The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4805 - City defense

Qin Guo, Xianyang and Shang Wen were walking with Meng Yi outside the villa. They looked like old men.

“The Parthians once again launched against the Persians. I guess the pressure on the Seth people will be reduced, and at least their situation will get better.” Meng Yi said.

“Well, in this case, but the crux of the problem is not here. It lies in their economy. If the Persians can manage well and reform their economy, their situation will not go to such a bad situation, but in this way In one of the cases, our suffering and health is not a good situation.” Shangwen said.

“What do you mean?” Meng Yi asked puzzledly.

“War is actually a game of economy. Persia’s economy is mainly trade, not industry. Why can the Shah people develop rapidly and have great development? Even, they can attack Persia in the fastest time. Even the State of Seth is largely because they have such abilities, and the Persians’ economic situation is very unfavorable, and even they themselves cannot cope with such situations. Under such circumstances, their situation It is naturally very unfavorable. It is naturally impossible to reverse this situation.” Shang Wen said.

“It seems. The war between Persia and the Parthians is an economic battle.” Meng Yi said.

“Yes, you can find that most of the weapons and equipment of the Persians are bought. Except for some light weapons, the same is true for their trade. They import more and export less, and the value of the exported goods is also extremely unfavorable. Yes, in such a situation, many things are difficult for them to proceed. To complete such a situation, they must complete more other things. Otherwise, they will not be able to achieve this. One result came up.” Shang Wen said.

“I can agree to such a thing. If their trade can be maintained, they will have enough financial funds to fight the war, but the loss of a large amount of land means that they have lost a lot of space for trade. Under this circumstance, they could not develop further military development at all. Naturally, their military failure directly led to their economic failure.” Meng Yi said.

“Yes, there are still many such countries, and only by carrying out positive reforms and economic reforms can we obtain such advantages. After all, a strong country is first of all a strong industrial country. If you have money, you can buy it. If you don’t come to a powerful industrial country, most of your weapons and equipment need to be imported. After losing trade, you will lose most of the channels for importing weapons. Without assistance, many things will be difficult to proceed. Under such a situation, their situation is really very unfavorable.” Shang Wen said.

This is the case in Persia and the situation of the Carthaginians. Although Shang Wen and Meng Yi are not in the prime minister’s house, they still study in many places. After all, they retreated. They will think about some things from another angle. When they are in position, they may not think much, but at least they will prepare for many situations. In such a situation, most of their things are done. The relevant situation can be achieved. This is their most favorable situation.

The current situation is like this, and the things they can accomplish will naturally become many.

“So, what do you think of the war between Persia and the Parthians?” Meng Yi asked. He must ask this question, otherwise, many things will not be easy to deal with.

“The Persians must find reliable foreign aid. Perhaps they can unite with the Seths. The weapons and equipment provided by the Seths this time are a symbol of friendship. However, the Seths also have their own plans. They will not Seeing that a Persian is too strong, the situation they most like to see is that the Persians are constantly being hit, and when the Parthians attack, they are constantly attacked, and then their strength is constantly weakened. Wait until a balance point appears. At that time, the Seth people may come forward. They may be the most powerful opponent in that area. We absolutely cannot allow such an opponent to exist, because it is very unfavorable for us.” Speaking of.

“The target of this assistance, I think, only Koreans can do this,” Meng Yi said. Shang Wen nodded and acknowledged this, because only South Koreans can do this, and they can provide adequate weapon assistance, material supplements, and even personnel reserves. The Seth people would not do this.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

“The Persians are also crazy. They are equivalent to giving us oil for nothing, and we don’t have to occupy it.” Han Shu said, looking at the falling oil prices.

“Yes, it is indeed the case. This situation is a big trouble for us. After all, many times, we ourselves don’t know why we encountered such situations.” Zhang Liang said.

“They are going to perish the country. Naturally they need to do this. But cheap oil can’t help them much. They must prove that they can still fight. As long as the poor line of defense is stabilized, we will still support them, but they You must first be useful, not incompetent, otherwise, we will not be able to help them solve so many things. After all, many things cannot be reversed at once.” Han Shu said.

Aid to Persia is not an easy task. The members of the South Korean military advisory group believe that not providing assistance for the time being, it is not a matter of time.

Although the Persian side is extremely pleading, and even some representatives have knelt down to plead, but the South Korean advisory group will not say anything about these things. They think that the other party shouldn’t get so many military materials and resources. They only hate the Persians. They asked the Persians to win a battle before they could provide supplies. In other words, everything depends on the performance of the Persians themselves. This is the painstaking effort of the advisory group. They believe that only the Persians themselves can be strong enough to resist the aggressive attacks of the Parthians. Otherwise, they will lose much if they only rely on foreign aid. And they did not see the firm determination of the Persian side, Tuplei has been beaten out of guts. If it were not for their chief of staff to have some ability, they would naturally not have such opportunities. In addition, there are some other situations to do such things, such as there are other things they need to do, in such a situation, their state is not too favorable. In such a situation, it will pose a great disadvantage to them.

The South Korean advisory group also thought of using other methods to make up for some of these situations. They tried to support the First Army to control the situation, but unfortunately, the First Army has just begun to see such signs. Was disbanded. The Koreans were very dissatisfied, so they made such a very reasonable request. But in the eyes of the Persians, this is making things difficult, but in the face of complex and corrupt situations, they are not easy to do other things. They can only agree to some situations like this, otherwise, many of their situations will not develop very well. This is their current situation. If there is not such a situation, they will not be like this themselves. Things.

“The situation in Persia is more complicated than we thought, thinking that there is corruption inside them, fighting for power. We participate in it, and our losses may be even greater.” Han Shu is still not optimistic about the actions of the Persians, and he thinks he should support them. A new force will develop, but the problem is that it is difficult for the whole Persia to find such a person to accomplish such a thing. Such a situation is actually very unfavorable for them, and it is really difficult to say if such a situation is found.

“My lord, maybe the Persians will have some amazing performances in this battle. We still patiently see how they perform. If they can really do this, it may be for us, It’s a good development situation.” Zhang Liang suggested.

“Well. Well, we still give them some opportunities, hoping that they can seize this opportunity themselves. If it doesn’t work, we can only let the Seth people do this kind of thing.” Han Shu said helplessly. After all, the Persians have let them down. If it were not for such changes in the situation, they would not be able to accomplish such a thing at all. This is some of their current situation.

In fact, the situation in Persia is really not so good. Because their army habitually retreats.

“Don’t move, all go back, go back, hold your position, don’t allow to retreat, stick to the positions on the two wings, this is an order.” The military police shouted at them with heavy weapons. Fang Da is not clear. Therefore, the casualties of their company are very high. Da, he is now a company commander because their company commander was killed during the retreat. In order to cover them, the veterans looked down on him and said he was rubbish. Therefore, they had to retreat with the large forces, and the Tenth Army knew that they were going to retreat again.

“Go back. Go back, or we’ll fire and shoot.” The military police threatened that the soldiers of the Tenth Army had to return to their positions because they were opened with a hole. According to the previous situation, they needed to retreat to the flank. Because the Parthians do not care about them at all, they will madly rush to the forefront. They do not care about the enemies on both sides. When they occupy the supply center, they will attack them, and there is a time gap. As long as they seize such a time gap, they can seize the opportunity and do many, many things. It can be said that the opportunity is very rare, and they must seize the opportunity.

How to seize such an opportunity is very difficult. Therefore, most of the troops will first retreat to the two wings, and then slowly retreat. This is most of the previous routines. This time all the troops are following this. Routines come and go. But this time there seemed to be some surprises, because some military police had been arranged here in advance, otherwise they would retreat and let them defend. Although I don’t know what the above is thinking, most of the soldiers feel that the situation is not good, because they lack a large opening and it is very difficult to defend. In many cases, most of their things are difficult to do. In such a situation, their defensive operations are actually extremely unrealistic.

But the order is so, they can only accept such order to do such a thing. Who made them the situation is like this.

The war was formed under such a situation.

Fang Da didn’t know what happened. But they must defend. They are unlikely to withdraw. The veteran is very worried, but Fang Da does not know what happened, and the veteran will not tell them. what happened.

Persia, the city of Maris. The city has been under martial law. The city has entered a state of combat readiness. The residents in the city have been evacuated ahead of time. There is an infantry division stationed here. The 201 infantry division is stationed here. Of course, there are other troops coming, but most of them are loose new ones. The infantry regiment, the rear cannot provide more reserves. Lipu gave the order. Many recruits that have just been formed have all been dispatched here. More than three recruits have been mobilized here, and there are five on the road. If necessary, they can also mobilize dock workers, students, and even militia. The mobilized force is quite large. Because it cannot be lost here, once it is lost, all the situation will be in a very unfavorable situation, this situation is very bad. It was terrible to a very serious point.

“The enemy’s next target is us, what do you think?” Li Pu asked.

“You can’t throw it here, even if I’m dead. You can’t throw it either.” Wang Bo said.

“Before we had an experience in urban street fighting. It is estimated that this city will also be lost, but we have to stick to it. What I am worried about is that we need reinforcements and more troops. Can the recruits continue to defend? I really don’t know. I know.” The other party said so.

“I don’t know these situations, but how to counterattack, the simple defense here is not defensive, we have to counterattack. This also requires the Tenth Army and the newly formed First Army, and the enemy must be trapped. Otherwise, our situation will be very unfavorable.” Li Pu said.

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