The Will of D. reamers (A One Piece Fanfic)

00008. Birthday presents?

Another five months passed by quickly, where Marcus and Luffy celebrated their third birthday. Ace and Sabo also had their birthdays earlier during that same five month period. With that the boys had spent a full year together training to get stronger.

During that time Marcus brought up the idea of fighting with weapons. Ace and Sabo picked up some rusted pipes as their weapon of choice. While Marcus was able to find a dull, half rusted sword. At first Luffy didn't want a weapon because he said his punch would be more powerful than a pistol one day. But Marcus pointed out he could still have a pistol like punch and also use a weapon sometimes. So Luffy settled for a pipe like Ace and Sabo.

As for training with the weapons, the boys set up some targets in Gray Terminal to practice with. Once they felt comfortable, they used the weapons to help hunt down animals they wanted to eat. That’s not to say they were good with the weapons they were using. They could just use them without hurting themselves currently, which was good enough.

Marcus might be the only one with any type of skill though, but he had a few ideas on how to train properly. He would lock into a single stance and do a single sword slash for hours each day. It wasn’t the best training, but he noticed his movements with his sword were becoming smoother. But he would need to find a proper swordsman to practice with sooner or later, so he would have a better idea on how to improve himself.

Besides a small growth spurt for everyone, it was pretty peaceful. Marcus even talked Sabo into teaching everyone else how to read and write. Well Luffy wasn’t really learning much, he seemed to fall asleep half the time. But he could at least write his name now so… At least he’s making progress.

It was an hour after dinner and Marcus was in the back of Makino’s house. He had his training weight kit on, along with some weights attached to his sword. Sweat was pouring down his face as he reset his stance, took a breath and swung his sword down with his exhale. Reset stance as he inhaled, smooth swing down as he exhaled. Reset stance with a deep breath, fluid swing down as he exhaled.

Marcus fell into a trance as he practiced, trying to match his breathing perfectly to his sword movements. As Marcus practiced, the other boys were inside Makino’s chatting and playing cards. While they all trained each day, the few hours after dinner were considered free time for the boys. So while the others liked to relax and do other things, Marcus would train till he could barely walk.

As Marcus focused on his practice he didn't realize someone was watching him. Garp had arrived a few minutes ago and was planning to surprise the boys at Makino’s. But as he got closer, he sensed Marcus was outside all alone. So he jumped onto the roof and then stopped as he admired the boy's dedication to practice.

Garp had no idea who taught the boy, but he had a pretty decent grasp on the stance he was currently practicing. He was no expert in the sword, but he could tell the boy had talent…

He would have to call in a favor or two. Good thing the ship that transported him was docked here for the night. Garp quickly moved back to the ship to borrow a den den mushi. While Marcus was down below, slowly adjusting himself with each swing.

When Garp arrived at the ship he was greeted happily by the sailors on duty. Garp waved them off as he moved into the ship and headed towards the captain's room. Garp opened the door and was greeted by the captain who came to attention and said, “Vice Admiral Garp, how can I help you sir?”

“Bah, I told you not to act formal. I just came to borrow a den den mushi for a few minutes.”

“Yes sir. Sorry sir.” The captain said before he pulled out a den den mushi and handed it to Garp.

Garp shook his head before he dialed a number on the den den mushi. ‘PuraPuraPuraPura PuraPuraPuraPura PuraPuraPuraPura Gacha’ “Bogard here.”

“Bogard, how much vacation time do you have saved up?”

“A couple months. Why, what’s going on Garp?”

“Great, take a month off and come find me in my hometown. Make sure you bring a weapon training rack with you.” ‘Gacha’ Garp hung up the den den mushi right after he finished speaking.

The captain sweat dropped at Garp’s total lack of manners as Garp handed him back the den den mushi and said, “Thanks, I’ll pick up my stuff tomorrow. Just have your men set it on the dock.”

“Yes sir.”

Garp headed back to Makino’s to find all the boys getting ready to take a bath. Marcus was walking inside the backdoor and saw Garp first as he entered the room. Which made Marcus smile and say, “Welcome back grandpa!”

Garp smiled at everyone as they turned around to look at him and he said, “It looks like you all improved again, you’ll make great marines one day if you keep this up.”

Luffy picked his nose as he said, “I don’t wanna be a stupid marine, I wanna have fun and eat meat!”

Ace nodded in agreement before he said, “Ya gramps, I was thinking about exploring the sea and having fun. Joining the marines would be work and that sounds boring.”

Sabo nodded as he said, “I wanna travel around the world and write a book containing the story of everything I see and every place I visit during my journey.”

Garp’s frown deepened with each answer as he turned to look at Marcus who shrugged and said, “I also wanna travel around the world with my friends, but I also wanna fight strong people. I was thinking of becoming a bounty hunter to make money and also help people while I was at it.”

Garp focused on Marcus as he said, “You could do that in the marines!”

“Could I do that from the start?”

Garp shook his head as he said, “No, you have to work your way up in rank first. But once you're my rank you can do pretty much whatever you want!”

“Unless I can start at your rank, I’m gonna pass.” Marcus said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“You brat! Do you have any idea how hard it is to reach my rank?”

Marcus smirked as he said, “Not that hard if you could do it.”

Garp was across the room and Marcus was laying on the floor a split second later as Garp said, “Show your grandpa some respect brat.”

When Marcus didn’t respond, Garp picked him up and found he was completely knocked out. Garp let out a sigh before he glanced at the other boys and asked, “You take a bath yet?”

Everyone sweat dropped and shook their heads so Garp said, “Good, lets go. I could use a bath myself.”

He headed to the local bath house with the boys, where he stripped Marcus and tossed him onto the floor before he hosed him off with cold water. Marcus jumped awake as he said, “What the hell, why is it so cold?!”

“Good, you're awake, clean up it’s bath time.”

After that everyone took a long soak in the heated tub and chatted a little with Garp. Garp let them know he came to train them for the next month and also brought them birthday presents. He planned to give them the presents tomorrow morning after breakfast. After a long soak in the bath, they all headed to bed.

The next morning after training and breakfast, Garp led the boys out to the docks where a few boxes were placed. He pointed at the smaller weird metal coated box and said, “Try and move that.”

The boys each took a corner of the box and tried to lift it up. After about a minute of struggling, Garp walked over and using the handle on top of the box, easily picked it up.

He smiled at the boys before he pointed to the two other large wooden boxes on wheels and said, “I'll take this one, just push those to Makino’s house.”

The larger boxes were definitely heavy, but two boys on each box was enough to move them. That didn't mean it was easy, the boxes still weighed a lot. It took the boys over an hour to push the two boxes to Makino’s and they collapsed from exhaustion afterwards.

As they were laying on the ground breathing hard Luffy asked, “Didn't you say we were getting birthday presents?”

Garp pointed at the three boxes as he said, “Of course, your birthday presents are inside of there.”

Garp moved towards the smaller metal box and squeezed near the lid. The metal groaned for a moment before a pop was heard and steam came out as Garp lifted the lid off. He then reached around inside each corner and undid some latches. From there the sides of the metal box dropped down to show some body harnesses. The body harness was a weird looking backpack and chest piece, but with more straps along with something that went around a person's neck.

Garp smiled proudly as he glanced at the box and asked, “What do you think? Pretty good uh?”

Everyone looked at the weird body harnesses trying to figure out what they were. After a few moments Marcus said, “They say it's the thought that counts… So thanks. I guess.”

Luffy and the others nodded as Garp started to frown. He picked up one of the harnesses and showed it to the boys as he asked, “You don't know what this is, do you?”

All the boys shook their head and looked at Garp waiting for the answer. Garp pointed over to the backpacks and steel pieces they used for training as he said proudly, “These are a better version of what you’ve been using to train with.”

Marcus took a closer look at the harness and noticed the weirdness of the item. It could maybe work for weight training, but you would have to connect other things to it. Garp handed the harness to Marcus as he said, “Just put it on and you’ll see how much better it is.”

The overall weight of the harness was easily over fifty pounds and it strained Marcus’s arms just to hold it. He looked it over but had no idea how to put it on, it just didn’t make sense to him. Garp watched him look at it for about a minute before he said, “Stand up and put that piece to your chest and your head through that spot, with that other piece on your back. Now put your arms through those holes. Yup just like that. Now push that small button on the front.”

Marcus did as instructed and after he pushed the little green button, the harness tightened around him and adjusted to his body. Afterwards some extra pieces came out of the chest and back piece and ran down his arms and legs. It took about a minute before it finished, but once it was done. Marcus could easily feel the difference.

It wasn’t just the weight from the device, his moments were restricted like he was trying to move through water. Luffy had the biggest reaction as he said, “That was awesome! I want one!”

Garp smiled as he handed one to each of the boys and helped them to wear them. After all the boys were suited up Garp stepped back and asked, “What do you think? A lot better than what you used to use uh?”

Everyone nodded their heads as Ace said, “It’s crazy, I don’t think I can even run properly with this thing on.”

“That’s the point. It’s meant to help you train. But once that feels normal to you, you can increase to the next training level.”

Garp moved the extra harnesses out of the way to show what was underneath them. It was a bunch of weird looking weights of different sizes. He picked up the smallest one and walked next to Ace as he said, “I am gonna give you a taste of level two.”

After he installed the weight into Ace’s suit, Ace grimaced as he tried to move his body. Ace didn’t give up and gritted his teeth but was barely able to move any part of his body. Afterwards Garp removed the weight and Ace’s suit went back to normal. Garp patted him on the shoulder as he said, “It’ll take you a few years before you reach the next level though.”

Ace took it as a challenge as he said, “I’ll do it in a year.”

“I could do it in a year, if I was still as weak as all of you. But you have no chance. Bwahahaha.”

All the boys glanced at each other before they nodded and Ace said, “Just wait, you’ll see.”

“If you pass the first level in a year… I’ll bring you another present. But only if you pass to the second level by then.”

Marcus looked at the metal box for a few moments before he asked, “How many levels are there?”


“Can you do all seven?”

Garp flexed his arm as he said, “Of course I can. I was the first person to complete level seven.”

Marcus then pointed to the other two wooden boxes as he asked, “Are the other levels in those boxes?”

Garp shook his head as he moved next to the other two boxes. He ripped the lid off one of the boxes and tossed it aside before he pulled out a massive dumbbell. He smiled widely as he said, “These are just heavy weights for you to train with. You can use them without the harness, or with the harness once it feels normal to move in.”

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