The Wife is First

Chapter 48

Chapter 48 Tiger cub

Mu Hanzhang waited for nearly two hours in the only restaurant in the town. Jing Hao came to look for him, quite a bit dejected.

“Why, didn’t you convince?” Mu Hanzhang pushed the rice bowl to him, and told Xiao Er to add two hot dishes.

Fang Caijing met Hao Dadao and liked it. He wanted to persuade him to go with himself. He expected that the man would say that he wanted to be a blind man and let him wait a little longer. In the summer, the heat was hot, and it was about to arrive at noon. Jingyu was afraid that his family would be hot, so he would go to the restaurant and wait for him. He waited for nearly two hours before he was able to enter the house with Hao Dadao. I thought that I knew him very well. He was a famous descendant, martial arts high-powered, and the art of war was extraordinary. It was natural to be a savage pig in this small mountain village. Who knows that he has shown the meaning of soliciting, that person is still your deputy. The expression of “something”.

“I am killing pigs and selling meat very well now. Why do you want to go to the battlefield and fight for it? Don’t go!” Hao Dadao said this and blasted him out of the pork shop.

“If you want to be good, you have to be patient,” Mu Hanzhang poured a glass of water on him. “It takes a few days for the army to travel around the Daxing Mountain. We can stop here for a few more days.”

Jing Hao looked up and snorted and drank a clean glass of water: “This water is really cool!”

Mu Hanzhang gave him a cup and told him that the water was not burned. He was directly hit in the well of the backyard of the restaurant. It was cold and sweet with some sweetness. It was delicious: “I am already There is a room in this store.”

“Ah?” Jing Yan swallowed a meal and looked up at him. “Jun Qing, are you even allowed me to persuade him?”

“My wife still needs three books and six hirings. This is a truth for Naxian and his wife. You must have sincerity and means.” Mu Hanzhang slowly drank his mouth. “But there is a difficulty.”

“What is the difficulty?” Jing thought.

The previous life was because of the 19th year of Hongzheng’s transfer of a county magistrate that was fainting and greedy, and the fish and the people were not strict. The servant was bullied by Hao Dadao’s neighbor’s young daughter. He was too angry. He took the pig knife and hacked the servant. The county magistrate took him, the villagers petitioned him, and the county magistrate used the whip to drive the villagers. In a moment of chaos, the servant actually killed two innocent people, suddenly causing the people to change.

At that time, Jing Hao was attacked by Huainan Wang. When he took the soldiers back to Beijing, he encountered this civil change. After the troops were in chaos, they were angered by the people in the killing of the county magistrate. At that time, Hao Dadao trained a group of villagers who could not be martial to fight against the officers and men, and let him take up the heart of cherishing the talent, so he asked for the purpose of recruiting and bringing Hao Dadao into his majesty.

However, the county magistrate now estimates that there is no examination.

Mu Hanzhang said faintly: “The bedding in this inn is very old, I am afraid there will be fleas.”

“Ah?” The scene was awkward, and this was understood. The difficulty that Wang Hao said was this.

Mu Hanzhang looked at him and looked at him. He couldn’t help but hook his lips: “When we finish eating, we will pull some fabrics and put them on the bed for one night.”

“How can I not let Xiao Er change the bed new?” Jing Yan wrinkled his frown, this broken village in the small village, there will be fleas, how can I do if my skin is bitten out of my own skin? ?

“If this place is very dangerous, it is not appropriate for you to give the hunter a broken silver.” Mu Hanzhang persuaded him and raised his hand to give him some food.

“There are many wild deer in the town, and there are always merchants to collect them. We can’t count the most money.” Jing Hao picked up the bowl and snorted and ate the dishes in the bowl, and extended the bowl to himself. princess.

Mu Hanzhang gave him a look, and he added a chopstick to him: “Small two said that you have to pay for the new bed, but you have to take a new sheet of paper to the opposite side of the cloth.”

“Cough and cough…” Jing Yan heard the words, suddenly caught by the rice. After talking for a long time, Junqing is too expensive!

The two went to Bu Zhuang and pulled two sheets back. The market had no stalls. Most of the people who came here to gather here were the mountain people on the nearby mountains. They had to go back early to get home before dark, so at dusk, the streets were very deserted, and even the stalls selling the dumplings were gone. The two couldn’t, but they had to go back to the inn to eat the high-priced meals.

The room in the inn was really messy. Jingjing looked at the bed in front of him. I felt that even if the new sheets in the handle were put on, my own Princess Wang would not want to sleep on it. He simply turned him over to the roof of the inn and put the sheets. Spread on the layers of rubble, I bought a new quilt for the second child at a high price.

“The mountain is cold at night, no new quilt will be frozen,” Jing Yu wrapped his prince with his quilt. “This inn is doing business like this, far and near is only one, there is no way.” No shortage of money, why? Is my family Wang Hao more and more embarrassed?

Mu Hanzhang was wrapped in a warm quilt, resting on the arm of Jingjing, looking up at the night sky in the mountains: “When this beating is over, I want to do something else.”

“Well, I have taken you to Jiangnan for two years, and the business there is good.” Jing Hao smiled and took people into his arms. “How suddenly is he valued like money?”

“Listen to Xiao Yuan, the problems in the households in these years are very serious. The national treasury is afraid that it will be empty soon. If you want to get that position, silver is also indispensable.” Mu Hanzhang sighed, and yesterday, the king sent a letter. It is said that the military camp’s greed has become more and more troublesome. He faintly discovered that this is followed by Yongchangbo and the Four Emperors. If the silver of these years was taken by the four emperors, it would be troublesome.

“These will worry about it later,” Jing Hao touched the head of the Chinese people. “Help me think about how to persuade Hao Dadao.”

Hao Dadao’s ancestors were the mighty generals of the former dynasty. With the soldiers as gods, Taizu was also very admired. After the dying of the dynasty, the ancestors of the Hao family refused to accept the imperial court and occupied the mountain in the Daxing Mountains. It was only the generation of Hao Dadao, the cottage had already fallen, and now only a pig-killing business is born.

Mu Hanzhang thinks for a moment: “Listen to you, his ancestors are anti-Court. Now I want him to switch to Chen Chao, I am afraid it is not easy. I will go with you tomorrow, and find a way.”

The two slept on the roof for one night, and the breezy summer in the mountains and the quilts were very comfortable.

The next day, when they arrived at the pork shop, they were stopped by one person. Jing Yan was shocked and immediately guarded in front of Mu Hanzhang.

“Gongzi, you said yesterday that you will get ten times of silver money when you take the tiger cub, isn’t it me?” It was the hunter yesterday, and he handed over a bamboo raft.

Jingjing opened the bamboo pole and saw that there was a dark thing inside and scratching it: “Is this a tiger cub?”

“Is there still a fake?” The hunter pinched out the things inside. “I went up the mountain when it was not bright. Other tigers didn’t know what was being smashed. Only this one fell into the mud pit and was preserved.”

Jing Hao looked at the dark group and didn’t really want it, but Mu Hanzhang had already bought a cloth towel at the nearby booth to pack the small things, and had to pay the silver two to send the person to leave.

Wiping the mud that had not dried up with a cloth towel, revealing the small face of the tiger cub being muddy, although it is still dirty, but it can be seen that it is only a tiger. The body was about a foot long, half-squinting, and screaming, “Wow!”

“Hey! Tiger!” Hao Dadao, the fat lady, came out of the meat and heard the sound of the tiger cub, and then rushed to see it.

Mu Hanzhang looked at her: “There is warm water in the big house. This tiger must be washed first.”

“There is, just burned a pot of hot pig hair, you come with me.” Fat lady seems very happy, greeted Mu Zhangzhang with him into the house.

Mu Hanzhang made a glance at Jing Hao. He took the tiger cub and the fat lady into the house and saw Hao Dadao, who was killing the pig in the hospital. “You go to the stall first, I took the tiger cub. Go again.”

Hao Dadao saw Mu Hanzhang, frowned slightly, and put down the killing knife in his hand and went out.

Although the fat lady is fierce, she is unambiguous in her work. She is very eager to put on the warm water of the basin and put the tiger cub in the water: “Come, take a shower!”

“Wow!” Xiaohuo was shocked, just struggling, suddenly smelled the blood of the pig on her arm, took a small nose, and found the blood stained by the eyes that could only be half-folded. The place, the mouth is smashed, and the more sturdy, the open mouth is not long, the squatting of the thick arm, the tiger’s mouth is smaller, how can you not put a half-arm In the importation, I completely forgot that I had been soaked into the water.

Mu Hanzhang looked at her skilled movements and asked: “Is it a favorite for cats and dogs?”

“Haha, I loved this little thing since I was a child.” Fat lady laughed happily. The son in front of her eyes was warm and kind, and her voice was gentle and gentle. She couldn’t make her angry. She washed and talked with Mu Hanzhang and talked about her childhood. Follow the father to go to the streets to sell art, and to recruit relatives.

“Imagine that Hao Da Ge won the battle, can you win the beauty?” Mu Hanzhang smiled and looked at Hao Dadao, who took the pork into the third place of the yard.

“Cut, he?” Mrs. Fat glanced at her husband not far away. “He lied to me that he was the mountain king of this big mountain. He lied to me and said that I would follow him to eat spicy and spicy.” I took a cloth towel and hugged the washed tiger cub, rubbed it, and the little tiger struggled with dissatisfaction. Wow, wow, I kept screaming.

“I listened to the people in the village and said that Hao Jiazu was really a mountain king.” Mu Hanzhang took the washed tiger cub and looked down at it. The yellow and black fluffy wet answer, perhaps before the tigress Eat well, even though he was hungry for a day, still round, staring at him with a pair of round amber tigers: “Wow!”

The author has something to say: vomiting blood… afternoon brains are all kinds of sleepy two more to offer I go to sleep later and then write up tomorrow’s share overlord ticket to thank you tomorrow ╭ (╯ 3╰) ╮

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