The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4813 - The cost of the siege

Macedonia, Macedonia is extremely unenthusiastic about Hannibal.

The other party simply visited and inspected the Macedonian army, and then threw it in a barracks, nothing was left. Their food is as bad as their own army.

“I took a look at the Macedonian army, and it was terrible. They are a combination of cold weapons and hot weapons. Their combat power has dropped a lot compared to the previous period of cold weapons.” Hannibal said worriedly.

“I think it should not be a decline, but they have not risen to such a high position.” Li Wei said. Li Wei and Hannibal inspected the Macedonian army together. Li Wei learned about the past glory of the Macedonian phalanx. It was very good and very remarkable. The Alexander the Great that Qin said was in such a country. Born in the next, relying on such tactics and continuous expansion, they once expanded to the edge of the Western Regions, but the Qin State at that time had not noticed such a situation.

It’s a pity that many empires will disappear. If you build all your achievements under one person’s prestige, everything will soon disappear.

The once powerful empire collapsed all at once. Not only that, but the Macedonian army was also continuously attacked. Now their situation is very bad. It’s not that they progress slowly, but that the surrounding changes are too great.

The mixed Macedonian army encountered an unprecedented financial crisis. This can be seen from their troops.

The arms smuggling business has always been the best business. A few people love it because they like it very much. It’s very simple. This can bring them huge profits. If there are things that can help them get more profits, they will do the same. This is no doubt, because they did it like this. Under such circumstances, they Many things have been greatly adjusted, which has made their situation much more favorable.

Now the price of weapons is expensive, even if it is a military weapon, Macedonia’s finances cannot be supported, and a large amount of ammunition is consumed. Large-scale biographies are impossible, even though Macedonia continues to reduce the size of their army. It just kept around 35,000 people, but it still made their situation very bad.

The reason is very simple. It is difficult for their weapons to conduct a larger-scale biography. They do not have money. Therefore, half of their army is equipped with modern weapons and half is equipped with backward cold weapons. It is difficult for you to imagine such a situation. ,what is the problem. Just like the idea of ​​Macedonians, they are eager to reform, but after the reform, how they should do it, or what kind of development they have, they do not know, in short, they have created a very contradictory character. Personality causes their situation to be in a state of collapse.

“This army hopes to seek progress. Unfortunately, their progress has not reached their expected results. Weapons and equipment are limited to their financial situation, and our situation is very bad. We only brought tactics, but did not bring them. Come with weapons, so we treat us extremely indifferently, even, they think that we do this entirely because we deserve it.” Li Wei said.

“Well, at this point, I understand very well, we only brought people, not supplies. It’s really sad.” Hannibal said helplessly. Li Wei smiled helplessly. Macedonia will never realize how big the gap in their thinking is. On the contrary, they have been in a very unfavorable situation. They just hope to have supplies. They simply believe that as long as they have more weapons, they can defeat the South. League of Achaia.

They don’t know how to change themselves, but they only know how to change each other. In such a situation, they simply cannot complete such a transfer in some situations. In this case, their state will be able to achieve the greatest possible disadvantage.

In contrast, the Roma people have to be much more meticulous. If this is the case, their situation will become much more detailed. Naturally, there will be a lot of things they need to do. In such a state, they will not only It was only supplemented by the materials of the Roma, not only weapons, but also training, ideas, and tactics. Macedonia is very lagging behind. They didn’t change anything, and in the end they also made a nondescript army with a mixture of hot and cold weapons. Hannibal was treated coldly when he came here, and they all felt that what they might have encountered was not that good.

The situation is so unfavorable. The disadvantage is Persia. They are besieging the Twenty-One Step Corps.

“Many veterans are very nervous. I have never seen them. The commander asked us to mount bayonets and use bayonets to solve the problem as much as possible. All shots shot must be aimed before they can be fired. The saved bullets should be given priority. Provide firepower points, because they can output a lot of firepower.” Rest in the 21st Regiment, the second-class soldier Zieg held the weapon in his hand nervously, but his nervousness disappeared a little, and he entered the 21st Regiment as a supplementary soldier. Yes, the 21st Regiment has a kind of madness. They are extremely crazy about fighting, and even value it very much. At the beginning, it was difficult for Zieg to enter such a unit.

But in this battle, they kept advancing, defeating the enemy, and then kept attacking. In this way, they would have a very favorable state, which made it very difficult for them to proceed. Because they want to keep chasing the enemy, they seem crazy behavior, but he accepts it. But something terrifying still happened. The twenty-one regiment was surrounded.

The veterans all said this, and their indifferent expressions exposed the fact that they were also very nervous. They are under a lot of pressure, because they are surrounded by Persians, they will launch rounds of attacks, the kind that is not afraid of death, they shouted loudly, and then rushed out in groups. And Zieg and the others, repeatedly shooting them mechanically, shooting them one by one. At this time, they even felt that the weapons in their hands were so slow and not advanced at all. They were quickly attacking their position. In other cases, they cannot do such things at all. Facing such a result, they cannot control such a situation. Under such circumstances, they can only passively accept such a situation and have nothing to do. Method.

When the Persians rushed in frantically, their only way was to attack and fight with each other with bayonets. Then they expelled them, then they retreated, and then began the next round of attacks, exhaustion, and screams of wounded soldiers. Enormous pressure. Zieg felt that death was also a relief.

For the besieged party, the situation of the Persian army is also very bad.

The Tenth Army, Fifty-sixth Infantry Division, Corporal Lori lay on the ground and did not dare to move, because he escaped by pretending to be dead. He didn’t know how many people there were in his company, but now the whole ground is everywhere. It was their people. Around him, several recruits died. Most of them were shot. The blood has dried up. But the **** flies came endlessly. They are enjoying their delicious meal. The smell of blood is everywhere in the air.

Fortunately, the rest of the people on the opposite side did not fire. If the other side fired, it would be very unfavorable. A cannonball came down. They will all be blown to pieces of meat, it is impossible to survive, the only way is to find a way to get out of here. Then withdraw and withdraw. Only in this way can they keep themselves alive. This is their current best advantage.

Rory has seen too many deaths. A company, a company pulled up, and then died, and the one who rushed in was also killed by the opponent. The rest of the tactics did not say, they cooperated very cleverly. The firepower point always fires at places they can’t think of. You never thought they would do it again, the situation is very unfavorable. Even, it is difficult to proceed.

They fought in such a situation. Even, many times, they don’t know what to do.

“The war continues under such a situation. If there is a chance, they will have to accomplish such a thing themselves.” Rory said to himself. Then he crawled back carefully. Because once they have hit the shells, they are completely finished.

In the 202 Infantry Division, Lieutenant Luo Xin was reorganizing their troops and attacked an attack. Their captain was killed. More than a hundred people were killed in the battle, and their company had only one hundred and fifty people, but they are now counted. It is estimated that there are only two classes, and the wounded are all among the corpses over there.

Lieutenant Luo Xin’s troops had just experienced a large-scale attack. They came out of two battalions to launch an offensive, and once broke into the position of the Parthians. They attacked very bravely and tenaciously, but the result was still ingenious by the Parthians. It was disintegrated. For them, this is very passive, even a disaster.

“Our Persian army lacks training, not many veterans, poor tactical training, no coordination at all, soldiers just know how to charge blindly. As a result, we were defeated by them in many cases. The veterans were also lost, and the only ones who survived The veterans are elite. The battle is fought to such a degree, it is simply very bad, and even they themselves don’t know how to deal with such a situation.” Lieutenant Luo Xin wrote.

Their staff is running out. The weapons were all lost. The casualties were heavy, and they were encircled and wiped out. The Persians still had to pay a great price, and they would not attack at all.

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