The Wife is First

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 Cooperation

Jing Hao was so confused and half-pushing that he had worshipped the Huainan King. The three people sat in Qingzhu Xiaozhu for another afternoon, and they looked like they were late. From Baodao to the military law, from the food to the beauty, from the street to the poetry and songs, until the sunset, they bid farewell to each other, Gu Huaiqing told them that they have lived in the wading garden in Pingjiang City for several days. Let them bother to find him.

Looking at the back of the two men, Gu Huaiqing stood up and gradually gathered the smile on his face. This is the relationship between Wang Fufu and the two. It may not be enough to separate them. But together they are a near-perfect combination. If you are an enemy of these two people, you will be very troublesome.

“Wang Ye, will you return to Danyang tomorrow?” The guards came over and asked.

Danyang City is the main city of Huainan Fengdi, not far from Pingjiang, but not close.

“Don’t go back, you send the news back,” Gu Huaiqing stretched a lazy waist and hung a smile. “It’s not a hundred thousand rush, let them take their own ideas.”

The guards were stunned by the saliva, not the ones who were in a hurry to let the ministers dispose of themselves. If it was a hundred thousand urgent matter, it would not be able to send the news to Pingjiang! When Huai Xiang adults heard the news, they were estimated to be fainted again.

Jing Hao walked back with his own king, and did not feel when he came. When he went back, he discovered that this road was really long. It was late, and there was no place to hire a sedan chair. The two walked on the Bluestone Trail for a long time. Mu Hanzhang was a little tired. Jing Hao touched his face and kneeled down to carry him.

“Get up, I am so good, let you carry what kind of system.” Mu Hanzhang looked around, the hawkers on the street have already collected the stalls, the road is empty, only the songs on the other side of the river are still very lively.

“Come up, or I will take you away.” Jing Hao said that he would stand up and pull him.

Mu Hanzhang can’t, but he has to go up. At first I felt very awkward, and I was overwhelmed by the neck of Jingjing.

Jing Hao took advantage of the slender legs, stood up, and walked slowly on the bluestone road under the setting sun, and the afterglow reflected on the Qingshui River, quiet and serene. He slammed the person on his back and patted his **** to show comfort.

With the swaying pace, Mu Hanzhang gradually relaxed, the warm body temperature passed through the soft cloth, his shoulders were very generous, and the chin was very comfortable to put on. Mu Hanzhang was on the top, swaying his feet slightly.

“You said, what is the meaning of Huai Nan Wang’s worship with you?” Mu Hanzhang looked at the sparkling water side, thinking.

“His person is the most elusive.” Jing Hao squinted at the cheeks of his shoulders. “Following the sex, turning your face as fast as flipping a book may just be fun.”

“Well…” The man on the shoulder responded vaguely and seemed to be thinking.

“Do you see anything?” Jing Hao shook his back.

Mu Hanzhang said in a wording: “Seeing a lot of knowledge and ability. And he looks very good, his face is always smiling, such people are often very popular.”

Jing Hao nodded, and the person of Huainan Wang really deserved the eight words of “seeing a lot of knowledge and ability.”

The southwest and the southeast have already been settled. Although the Huainan King seems to have been keeping a lot of points, people can’t pick any mistakes. However, with the temperament of Hongzheng Emperor, it is a matter of time to withdraw. This time, the beatings were so smooth, and I was afraid that the court would give birth to some arrogance arguments. At most, one year, I will definitely revoke the intention. If you can cooperate with Huainan Wang, pretend to fight, and delay the war, one can retain the military power, and then you can take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune.

“It’s better to be careful with the tiger.” Mu Hanzhang knows Jing Hao’s plan and reminds him in time.

“I will grasp the scale,” Jing Hao nodded, and the Chinese side could win. It was he who had a good morning with Gu Huaiqing. Although the person was insidious and fickle, he was a big wisdom, and he smiled and laughed. “The tiger doesn’t necessarily hurt people. Look at Xiao Huang.”

When mentioning the little tiger, Mu Hanzhang couldn’t help but smile. The stupid thing is just to give the meat, so I am willing to give the fur to him as a blanket.

The setting sun shines on two people, pulling a long shadow on the bluestone trail.

The next day, the two went to the wading garden, took a knife that was taken at the southeast king, and took the tiger.

The little tiger was originally unwilling to go out. If the weather was so cold, he should stay in the house and sleep in the stove. Mu Zhangzhang scratched the head of Xiao Huang. This guy was on the carriage and was afraid of being cold. .

“So thick hair, where will it be cold?” Jing Hao pinched the hair on the neck of the little tiger, smooth and thick, he would be cold?

“I heard that the lions are afraid of cold. The Huainan King’s Beast Garden is sure to be very warm.” Mu Hanzhang touched Xiaohutou. The reason why they took Xiaohuang was because Gu Huaiqing said that he had raised a wading garden. The lion, who just bought it from the sea merchants this year, will return to Beijing in the next day. They must first negotiate with Huainan Wang, and Xiao Huang is an excuse to go to the door the next day.

The wading garden is the largest garden in Pingjiang City. The pavilions and pavilions are self-evident. The most important thing is that there are hot springs.

“This is the tiger cub you raised?” Gu Huaiqing smiled and greeted him and reached out to touch Xiao Huang’s head.

“Wow!” Xiao Huang screamed angrily, rushing his teeth, not touching.

“It’s quite strong,” Gu Huaiqing smiled in disapproval and took them inside. “The lion I raised was afraid of cold, and I went to the warm room.”

It is said that it is a warm courtyard. In fact, it is a small yard with a shed. It is full of grass and flowers. The middle pool is warm, misty and warm. It is just a fence not far from the door. No one is allowed to enter. A small lion that is almost as long as Xiao Huang is sleeping inside, and several rabbits are hiding in the distance to graze.

“Put them together, I am afraid that I have to fight.” Mu Hanzhang looked at the little tiger who was curious about the probe inside the fence, and looked at the little lion who was blind and fake. He always felt that his tiger had to fight.

“Small, don’t fight in the dead.” Jing Hao is very curious about the reaction of these two encounters, grabbed the little tiger and threw it in.

“Wow!” The little tiger was thrown down, and he was shocked. He slammed a few times and curiously squatted on the ground and could not see the little lion in the distance.

The little lion opened his eyes and found an alien invader, slowly raised his head, but did not get up, staring at Xiao Huang with vigilance.

“This kind of thing is still to be raised in the wild, otherwise it would be boring to raise a domestic cat.” Gu Huaiqing took them to another warmer to drink tea.

“We will have to leave for Beijing the next day.” Mu Hanzhang said.

Gu Huaiqing put a set of tea sets in front of him, not to be artificial, brewing, rushing, smelling, rewarding, a set of movements, and the flexible means of practicing martial arts, it seems to appreciate the pleasing. Two cups of tea were handed over to the two people. When they heard Mu Hanzhang’s words, the movements in their hands did not stop: “This time the peace of the rebellion has made great achievements, you must be careful when you return to Beijing.”

The two looked at each other and made great contributions but they were careful. In this way, it means to show good intentions.

“Big Brother,” Jing Hao silent for a moment, and quickly called the big brother, “Since we have a handful of words, I will say something directly, now the southeast and southwest have been destroyed, what can I have in my brother?”

Gu Huaiqing bowed his head and brewed a cup of tea. He heard a smirk on his lips and said, “Do not answer the question: “After holding the harem, the four emperors are arrogant, what are the plans of the second brother?”

Talking to a smart person saves time, and the three can’t help but smile.

“This Huainan is small, but the ancestors have been operating for many years, but there is still a fight for it,” Gu Huaiqing said, turning his eyes to Mu Hanzhang, watching his handsome and gentle face could not help but smirk, saying that he began to be unfair “The capital is not very flat now, if the younger brother can’t go on, it’s better to come to me.”

Jing Yan heard the words and put the cup on the table: “Isn’t the fight still enough?”

Gu Huaiqing licked his chin, but he laughed.

“If the older brother can’t go on, he can come to the capital to trust us.” Mu Hanzhang said with a gentle smile.

The author has something to say: I rushed home yesterday, so this is a short Jun, but Su, today is two more ​​, it is set at 19:00, I will go to class first.

Thank you: Moline, banjiamao, bluefish, mischief, novel, water-like agreement, and, the robin of several angels of the robin ╭(╯3╰)╮

Thank you: Grenade Little Witch’s Grenade

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