The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4772 - An increasingly favorable situation

Rest in peace, Third Army Command.

The Chief of General Staff of Anxi, Yang Biao brought a deputy chief of staff Ma Xiu to the front line of the Third Army of Anxi to inspect, and Qin military observer Lieutenant Colonel Xu Zhong also came along. The purpose of his coming here is to observe the opponent’s combat situation.

Chief of General Staff of Anxi, Yang Biao’s wind evaluation is not very good, Yang Biao’s early experience may be too poor. He came from a big soldier. Before he became a soldier, he was just a domestic slave for other horses. Later in the peace turmoil, a lot of chaos occurred, and the original aristocratic system of the peace was completely collapsed. Only then did he join the peace army and joined the peace army party.

It may be because of poverty. He has never eaten enough before, so he has been in a state of hunger, but since joining the army, he has eaten full, and has new clothes to wear, and rewards. Perhaps Yang Biao’s initial thoughts were very simple, that he hoped to get some food and clothing. After all, materials were extremely scarce.

At the same time, the peace army at that time needed people very much. It was easy for him to be promoted if he fought like this and had a very simple idea. This is how Yang Biao was promoted. His superiors asked him to learn, he learns, and lets him Fight, he fights. If he is promoted, he will be promoted. Such a person doesn’t think much and is easily promoted by his superiors because he is easy to handle and obedient.

But such a person gradually has some opinions of his own, for example, he has seen too many doorways in officialdom. There are so many kinds of things, and he has gradually changed. Because only in this way can he continue to expand his views of this and that, and under such circumstances, can their situation be properly handled and developed into such a situation. This was Yang Biao’s thinking at the time.

People are always changing, and as his official position gets bigger and bigger, Yang Biao becomes different from before. He is more and more eager for war, because they can get more money from the war, which can meet his more needs to the greatest extent, and he has a special need for women. A strong possessiveness may have a lot to do with his childhood environment. When a material lack forms a sense of inferiority, it will allow him to reach a certain position of self, and such a sense of inferiority will quickly evolve into a practice that makes people feel very scared. From the beginning, this approach is that their situation will be in a very unfavorable situation, that is, Yang Biao will become extremely greedy.

The position of Chief of Staff of Anxi has brought him too much profit. There are too many people around him who give him money. Because the more land they occupy and the more areas they occupy, the more such people will be. Yang Biao naturally likes it, because greed has become a disease of his, a pathological way of taking bribes. Under such a situation, he will only continue to develop himself if he keeps on making himself bigger. Feeling satisfied, this is a very incomprehensible approach, but this approach does bring them a lot of trouble.

Deputy Chief of Staff, Matthew is also such a person, poor children, it doesn’t matter, most members of the military party are promoted in this way. In such a situation, what they consider is to become a small group and then seek greater benefits for themselves. Matthew’s role is that he continues to plan a variety of offensive plans, through such an expanding offensive. In combat, gain greater benefits.

It can be said that the two of them are warmongers. They are not fighting for the country, but for their own interests. Now, they are focusing on the city of Isth. If they occupy here, they can go forward very much. It’s a big distance.

Lieutenant Colonel Qin State Military Observer. Xu Zhong calmly looked at everything with his binoculars. He was very disgusted with the posturing of the Anxi generals. In other words, their greedy expression makes him feel very ugly. In such a situation, most of their things will be in a very unfavorable situation.

Beside Yang Biao and Ma Xiu, or even behind them, not a group of military staff officers who were surrounded by them. The staff officers could not even reach their chiefs. It is ironic that the resting generals turned out to be commanding a group of businessmen. Fighting, and their staff can’t reach their leader’s side unexpectedly, how they formulate such a combat plan, how to face such a situation, they themselves don’t know.

The resting businessmen and the civil officials colluded with each other. They made great fortunes in war, and the way soldiers made fortunes was extremely rude. They just robbed the Persian banks and warehouses. As for the others, they don’t know how to operate. Smart businessmen saw this, and they quickly participated in such a situation, because they knew that soldiers would definitely need this kind of operation.

A large number of occupied regions need to re-establish economic order. In the re-establishment of economic order, they can obtain greater benefits. The businessmen’s purpose is so simple. They hope that after rebuilding the business order, they can rely on the authority of the soldiers to put them in a very advantageous, even monopolistic state. Such a situation will satisfy them to the greatest extent. Various needs.

In addition, they also need a group approach to develop. For example, civil servants need governance, and their governance is to reap more benefits for themselves. The soldiers are also aware of this. Therefore, they have their own needs and are in a state of mutual use. All of a sudden, they formed a new interest group, and their purpose is very simple, that is to have better development. This kind of development is for them to have greater benefits in the development situation. This is their situation and the situation in which they are most able to develop. Such a situation will ensure to the greatest extent that their development situation is in a very favorable situation. The people around the general are such a group of people, and their purpose is extremely simple.

“They have created a wrong kind of excitement for the Parthians. This excitement is that as long as the Parthians continue to attack, they will be able to win, and the victories gained can guarantee the continuous expansion of their rights to the greatest extent The benefits will reach an astonishing level, and this development will be a brand new development for them.” Xu Zhong wrote in his notebook.

Yes, these businessmen and civilians who surrounded the generals continued to encourage their senior generals to launch attacks. The more they attacked, the more they won. They were not optimistic about the specific situation of the battle, as well as the gains and losses. Even, they think it doesn’t matter at all. In such a situation, many of their things will be in a very unfavorable situation. It is very difficult to complete such situations. After all, such a situation is very difficult for them. It is difficult to accomplish. The war continues to develop under such a situation.

Xu Zhong is not optimistic about such a situation, but it seems that it can only be the case at present. The reason is that they cannot influence the development of the situation of the Parthians at all. As for the specific state in which they will emerge, he himself does not know. In short, the Parthians have entered a state of war excitement. It is very difficult to wake up from such a state, and it is even very difficult to do such things under difficult circumstances.

But at present, their generals still have to care about some specific issues.

They decided to let the Third Army, which was on the flank of the Parthians, launch an offensive and attack the eastern front of the Persians. By exerting pressure on the eastern front, they occupied the city of Isth. However, such military operations still have great difficulties. Because of the poor road conditions of the Persians, the pressure on their logistics supplies is very great. They have to transport more than 600 kilometers from the mainland to reach the front line, and the road conditions are very worn on the trucks. The local road conditions are very poor, basically ordinary dirt roads, and many places simply cannot withstand the repeated crushing of heavy trucks. Pressure, in that case, will make the soil extremely sparse, which is extremely unfavorable to the army’s offensive posture. In such a situation, it is still very troublesome for them to complete such a situation.

The time of the offensive is not determined by the defense status of the Persians on the opposite side, but by the guarantee status of the logistics supplies of the Parthians. In such a situation, the generals had to rework the conditions of some railway constructions that the Persians had not yet completed. Only in this way can they make up for their difficulties in logistical supplies. After all, such a way is still relatively difficult for them.

Things like building a railway are of great significance to the military, but for businessmen, this is a cracked egg. Many people want to develop some favorable situations from such situations, and they hope to be able to achieve this through this method. Achieving some of these changes in the situation puts their situation in a very favorable situation. This is their current situation. Facing such a situation, it will make them pay a fortune. This is their most favorable situation. They don’t know how much money they will earn from such a situation. Clearly, in short, a large group of rest merchants have noticed that such a situation is coming up.

State of Zhao, Handan, Prime Minister’s Mansion.

“I don’t know why they do this, what are the advantages of doing this, they will do such a thing. It is simply difficult for us to understand, and even do not know what they want to do.” Zhao Jia Looking at the peace agreement between Loma and Carthage said so.

The Minister of National Defense of Zhao Guo looked aggrieved at such an agreement. The Carthaginians treated themselves too harshly. They even cut down the army to such a level that the Roma themselves may not be able to achieve such a situation, but the Carthaginians did such a thing. This makes them all surprised, and such an accident will lead to the worst situation. This situation is to make their situation more difficult to control, and then they are in a very unfavorable situation. , Their situation will become more difficult to control.

“Prime Minister, if we do this, this is the worst news for our military orders. Such a thing will make us lose a large number of military orders. Such an order will make our factory only halfway. The state of construction.” The Secretary of Defense said.

“Well, I can’t avoid such a situation. After all, the Carthaginians themselves made such a decision. The worst thing is that they would never purchase such a large amount of weapons and equipment, and we have no way.” Zhao Jia said so.

The Minister of National Defense hopes that Zhao Jia can modify such a military plan through pressure or other means. If this is the case, their situation may be better, but the question is, can such a modification be achieved in this state? Zhao Jia is unlikely to agree to do this, because doing so will cause a lot of trouble. Even, many things will be in a very bad situation.

“Okay. Put this matter here for the time being, and I will put pressure through other means to let the Carthaginians pay attention to such problems.” Zhao Jia said.

Sicily. When Lockheed Martin learned the specific content of the agreement, most of the senior commanders and veterans went crazy.

They are not cheering that the war is over. It was the stupid decision made by the Carthaginians. Such a decision surprised the Roma people themselves. They didn’t know why the other party made such a decision. But in the current situation, they What I did was pretty crazy.

“A Carthage with less than 40,000 people. The threat was lifted all at once.” Scipio said excitedly.

Han Kui nodded and agreed with this view, but what he was worried about was not such a situation. He was pleased that many of his situations had undergone great changes. This change is how Hannibal should deal with such a situation. In the situation, he is a person who is not willing to fail. If he faces such a situation, he will definitely not accept it. What will Hannibal do? Is there no way for the Carthaginians?

Han Kui felt that things were far from simple. But the situation developed under such a situation, and Scipio was seldom happy. Because of favorable conditions, the development of Lockheed Martin is becoming more and more favorable.

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