The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 598 Heaven protects the weak

Master Lin scratched his head, feeling that something was wrong.

When he went down to tear up the notice, someone in the crowd shouted: "Brother Lin, you are a role model for men. We listen to you."

"Brother Lin did a good job. Brother Lin is worthy of being a student of the Imperial College! If you take the lead, we will all follow you!"

"From now on, Brother Lin is the leader of this generation!"

"Yes, leader!"

He was a little flattered at the time.

Then he walked step by step to the present, lost all his face and dignity, and paid to teach.

"Forget it, let's not talk about those. It is a blessing for Lin to get the guidance of the saint." Brother Lin didn't think about it anymore, just felt that he thought too much.

Everyone greeted Lu Yuanxiao and went in to prepare for class.

Lu Chaochao sat in the courtyard, seeing countless children signing up, his eyes sparkled.

"Do you know what is the difference between women's schools and ordinary schools?" Lu Chaochao pointed at the girls in the courtyard and asked Tiandao.

Tiandao took a look and said softly: "There is light and fire in their eyes."

"It is not easy for women to study. Each of them cherishes this opportunity and wants to be the first fire to burn." The light in their eyes is bright and scorching.

It is different from men.

"Women who can enter the school do not study only for themselves."

"They are also responsible for your five-year agreement and the fate of thousands of women behind them." They came with faith since they stepped into this door.

Lu Chaochao showed a rare bit of pride: "I will win the five-year agreement."

The boy laughed softly.

"Humph, the group of people in the Imperial College deserve it! They cursed me the most fiercely behind my back..." She grinned fiercely.

"They also wrote poems to scold me. Bully me for not being able to write poems..." She was angry and aggrieved.

The boy's eyes were slightly dark, but when Chaochao looked at him, he did not dare to show any strangeness.

"I didn't forgive them either..." She said, and jumped off the chair.

She took out a handful of golden melon seeds from her pocket, thought about it, and secretly hid another one in her pocket, wanting to save it for snacks.

She was now penniless.

The 50,000 taels awarded by the emperor had been distributed to various girls' schools to support the smooth operation of the girls' schools.

Lu Chaochao secretly came to the back door, where a group of ragged beggars squatted.

"Brother Biao... Didn't our brothers do a good job? Didn't it embarrass you at all?"

"That group of scholars got excited on the spot under our instigation." The little beggar looked like he was asking for credit.

"You are all good brothers of Chaochao from different fathers and mothers!" Lu Chaochao's face was full of loyalty.

Humph, what's the use of secretly scolding them behind their backs?

Lu Chaochao tried his best to push them out in the open and tricked them hard!

"Hurry up and get out of the limelight, don't be discovered." Lu Chaochao grabbed a few golden melon seeds, and the younger brothers were so happy that they smiled.

When several people passed the front door.

Senior Brother Lin was taking his classmates out when he saw the group of beggars in deep thought.

"Brother Lin, what are you thinking? Classes will start in three days, and we have to go back to prepare." The classmate patted him on the shoulder, and Senior Brother Lin suddenly came back to his senses.

"Nothing, I just felt a little familiar."

The classmate laughed and said, "Brother Lin, are you tired and confused? How can beggars look familiar..."

Senior Brother Lin kept looking back, forget it, it was probably just his eyes.

"Hey, Brother Lin, remember to burn the poems at home..." The classmates winked at each other, knowing that when Lu Chaochao ran a girls' school, he wrote a lot of sour poems to scold her.

Senior Brother Lin's face straightened: "Thank you for reminding me."

Everyone hurried home, closed the door, found a copper basin, and burned it clean.

At night.

Senior Brother Lin lay quietly on the bed, but there was a hint of struggle on his face, as if he was in a nightmare.

Senior Brother Lin lowered his head and stood in the white mist in his pajamas.

"Is it a dream? It must be a dream. I'm just lying in bed resting." He murmured in a low voice.

But this dream is too real, isn't it? The cold breath gave goose bumps to his arms.

Footsteps came from the white fog, as if stepping on his heart, making his heart beat violently.

He felt uneasy for some reason.

When he looked up, a black-clothed boy suddenly appeared in front of him.

The boy was tall and thin, but his face was hazy and he couldn't see clearly.

The other party didn't agree with him and clenched his fists and hit him.


Senior Brother Lin screamed.

In the white fog, there were screams, and Senior Brother Lin's voice was hoarse.

"This dream, why don't you wake up... God, let me wake up quickly." He cried and wailed. In the dream, he had no power to fight back, and the pain made him cry and snot. Kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy, the fists still could not stop...

At dawn, the moment the rooster crowed, the white mist dissipated...

"Ah!!" Senior Brother Lin screamed and sat up suddenly from the bed, then rolled off the bed.

"It was a dream, it was a dream, fortunately it was a dream!" Senior Brother Lin was so scared that he patted his chest and calmed himself down.

But when he moved... he found something wrong.

"Hiss..." The whole body hurt, as if every inch of skin was hit hard by a heavy fist.

The helpless Senior Brother Lin finally couldn't hold it back.

Sat on the ground and cried.

Damn it, it was evil! ! (End of this chapter)

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