The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 24


Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.


Chapter 24– From Now On.



*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*


Like clockwork, I hear three knocks at my office door same time every morning, and like usual, I ignore it in favour of finishing my current task. I continue my movements, going harder, deeper and faster to reach the climax. I move my hands faster, going quicker and quicker, my pot running out of liquid as I use more and more.


And then, finally, I finish writing on the parchment, my quill flourishing as I sign the letter with my unique signature, one that moves to form my image every so often, which the original Gilderoy came up with. Grunting, I place my other hand on the head of the woman underneath my desk, holding her in place and bringing that to completion as well.


After a moment, I let her go and as she busies herself with cleaning me off and I put my quill back to rest in the pot of ink nearby, relaxing in my seat in relief, having finished both things. Of course, I would have rather only done the one, the more fun thing, but I got a bit carried away yesterday and left some dire documentation unfinished as I got lost in my fun. Which means this morning, I had to finish it quickly, but my paramour from yesterday was still around and wanted to have some fun, and so did I, so I multitasked.


Suddenly, the mature older woman pushes my chair back and springs up to sit on my lap, her mouth quickly approaching mine. She is too quick for me to react adequately, or she would have been if I hadn't progressed so far in my education as a duelist. My fingers, now incredibly nimble, grab ahold of my wand as it comes shooting out of the wand holster strapped to my hand, having never taken it off since I got it. And I quickly direct a hygiene spell at the woman as she closes in on me, specifically a mouth-cleansing one that thankfully takes effect as her lips smush against mine.


Still, I worry for a second before the minty refreshing taste enters my mouth at the same time her tongue does, and with no worries, my tongue quickly meets hers, tangling together. I was really worried that I was about to get a taste of myself there, but thankfully I didn't. I mean, I know there are some dudes who wouldn't care, but when magic is an option, why would you want to when you could easily clean it up in a second? I have yet to get a sample of it, and I am not going to if I can help it.


"Gilderoy, do you have the- Oh, excuse me? I will wait." Andromeda says after opening the door and walking in to see me sitting naked at my desk and a naked woman sitting on my lap, devouring my mouth. Instead of a few months ago when she would have shouted or gone all frosty, she simply apologised and moved to leave.


"Stay. I am done here. It is time for you to go, Esther." I punctuated my words with a slap to her juicy ass, drawing a moan from the older woman instead of the complaint she was going to issue at being interrupted. Andromeda, obliging my words, closes the door and simply waits to one side as we finish up. To be honest, Andromeda knows what I am up to at this time of the day. She knows. She knocks, and then she enters. She knows what's on the other side of the door, and she wants to see it. Even though it has been a few months, it seems like I am making progress.


"I guess I have no choice then, Gilderoy. Nonetheless, it was once again an enjoyable evening." Esther Beaufort says, standing up, not hiding her body at all in front of the stranger as she picks up her wand and expertly flicks it, gathering all of her clothes together in a neatly folded pile that sits atop her hand. Waving her wand once more at the pile, using a familiar spell, she is dressed in an elegant robe. Then, with another few swishes of her wand, she takes care of everything else, leaving an eloquent, regal woman standing there, looking like the perfect picture of royalty.


"Yes, indeed it has been, Esther. As always, it's been a pleasure, as if any moment spent in your presence it could not. Same time next week?" I ask, as I also stand up, completely naked and perform similar spells to Esther, dressing myself and readying myself for the rest of the day. The whole time, ever since Andromeda entered the room, I have been keeping a subtle eye on her to watch her reactions and expressions. However, her face is neutral, and she is looking at the ground. One would think she is not affected by these current circumstances, but I know better. She is using Occlumency.


"Ever the flatterer, Gilderoy. And as much as I would love to attend our next weekly rendezvous, I am afraid it is my grandson's birthday. So I will wait agonisingly for the week after, farewell Gilderoy. Andromeda." Saying so, Esther Beaufort, the seventy-nine-year-old pureblooded grandmother- that looks a hot milf forty at most- heads to my fireplace and uses the floo to travel away. Andromeda seems unfazed and doesn't say anything as she does, remaining silent even after she is gone.


Now, before Andromeda rejected my advances, I was primarily going after young women, but that interaction with her changed my outlook. Andromeda rejected me, stating three different reasons besides the fact that she is married, even if it is unhappily. Andromeda said that she couldn't respond to my advances because she was too old now, because she had a child that was already fully grown and because I myself could not be in a committed relationship.


To answer all of these problems and disprove them, I decided to settle on a long-time paramour, an older woman, preferably older than andromeda. As I said once before, people in this world that have magic don't age as much as ordinary muggles, and with spells focused on aesthetics and beauty, they can be youthful for a long time. It took me a while of searching, going through countless women and observing them properly with my Legilimency and wiping their minds of their nights with me before I finally found the right woman.


Esther Beaufort. Seventy-nine years old. A pureblood witch from the higher echelons of France who I ran into on her visit to England as an ambassador for the ministry for some reason or other. Her accent was so good that I didn't even click on to her being french until I had an opportunity to give her mind a thorough review. I didn't even know she was that old as she looked to be around forty and very enticing, fitting the base parameters I was searching for.


It was only after I had her back at mine and had thoroughly tired her out through the night from the thorough performance that I could give her mind an in-depth review. She was perfect. She was old, way older than Andromeda. She not only had children, but she also had grandchildren. She was still married, but I didn't go and break up their marriage or anything, and she searched me out, so I wasn't really bothered about that.


Her husband, surprisingly being two years younger than her, was an old fogy and wrinkled bag of bones. This greatly confused me as I was under the impression that our magic keeps us youthful, though there are a few anomalies now that I think of it, such as Dumbledore and McGonagall. My new theory is that our magic keeps us young, but only if our magic is feeling young. I believe that feelings and mental well-being, as well as stress, would affect us, and that would reflect in our magic which would reflect in our appearance. For example, Dumbledore and McGonagall looked so old because of everything they had been through. The wars, as well as the stress of running a school, affected them and their appearance.


Esther Beaufort fulfilled two of my conditions, which was way more than fulfilled in actual fact, as she was almost twice the age of Andromeda and had way more kids and grandkids than her. So the only thing that I needed to do now was fulfil the third condition, which would be the hardest as it would require long-term interactions that would be without hostile intent on both parties sides.


Thankfully, with her husband not performing at all, Esther was looking for a release, and she found that in me, and she didn't want to let that go anytime soon. She didn't want more than that, having already achieved wealth and status since the moment she was born into the high-ranking, magical French Beaufort family. She was perfect, and with that, I fulfilled the third condition—a relationship.


Of course, it was not a proper relationship, as that would not be actually attainable, and I don't want such a one-on-one situation in the future. What I needed was a long time commitment, even if it was not a pure one, to show that I was capable of commitment. And so I set up my weekly meet-ups with Esther, and since the first time, Andromeda had seen her every week at the same time for a few months.


With this, all of Andromeda's reasons for refusal no longer made any sense. I was bedding a woman that was older than her that had grandchildren, and we met up weekly, showing a relationship that was solid and stable, even if it was as fuck buddies. The last one might not make sense, but it does. As with my dragon blood-affected physiology excuse, I have a higher libido, and so I am constantly with different women. Still, I am proving the point that I can consistently be with a single woman as well.


The only thing holding her back now is her marriage, an empty and cold one that will break eventually. So it is just a matter of time. For that matter, she would also be afraid of what her child, Nymphadora, would think of her, so if I can meet her and get her on my side, then that would also go a long way to helping me get together with Andromeda.


"So, what was it that you needed again, Andromeda?" After a moment, I turned back to her, making sure that I took long enough that she would notice my eyes lingering on the floo through which Esther had just exited. I have also stopped calling her by the nickname I gave her, Andi, and have reverted to simply calling her by her full name, though I have kept it first name basis to seem still close, just not that close.


"Right. I came to remind you that we need to respond to the Goblin strike immediately. Spudmore has made big strides in the last few months thanks to us providing him with all the resources he needs and him purely focusing on the research and nothing else, but those improvements have been very particular. There have been minor achievements, negligible really, in all aspects aside from the experimentation with goblin silver. That metal is the basis of our new broom, and without the goblins' assistance, we will have immense losses." She informs me, fixing the placement of the glasses on her face as she does.


"Hm, wait. Since when did you have glasses?" I go off on a tangent as the slim, stylish, sexy really, glasses on her face are a new thing. It is the first time I am seeing them unless I am really ignorant and just haven't noticed them before, and I can't help but feel my desire for her increase with the glasses laid across the bridge of her nose.


"Oh, these? I have had them for a while, not that I have bad vision or anything. They are enchanted to lessen the strain on my eyes and increase my reading speed, and they also keep my eyes from going dry. I have been dealing with a lot of paperwork since I started this job, and the glasses really help." I can't help but raise an eyebrow suspiciously, doubtful of what she has said.


Not doubtful of the fact that she had gotten those glasses for work, but wary because this is the first time I am seeing them and the first I have seen of them, even though she says that she has had them for a while. Looking at her professional attire and sexy glasses, I can't help but think of her as a sexy secretary, which reminds me of the girl I got to cosplay as that, glasses and all, which Andromeda walked in on. Curious, very curious that I would show my interest in such a thing, and now Andromeda has shown up in a similar fashion after I started distancing myself.


"Never mind that, the goblins, Gilderoy. We have to respond. We can't lose our supply of goblin silver. If we do, all our efforts will be for nought." She speaks after a while of me casting my suspicious eyes at her, refocusing on the topic though I also get the feeling that she wanted to avoid my intense inspection. But the issue is indeed quite severe, so I can ignore this amusing information for now.


"Right, I have already taken care of that. The letter is on my desk, and I just finished it. Esther also helped me." I say, alluding to the letter I had just finished writing. And I wasn't lying about Esther helping me since she was under the desk, and I tacked that on just to mess with Andromeda a bit.


"Esther helped? Gilderoy, you can't do that. That was company-" She stops when she sees the smirk on my face, her expression quickly calming as she sighs. "Right, of course. Well, how much more are we going to give them for the goblin silver?" She says, picking up the letter but not bothering to read it. After all, I have not given her permission to. Andromeda is excellent and knows the restrictions of her position. She assumes that I am acceding to the goblins' demands, but like fuck I am going to give those greedy little shits anything like they are demanding.


"We are not giving them anything more. I have clearly stated that in the letter, and I refuse to be forced to cow before them and give them what they want. I am, of course, open to negotiation, but if I give in now, then I will have to continue giving them more each time. Give an inch, and they will take a mile, especially when they discover how vital their services are for the production of our brooms." So I tell her simply, waving my wand at my chair, desk and all around the room to get rid of the leftover smells and spill. And then I sit back in my chair, relaxing into it and closing my eyes.


"But, Gilderoy..." Andromeda begins, hesitating to speak her mind. Opening my eyes, I look at her and gesture for her to continue. I am not the kind of boss that has yes men. "We need that silver, and while the goblins are greedy, they are our only source of it, and without it, we have no broom. Our experiments are constantly ruining our samples, and we will run out before soon." Andromeda expresses her concerns, but they are not anything I haven't taken into consideration already.


"Andromeda, Gringotts is not the only place in the world with goblins. It is foolish to the that all Goblins are unified under the single banner of a bank, especially not with their greedy nature. Gringotts is merely the home of all goblins in Britain, and they are not the only ones who know how to make the silver. I have also made that clear in my letter, and I can always go to a different clan of goblins for their services." I explain, and Andromeda gradually figures out my plan, given how her face lights up.


"So the choice is up to them, either they continue with the deal as it is, or they push for more and force me to go abroad for a new source which might be a bit more troublesome but is worth it to avoid being on the losing end. Right now, I am probably, most likely, their biggest customer, and I am asking for the metal straight up instead of having them forge it into tableware or some other shit like those other dumbass wizards. We have enough in stock right now that we can wait them out long enough and procure a new source in time." I lay it out clearly, putting my line in the sand.


I became very aware and knowledgeable about just who I am and who I want to be when I was strapped to that chair, undergoing torture. Digby was a fat bastard, and I am glad he was dead, but I also have to be grateful for the revelation he caused in me. He was the cause of my motivation and ambition because I realised just how easily this new life of mine could be robbed from me. I would have left my little hovel the minute I had finished learning as much as I could and ventured out without any good magical spell, unprepared for this world.


Not only that but those days spent experimenting on Digworth made me aware of just how badly I want certain things and just how far I am willing to go to get them. With the experiences of someone who had nothing and no one, as well as the expertise of someone who had everything and everyone, I have an appreciation for that and know how much it really is worth.


I would do almost anything to get what I want, and while, so far, there has been no need for drastic measures, I am more than willing. So if they think I am going to let some shitty little ugly fuckers run me over, they have another thing coming. So instead, I would attack and burn Gringotts to the ground and let those greedy shits get the better of me and take me for all I have.


"Alright, I will send the letter off straight away. Though, for a matter as delicate as this, I was sure you would simply send a letter to set up a meeting, not with your decision." Andromeda says, walking up to my desk and picking up the letter. She quickly gives it a once over to make sure it is correct, as if she couldn't trust me to do it properly, which is fair since I did just admit to having done it while otherwise occupied.


"Oh, that would have been the sensible thing to do. This is a slight, really, to decide everything over a letter without even negotiating or talking to them. They will either follow the current agreement, or I will find some other fucking goblins who will." So I tell her, even though she has already gotten the idea from her reading. Her face is not revealing anything as she does so. Even though I bet she has a few complaints, she is following along with my decision.


"But how long do we wait for a reply? They could just ignore it and wait until we ran out, and then- oh, wait, I see it. So we have given them a week to respond, and then we will move on and find another supplier. Wow, you are really playing hardball." She says, finding that in my letter. I basically stated, either give me the next shipment as planned or don't fucking contact me again. I already have some feelers out for the other goblins and know the locations of a few clans.


"Yes, now before you go. All those broom makers we gave those contracts to, their time is nearly up. Have any of them done anything lately, actually come up with a viable idea, tried to run away or come to say that they can't come up with anything?" I ask her before she goes, as this will be crucial in the upcoming days. I am not wasting time or negotiating with these goblins for another reason as well, and that is because production will be starting soon. We have not just been experimenting with the silver, and I made sure all the experiments were cautious and didn't harm the metal.


We have been stockpiling it for months, ever since we started the deal with the goblins saying that we were simply using it for some mundane use. I left that bit for Andromeda to decide. Of course, the goblins thought we were merely using their unique metal for stupid services, and they were happy to sell. Still, after so many months of continuous shipments, they obviously got greedy and figured they could bleed me for more, and that is when they thought I was simply making ordinary shit.


If they were to find out that we were making the newest and fastest broom ever to exist, then they would start charging an arm and a leg for the goblin silver, and if worse came to worse, I would have to meet their demands, which is why I have thought this through very carefully and decided not to rush ahead and get these things out as soon a possible but to take my time and stockpile as much as I can before releasing the product.


"No one has approached me yet, but no one has run either. Thankfully all the broom makers were more than muggle-borns, so they were all knowledgeable about magical contracts and their consequences. But, unfortunately, they were just too arrogant and full of themselves, and now they reap what they sow. I will visit each of them in turn and tell them what is expected of them now that their time is up." I nod my head, showing my understanding. In the three months to come, as we keep the goblins silver rolling in, we will be solely focusing on producing the brand new Firebolts. These workers will be very helpful.


"Alright, you can go. But don't forget to bring me with you to visit them. That's an order." I say, Andromeda nodding and taking the letter before exiting the room. While these guys might understand the seriousness of magical contracts, they were also stupid enough to take the risks associated with them and fuck themselves over. I can't trust that they won't try some stupid shit to get out of it, so I think it would be better that I am with Andromeda when it comes time just to make sure everything goes smoothly.


I already have multiple different plans brewing in my mind, and not just for my growing broom business, though I have been focusing on that topic more than the others. I have learned from the mega-corporation that was Apple how to sell the exact same shit with minor differences for exorbitant amounts again and again and again. So I figure I can produce a couple thousand and then sell them slowly for a high amount, the PS5 effect. After that, I will start doing custom orders, the same broom but an excellent design for each customer and charge lots for them. Some limited edition, and a whole bunch of other ideas as well.


"Oh, Shit. Tempus." I quickly remembered that I was doing something and sent off a quick Tempus, informing me that I was not yet late for my next appointment.


I better get going. I have a tournament to win.



Thank you to my Hero Patron Cory A Cinquini.


Thank you to my Superhero Patrons, Marcus Lane, אוהד דולינסקי and Hunayn Abbas. Thank you for all your support.


Thank you to my Legendary Hero patron Haha93. Thank you for your immense support.


Thank you to my Galactic Hero Patrons James Feazell, Luis Barreda, Orest, Spoder man, 2Bizzy, Wilder, Jeffrey Iverson, TheBerryMan, Torrent, Poke and Ben. Thank you for your extraordinary support.


And finally, an absolutely massive thank you to Froze Latti, my first Mythic Hero Patron. Thank you for your astonishing support.


Thank you all for your support, I truly appreciate it.


My discord: /xHREmAaC to discuss the fics and hang out.


My Pat reon: reon com/ DragonField (no spaces and a dot before the com) for anybody who wants to read advanced chapters of all my fanfics.


That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!


Stay safe and have fun!

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