The White Eyed Princess of Konoha

Chapter 351

If I could kill this person...

"Oh~ I didn't expect you to know me..."

Urashiki looked at Sasuke and said casually: "I can see that you are different from those natives. Can you tell me how you know me?"

'choke! ’

Sasuke drew out the Kusanagi Sword with his backhand and said coldly: "What do you want to do in this world?"

Seeing through Sasuke's strength, Urashiki was very confident that Sasuke would never escape his grasp. Hearing this, he said bluntly: "Of course it is to investigate the traitor of our Otsutsuki clan and recover the chakra fruit by the way!"

"But...I am very interested in you. Where did you steal my power from?"

Your power?

Sasuke's eyes moved slightly and he asked tentatively: "Urashiki?"

Chapter 548: Otsutsuki's Shame VS Uchiha's Expansion

"Hey! You seem to know something amazing!"

Urashiki's tone was still playful, but the look he looked at Sasuke gradually became serious.

This native actually knows his own name?

Urashiki was certain that this was definitely his first time on this planet. However, the black-haired native in front of him not only knew the Otsutsuki clan, but also knew his own name.

It's nothing to know the name of 'Otsutsuki'. After all, Kaguya has already been to this planet and was sealed by the natives of this planet.

But the other party actually knew his name "Ura Shiki"...

There is only one explanation for this situation at the moment. Urashiki from a certain time and space came to this time and space through the Noble Phantasm 'Plough' that can travel through time and space, but was defeated by the natives of this time and space, and also took away the power of Urashiki from another time and space. .

And this also explains why the black-haired native in front of him has the same power as Urara!

Thinking of this, Ushiki became alert for a moment, and then became as cautious as when he first arrived on this planet.

"Why did I come here in other time and space?"

"Did the plan fail? Or was he hunted by the natives and had to escape from that time and space?"

However, no matter what the reason is, it can actually prove one fact... He, Otsutsuki Ura-shi, cannot be a prostitute on this planet.

Urashiki secretly analyzed: "Since I have come here in a certain time and space, it proves that the plan to seize the Chakra Fruit has failed. There must be a strong person on this planet who can defeat me, but this person is not Kaguya. …”

After thinking about this, Ushiki's eyes became serious for a moment.

Urashiki is going to continue to develop on this planet. He will first investigate the intelligence of the powerful and collect some chakra to enhance his strength.

However, the premise of all this is that the black-haired native in front of him must be killed!

It must be resolved quickly!

With his right hand held empty, a red light fishing rod appears on Ushiki's hand, and a red light fish basket also appears on Ushiki's lower back.

The fishing rod was waved, and countless red-light fishhooks condensed instantly, attacking Zuozhu in an overwhelming force.

Tensuha Meteor Fate!

The shame of Otsutsuki VS Uchiha expansion battle officially begins!

What a speed!

'clang! ’

The crisp sound of gold and stone clashing came from where the Kusanagi sword and the red-light fishhook suddenly collided.


Several lightning flashes appeared in the muscles of Sasuke's right arm.

The activation of thunder-type chakra cells has been used to the extreme by Sasuke. At the last moment when the red light fishhook struck, he narrowly blocked Urashiki's attack.

'boom! ’

With a muffled sound, Sasuke's body seemed to snap open as a spring, and he rose into the sky. He was immediately in front of Urashiki, and his reflection could be clearly seen in the scarlet eternal eyes.

The sword flashed!

'Ding! ’

The red-light fishing rod collided with the Kusanagi sword, and the huge force pushed Sasuke back to the ground in an instant.

As the figure fell sharply, the corners of Sasuke's mouth curled up slightly.

Black flames ignited silently on Ura Shiki's arms.


Urashiki frowned slightly, looked at Sasuke with a slightly ferocious look, and said in a cold tone: "It hurts!"

The red light fish basket floated behind Urashiki, absorbing Amaterasu's black flames. However, even though it only burned for a moment, the black flames still left burn marks on Urashiki's arms.

"Otsutsuki... nothing more than that!"

Sasuke stood on the ground, looking up at Urashiki floating in the air, but his six-pointed star sharingan eyes flashed with a look of 'looking down on people'.

This is a look exclusive to the Uchiha clan.

Talking about Urashiki's strength... As a member of the Otsutsuki clan, Urashiki's strength is undoubtedly strong.

Looking at Urashiki's record alone, except when facing genin, most battles ended with Urashiki's victory. Even if there is an occasional tie, it is just because Urashiki is not interested in fighting.

But when Urashiki faced the genin...

That is really terrible!

In the battle between Urashiki VS Shinki + Uzumaki Boruto, Urashiki was not only knocked away by Shinki's punch, but also had his horn broken by Uzumaki Boruto's Rasengan.

Facing the combination of Uzumaki Boruto + young Naruto, Urashiki was directly knocked away by the combo of the two, and passed out on the spot.

Although in "Boruto", Urashiki suppressed Sasuke several times and also fished away Sasuke's chakra.

But don't forget, this is the period of "Shippuden", when Sasuke's strength is at its peak.

Of course, Urashiki's strength fluctuates and has its own reasons.

Although Urashiki is strong, he has little combat experience. In Urashiki's past battles, he almost always defeated his opponents by crushing them, and he had no chance to exercise combat experience.

In addition, Urashiki has his own personality problems.

Although Urashiki is unscrupulous and has many tricks to achieve his goals, he is not a bloodthirsty person.

In "Boruto", although many people were knocked down by Urashiki, no one was killed by him. Unless Urashiki is completely enraged, Urashiki will not easily kill, but will just walk away after fishing out the chakra.

Moreover, Urashiki likes to mock and tease the enemy in battle, and even often underestimates the enemy and is careless when he has the upper hand.

However, Sasuke at this time has obviously completely enraged Urashiki!

As a person who must be killed to silence him, this native dared to injure him, and also mocked him and slandered the name of Otsutsuki!

"You irritated me!" Urashiki said coldly.

With his left hand stretched out, a small black ball appeared in Urashiki's palm. It was the 'pill' formed by Amaterasu's chakra absorbed by the red light fish basket.

After swallowing the 'pill', Urashiki's burned arm instantly recovered!


Sasuke was slightly stunned, with curiosity flashing in his eyes.

Sasuke asked: "Is this the ability of your Otsutsuki clan?"

Through the fight just now, Sasuke has already made a rough judgment of Urashiki's strength.

The opponent is stronger than himself, but lacks combat experience. As long as he lures the enemy a little and takes him by surprise, it is easy to hit the opponent.

But the opponent is very strong and can recover from injuries by absorbing chakra. In addition, as a member of the Otsutsuki clan, the opponent must have strong abilities.

This is not an easy opponent to deal with!

"The dead don't need to know so much!"

Urashiki's voice was cold. If it were normal, Urashiki would patiently show off his extraordinary abilities to Sasuke, but the current situation does not allow Urashiki to act recklessly.

Since there is a power on this planet that can kill me in another time and space, and seal Kaguya, then the next action must be cautious.

And the native in front of me actually has the power of myself in another time and space...

That means that the black-haired native in front of me may be related to the native who killed "myself"!

Thinking of this, Urashiki no longer held back, and his Samsara Eye opened instantly, waving the red light fishing rod towards Sasuke!

Chapter 549 Urashiki: There are not many people on this planet who can tie with me

‘Ding Ding Ding…’

The sound of weapons clashing resounded continuously.

Urashiki's strength is undoubtedly very strong. At least in the current ninja world, even Nagato is far from Urashiki's opponent.

But Sasuke has now opened the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Even if his pupil power is weaker than Urashiki, after absorbing Urashiki's chakra, Sasuke's physical skills are not inferior to Urashiki.

The lightning suddenly lit up, and Sasuke used all his strength to activate the lightning attribute chakra, activating his body to the extreme, and his speed and strength suddenly increased!

With a sudden force on his feet, the ground cracked and cracked. Sasuke jumped up and dodged the attack of the red fishing rod by a hair's breadth. The Kusanagi sword pierced Urashiki's throat.

Urashiki leaned back and avoided the fatal blow of the Kusanagi sword.


Sasuke raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and the purple skeleton of Susanoo instantly covered his whole body. The skeleton clenched his left arm and smashed towards Urashiki fiercely.

'Boom! '

Shinra Tensei suddenly launched, and the repulsive force collided with Susanoo's fist. Urashiki retreated twenty meters away with the rebound force of the collision between the two.

The purple skeleton transformed again, and almost in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a skeleton form of the upper body, with layers of muscles, skin, and armor, and bows and arrows formed instantly.

'Swoosh! '

Urashiki had just landed when the purple arrow stabbed at his head.


Urashiki's face changed at first, then he showed a hint of ridicule, and he was pierced in the head by the purple arrow without any resistance. His whole body turned into a thousand red paper cranes and flew around, then disappeared.

Sasuke protected himself with Susanoo, and the six-pointed star Sharingan calmly observed the surroundings, guarding against Urashiki who might attack at any time.

Without any sign, the red light fishhook broke through the defense of Susanoo from behind Sasuke and drilled into Sasuke's body from the back. Sasuke was shocked instantly, and even Susanoo could hardly be maintained.

Urashiki appeared silently in the air behind Sasuke, and pulled the red light fishing rod with his right hand. The fishhook flew out of Sasuke's body with Sasuke's chakra and fell into Urashiki's hand.

"Damn it!"

Sasuke lost all his strength in an instant, and barely supported himself with the Kusanagi sword to avoid falling to the ground.

Chakra is the product of the combination of physical energy and spiritual energy. When fighting, ninjas can extract chakra at any time as long as they have physical and mental strength.

However, the chakra caught by the red light fishing rod is not just the extracted chakra, but also the spiritual energy and physical energy will be caught in the form of 'chakra'.

At this moment, Sasuke can be said to have no power to resist.

Especially Sasuke has absorbed Urashiki's chakra. As a power of the same origin, it is easier for Urashiki to catch it.

"Is this the power of the Otsutsuki clan?"

Sasuke was unwilling. If he hadn't been too careless and didn't understand Urashiki's ability, how could he be hit by Urashiki?

However, apart from the factor of carelessness, Sasuke had to admit that Urashiki's power was indeed very strong.

What's more, what Urashiki showed was probably not all of his strength.

After defeating the powerful enemy, Urashiki returned to his original carefree attitude. Flying in front of Sasuke, Urashiki looked down at Sasuke, tilted his head, and said in a playful tone: "How can you, who stole the power of the Otsutsuki clan, understand the meaning of the name of the Otsutsuki?"


Sasuke spat lightly. This was originally the words he used to despise Orochimaru and Kakashi. Now that Urashiki said it, it felt strange.


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