The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 52 - hot air balloon

“In an ambush, quickly, quickly withdraw.” The Huren who realized the bad news began to exclaim. However, this time is already too late. Rockets with smoke began to appear on the southern and northern slopes. Although small, its lethality is not weak at all.

The roaring rockets fell intensively. The dense team forms a good target. A small area. Was repeatedly hit by rockets.

Natulu, who hadn’t finished speaking, was directly concentrated by the flying rockets. The whole body was shattered. Only two legs are still hanging on it diagonally. The entire upper body is gone. Then the falling rockets completely smashed the remaining rotten meat into meat sauce.

“Boom boom boom” round after round of rocket bombing. The only team that will be Hu Ren. All crashed to the ground. After a thick smoke. Only horses were left alone grazing on the battlefield.

“I was thinking about a few more people going down. I didn’t expect all of them to be killed. This is also worry-free.” A corporal leader said.

“Commander, an enemy ran away. Are we going to chase?” a centurion asked the bearded man.

“No. Clean the battlefield. Send out scouts. Keep a close watch.” The commander waved his hand and said.

“Here.” The centurion began to arrange manpower. The rest, go down and cut their heads.

Shang Wen slapped the beat on his leg. Thinking about how to solve this problem of wanting to break the big sky. Obviously this problem is difficult to solve.

The first is that Qin Jun’s expansion speed is very rapid. The First World War completely resolved the Northern Huns. There will be no such thing as repairing the Great Wall in the future. And you can get a large piece of grassland for no reason. The soldiers of the Qin Army can eat beef in the future. Maybe you can still eat canned beef in the future.

Secondly. Almost all the Huns were arrested as slaves. But leaving such a large vacuum. It is really difficult to fill in a short time. This is also a difficult problem. Mainly people. My own Guyang Iron Factory has just been established. Need a lot of people. And with demand. In particular, the amount of iron required for the train is astonishing. It is another problem.

At last. The market is big. The population is small. A fast communication system is needed. Take the current post as a system communication system. Can’t meet the requirements anymore. The site is too big. This battle expanded at least a thousand miles of territory. And this number is still growing exponentially. The problem.

Shang Wen thought about these things. I have a headache. I thought that when the cannon rang, the gold would be ten thousand. Now I haven’t seen a penny. Only saw the infinite land. There are still a lot of bad things. Expansion too fast is also a problem. Forget these to the politicians to solve.

“It seems that we have to send another group of scouts.” After speaking, Wang Jian had already stood up. Go out and order.

Meng Tian is also sad. It seems that the situation ahead is not known at all. You can’t send troops without knowing it.

“It would be great if it could fly like an eagle in the sky. This can quickly transmit information.” Meng Tian said to himself.

fly. Heaven. Heaven. Shangwen heard Meng Tian say such a sentence. Suddenly there was a hint of inspiration.

“I thought. I thought.” Shang Wen clapped his hands and shouted.

“What?” Meng Tian immediately stood up and said.

“I think you can order someone to catch some eagles and train them. Those eagles can help you pass the news. Besides the eagles. There are also flying pigeons?” Shang Wen said.

“Flying pigeon. I have had it before. But it’s not safe and I haven’t tried it.” Meng Tian said.

“This is no problem. Flying pigeons can fly very well. It’s not safe. You can set up a password. For example, you can divide the development for the same sentence. Or it is. Wrong development. Or just add a word to become that word. “After speaking, Shang Wen realized. At this time, it was not because of the letters. That’s mol code.

“This is enough. I’ll try it.” After speaking, Meng Tian turned and left.

“Heaven. Heaven. Originally I planned to build the internal combustion engine. I will build the airplane gradually. Now it seems. There is no need to build the airplane. I have to build a hot air balloon.” Shang Wen said to himself.

“What hot air balloon?” Wang Jian suddenly came in from outside.

“Ouch.” Shang Wen was taken aback.

“I am scared to death.” Shang Wen said, patting his chest.

“Mr. Qin, what is the hot air balloon you mentioned.” Wang Jian asked.

“This, this is something that can fly to the sky. With this. You can see the situation in the distance. Just build more. It becomes a beacon of activity. With clairvoyance. We can see more things. “Shangwen explained.

“God. This thing can go to the sky! It can fly like a bird.” Wang Jian’s stout hand held Shang Wen’s hand tightly and cried.

Shang Wen struggled free from Wang Jian’s hand. Realizing that it hurts Shangwen. Wang Jian hurriedly let go. “Sorry, sorry, Mr. Qin, I forgot when I heard it,” Wang Jian quickly apologized.

“Nothing, nothing. This hot air balloon is made of expanding hot air. It forms buoyancy. Just use fire to heat the air.” Shang Wen explained.

“What, buoyancy. Buoyancy is not only in the water. How come to the sky”. Wang Jian continued to ask.

Shang Wen collapsed somewhat. Do you still have knowledge of popular science?

“So, I’ll make one. When it’s done, can you go and see it?” Shang Wen said.

“Okay. Hurry up. The military situation is urgent.” Wang Jian said.

“I’m going now. Now I’m going.” He ran away like flying.

This Wang Jian’s hand is too strong. My hands are almost broken. Shang Wen relaxed his flushed hands.

air force. He even wanted to establish an air force. It’s still a hot air balloon. At this time, it seems that there is no cotton thread. Also, the paper is not so light and thin. Well, solve this problem. I have to run one more time.

fuel. This is easy to say, I want to build a road, and I have started to extract oil on a large scale there. And for processing. Put a lot of diesel, gasoline, kerosene. Aviation kerosene. There is also asphalt. The most important thing is oil. Now it is turning the cart before the horse. For the highway. Those proposed oil don’t know what it can do. it’s good now. Just right. Can be used on hot air balloons. I’m afraid the burning will not finish.

Fire device. This seems to have to use iron. At least it has to be made into a gadget like a kerosene lamp.

Row. That’s it. Shang Wen thought about the composition of the hot air balloon. And any material that can be found. I gradually formed a rough composition in my mind.

After thinking about it all. Shang Wen got into the car quickly. Went to Guyang Iron Factory to make a hot air balloon. As for the iron factory. Leave it alone.

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