The Whole World Thinks He’s Secretly In Love With Me

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: , Secret Love On The 28Th Day

◎I like her◎

In fact, during these years, Sheng Yi sometimes thinks of Jiang Lianzhou.

Or say again.

She didn’t even need to think about it.

After all, Jiang Lianzhou is indeed quite popular after his debut. Even if you don’t pay attention, you can still hear him singing in a low voice when you walk into a coffee shop, and there are girls next to him discussing in a low voice, how the singer’s voice is so good.

Or on the street, when I inadvertently looked up, I saw his photo again on the huge screen at the corner. When Jiang Lianzhou was in high school, he wore the most ordinary school uniform and walked in the crowd, and there were still little girls who got together and wrote love letters to him. Not to mention that over the years, his youthful youth has gradually faded away, and his sharp edge is still the same, but he is more handsome.

It is even possible that in the comment area of her own artist Weibo, when she sees fans with ids such as “A Leaf Boat on the River” again, she enthusiastically praises her for how well she draws.

There are so many, so she only feels that the small details of life are all stuffed with the three words “Jiang Lianzhou”.

Or again…

Probably not so much.

But Sheng Yi will always draw some attention.

After all, it was Jiang Lianzhou.

It was Jiang Lianzhou who laughed and cursed with her in middle school. It was her most intense color at that time, fresh clothes, angry horses, and arrogant. When she thought of the word “juvenile”, she couldn’t help but equate it.

Yes, let’s be honest.

Sheng Yi never thought that after graduation, he would have any intersection with Jiang Lianzhou.

After all, there are thousands of people at the same table in the student days. Even if the relationship was really close at that time, but there was no contact for so many years, they were already strangers who would gradually be forgotten in the long river of time.

Jiang Lianzhou is so famous that even if they meet on any street, he will at most nod to himself.

Even a nod is enough to be righteous enough to pretend to be irrelevant.

Therefore, even if she participated in this show together, she was still holding the script and cooperating with Jiang Lianzhou to fry CP, and Sheng Yi would not think that she would have much connection with him in the future.

But at this moment.

In this live broadcast room where I don’t know how many people are watching, Sheng Yi looked at Jiang Lianzhou’s well-preserved small notes, even the corners and corners were neatly pressed, and suddenly there were a few tears. impulse.

It’s not just her.

Everyone did not expect that what Jiang Lianzhou took out would be a small note from his student days.

[I’m about to die, everyone… Did I get the real thing, please, woo woo woo]

[Do you understand me, the sweeter it is now, the more flustered orz I am, I originally planned to drink it casually, but now it is getting more and more zqsg. If you don’t get married, I will really get hurt TT]

[Wuwuwu I’m about to cry, I’m really going crazy! If my former roommate would keep my note like this, I’d be married straight away! Ajiu! Mama approved this marriage! 】

[So, so, did Brother Zhou treasure the little note that Ajiu wrote before? How could this not be love? Not love me eating upside down on the spot! 】

[I’m a little afraid to guess, that, you say… When Brother Zhou was studying, what was that…]

[Sisters in front, you dare not say it, let me tell you! jlz Did you like Ajiu when you were in high school? ? ? 】

Sheng Yi couldn’t help walking forward, pursed his lips, and picked up one to look at.

Her handwriting in high school is very different than it is now.

It was probably written to Jiang Lianzhou when she was in math class.

“I’m so sleepy, I’m going to die.”

It can be seen that he is indeed trapped to a certain extent. The first word is quite square, and the further back he goes, the more he floats, and in the end, it has floated to the point where it is difficult for Sheng Yi to recognize it himself.

But at that time, Jiang Lianzhou could quite understand it.

He picked up the pen lazily and replied, “Do you want to eat chewing gum? Brother will reward you.”

Sheng Yi thought about it for a while, and felt that the chewing gum movement might be a bit loud, so he wrote: “Don’t eat it, I’ll read the comics for a while, and you can help me keep an eye on the teacher.”

After turning a corner, she thought about it again when she was about to give it to him, and then wrote, “Help me make up this paragraph after class.”

Jiang Lianzhou opened the note and read it, Sheng Yi took out the comic, the math teacher had already wandered over to Sheng Yi’s seat before he had finished reading the note.

Young Master Jiang read the note carefully, Dian Dian didn’t realize that the danger was approaching, and chuckled loosely.

The math teacher came over and asked, “What are you looking at, it’s so interesting?”

Jiang Lianzhou: “…”

Sheng Yi: “…”

…the finale.

Naturally, the math teacher was leisurely and proud, and took away the comics and small notes.

It was a cartoon that Sheng Yi liked very much, and Jiang Lianzhou naturally knew it.

So after class, Young Master Jiang casually stood up and was about to go out.

When Chi Bai saw it, he hurriedly asked, “Where are you going, Brother Zhou?”

Jiang Lianzhou didn’t turn his head back, waved his hand, and didn’t say a word.

But Sheng Yi went to the bathroom and came back to find that the comic was lying quietly on his desk again.

She was a little surprised. When asked, Jiang Lianzhou was still trying to solve the Rubik’s cube without raising his head: “Your brother Zhou said, of course the math teacher will give it.”

Extremely stinky.

But after so many years, Sheng Yi never knew that when Jiang Lianzhou went to get the comic, he even got the small note back.

… and these long traces, put them together, stacked on top of each other, neat and clean.

The program team asked on the radio: “Jiang Lianzhou, can you tell me why you chose this as your most precious item?”

Jiang Lianzhou chuckled lightly: “Well… Actually, I found it when I moved not long ago. I’ve been watching it repeatedly recently, so I brought it in the suitcase. It’s me…”

He paused, “A very important and missed past.”

Funny to say.

How careful he is.

I only dare to say half of it, half true and half false.

Sheng Yi also pursed his lips and chuckled, holding the piece of paper with mixed feelings in his heart.

Times have changed, and she has long been different from who she was at that time.

But she sometimes looked at the current Jiang Lianzhou, but only felt that he still seemed to be that bright young man.

It can easily grab everyone’s attention. Standing in the crowd is a natural protagonist. If you think about it occasionally, or see it in a midnight dream, you can still bring a three-point smile and sigh with emotion, “Really. good” existence.

It is the appearance that I saw when I was young, and I will never forget it for a lifetime.

She has never missed someone so much.

Standing beside him, I felt that I was living recklessly. The past is a past that deserves gratitude, and the future is a future that I look forward to.

Jiang Lianzhou changed his words, “So, why is your assessment only worth 0.3 yuan?”


The selected items are chosen by the artists and guests, but the most precious ones in their hearts do not necessarily have a really high practical value.

It would be unreasonable to allow artists and guests to quote the actual price.

This point will be handed over to the program team for adjudication. The program team will depreciate according to the price and give a relatively fair reference to the actual value.

But obviously.

The always frivolous Young Master Jiang was very dissatisfied with this result.

Program team: “We didn’t find any other valuable existence on the paper, so we calculated it according to the price of waste paper, and we got 0.25 yuan after weighing it.”



We’ve rounded it up for you.

Jiang Lianzhou: “…”

Sheng Yi: “…”

Young Master Jiang became more and more dissatisfied, and raised his eyebrows: “How can this be calculated at the price of waste paper?”

Program group: “?”

Program crew: “What else?”

Jiang Lianzhou easily picked out a kraft paper note with checkered stripes from the small note on the table.

He also shook it in his hand: “Did you see it?”

Sheng to…

I do find this to be somewhat familiar.

A flash of light flashed in her mind, and before she could stop Jiang Lianzhou, she saw the eldest young master take it apart, and said calmly:

“Jiang Lianzhou has made a bet with Sheng Yi. If Jiang Lianzhou succeeds in gaining millions of fans in the future, Sheng will pay Jiang Lianzhou RMB 100 and call him ‘Brother Zhou’ willingly; otherwise, Jiang Lianzhou will If you can’t do it, you will pay Shengyi RMB 100, and you will be willing to call ‘Dad’.”

Sheng Yi: “…”

She really didn’t understand.

Was she such a childish person when she was in high school?

how could this be…

Jiang Lianzhou put the note back where it was, with a half-smiling smile: “Did you see it? It’s worth at least 100 yuan.”

Sheng Yi: “…”


What are you doing right now…

The staff of the program group were silent for two seconds, and then said: “Okay, then we will re-estimate Jiang Lianzhou’s items. The value is 100.03 yuan, and the price difference is 999,899.97 yuan. Congratulations to Jiang Lianzhou and Sheng Yi for their absolute The advantage is the last one in this session!”

Jiang Lianzhou: “…”

Sheng Yi: “…”

Except for the two of them, everyone at the scene, whether it was the other six guests or the staff present, all burst out laughing.

Zong Yan, who was not very good at laughing, didn’t even care about the idol’s image at this moment, clutching his stomach and laughing and slumped on the table.

[Zong Yan: Others pay to watch the show, but I get paid to watch the live show. 】

[Non-jlz fans also want to praise, he is really handsome, stinky and cute, I can imagine what he was like when he was studying before hahaha. 】

[Ah, ah, jlz high school alumni are here! Unfortunately, when I was admitted to Jingcheng No. 1 Middle School, the senior was already in the third year of high school. He was really the standard man of the school at that time, and there were indeed many girls who had a crush on him. 】

[I haven’t finished speaking yet, the first time I saw the senior, it was the first time after the monthly exam. The senior spoke as the first person in the grade, and he was so handsome… At that time, when the girls got together, the topic of chat was all about the senior. how hahaha. 】

[Ah, after listening to it a hundred times, I still want to sigh with emotion, how did the famous people at that time become the naive ghosts now (fans can’t afford to fall to the ground.jpg)]

Sheng Yi put down the small note in silence, looked around in silence at everyone who was still laughing wildly, and walked two steps away in silence.

forget it.

She didn’t know Jiang Lianzhou at all.

Probably because Jiang Lianzhou and Sheng Yi’s start was too heavy, and the following groups of introductions seemed rather sloppy.

Such as Zong Yan.

The laughter just couldn’t be better.

“The most precious item I chose is…hahaha…this, I agree with your estimate, it is indeed…hahaha…”

Jiang Lianzhou: “…”

【Have! poison! Bar! 】

[I really cried and laughed, watching a show made my emotions feel like riding a roller coaster…]

[I had already stopped laughing, but when Zong Yan smiled, I immediately remembered it again, and started laughing wildly with him… Crazy! 】

But scribbles are sloppy, and everyone doesn’t care very much.


They are not the last.

Because they got three seconds of whiteboard time, and the estimated value is only 10,000 yuan away, the combination of Xue Qingfu and Yu Shen won the first place, the combination of Duan Mingji and Wang Tongxin was second, and the combination of Zong Yan and Yin Shuang was third.

[…Who would have thought that Zhou Ge and Ajiu, who had the greatest advantage in the past, would instantly become the last to last ==]

[This, the start is not good, I’m a little panicked orz]

【? What are you panicking about? Do you think you are here to see boys and girls rushing forward? No matter who wins or loses, it’s the best thing to do when it’s done, and I’m already at the top of the pyramid! 】

Sheng Yi did not expect that he would become the last one at this moment.

She thought about it and felt that she was still a normal person, but Jiang Lianzhou was too sick.

The program team announced: “Tonight’s recording is coming to an end. Please take a rest early after returning to your room. We will start a new session of recording tomorrow morning.”

“Z City is a famous tourist city in my country. The local tourism industry is very developed. It has beautiful natural scenery and countless unique delicacies. In addition, it also has one of the largest amusement parks in my country, Yunxiao Paradise.”

“Therefore, the theme of this recording is”

“Wonderful Night at Amusement Park.”

【! ! 】

[I immediately looked forward to it fiercely, as soon as I heard it, I knew it was fun. 】

[Really… It’s really an amusement park, and many variety shows have been recorded in Yunxiao. Can you still record something new in “You at the Same Table”? 】

“As always, the ranking in the first link will have a certain advantage.” The broadcast continued, “This advantage…”

“We’ll reveal it tomorrow!”


No fluctuations.

Jiang Lianzhou even stretched his waist, as if he didn’t care much, he started to pack up his small notes.

Program group: “…”

Can we cooperate with…

You are like this, let us sell the key and sell without a sense of accomplishment, do you know!

The recording has ended, and the next content will not be put into the clip screening version even if it is live.

Just like when he was recording for the first time, Jiang Lianzhou was waiting for Sheng Yi to say “good night”.

Sheng Yi didn’t specifically make up for the complete live replay, so until now, he didn’t know that it was actually still live.

So she pondered for a while, saw that Jiang Lianzhou was lazily packed up, and walked over.

Jiang Dadingliu lifted his eyelids and looked at her.

“After you finish recording the show this time, when will you be free?”

Jiang Lianzhou picked up the box and smiled loosely, “What’s the matter, do you want me?”

Sheng Yi: “…”

Sheng Yi: “Yes, please die quickly.”

Jiang Lianzhou: “…”

Sheng Yi: “My grandmother is about to go back to Jingcheng, and she wants to play a few games of mahjong with you before she leaves. My mother asked me to ask you when you are free to come to my house and what food you would like to eat.”

Hearing the words, Young Master Jiang really put on a note and thought for a few seconds.

“Well, did you make that cold mixed bitter chrysanthemum last time?” Jiang Lianzhou looked at her with a look of tiredness on his face.

In those peach blossom eyes that were dyed with a smile, all her reflections were reflected.

like a natural landscape.

Obviously it’s just an ordinary dish, and it doesn’t require any skills.

But at this time he was seriously evaluating, nodding and complimenting,


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