“The Second Army is a group of cowards. They are timid. They can’t do it in time according to the commander’s orders. Instead, they repeatedly talk about conditions when sending troops. I really don’t see anything good for such an army.” Zhang Gan Speaking indifferently. He was extremely dissatisfied with the views of the Second Army, the reason is simple, they did not obey orders. The best equipment, but the worst combat discipline, and the offensive performance is very bad. There are no tactics to talk about, such opponents will only make them worse.

“I personally don’t have any good opinions on this, but what I know is that if the Second Army can defeat the entire Fifth Infantry Division, they will be good.” Wang Bo said.

He does not want to say something that is not conducive to the development of the situation, because in this case, it is meaningless to say too much. Moreover, if such a thing is said too much, it is also extremely detrimental to them. The superiors above are dissatisfied with this kind of dissatisfaction. Remarks, but extremely dissatisfied.

“So, General Wang Bo, what I want to know is, what do you think of the current situation? You saw it too. Several regiments were lost. The soldiers looked at me pitifully and asked me to reorganize their team. I I hope so.” Wang Bo said.

“However, to re-establish such a force, we need to do a lot of things.” Wang Bo said.

“Replenishing personnel, weapons and equipment, and logistics materials. At the same time, we need to restore the morale and morale of our own soldiers. It is very important. For us, this is the most unbelievable thing for us. In this case, what should we do?” Wang Bo asked.

“This, I’m afraid there is nothing too difficult.” The other party said so.

“Therefore, there are still many things we need to do. If we can achieve such a situation, we will launch an offensive.” Wang Bo said. Zhang Gan didn’t understand a little bit, but he didn’t know why the other party was like this, but this may be some of their best current situation. Such things, this is the situation they should do best. Because they have suffered heavy losses, I don’t know why they continue to attack.

Mediterranean Sea, Area 8.

“If we can’t find the target anymore, we must go back.” The captain said worriedly. They have been out long enough. Although this is the second time they have flown and searched. But still no trace of the other party was found, which made them very doubtful whether the other party would exist in such a place. If there is an aircraft carrier, they should have a goal.

“Below, below, pay attention to the bottom, I found the target, it seems to be the other side’s aircraft carrier, it is definitely an aircraft carrier, it is two large aircraft carriers.” The bomber shouted loudly. His voice sounded very trembling. But very excited.

“Yes, it’s the **** aircraft carrier, it’s the aircraft carrier of the Loma people, so we found them.” The captain said excitedly.

Lieutenant Luo Hua also looked at the aircraft carrier formation below very excitedly. The center area was their aircraft carrier. They were sailing slowly, but there were still some fighter jets patrolling back and forth, which seemed not very good against them.

“We are divided into two groups, attacking, attacking as close as possible to the aircraft carrier, and then diving down and attacking them quickly. Only in this way can we become extremely powerful. Charge,” the captain shouted loudly.

The aircraft began to dive down quickly from high altitude, which would give them a great speed advantage. With this advantage, everything about them can become extremely advantageous.

On the Sicily aircraft carrier, second-class sailor Ross stood on the deck below, watching the bombers diving down from the sky.

“Ding Ding, Ding Ding.” The alarm was made. The fighters climbed quickly and began to intercept the bombers, while the gunners quickly ran to their positions to operate the anti-aircraft guns. All people are very nervous watching the current situation happen.

It seems all this is very nervous.

“Da da da da. da da da.” The planes began to intersect each other, and they kept firing, but the bombers were still approaching them, which was dangerous. It was very dangerous. This was the scene that Private Ross had thought of. He felt that the opponent’s attack seemed to be, but now he was rushing towards them. Rose was so frightened that he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know how to control his legs. He couldn’t get himself to move.

“Da da da da.” The fierce firing sound kept coming, the more so, the more difficult it was for him to move.

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