The Wife is First

Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Acacia

“The injury is so heavy and it doesn’t matter!” Jing Yan frowned tightly, reaching for the white cloth, trying to see his brother’s injury and fearing that he hurt him, his fingertips stopped three inches away from the fabric and dared not go forward. .

Jing Hao has never seen such a careful younger brother. The serious face has always been unable to resist the crack. When he resigned to the mouth, he couldn’t say it. He reached out and slammed the head of the scene: “It’s really bad. It’s a long wound, it’s not a good package, it’s wrapped around such a big piece.”

Jing Hao was awkward. In his memory, his brother never had such a relative with him. When he was a child, he jumped into the bird’s nest and fished the koi, and his brother had already read the book in his face every day. He saw the most talked about him. It is also “what is the system”; when he died, he cried in tears. His brother just didn’t cry or talk before the spirit. When he went to pull his brother’s sleeves, he only got a “nothing, he knew crying.” … So in the last life he always thought that his brother did not kiss him.

Until the prisoner saw the elder brother who came to visit, the calm and powerful voice, Jing Hao still remembers, “is the only younger brother, even if he tries his best, he will never let death!”

In the past, there was a resounding thought in the past. Jing Yan felt that his nose was a bit sour. If he was not alive, he would never know how much his brother did not know. With a single finger on the bridge of the nose, Jing Hao took out a small bottle of sapphire from his arms and stuffed it into the hands of Jing Hao: “The bumps in the car, go back and let the scorpion paint it.”

Jing Yan looked at the small bottle in his hand, and the jade was Sheng, when he was rewarded to him by the Emperor Jingjing, he frowned and said: “This is a life-saving medicine. This is just a skin injury. Take it back.” It was about to be given to him, but Jing Hao quickly retreated to the carriage door.

“There is still there, this bottle is holding, if you don’t want to use it, you can take it with you, and you can rest assured.” When he said that Jingjing was ready to go out, he came out and ran around the capital, and when he was ignorant. As for the father, his home is like a mirror, and it is useless.”

Jing Hao held the small bottle of sapphire in his hand, watching his younger brother stand upright and tilting his body, swaying the reins and dusting, slowly bending his lips, his little nephew really became more and more sensible.

Even if it is the maiden’s family, it is not advisable to stay in Wangfu for dinner. So when Jingjing returned to the palace, Mu Hanzhang had returned. A rich dish was placed on the table, and a soft-clothed, self-made Wang Hao sat at the table and waited for him to eat. This kind of feeling of waiting for home is really good, Jing Hao couldn’t help but go over, and Zhang Jun kissed him.

The surrounding ring met, and they bowed their heads.

Mu Hanzhang, a handsome face, suddenly red, a thorough, surrounded by the next, this actually did not know the convergence, could not help but stunned him: “Go to change clothes, mouth is all soil!” After saying that I feel that this is not appropriate, It sounds more like a flirtatious, and can’t help but be annoyed.

Jing Hao single punched his lips and smirked, turned to the clean room to wash his face and change clothes.

The weather at the end of May has already begun to heat up. Jing Hao changed his clothes and took over the cups that Miao Hao handed over. He snorted and drank a light.

Mu Hanzhang gave him a bowl of mung bean soup and waved his hand to let the rings go down: “Can you see your brother?”

Jing Hao took a sip from the soup bowl and nodded. “My brother is hurt, so the carriage goes slower.”

“Is it hurt?” Mu Hanzhang’s eyebrows.

Jingyu ate a bite dish and felt that it tasted good. He also put a chopstick in his own bowl of Wang Hao: “Leather trauma, should not be tight.

Mu Hanzhang looked at the dishes in the bowl. When he saw Jing Jing’s face, he didn’t say anything. He took the bowl and ate it. Anyway, since the marriage, Wang Ye has not waited for him, but whenever he is at this time, he will be glad that this does not treat him as a woman, but respects him and loves him. He can’t imagine it, if it’s like other Like a husband, how sad his days will be.

Adhering to the etiquette of eating, Mu Hanzhang no longer speaks and concentrates on eating. Jing Hao ate two pieces of braised beef at noon, and it was really hungry at the moment, picking up the bowl and eating it quickly.

When Mu Hanzhang saw that he was hungry, he was a little surprised. When Jing Hao picked up the third bowl of rice, he was afraid that he would eat it. He had to reach out and stop. Seeing Jingjing’s expression of wanting to eat, he couldn’t laugh: “Eat It’s too fast, I don’t know how to eat, and I eat more food at night.”

The two of them are men. Dongyuan’s rice bowls are all big bowls. When I eat two bowls in the usual scenery, I am very full. I can’t eat too fast. If I eat the third bowl, I will not sleep at night. of.

Jing Hao also knows this truth, then he put down the chopsticks obediently, and drank a small bowl of mung bean soup, and waited for the rings to clean up, only to feel some support. Mu Hanzhang sighed. After drinking tea, he took him to the garden for a walk.

Zhongchun’s evening wind with a slight heat wave, fluttering on the face, can smell the residual sunlight in the floral fragrance.

“The father said that next month, the mother must be carried into the side room.” Mu Hanzhang walked under a tree of acacia, looked up, full of pink flowers, beautiful as smoke.

“That is really a good thing, you can call your mother in the future.” Jing Yan saw him see the flowers on the tree, reached out and leaps forward, and handed a brightly-lit night to the face of his own king.

“Open the flowers, pick it up?” Mu Hanzhang looked at the flowers in his hands and did not pick them up.

“Pepper flowers are beautiful.” Jing Hao was proud.

Mu Hanzhang stunned and began to look at the unruly Wang Ye: “The first time I heard that this bitter flower can still be sent.”

Jing Hao scratched his head, and Acacia flowers were originally called bitter flowers. The bitterness of flowers meant that the husband changed his heart. The meaning was not good. He threw the flowers in his hands and reached for the leaves in the hands of Junqing.

“What is this? What is it? Send flowers, how can you send the leaves?” Mu Hanzhang turned his hand to the branches full of green leaves, the leaves were closed, and there was no good-looking, and he couldn’t help but laugh at him.

“Acacia leaves open at night, love each other, take it, is to be the same life concentric, world acacia.” Jing Yi straightforward.

Mu Hanzhang took a moment and looked down at the acacia leaves that were tightly closed at night. I didn’t expect Jing Hao to say such things. I didn’t know how to answer it. I just sneaked into a blush and sneaked into the face. The moonlight shines more and more beautiful.

Jing Hao looked a little crazy, could not help but reach out and grab him, looking for the two thin lips kissed up.

“Well…” Mu Hanzhang snorted, but did not resist, the phrase “one life concentric, worldly acacia”, let his whole heart rise, and want to do something intimate, let this I feel a little longer.

The next day, the second emperor returned to the DPRK and took a wounded station on the main hall. Acer, the emperor, and the second emperor were unhealed and gave him a seat.

The emperor was very angry with the attack on the imperial concubine. In addition, Jing Hao also brought a news that shocked the ruling. The tribute of the southwest is not what the thief robbed, but the southwest king himself robbed it. All the tributes are still stopping the border of the southwestern seal and leading to the official road of the capital!

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, or if the Southwest King’s victory in rescuing the great emperor arrived in Beijing yesterday. The southwestern kings said that the southwestern part of the country suffered from spring drought this year. Many places have no grain, and tributes have been robbed. The southwestern palace has reduced its use to help the people. It has no ability to mobilize the army to hide. forage.

“The bully is too much!” The Emperor Hongzheng slammed the memorial of Jingxi with the one of the Southwest King and fell to the jade.

“The Southwestern King is too arrogant!” The newly-received Yu Shi Fan Jie stood up and shivered.

“The emperor is angry, now the most important thing is that the great emperor is still hiding, life and death is not clear, the southwest king refused to send troops, he had to hurry to mobilize his soldiers and horses.” The Ministry of Military Affairs did not find traces and looked at Jingyu, on The previous step reminded.

“The southwestern king knows that the great emperor is not good at war, but now dare to bully the court, to reduce the tribute, according to the minister’s opinion, when the transfer of the famous generals to go to Tibet.” The military minister Song Lang heard the words, busy to go forward and say, and if I looked at Jingjing with a glance.

Jing Hao only hated tooth itch for Song An’s self-promotion, and stepped back half a step without traces.

“There are not many South, and it is not worth the big move. The reason why the Great Emperor is in danger is because he is not familiar with the environment of the Tibetans. He thought that as long as he rescued the Great King, he would not have to send a name. Conquered.” The rarely-speaking North Wei Hou Mujin suddenly stood up, and the steady and powerful voice suddenly shocked the noisy crowd.

Hongzheng Emperor looked at Mu Jin and looked at him slightly. This generation of North Weihou, who was stationed in the northwest for many years in his youth, played a lot of jealousy, and he was defended by his own skill. His words were naturally prestige.

Therefore, the Emperor Hongzheng decreed that he would blame the southwest king, and he immediately sent troops to rescue the great emperor. He refuted all the tribute and food distribution, and he could not help! At the same time, transfer the troops and horses and rescue them from the other road.

“Mother, I heard that my father wants to lift Qiu Yu Niang to do the side room!” Muring Bao, who had finished the ban, rushed to the main room.

“Yeah!” North Weihoufu smashed a lot, the emperor has already made a decree, and the four emperors were selected as the Miss Mao’s government office. They will be appointed in June and will not be married in July. They are scheduled to marry in August. Du Shi has now become the laughing stock of the entire capital, so shame she has not dared to go out for nearly a month.

The four emperors decided in June, and North Weihou raised Qiu in June. It was plain and clear to tell the public. After the North Weihou government, they stood on the side of the king. They must look up at the blind man from then on.

“How is that going?” Mu Lingbao fell on the fruit plate on the table. “I lifted the side room. Mu Zhangzhang is the side room. If it is dead, he can also bear the title!”

“What nonsense!” North Weihoufu slaps a slap in the back of Mu Lingbao. “It is the son of the holy decree. No one can win this battle! He has already married to the king, and there is a reason to return to the maiden.” !”

“If the king made the emperor take him off, he would not be able to take the lord!” Mu Lingbao was slap in the palm of his mother, and slammed into the bed of the arhat, raising the voice.

“Hey, if it is a king to be an emperor, thinking that he still lived to be enthroned on the day?” North Weihoufu sneered, the emperor’s wife may not accept the unification, even if the king finally won the position by extraordinary means, leaving a The male wife is also disgraceful, naturally it is necessary to erase this in the history books.

Mu Lingbao stunned, and he was happy: “Mother is really far-sighted!”

“But if you have a bit of a bit of interest, you can use these means!” North Wei Houfu took his finger and rubbed his forehead.

When Qiu’s station was sent to the account book, when he came back, he was already shocked by a cold sweat!

Thanks: ‘s grenade ! Hold on to you

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