The Whole World Thinks He’s Secretly In Love With Me

Chapter 14

Chapter 15: , The Fifteenth Day Of Secret Love

◎Hold my waist◎

In addition to the enviable first-place helicopter, the second-place speedboat is not bad.

If this top streamer doesn’t make waves.

The key is that he is quite well-founded, for example, he has a professional license and rich experience (?), and he can also have special staff to supervise whether his operation is safe.

After listening to a few words, everyone looked at Sheng Yi, who was quietly eating melon seeds.

It’s just full of writing

My pretty sister, when are you still in the mood to eat melon seeds!

Sheng Yi dazedly felt the gazes of the crowd, raised his head dazedly, and dazedly analyzed… After that, he finally realized what was going on.

She considered it for a while and looked at Jiang Lianzhou.

Jiang Lianzhou was playing with a Rubik’s Cube that appeared from nowhere, and he had no interest in it.

Sheng Yi was out of the situation just now, but now he is really concerned: “Do I need to take a motion sickness pill now?”


[…Saved my life, I’m going to be laughed to death hahaha, really not everyone can be brother’s tablemate. 】

【Who cares if you take motion sickness medicine or not! Is to let you persuade him, persuade him! 】

[Why are the two of them so natural? One of them naturally said that they want to drive by themselves, and the other naturally accepted… I’m crazy, this is the reason why you Jiang Lianzhou have not had any big hits in CP after so many years of debut? ? 】

There was a smile in Jiang Lianzhou’s peach blossom eyes. Diaoerlang took something out of his pocket and put it on the table. With a little push, the small transparent box slid forward, and finally stopped firmly in front of Sheng Yi.

How to listen to the top-class tone, how to be beaten, slightly raised his chin: “That’s right.”

Sheng Yi: “…”

[…Wait, only I want to know, why is there such a thing as motion sickness medicine in Zhouzhou’s pocket? 】

[Please, did sy buy a navy army, and now there are brainless CP fans? Why, we still have to prepare the motion sickness medicine for her? 】

Anyway, it’s amazing that Sheng Yi didn’t object, and neither did the program team.

Of course, the program team did not object because of the visibility of the program. Since Jiang Lianzhou has all kinds of licenses, they will also send accompanying boats to pay attention. If there are special circumstances, the doctor will come forward as soon as possible. It’s no problem.

But to be on the safe side, before Jiang Lianzhou and Sheng Shang’s speedboat, the program team still sent a professional driving instructor over to explain the precautions again.

When Jiang Lianzhou drives the motorboat, the coach and lifeguards will accompany him all the way.

This island was originally a colony of country F, and the local language also uses F language as the official language. Naturally, the driving instructor also speaks F language.

But the program team is so rich and powerful, so naturally they are equipped with translations.

It’s just that before the translator could speak, Jiang Lianzhou spoke lightly: “You don’t need to translate, just say it, I can speak F.”

[Damn, how come I almost forgot, my husband almost broke my leg when he spoke the F language! 】

[Yes, Zhouzhou had a year of filming in country F before, and I have to say that the language talent is really strong. 】

[Ah, ah, I beg my brother to say a few more F words, why the new fans don’t know anything, and ask where the previous materials are going to be replenished? ! 】

【? Passers-by will sigh with emotion when they come in, is the artist already entangled like this now? 】

[No, it’s okay to ask for a face, a body, and a talent. Don’t forget that Jiang Lianzhou graduated from Jingda University. Now it’s better, and you need to know more than one language? 】

The translator saw that he had nothing to do with himself, so he stepped aside and listened to the driving instructor and Jiang Lianzhou.

The driving instructor rolled up his sleeves and danced his words, probably because he understood that he was recording the show, so he first praised Jiang Lianzhou: “Vousavezasl’airensuperforme. (You are in good condition

Jiang Lianzhou lazily: “Mercibeaucoup. (Thank you very much

Indeed, the attitude is natural, the pronunciation is also very good, and there is no tension in talking with the local.

Sheng Yibian complimented a few words in his heart, and did not forget to turn his head and glance at the translator.

Sure enough, the translation is also a “tough” expression.

The driving instructor praised again: “Cettevestevousvatrèsbien.”

Sheng Yi: “?”

Anything else about her?

Guessing that letting Jiang Dingliu act as a translator is not a very good proposal, and he has indeed received a lot of salary, the accompanying translator tried to speak: “He…”

As soon as he said one word, the translation was interrupted. Jiang Lianzhou really explained it for him: “He said that your clothes today are very beautiful and suit you very well.”

That’s it.

Sheng Yi came to understand, and guessed by the way, it is estimated that the coach was also praising Jiang Lianzhou just now.

She raised her chin towards Jiang Lianzhou, “Thank you for my help.”

Jiang Lianzhou made another soft “tsk”, looking rather impatient.

The translator pondered it again, and felt that according to the temper of the eldest young master, the sentence he just translated was already the limit, so he said again: “I…”

Just after saying a word, the translation was interrupted again, and Jiang Lianzhou was heard nodding towards the coach: “Elleaditmercipourlecompliment. (She said thank you for your compliment


Does this guy have a good temper or a bad temper…

After the chat was over, the coach finally began to explain the precautions.

This teaching translation can already be memorized. Anyway, Jiang Lianzhou can understand it, so he can make his own background wall with peace of mind, and automatically filter the coach’s words in his mind: “When getting on the boat, tie the switch rope to your wrist; When you’re on the shore, you have to slow down slowly, you can’t shut down all of a sudden…”

Every time Jiang Lianzhou listened to a sentence, he repeated it to the coach to confirm that he was indeed proficient in speaking the F language.

But of course Sheng Yi didn’t understand anything.

Sheng Yi looked at Jiang Lianzhou and blinked his eyes, but his expression was quite calm.

Jiang Lianzhou slowly turned his head, glanced at her, and couldn’t hold it: “Want to know?”

Sheng Yi: “…”

Jiang Lianzhou wanted to make a request, but when he said it, the eldest young master gave him a reward: “Forget it, then I’ll tell you.”

“I’m so kind” was written all over his face.

“…Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.” Jiang Lianzhou nodded lightly and began to translate for Sheng, “He said you should sit behind me when I drive the motorboat later.”

Sheng Yi nodded to show his understanding, Jiang Lianzhou continued, “Put on a life jacket and hold my waist.”

Sheng Yi: “Oh… ah?”

She was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the driving instructor for verification. Of course, the driving instructor didn’t know what Jiang Lianzhou was talking about. She looked at Sheng Yi and smiled kindly at her.

Sheng Yi: “…”

Actually, is it true?

How can this be.

Jiang Lianzhou paused for a while, “Are you still listening?”

Sheng Yi: “…Tell me.”

Jiang Dading had an expression of “I’m so beautiful and kind”, and said leisurely: “He also said that if you feel scared when you sit up, sit closer to me, it will be more stable there.”

Sheng Yi: “…”

Is that so…

【? ? ? 】

[jlz, have you seen the question marks in my head? What the **** are you translating? 】

[Don’t speak swear words, you will be blocked… If you are blocked too many times, you will not be able to speak, sister! 】

[Am I the only one who is confused, so Zhouzhou has a problem with translation? But even if there is a problem, you don’t need to be so anxious, anyway, there is still a translator, it’s all right. 】

[Yes, and looking at Jiang Lianzhou’s previous performance, even if there is something wrong with the translation, it won’t be too wrong, don’t worry. 】

[So does anyone in the know tell me what the sentence he translated just now was supposed to be? 】

【When getting on the boat, put the switch rope… 】


[Okay, family, only the world that Sheng Yi didn’t understand has reached it. 】

The translator is still struggling: “You…”

After saying one more word, he was interrupted again by Jiang Lianzhou. Young Master Jiang asked Sheng Yi, “Are there any questions?”

For some reason, the translator felt that Jiang Lianzhou glanced at him lightly.

And it was a look that obviously didn’t mean anything. The translator felt that there was a pressure coming, and he kept silent.

…The translator didn’t speak, the coach nodded, and Sheng Yi could only put his doubts in his heart.

The Bking boss’s demeanor was displayed at this moment. She pretended not to be surprised at all and accepted it well, as if Jiang Lianzhou just said something just right, and calmly nodded: “No problem, let’s go.”

Jiang Lianzhou was calmer than her, so Shi Shiran sat in the driver’s seat and glanced at Shengyi.

The coach who thought he was a good coach and the translator who silently cursed in his heart all put on life jackets and sat in the back of the motorboat.

He really gave Sheng Yi the position closest to Jiang Lianzhou.

Sheng Yi was silent for two seconds, and secretly greeted the ghostly motorboat in his heart, but he didn’t show anything on his face.

It is indeed very close to Jiang Lianzhou.

She had ridden in Jiang Lianzhou’s car several times before, but this time was completely different.

I used to be in the co-pilot, and there was always a little distance from him, but this time… they were really too close.

He bowed his head a little, and the familiar light breath filled his nostrils again.

Sheng Yi couldn’t tell how she was feeling right now. She didn’t know if the smell had comforted her a little, or if it made her feel more nervous.

Or say again.

Even she herself couldn’t tell what the panic at this moment came from and how to solve it.

His waist is close at hand.

Sheng Yi has never been a squeamish person. She knew that at this moment, she should follow Jiang Lianzhou’s prompt and hug Jiang Lianzhou casually.

But for a while, she was a bit cramped.

Young Master Jiang seemed to have noticed Sheng Yi’s embarrassment and turned around to look at her.

Wearing a hard hat, his expression could not be seen clearly.

Even the voices were muffled, and some were indistinguishable.

When Sheng Yiwu was struggling, he heard him say, “Hold on to my clothes.”

From hugging the waist to grasping the clothes, it seems that it is too easy to accept in an instant.

Sheng Yi responded with a sound, leaned forward, and shortened the distance between him and the man a little, and then tightly grasped the clothes on both sides of Jiang Lianzhou’s waist.

It was like she was on this motorboat, the only thing that could bring her a sense of security.

The motorboat started, accelerated little by little, and finally galloped through the water.

Sheng Yi’s heartbeat should also be in harmony, a little bit faster.

The roar of the motor was incessant, the splashing water wet the clothes upwards, and the salty sea breeze blew in the face, and Sheng Yi’s clothes bulged back.

Countless voices were mixed together, and for a moment it seemed to return to the middle school era, youthful, restless, and boiling.

The frivolous and wanton boy handed her a helmet, and she sat in the back seat, traveling through the night with him in the roar, and galloping away toward the light ahead in the darkness.

It was also at this moment that the same mountain roared and tsunami, the same violent wind and rain.

Let only the forward sprint and the arrogance flowing in the blood remain in the world.

She didn’t know where the impulse came from, and in the background of all kinds of messy voices, Sheng Yi raised his head and called out to himself:

“Jiang Lianzhou!”

She hadn’t called him by his name in a long, long time.

Probably the speed of the sprint can always bring people courage and passion. Those words that I wanted to say from the very first meeting, but couldn’t say it, all followed the wind and shouted out.

As if to vent all the emotions that I don’t know why.

“How are you doing!”

She wasn’t even waiting for him to answer.

A little sore, she remembered the phrase “long time no see” again.

Sheng Yi took a breath: “I miss you a little bit!”

Almost crying, and almost laughing.

She heard Jiang Lianzhou seem to chuckle.

But the wind was so loud that she couldn’t hear it clearly.

It was a very light and light voice, mixed with a touch of gentleness that was easily misidentified and never belonged to Young Master Jiang.

Amazingly, even the noisy wind softened at this moment.

Blowing through the ends of her hair, like fingertips fell there to caress.

He said with a low sigh.

“I have a little…”

“I miss you a little bit.”

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