The Wife is First

Chapter 66

Chapter 66 Braised bird

Picking up the things that are ready to be swallowed up, Mu Hanzhang finds and helps the army to help, and counts the contents of the treasure house one by one, registering the book. Of course, there is a share, the left guard has got a sword, and the right guard has a bag of pearls. As for the other two generals, think about the big mouth of Hao Dadao and Zhao Meng’s big mouth. The four people unanimously decided not to tell them.

Jing Hao called on hundreds of guards to guard the treasure house, to be clear, leaving a box of silver, and the rest immediately escorted back to Beijing.

On the fold of the song, about how the southeast king died, Jing Hao directly said that a small scorpion of the southeast king killed, as for the candidate, he wrote the woman who had a clear leg on that day.

After finishing the tenth day in the southeastern palace, I received the sacred decree and dealt with the aftermath. Jingjing ordered the sacred decree to use the box of silver to reward the three armies, and then disbanded the squadron, Xiang, and squadrons with the pro. On the north of the army, heading for Jiangnan.

After a period of cultivation, Ge Ruoyi’s body has been restored to the original, replaced with the maid’s clothes, and continues to serve Mu Hanzhang. What has been experienced in the southeastern palace in these months, she has not mentioned anything, Jingfufu Also tacit understanding does not ask.

The weather has cooled, especially since they are moving from the most south to the north, and it is clear that the weather is cold.

Anyway, it is just a hurry, and Jing Hao will no longer support his face, and he will enter the carriage of his own king.

Xiao Huang, because the weather is getting cold, I don’t have to be a foot pedal, but I am lying on my back as a warm pillow. But living pillows are problematic…

“Jun Qing…” Jing Yan carefully kissed the neck of the person under his body and gently bite on the beautifully shaped collarbone.

“Oh, no, if the clothes are outside…” Mu Hanzhang lowered his voice.

“Nothing, we whispered.” Jing Hao whispered in his ear.

A slightly hoarse voice spurted in the ear with hot air, and the person in the arms trembled visibly. The eyes smashed the lips and went to the other side to bite the ear. Then, I saw that a claw came out. Facing the moon and the clouds, dial and dial it, hook it up…

Jing Hao: “…”

Mu Hanzhang: “…”

So Xiao Huang was rushed to the foot to sleep.

Jiangnan in the twelfth lunar month is not as flamboyant as it is in March, but there is no interest in the dead and willow.

The city where they settled is called Pingjiang. It is not the largest city in the south of the Yangtze River, but it is the most prosperous, and the Jiangnan General Military Office is here. Because the area is adjacent to Huainan, the Jiangnan army is also stationed outside the city.

Although the Jiangnan generals did not come to greet, it seems to have been explained in advance. The Jiangnan military camp has prepared the place for them to camp in advance. He stayed in the Jiangnan camp, and left Zhao Meng to look after his family. Jing Hao took his own Wang Hao and three generals and went straight to the Jiangnan General Military Office.

“Brass bird! Let the king roll out!” Jing Hao entered the General Armed Forces and began to squat.

“Wang Ye…” The butler who led the way couldn’t help but pull out the sweat from the sleeves and wiped the sweat. Cheng suddenly visited him and scared him a big jump. He had already told people to inform his master, how could it not come out later?

“Noisy!” Just walked to the main hall, I saw a person coming in from the side door, long body, cold face, look like a cold-faced scholar, but the voice is full of gas, the pace is steady but there is no sound. Hao Dadao whispered to the left and right guards than a “master” gesture.

Mu Hanzhang looked up and thought that the gas field of this person was similar to that of the first time when he saw Jingjing, and it seemed to be a weak age. He thought that the general soldier must have at least 30 years old. I didn’t expect it to be so young.

When Jing Hao met with the man, he began to swear and screamed, and the housekeeper retired.

“Hey, this king is driving Pingjiang, the Jiangnan generals are still sleeping at home, what should be sin?” Jing Hao looked at him coldly.

“Hey, the prince is calling the name of the imperial court, and the priest can kill and can’t be humiliated. The Ming-Chen will play the emperor, and he will kill him and listen to it!” The Jiangnan general returned without any weakness.

Everyone: “…”

Mu Hanzhang couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“The Jiangnan general soldier Lu Zhanpeng saw Wang Hao!” Jiangnan general soldiers’ eyes turned to the gentle and clear-minded people, and walked up to him in full swing.

Mu Hanzhang said with a gentle smile: “The generals do not have to be extra rites. Thanks to the adults for their help in this year’s business.”

“Hey, I said this when I saw it, and the money was not given a point,” Lu Zhanpeng said with a smile. “I grew up with Wang Ye and told me…”

“Brass birds will do!” Jing Hao stood next to his own Wang Hao, interjected.

Lu Zhanpeng immediately rounded his eyes: “Wang Ye, I am a court officer, you insult me ​​with three points and four times, and you can kill you!”

“I have done it!” Jing Yan waved his hand impatiently and threw a sword from the southeast king to him. “This king rewards you, thank you very much.”

Lu Zhanpeng looked at the sword in his hand and immediately flooded his eyes: “This is a good sword! Wang Ye is sure to get better, come out and let me lead myself!”

Jing Hao couldn’t help but laugh out loud and took a punch in the shoulders of Jiangnan Corps.

Lu Zhanpeng introduced Hao Dadao and the left and right guards. Jing Hao put them to play. Hao Dadao followed the butler to arrange a good rest in the courtyard. The right guards could not wait to go out and go to Pingjiang City. The left guards followed silently. He went out.

The name of Jiangnan’s general soldier is Lu Zhanpeng, who is a companion to Jing Yan’s childhood, and his family is a hereditary general of the town. The general of the town is different from the court of the public, and it is necessary to make meritorious deeds. He made a meritorious deed with the Jingxi, and he was able to inherit the title, so he made the Jiangnan Corps at a young age.

Sitting in the garden of the General Armed Forces to drink tea, listening to the two people constantly sarcasm and sarcasm, Mu Hanzhang can not help but relax, this is the first time I saw Jing Hao in front of the officials so unscrupulous, it can be seen that the two really The friendship of life.

Jing Yan looked at the chattering Lu Zhanpeng, and the young face was still flying, thinking of the people who were implicated in his life and was exiled by him. The younger people were white, and they felt like they were separated, even though he was talking to his own Princess Wang. When I was a child, I didn’t feel angry.

“Wang Ye did not want to study at that time, the words of the big fight do not know a few!” Lu Zhanpeng laughed and said with Mu Hanzhang.

When they were young, they met for the first time. The old **** said to the three emperors that this is Lu Jiaxiao. The young Jing Hao asked him what his name was. Lu Zhanpeng just learned to write his own name, and he took off a piece of paper with a flamboyant appearance, so he wrote the three characters of Lu Zhanpeng on it.

Jing Hao looked at him for a long while, he didn’t recognize it, and he was afraid of being ridiculed. When he remembered that the **** said that he was a Lujia son, he said to the word: “Brass… um, bird!” So the nickname was called from his childhood. Big.

“I have done it, and you are so okay to take it.” Jing Yan laughed. “I am embarrassed to say that you were the one who took the embroidered needle of the palace lady to go fishing, saying that fishing can take advantage of the koi.” Yuelongmen, the result is a king of eight?”

“Which I know that there will be a king in the royal garden!” Lu Zhanpeng refused to accept the road, hooked the fishing, and hooked the fishing rod. At that time, he didn’t understand it at all, so he knew that he really caught a turtle and was chased by Jing Jing. Called Wang Ba for a long time.

Mu Hanzhang heard the twitching of his mouth, finally knowing why Jing Hao was seven or eight years old and still in the Imperial Garden ostrich nest, there is such an unreliable companionship, can read a good book!

“Speaking seriously,” Jing Yu coughed a lightly and took out a silver ticket of 50,000 yuan to Lu Zhanpeng. “A few days we will return to Beijing. You will set up a house in Pingjiang.”

Lu Zhanpeng took the silver ticket and wondered: “I have a house in Pingjiang? Are you planning to stay here?”

“You don’t have to worry about it, just do it.” Jing Hao waved his hand and did not intend to explain it to him.

“If you want to build a hospital, let the treasury give you money, is it so sneaky?” Lu Zhanpeng screamed.

“You are a national treasury, you want to take it!” Jing Hao rushed him without a good breath.

Lu Zhanpeng looked at him and indulged him for a moment. He took the silver ticket and lowered his voice. “Huainan Wang has always been safe and self-sufficient. Will the court also cut his shackles?”

The hand of Mu Hanzhang’s tea was paused. This Jiangnan general soldier seemed to be reckless and vocal, but in fact he was flexible and thoughtful, and he heard the meaning of Jingyu’s words so quickly.

Jing Hao silently nodded, cutting is a matter of time, especially in Huainan, landed in Jiangnan, very rich, and strong and strong, here is the real heart of Hongzheng.

Lu Zhanpeng frowned. “I have seen Huainan Wang once, that person… I am afraid that it is not easy to deal with.” Discretionary words, can’t think of a word to describe that person, for a moment, only to say that it is not good to deal with These four words.

Jing Hao slowly hooked his lips and swallowed a tea, and did not answer. He naturally knows that Huainan Wang is not good at dealing with it. The man is not only using the soldiers, but also the city is extremely deep. If it is not the large number of the army of the court, he will not win him at that time. The Huainan King, with less troops than him, exhausted his last few years and almost dragged the finances of the court.

However, it is not a bad thing to deal with. Sometimes it is not a bad thing.

Jing Yan smiled and pulled up the hand of his own king, and stood up: “It is still early, we both go out to go shopping, come back to dinner at night, I want to eat the vinegar fish.”

“You are here an inn, give money to the money!” Lu Zhanpeng, who was still meditating, heard this and was not happy.

“I just gave 100,000, isn’t it enough?” Jing Yan stretched out and pulled his own Wang Hao out.

“That is the money to build a house,” Lu Zhanpeng snarled, and then reacted and shouted, “What is 100,000, obviously 50,000!”

Jing Hao was busy pulling his own king to run.

Since the two of them met, the smile on Mu Hanzhang’s face has not been broken, and now I can’t stop laughing: “It’s really interesting that you guys are together.”

“Hey, you can’t stay in his house during the day, you will definitely be killed,” Jing Yan stunned his head and looked at Jun Qing’s gentle and elegant smile. He couldn’t help but sigh. “If I knew you when I was young.” I am sure that you will come to be a companion.” Think about holding a pink and tender little Junqing, listening to his soft soft voice called a small spoon, the scene is really wonderful.

Mu Hanzhang stunned and smirked and shook his head: “I am a twin, and I am not qualified to accompany you.” At that time, the Yuan was still there, and the status of Jing Hao in the palace was high. He said that if he was asked to go to a companion, he would humiliate his nephew. Moreover, with the temperament of Jing Hao, when he was a child, he certainly did not like him to be quiet.

The author has something to say: Some people say that they hate the key points of the card, cough, don’t be nervous today. ╯▽╰(╯▽╰)╭I am going to the exam, come back at night and send back the comments

small theater:

The butler who packed up the baggage of the king opened the carriage curtain.

Halogen bird: Hey, this tiger skin blanket is quite good, get it in my house!

Xiao Huang: Hey!

Halogen bird:! ! !

Thank you: Juneko, helen20121, wxjty2011, water-like conventions, sweet rot houses, fallen flowers, water, water, several adults, mines

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