The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4789 - Yuezhou Rebellion

Chu State, Pengcheng, and Song Yi seldom get annoyed, or some do not understand why it is their Yuezhou that goes wrong.

“These Yue people, what do they want to do?” Song Yi said with great irritation. There was a rebellion in Yuezhou. The local indigenous people, and some Chu people and local mixed races colluded with each other. They attacked the local government, parliament, and docks. For important facilities, the Chu State had not many troops stationed in Yuezhou. In order to save national defense expenses, Chu State would not station a large number of troops there. It only stationed some companies at the docks of several major cities. Note that it is a company.

The combined strength of the entire Yuezhou is the strength of the poor two dissatisfied infantry battalions. With this little force, it is almost impossible to defend the entire Yuezhou.

The people of Chu occupied Yuezhou. At the beginning, they didn’t have any good ideas about operating Yuezhou.

In other words, the Chu people’s occupation was purely to occupy the land at the beginning, but then gradually the cash crops made them think of other ways, such as sugar cane, rubber, and even more fruits. From this area, the local agricultural resources are extremely developed. There is no shortage of food in the local area, but in order to pursue more economic value, the people of Chu are crazy to plant a large number of cash crops here, and there are more and more large-scale economic estates.

As a result, it was established as an important economic source of Chu State.

The people here are all poor Chu people, and of course there are some little nobles who have fallen, but they are not good people. They keep arresting and enslaving the locals, and they will never give them any chance to survive. Opportunity, coupled with the chaos of the Chu people. There are a large number of Chu people in the local area, and these people are naturally inferior to the Chu people, but they have become the backbone of the entire Yuezhou class.

If such an economic status is constituted, this situation should not change much. But the problem is that such a situation has changed to a greater extent.

why? Because the Chu people lacked funds and a large amount of funds, even though Song Yi desperately suppressed military expenditures in his own position, Chu was a big country. With the addition of nobles, large and small, the burden of becoming a national treasury wanted to reverse. Some of the burdens, especially the development of industry, the money, and where it comes from, Song Yi needs to calculate. He is desperately trying to figure out how to use the country’s money and where to use it.

The nobles are the largest tax-free group in Chu, and this is Song Yi’s only way. Through a series of tax-free exchanges, he got the support of the nobles, and the nobles formed a large group. Without the support of these big groups, Song Yi would have to step down.

But these are not enough, he needs to do a lot more. For example, countries need to develop, they need to develop industries, they need to develop their navy to maintain their overseas interests, and money. These are all inseparable from money. Without money, nothing can be done. Because the scale of the nobility is getting bigger and bigger, the nobility group controls more than 70% of the important economic lifeline of the Chu State. They are the cancer of the Chu economy. This cancer is madly absorbing the nutrition of this country, and various kinds of nutrition. Such money, this is an extremely crazy behavior, but Chu State has no way at all, because without this group, the entire Chu State would collapse. Moreover, Song Yi still needs their support. Once he loses the support of the parliament, he must step down, Song Yi, who is greedy for power, this is his weakness.

However, the state of Chu still needs to maintain a large amount of tax exemption. Where does the money come from? The answer is their overseas territories. Unfortunately, Yuezhou, which has developed from a plantation economy, is one of them.

The State of Chu continued to economically squeeze Yuezhou, rubber, fruit, aquatic products, and even tea, coffee, sugar cane, these cash crops, as long as they can make money, they will get everything. It can be said that the people of Chu are frantically squeezing more value from this place. The impact of such frenzied extraction is that the local people are getting poorer and poorer.

Qin people accept cocoa. Like coffee. The people of Qin state that this is an important measure against the tea trade. The talents of the Chu state do not care about the Korean tea. Although the tea of ​​the Chu state is top-grade, the market does not accept it. They can’t sell it. Only coffee and tea are sold together. In this case, you can still make some money. Plus the planting of rubber. The impact of the development of the automotive industry is just this great. South Koreans provided rubber to Qin people, while most of Chu people’s rubber was sold to Zhao, Yan, Qin, and even Goguryeo. They make a fortune on these things. Yuezhou naturally has money.

Money is the target of crazy squeeze, and the taxation scheme is constantly changing. Moreover, all products must first be exported to the sole sovereign state of Chu, and then can be exported again. This means a lot of exploitation by the Chu country.

The local plantation economy has been hit hard. Most of their profits are occupied by tariffs and various expenses, but these still cannot meet their needs, and the locals are dissatisfied. Their lives are extremely poor.

The rubber, sugar cane, and fruits they grow are all extremely expensive things. For example, a canned fruit can sell for 20 yuan in Chu. But the cost is only one yuan, and the prices of agricultural products have been drastically lowered to an astonishing level. All people are extremely crazy. They really can’t think of why such a thing happened. They planted the richest things, but Can’t make more money.

The local transportation and infrastructure are extremely weak, and even some locals can’t afford to wear pants. They also need to use some special local grass weaving.

Chu people’s squeeze has reached a heinous level. As for the mixed-race children who are second-class citizens, their situation is not very good, and they are not pleased with each other. The aristocratic lineage of the Chu people once again committed. They think that the local hybrids are not Chu people, and they don’t treat them as Chu people. And the local Yue people, they look down on these Chu people of mixed blood, they think they are the devil. It’s a ghost.

The local businessmen are not in a very good position either. The higher commercial taxation puts them in an extremely unfavorable situation for only using them. In this way, the three have their own ideas. The more people don’t like oppression, they like freedom, the second-class mulatto wants to get their status, they want to recognize their status. The Chu merchants, as well as the local plantation owners, hoped to reduce tariffs, and just like that, they launched a riot.

The riot went very unexpectedly. A mixed-race Chu who was dissatisfied with the status quo dumped a large amount of goods destined for Chu into the sea, which caused retaliation from the police and the army. The locals became dissatisfied in an instant, and they acted on the police. Because the grievance is too deep. The two sides could not restrain their anger at all.

Subsequently, the conflict escalated, the police opened fire, and the army joined. They originally thought that after firing, the situation would be much better, but the situation is that this kind of situation suddenly makes their situation extremely disadvantaged, and even, in many cases, this They don’t know how to deal with the situation.

The situation suddenly entered the worst condition.

All of a sudden, grievances gathered, more and more, and finally formed a huge scale. Soldiers and police can no longer use weapons to explain the problem. Ports, governments, and many places have been captured. The army can only hide in the barracks and wait for rescue. The telegram was sent out one by one.

This is how the situation develops. It sounds surprising, and even that it is not a riot at all but a trifle.

“But something like this did happen. Mr. **.” said the security consultant.

“Mr. **, we should immediately send an army to suppress it. Only in this way can we handle the matter properly. Otherwise, once the whole thing happens, we will lose everything. In that case, our situation It will become extremely unfavorable. This is definitely a major failure for us. The situation in Yuezhou must be stabilized.” The security adviser said.

“Send the army? Then destroy everything? Just like Burma?” Song Yi said.

Koreans encounter such problems, and Chu people will inevitably encounter such problems, and the greater the problem of oppression, the more serious the problem.

Song Yi understands this. He knows where the core of the problem lies, taxation, and perhaps it is acceptable to make a proper compromise.

“We can talk to them, it’s best to let them lay down their weapons immediately, we can pardon them. But they must stabilize the local situation, we should talk first.” Song Yi said.

Song Yi was afraid of war and didn’t know why, because he knew that Chu State was actually very weak and could not stand such a battle at all. Such a battle will consume the entire finances, and if we can talk about it, this is the best thing.

“This. Mr. **, I think it is too bad to do such a thing without showing the strong determination of the government.” The security consultant said.

“I also know that such a thing is not very good, but we don’t have a very good solution. You know, such a thing will be very disadvantageous to us, and even many times we will collapse ourselves. Such a thing For us, it is a huge disaster. We can’t do such a thing, and naturally we can’t do such a situation.” Song Yi said.

“Okay. Let’s talk. Talking can solve the problem.” Song Yi said.

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