The Wife is First

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 ambush

The days of happyness are always short-lived. After ten days, the imperial edicts will arrive in Yuncheng. The Emperor Hongzheng first praised Jingjing, and then ordered him to immediately sway southeast, and to renege on the anti-thief and assassinate the southeast king of the emperor. With the imperial edict, there are also the Governors of Guangdong and Guangxi who were temporarily sent to take over the southwestern government.

The southwest has always been the rule of the king, and now it has returned to the court. There are more than a hundred things to do. The emperor had a secret purpose to let him take over after he settled in the southwest. I thought it would take one or two years to say less. Cheng Wang actually only spent two months, the Governor’s white beard was almost all white.

Jing Hao was very glad that the father did not let him stay in the first line of government affairs, and took a picture of the grief-stricken governor, who did not speak loyalty on the same day.

The southeastern seal is not connected to the southwest, with two wide and wide. The two cities have always been exile, the towns are scattered, sparsely populated, but the scenery is beautiful. The peaks and peaks are stacked, and the Qingxi Waterfall is dizzying.

In the autumn, the weather is no longer so hot. When the scenery is good, Jing Hao pulls out the people in the carriage and rides the black with him. The little tiger cub is obsessed with the fate because he is obese. The guilty concubine was looking out on the window.

The right guards looked at the military division who comfortably used the prince as the backrest. After riding for a few days, the horse’s back could not help but feel some pain. The left guards saw him rushing at the moment and gradually came over: “If you are tired, ride with me.”

In order to hurry and stay up all night, the two of them will take a rest with the wheel, so the left guards put forward this suggestion is not the more extreme, just…

The right guards heard this, and a cleverness woke up. “My friendship with Wang Ye is so convenient for the right guards and the left guards.” Wang Hao’s words on the day are still in the ears, look at the two fronts, and then look at them. The left guard of the expression suddenly fell like a thunder and almost fell off.

“Who said that I was tired, go to the side!” The right guards waved to the left guards like a fly, then beat the horse to the front of Zhao Meng.

The road is not too far, but the mountains are high and the water is long. It is inevitable that I will take more time and spend more than half a month. I will arrive at Liangyi Mountain.

Easy to have Tai Chi, the beginning of two instruments.

The two instruments refer to yin and yang. The two Yishan mountains are because the yin and yang are very different on both sides, and they rise up in a small hill in the southeast. The momentum is compelling. Standing on the bottom of the mountain, they only feel that they cover the sky and sigh, so they are named two. instrument.

A large mountain range in the two mountains, to enter the southeast, this is the nearest road.

Mu Hanzhang sat in the carriage and looked at the mountains outside the window slightly frowning. The mountains here are so high, but the roads are sandwiched between the mountains. If you encounter an ambush, it is dangerous.

“This is not the scope of the southeastern seal, who will come to ambush!” said Zhao Meng, who came up and chatted. “There is still a hundred miles away from the Fenghuang.”

“Maybe I have more thoughts.” Mu Hanzhang licked his lips and looked down at the “Bishui Jingzhu” in his hand. The book was on the cloud. Liangyi Mountain was the largest mountain range in the southeast, and the two sides were parallel. Pedestrians only Can shuttle between the mountains. Jing Hao said that in the dream situation, he did not take the two Yishan Mountains, but returned from the south of the Yangtze River to the southeast and took the flat land along the coast, so there is nothing to be known on this road.

“Wow!” Xiao Huang saw the owner ignore it and slammed it into the book in his hand. The pointed claws smashed the pages of the two mountains.

Mu Hanzhang took the claw and slowly moved the book out and bounced the tiger’s head. The little tiger cub has grown up a lot. From the beginning, only the length of the arm is long. Now it is two feet long, and the whole body is also fat and big. Pinched because the running road is still a pink meat pad, soft and hot, can not help but pinch twice.

Xiao Huang’s squatting and letting him knead, Mu Hanzhang scratched the little tiger’s head and bowed his head to read the book. The little tiger crouched down on his leg, turned out the belly with white fluff, and leaned his head and clawed to hook his book. Mu Hanzhang smiled and took a small piece of meat to feed it.

” ” suddenly heard the sound of the horse’s humming sound, the carriage stopped and stopped, Mu Hanzhang busy holding the wall to stabilize the body, looking at the curtain, the pace of the cavalry in front was a little chaotic, not far from the smoke, The sound of the hooves is gradually approaching.

Jing Hao was sitting on the horse, looking coldly at the black cavalry in front of him, rushing over the narrow lane, guessing that the old thief of the southeast king would not sit still.

“The cavalry retreats!” Jing Hao Lang ordered, raised his hand, the infantry behind him quickly rushed forward, the spears arrayed, the iron shields, the “” lined up into a long column, the mountain road was sealed . At the same time, after the archers and soldiers lined up in the shield, “” began to shoot and kill the enemy.

The strongest of the southeastern army is the bow and arrow, so it is necessary to preempt.

Thousands of arrows are sent together, just like a million birds suddenly vacant, after the sound of the vast emptying, it is the screams of war horses and the mourning of the soldiers.

The enemy did not expect Jing Hao to react so quickly, and after a while they could rush into the range of the shooting cavalry, but they were blocked by the students.

In a short time, the arrows of the enemy were shot in the air, and they could only be shot at the infantry. They could not reach the cavalry in the back, and there were successive arrows in the infantry. The infantry was ordered to spread out, standing in front of the yoke, leaving 50% of the open space. The number of people in the arrow has dropped sharply, but it is inevitable that some people will not be able to resist it.

Jing Hao sat still and did not move, waiting for the other side’s arrow rain trend weakened, cold channel: “Zhao Meng!”

“The end will be!” Zhao Meng heard the name, immediately before the fight.

“With five hundred cavalry, break the arrow!” Jing Hao raised the silver gun, pointing to the center of the arrow array, the man is the general of the team leader, that is, I do not know whether it was the archery general of the past 18 years.

“Get it!” Zhao Meng mentioned the big knife and took the lead to rush out. The five hundred cavalry became tapered, and they opened the infantry shield and rushed straight toward the other team.

“Kill–” Zhao Mengyi took the lead and sprinted and blocked the arrows that were constantly shot. This kind of killing would inevitably cost some cavalry. The other party did not expect them to spend the money, in order to shorten the range. The Southeastern Army, who placed the archers at the forefront, was in a hurry to change positions, and it was too late.

“Kill!” The other party will see this situation, waving the cavalry also rushed forward, and shouted to kill the sound.

Mu Hanzhang opened the curtain, and looked at the battle. The other side’s cavalry broke Zhao Meng’s cone array and attacked the infantry.

Jing Hao turned his head and glanced at him: “Jun Qing, don’t come out.” The left and right guards made a gesture. The two immediately took two teams and walked a few steps. It seems that there is no change, but it is the carriage of the carriage. Hold it firmly.

The cavalry caught the spear in the front row and suddenly smothered it.

Hao Dadao waved the Yuanyuan knife and rushed up with the cavalry. He cut the first level of the cavalry in front of him, and immediately became a strong revival.

At this moment, a sudden change, a team of southeastern troops suddenly rushed out from behind the left side of the mountain, the trumpeter formation after the cavalry was cut off,

Jing Hao indicated that Hao Dadao continued to withstand the cavalry in front, and he quickly turned the horse’s head. The commander of the army behind him immediately decided to take the infantry and rushed to block the soldiers and horses that had not yet run out of the mountains. The hawthorn is light and quickly dyed red by blood.

The sound of the horseshoes was far and near, and a group of cavalry rushed out from the army that was blocked at the exit after the infantry. The leader of the team was unstoppable, and even killed three cavalrymen, carrying a shot of Qinglong to the front of Jingjing.

Jing Hao leaned over and lifted the gun to block the crescent blade of the skull. The wrist was turned over and the side was horizontally pressed. The dragon was pressed under the silver gun.

Mu Hanzhang sat in the window of the car and looked at the scene and the people killed, worried, and suddenly heard the sound of breaking the air, saw a sharp arrow through the layers of people, straight to the back of Jingjing, The left guards pulled out the waist and pulled a sword to break the arrow. However, it turned out that his position with the right guards could not help but protect the carriage, which also blocked the two positions of the attacking prince.

Mu Hanzhang secretly sighed, and on the real battlefield he knew that he couldn’t help, and naturally he would not go out to add chaos.

The martial arts with Jingjing smashed the martial arts, and a Qinglong , , , , Backhand back to the gun, twisting the crescent blade to stab the man’s eyes, the other side was shocked, and quickly returned to block, never expected that this age is too young, has actually trained the gunman’s unity, a The silver gun is like a part of his own body, and the hook and the rebound are extremely precise.

The man sideways avoided the attack of Jingjing, and the Qinglong flat blade crossed the chest, and the smooth silver gun was firmly clamped between the shovel and the armor.

Jing Yan’s lips sneaked a sneer, holding the gun with one hand, and suddenly let go, the man couldn’t help but lean back. When it was said that it was too late, between the white and the gaps, Jing Hao suddenly pulled out the long sword at the waist. A sword cut the throat of the man, and the left hand quickly grabbed the gun, and took a shot on the chest of the man, and took it off.

“Good shots!” Hao Dadao killed the last cavalry, and when he looked back at Jing Hao’s last move, he couldn’t help but admire. The accuracy of this rush is only a few years of tempering. This is the age of the weak champion, and it is really a genius.

“Hey!” The sound of the broken air suddenly awakened everyone who was delighted. Jing Hao jerked back and saw the three arrows in the finished character and shot him straight.

Three arrows are in line, the generals of the arrow!

Jing Haoran’s eyes widened. The reason why he didn’t escape was that the three arrows were all in one, and they just happened to be divided into characters in front of them. They sealed all his retreats and escaped from hiding. Two, and at this time people will subconsciously dodge to one side.

“Jing Hao!” Mu Hanzhang exclaimed, and watched the three arrows hit the scene, but he did not sneak in the place, let the arrow shoot straight toward his body!

The author has something to say: Thank you sweet baby 2009, Xiao Xiao, Zixiao little witch, bluefish, dragon night, like water agreement, Xiaoyan several adults mines

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