The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4748 - Attack aircraft carrier

Mediterranean No. 8 area. In order to catch up with the opponent’s Loma aircraft carrier, Wu Jia had to take some new measures. They have been patrolling and searching in the north. They hoped to find the opponent’s aircraft carrier in advance. In this way, their situation could become more favorable. A lot. This is also a benefit for them, otherwise, many of their things will be difficult to deal with.

“Are we going this way and can’t find each other’s aircraft carrier?” He Ming said. He has asked this question many times in such a situation. Wu Jia was extremely exhausted by him. If you want to survive in such a situation, the best way is to find a way to continue. Otherwise, many things will be difficult to handle.

“Yes, if we can’t find it today, we will retreat.” Wu Jia said. It is simply impossible to find an aircraft carrier on the vast ocean. Under such a situation, it is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. Even if they already know the specific position of the air combat, it is impossible to rush to it, because the aircraft carrier The speed is much faster than them, and when they arrive at the combat sea area, I am afraid that the war will be over. If such a situation continues, their situation really cannot go on.

All, the only way for Wu Jia is to arrange the submarine in advance in the passage where the opponent may retreat, and then carry out an ambush there, but the chance of being able to bump into the opponent is like buying a lottery ticket. They have been procrastinating for a day. It was impossible to find the carrier of the other party at all, and the sailors became extremely impatient. In addition, to prevent them from being attacked, because the other party had a carrier-based aircraft, it was a very easy time to find them. In order to avoid this In a situation, they would dive into underwater operations from time to time.

“This is great.” He Ming said.

Hearing such words, Wu Jia smiled slightly, he didn’t think it meant anything at all. They originally wanted to build meritorious services, but the result was still suppressed by the other party. It is too difficult to develop in such a situation. Wu Jia is too helpless.

“Raise the periscope.” Wu Jia shouted, and the periscope rose immediately, and they began to quickly search for such conditions in various places.

This is a necessary movement for the submarine to ascend to prevent some accidents.

“If there is no goal, we can go home. In this case, our situation can be considered to be improved.” Wu Jia operated the periscope to observe the outside situation, and soon he discovered an anomaly. He didn’t know if his eyes were wrong. In other words, it was really wrong. Wu Jia rubbed his eyes and looked through the periscope again. He saw that not far from them, after calculating the distance, there were many warships passing by at a distance of less than one nautical mile. The opportunity was very rare, and it must be the opponent’s aircraft carrier group.

“Enter the combat position, hurry. Hurry.” Wu Jia shouted excitedly, and the Carthaginian sailors didn’t react at once, they didn’t know what happened. In other words, they have no idea what will happen.

“Fight, fight, the enemy’s aircraft carrier is right in front of us.” Wu Jia shouted loudly. The sailors reacted when they heard this. They felt that this was a very damn, and it was a very, very **** move. I really don’t know how they did this. They actually met the other side’s aircraft carrier.

“Damn it. Our luck is too bad.” The sailors entered their combat positions one after another. Indeed, they suddenly entered the channel of the opponent’s aircraft carrier. The worst thing is that they actually encountered the aircraft carrier. They would never win the lottery.

“I think I should go back to have children. My wife will definitely give birth to many many children.” He Ming said this may be due to a nervous relationship. He has no children and has seen a doctor. The doctor said it was normal, very normal, but the current situation is that his condition is very unfavorable, and he doesn’t know what to say.

“Congratulations. But I suggest buying some lottery tickets. You are lucky.” Wu Jia put down the periscope and said. He Ming shook his head helplessly. They are just beginning to be happy, but they don’t know what to do now.

“Report the situation of ** preparations.” Wu Jia asked the front ** cabin at this time.

“Sir, we can launch two guns at once, and they are all ready, but it is impossible to let the spare guns participate in the battle at once.” The other party reported in this way.

“Okay. I see.” Wu Jia ended the call.

The Carthaginians are equipped with old-fashioned submarines. Zhao’s latest submarine uses diesel engines. It uses electric propulsion underwater. It is very advanced and larger. However, the situation of submarines and sailors cannot be changed much. However, they can fire four weapons at once, so that their attack will be very powerful. However, the Carthaginian submarine can only fire two submarines, and if it is reloaded, it will take at least 35 minutes for Carthage to reload, which is too difficult. This time it is very unfavorable for them.

Fortunately, the old-fashioned submarines have a conservative design, that is, on their tail, there is a **, which is a life-saving **. When the engineers designed it, they considered that they would be chased by the other submarine. If there is a weapon in the rear to launch an attack, it may be very powerful for them. This is a very bold idea. If this is the case, they can now launch three weapons.

“We are going to use three attacks. After shooting, we dive, and then evade the search, and then we leave here quickly.” Wu Jia planned. Their tactics are very simple. If you fight, you will run. If you don’t run, it will be unlucky. It’s them. They will not do such a bad thing.

“Well, you have the final say.” He Ming said, now that the other party has control of the entire submarine, they don’t want to do this, and they have to do it.

“Then, okay, that’s it.” Wu Jia said, and then the battle began to enter it. After launching the weapon, they must dive quickly and avoid it, because once the enemy finds the trajectory of the attack, they It will be completely finished. **The attack distance is only a pitiful two kilometers. This is the largest attack range they have created. Hope this kind of ** can help them solve the problem.

The Sicily aircraft carrier, second-class sailor Ross is scrubbing the deck with their companions. This cleaning is very cumbersome. They must keep the deck dry and tidy. I heard that the deck on the cruiser needs to be waxed to be able to find the figure. Although they don’t have to do this, the deck of the aircraft carrier is really big, many, and it’s very difficult to clean up.

And some places need to be replaced and cleaned up. There will always be some unexpected places in the previous battle. And the workload of low-level sailors like them is very large.

“I only slept for the **** three hours yesterday, and then I was called to do this kind of work. The sailor’s job is really not easy to do.” A companion lay on the ground and scrubbed the deck with a rag in his hand. This situation is a great threat to them, but there is no way. To work in such a place, they must adapt to such a situation.

“Me too, but we must endure such a situation, otherwise, our situation will be in a very unfavorable situation.” Another companion said.

“I think this kind of work is not bad, at least we can go on the deck to bask in the sun, look at the blue sky, the sea is also good, much better than if we stay below, feel more sullen down below, take a breath, and it feels very good. Difficulties.” Rose said that the working environment of sailors is the worst, and the place where they rest is even more unimaginable. Can you think of the consequences of living in extremely difficult places for a period of time? Inside, they erected a five-layer bed at once and slept on their own bed. They couldn’t even stretch their arms and legs very well, because for tall people, the bed wasn’t long enough. Worse, there were other things. For example, you cannot turn over. Oh my goodness. Plus there are night shifts and morning shifts. One can imagine. The only comfort is that. The food on the aircraft carrier is not bad, but the best is for the officers and pilots. People like them can only be regarded as having a full stomach. There is nothing good or bad.

Now they should be grateful for their work on the deck. They can also bask in the sun. This is the best thing for them. the reason is simple. They can’t go on the deck normally. Only special personnel can go on the deck. Once caught, they will be locked in the cabin. That is the darkest time.

“That’s right, at least we can enjoy the sunshine,” a sailor said, and then they started to stand up and expand their minds. This allows them to enter more air, although the air smells of sea salt, it is still better than the situation under the deck.

“Hey. You guys, don’t hurry up, what are you doing?” a lieutenant officer shouted at them very annoyed.

“If you don’t hurry up and work, I will make you out of food.” The lieutenant threatened.

“Well, sir, we just, take a break, take a break,” a sailor explained.

“Take a rest, you are lazy, hurry up, otherwise, when will your work be completed. Hurry up.” The lieutenant shouted loudly.

“Sir. Look over there, what it is, it seems something is swimming over.” A sailor reported.

“What?” The lieutenant was stunned when he looked over. He knew exactly what the underwater thing was, fuck.

“Oh, **** it, it’s **, ** attack, ** attack.” The lieutenant shouted loudly. They don’t know what’s going on, after all, they are all recruits.

Unfortunately, the ** attack was discovered too late.

“Boom.” There was a huge explosion. Under such conditions, they stood on the deck and were shaken and thrown up. They didn’t even know what happened.

**Suddenly hit the aircraft carrier, the other round did not hit, and the other round wiped a destroyer past. This was the only case where a gun hit, but the gun didn’t sink the aircraft carrier.

The damage management team worked quickly, and they repaired the aircraft carrier as quickly as possible to prevent a greater disaster. Ross and the others are lucky. If they were at the bottom, their luck might not be that way. Later they learned that the place where the police attacked was not far from where they rested, and some people suddenly exploded and fell over. Many people were blown up all at once. They are very lucky. They are still alive. This is their greatest strength. If this is not the case, they really don’t know how to deal with such a situation.

The destroyer did not find the attacking submarine, because they did not know which direction the police came from, and waited for them to react. The submarine has long been missing. The submarine slowly withdrew from the battle zone. They didn’t know what the situation was. They didn’t have time to see the results, because all the Carthage sailors opposed the raising of the **** periscope. They thought that escape was the most important thing. If they really do this, it will put their situation in a very unfavorable situation. They don’t want such a thing to happen, and naturally they don’t want such a situation to happen. In desperation, they can only accept such conditions, which may be the conditions they should accept most.

However, the Loma aircraft carrier did not sink. This is a blessing in misfortune.

Sicily. Inside the headquarters of Scipio.

“We should deal with such things carefully. After all, this kind of thing can happen again.” Han Kui said.

“Yes, I also agree with this point. If this is the case, what will be the result? Our situation will become even more unfavorable. Therefore, we must be careful to deal with it, as for the specifics. We can only deal with the situation like this.” Scipio said.

“Well, but our destroyer’s reaction speed is too slow. We lack anti-submarine warfare, and our actions are too slow in terms of submarines. This is a very bad result for us.” Han Kui continued. To.

Han Kui pointed out the problem,

“Yeah. But we still need some accumulation of experience. First, we will withdraw the aircraft carrier. We can’t afford to lose.” Scipio said that if an aircraft carrier is destroyed, they will suffer heavy losses.

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