The Will of D. reamers (A One Piece Fanfic)

00024. Meeting a legend.

Alright, two more chapters after this one and then maybe one chapter a week after that. Please don't hate me.

About an hour after Garp and the boys left the island a navy ship showed up with Black Arm Zephyr and a fresh group of marines ready for special training. As the marines started to unload their ship, Zephyr moved towards the normal campsite and noticed a few things that were off. The biggest and most obvious thing was the bonfire pit someone used for cooking. There was only one person that Zephyr knew who liked to use a large bonfire for cooking.


But why was Garp here? He never wants to train anyone and he definitely wouldn’t bring marines here to train, he would call this place too tame to be used for training. Plus Garp was currently on vacation visiting his grandkids he never shuts up about…

Zephyr shook his head to clear it, Garp wouldn’t be stupid enough to bring his grandkids here. Plus from what he remembered none of them were even ten years old yet, there’s no reason to bring them here, how would they make use of this place? As Zephyr was lost in thought, a young marine with purple hair ran towards him and called out to him.


Zephyr turned around to smile at his son before he schooled his face and said in a commanding tone, “Seaman first class Nicholas! While you're here, you are to refer to me as Instructor Zephyr. Is that understood?”

His son instantly straightened up and saluted as he said, “Sir, yes sir! Instructor Zephyr sir, I came to inform you we are done off loading from the ship, sir.”

“Good, go gather up the others and I’ll take you around to the training grounds.”

Zephyr watched his fifteen year old son runoff and couldn’t help but smile. The boy was shaping up to be a good marine and it made him proud.

Within a few minutes all the trainees were lined up in front of Zephyr, who said, “Since we arrived early, today will be an introduction to the island and its training grounds. Follow me and I’ll take you to each one.”

As the trainees followed Zephyr to the first training ground, he explained a few things about the island as they walked and also told them about the time trial courses. When they reached the first one, Zephyr led them over to the leaderboard and pointed at it as he said, “I expect all of you to make it on this list before we leave here. As you can see, the people near the top are all currently famous marines you’ve heard of before.”

Nicholas raised his hand before he said, “Instructor Zephyr, who is Monkey D. Marcus?”

Zephyr whipped his head around to look at the leaderboard and there in first place was the name. As he studied the leaderboard he noticed a few more names on the list that were new. The longer he looked at it the more he realized Garp was here and he brought his grandson’s with him…


Pururu pururu pururu gacha

“What do you want, Sengoku? I'm still on vacation.”

The den den mushi had purple hair and glasses on as it said, “Get your ass back here Garp! I know you just left before I showed up!”

“Zephyr? You're on the island already? I thought you wouldn't be there for another couple weeks.” Garp said.

“I always bring the trainees early. But that doesn't matter, turn your ship around and come back here!”

Garp started to pick his nose as he said, “Eh? I need to take my grandsons back home before my vacation is over.”

The den den mushi smiled as it said, “It's fine, I already called Sengoku and told him I found you here training your grandkids. He said you could stay here for half the training session as long as you help me with the trainees.”

“But I'm out of rice crackers and I could use a good fight.” Garp said as he flicked a boger away.

“I'll watch over your grandkids for a couple days while you go get more crackers and beat up some pirates. Does that work for you?” Zephyr asked.

“I said I wanted a good fight, unless I go to the new world, I won't find one. You'll have to spar with me.” Garp said as he started to girn.

“Fine, before you leave the island to take your grandkids home, we'll have a friendly spar. Deal?”

Garp smiled as he said, “Sure, but my grandsons get to spar with the trainees while they stay there.”

“Deal.” Zephyr said.

“Good. I'll see you in an hour or two.” Garp said before he hung up the den den mushi.

Garp glanced down at his grandsons as he said, “Change of plans, we're heading back to the island for a few more months.”

All the boys stopped rowing and glanced back at Garp as Ace asked, “Isn’t your vacation almost over?”

Garp nodded before he said, “It technically is, but if I help with some training. You can stay on the island and spar with a bunch of marine trainees.”

“But I miss big sister Makino’s cooking.” Luffy said.

“You don't like my roasted meat?”

Luffy looked conflicted since meat was his favorite thing to eat, but that's literally the only thing they've eaten the past three months. Marcus knew what the issue was and said, “Gramps, your roasted meat is good. But we need more than that, bread, cheese, rice, fruits and vegetables. We just want something to go with the meat.”

All the other boys nodded in agreement before Garp said, “The marines should have that stuff. But I'll pick up extra when I go to get some rice crackers. But first we need to go back to the island, so start rowing.”

A little over an hour later, they made it back to the island and found a massive navy ship docked at the harbor. With a handful of navy personnel still unloading cargo from the hold of the ship as Garp and the boys docked their own ship.

As Garp disembarked from the ship everyone who saw him stopped to greet him with a salute and also looked questioningly at the young boys who followed behind him.

Garp waved everyone off as he said, “No need to be proper around me. Go about your business.”

Garp led the boys back to their campsite where they found a large group of people doing exercises, while a large man with purple hair and glasses watched. Garp walked up to the man and said, “This batch looks weak.”

Zephyr turned around as he said, “They always look weak when they first get here. But they all passed the test to train here.”

Zephyr turned to look at the four boys lined up next to Garp and took a moment as he studied each of them. None of them really looked like brothers, but then again Garp had a thing for picking up kids and giving them a home.

As Zephyr glanced at each boy, Garp pointed to them and said their name before he pointed at Zephyr and said, “Boys this is former navy admiral Zephyr, current training instructor for the marines.”

The boys shared a glance before they all bowed and said, “It's nice to meet you instructor Zephyr.”

Garp’s right eye started to twitch as Zephyr smiled and said, “I can't believe your grandkids are so well behaved, I expected them to be like you.”

In a moment all the boys were face down in the dirt with lumps growing out of their heads as Garp said, “Ungrateful little brats, you're never that respectful to me! Are you trying to show off or something?”

When the boys didn't respond Garp picked each of them up to find out they were all knocked out. As he dumped them back on the ground Garp said, “Keep an eye on them, I'll be back in a few days.”

Zephyr glanced back at Garp as he asked, “You want me to add them to the training group?”

“No, they'll be bored with that. When they wake up, just tell them to do their normal training regiment. Once they finish it, you can let them spar with the trainees if you like. Otherwise tell them to do the boulder push till dinner time.” Garp said.

“You think they'll be bored with my training routine?” Zephyr asked in a challenging tone.

Garp nodded as he said, “Of course, it's only their morning warm up routine. You spread it out over a whole day.”

Zephyr frowned as he said, “That's because it takes almost a whole day to complete it.”

Garp smirked as he said, “My grandsons complete it before lunch.”

“Bullshit. It's not possible to complete it that fast.”

“You'll see for yourself tomorrow.” Garp said before he turned around and started to walk back towards the dock.

“You're just going to leave your grandsons like this?” Zephyr asked as Garp walked away.

“They'll be fine, I've left them in worse spots before. Bwahahahaha!”

Zephyr shook his head before he turned back to the trainees and called out four names. Four people stopped exercising and came over to stand in front of Zephyr. He pointed down at the knocked out boys and said, “Take them inside and set them up on some bunks. Then get back to training.”

“Yes sir!” They all said with a quick salute before they went about their duty.

About an hour later the first of the boys started to wake up in his bunk a little confused. Ace slowly opened his eyes as he said, “What the hell old man.”

When no one replied Ace looked around to see he was inside the barracks area on one of the beds. After a moment he noticed the others were in bunks next to him, while their luggage was at the base of their beds.

After Ace climbed out of his bunk he quickly woke up the others before he said, “Let's go find that shitty old man.”

The others nodded in agreement before they followed Ace outside. Zephyr noticed the boys and waved them over before he said, “Garp took off to get rice crackers. He wants you to do your normal routine till he gets back.”

Ace glanced at the others before he said, “It's late, so let's go to the courses and try to beat our scores for the day. We can start training tomorrow.”

Zephyr watched the boys leave before he turned back to the trainees. After half an hour or so he said, “Half hour break for lunch. It should be ready on the ship.”

Once the trainees left, Zephyr used soru and moved to the first training ground. He hid in the tree line and watched as Marcus practiced on the first obstacle course. After a little while he moved to each area and looked for the other boys. Once he found them he watched them long enough to get a decent gauge on their strength.

He was surprised that all of Garp’s boys could easily beat any of the trainees he brought to the island. A few might give them a challenge, but most of them wouldn't stand a chance. Zephyr smiled to himself as he realized letting the trainees spar with the boys would definitely improve their skills. Maybe he should set some matches tonight with some of the stronger prospects.

Once half an hour was up, Zephyr headed back to oversee training again. It was almost dinner time when the boys decided to stop practicing and headed back to camp. When they arrived they were greeted by the scene of all the trainees lined up in front of a makeshift outdoor kitchen. Along with a bunch of tables and benches they could eat at.

Luffy was the first to run over and headed for the front of the line. Luckily Marcus caught him and dragged him to the back of the line as Luffy said, “Let go Marcus, I wanna eat.”

“And you will, when it's your turn.” Marcus said as he placed Luffy at the end of the line.

Sabo and Ace nodded in agreement as Sabo said, “You need to learn manners Luffy. It's not polite to cut in front of people.”

Luffy pouted as he said, “But I'm hungry.”

“Then eat your pocket jerky.” Marcus said.

Luffy pulled out his pockets to show they were empty as he said, “I ate it all earlier.”

Marcus shook his head before he pulled out his last piece and gave it to Luffy. Luffy almost swallowed it without chewing before he started to choke on it. Marcus was forced to smack his back a couple times as he said, “You have to chew your food dumbass.”

As they waited in line to get food, none of the trainees talked with them. The boys didn't mind it though and after a while they reached the front of the line and were given a tray loaded with food. Once they each had a tray, they moved towards the tables to find a place to eat and found the only table with enough space.

Zephyr was seated there with someone else as they boys sat down at the table. Luffy dug into the food first as he shoved a large piece of meat into his mouth. Marcus shook his head at his brother's manners before he glanced at Zephyr and asked, “Any idea when gramps will get back?”

Zephyr glanced at the boy from behind his glasses as he said, “Knowing Garp, at least a week or more.”

Marcus nodded in understanding before Ace asked, “How about we spar after dinner old man?”

The other person at the table replied first as they said, “Don't talk to my father like that, show him proper respect!”

All the boys looked at the purple haired kid who spoke as Zephyr said, “Seaman, remember what I told you earlier.”

“Sorry da.. Sir! But they should still show you proper respect sir.” The kid said as he frowned at Ace.

Zephyr smiled as he said, “It’s fine, they’re not in the navy and are related to Garp. I would be concerned if they didn’t act like this.”

Zephyr then glanced at Ace as he said, “As far as sparing goes. I could give you some pointers if you beat all of my trainees.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.