The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 26


Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.


Chapter 26– Brooms Brooms Brooms.



"Hm, how much did this set us back again? Also, why this location?" I ask Andromeda, glancing ahead at the warehouse in front of us that I am the new owner of. Andromeda had brought up the issue of where our broom manufacturing would be happening, as we could not have it all be done in Rudolph Spudmore's workshop. And so I entrusted her with finding a proper spot, allowing her to use the company coffers to purchase whatever she wanted with no oversight from myself.


I did this not only because I trusted her but also to distance myself from her a little bit since I am not a panting dog. Ever since she turned me down, I decided to not run after her and let things cool off for a while. Either stuff at home will get better, and she will have her happy marriage back, or it will deteriorate further, at which point, if she likes me, she will make it known, hopefully. I have put all I can into it, and the rest remains up to her. I can't dally and wait for her to do something, and so I am continuing on with my life.


"First of all, we have not bought this warehouse. We are merely renting it from the muggles that own it and have no use for it. After some tiresome negotiation, I finagled us down to a fair two hundred and fifty pounds a month for this 100-square-foot warehouse, which is 50 Galleons a year. And we chose this place because wizards or any other magical things hardly ever come through here, and everybody that will be coming here is under contract, so it should stay secluded." Alright, so we got this place in this muggle area because we want the thing to stay secretive, good.


"Alright, well, the broom makers have all been working here for a week or so, so show me around Andromeda. I am expecting good things." I say, gesturing for her to lead me in. I had taken a step back from the business and the day-to-day workings, merely coming to the office at night for some stress relief with whoever I chose for the night and then sticking around in the morning for Andromeda to show and have me sign whatever I needed to sign, I didn't give anything more than a cursory glance, trusting her ability.


After the devastating loss I had in the second round of the duelling tournament, I realised how naive I was to think I could dedicate a few hours a week to this and think I would become the best at it. Obviously, that was wishful thinking at best and the delusions of an idiot at worst. I won't get caught up in determining which of those I am and will focus on improving from here because I need to get better.


I learned the spells easily enough and was able to cost them as they were supposed to be cast, realising that intent and will, as well as visualisation, was vital, mostly forgoing the wand waving. I could cast silently as well, given time and focus. However, in a duel, you don't have time to focus on doing it all silently. This is why you whisper your spells, the words helping you to automatically visualise the magic since you know what the attack is and how it behaves just by its name.


Still, this wouldn't have helped me much against more experienced opponents, which is why I inquired to Filius Flitwick for his expertise. Since I was already locked in as a possible teacher at Hogwarts, I decided to make the most of it. And so, under his tutelage, I learned more. He tried to teach me about spell chains, in which the motions for the spells lead into each other and make a continuous cast, such as a levitation into a bone breaker into an Incendio, that type of shtick. I learned some, but I would rather just wave my wand once for each spell, and that is what I have decided to stick to.


Since that first loss, Edward N Stick (enormous dick, hehe) has been a constant regular at those low-tier duelling tournaments. I have sort of become known as the underdog of duelling since, typically, after a few losses, most people decide they aren't good at duelling and leave, so I definitely made for a rare sight. Of course, those that usually left never even won a fight, while I always won my first fight, becoming known as 'Quick Stick', which pissed me off.


That was my problem. I didn't know how to properly constrain myself and limit myself without losing, so I always tried to win and wiped myself out in the first round. However, the experience I am gaining is making a difference as I have made it to the quarter-finals, in which I put up a good fight. Although to be honest, I seriously was doubting myself and wondering how I could be doing so bad when most of the idiots in Britain were feckless enough to cower and not use their wands when attacked by Death Eaters.


When Flitwick picked up on my downcast behaviour and questioned me on it, I told him since I wanted his help in becoming better. At which point, he said to me that the duelling tournaments were not limited to just British residents and that anyone anywhere could attend and compete. He told me that there were people, even amateurs, who decided on this as a career and were constantly duelling at all sorts of duelling contests across the world.


Apparently, I was fighting against these people, more often not, people who have a wealth of experience and are constantly travelling the globe with Portkeys and apparations to compete in different contests the world over. I just never noticed because I never paid much attention to my opponents. In fact, I made it a point not to since I was preparing for a real-life battle. In real life, you don't usually have information on your opponent, and so I decided to go into my matches utterly blind to my opponent, so I could prepare for that eventuality. Apparently, I was doing pretty well for a newcomer, but that still was not good enough for me.


Hence, why I have been going ham on my duelling capabilities and constantly participating in all of the contests I could find in Britain. So much so that even when Andromeda approached me and informed me of the broom makers' deadlines being over, I ultimately left things in her hands. Of course, that was with the understanding that she would send them all letters and wait for them to come to her, and then deal with the aftermath and set everything up.


Of course, while most of the broom makers understood the direness of their contracts and came by of their own accord, there were one or two that showed no response at all and had to be hunted down. But, of course, there was no way I could let Andromeda go after them on her own. Thankfully, they were at home, and they didn't really fight, and after we laid out the terms of the contract in plain words, they understood and followed.


And so now, here we are, a brand new warehouse- no, wait, not brand new since I am just renting it, with the broom makers inside already hard at work. I wonder how Andromeda has handled this because while I did leave this to her and focused on my combat capabilities, I can't just let this go unsupervised for this long. I need to view this operation and make sure things are on the right track so I can go back to my training with no worries.


Walking forward with Andromeda, she begins to speak about various things about the property that I legitimately do not care about since as long as it works and as long as we have magic, then they are easily solvable. Reaching near enough to the warehouse, Andromeda informs me that this is where the muggle-repelling ward comes into effect as well as all the other wards. Since this is a muggle building, Andromeda arranged a small building just outside of the muggle-repelling ward to deal with any muggles that come by, such as the muggles that are renting this warehouse out to us.


Walking inside, Andromeda opens the door for me. She informs me that she had all the warding done by especially paid warders, through an old friend apparently, and that all the work was done discreetly and all the workers submitted and accepted to being obliviated after their work was done, as was outlined in their contract along with a healthy payment. I find myself adequately impressed with her, as no amount is enough when it comes to secrets and keeping things schtum. This is why I gave her full access to the company money, so she can do crap like this that I would probably forget. So now, nobody except those we want to will find this place and those we want to are limited to those we have working for us by contract.


Immediately after walking into the warehouse, I am directed by signs to two different areas. Firstly, the storage is to the right where all materials, equipment and other such things are kept. And then to the left is the workshop and manufacturing stations. However, both such places are blocked off by doors. Also, there is another door straight ahead of me, which does not have a sign placed there at all. Curious, I ask Andromeda about what it contains.


We start walking to the left while Andromeda explains that it is a secure room which holds the floo fireplace for everybody to use to arrive here. Nobody knows the actual location of this warehouse, and there are no windows, and nobody is allowed outside of the building. Apart from myself and Andromeda, everybody who works here knows very little about this building.


Questioning her on how this place could be so secure when we have a fireplace that is built into the floo network inside, and she answered me and enlightened me on some things that caused surprise. The floo network was indeed managed by the ministry, but people could indeed make their own network and system, except this requires a floo expert and a lot of money. Plus, we would have to have a specially made floo done for each employee. When I questioned why we didn't just have it done at the office, and all of them came there to go through it, she explained that it would be too vulnerable.


With only one entrance in and out, our warehouse would be secure. Still, it would also be susceptible to attack, such as some people waiting on the exit for us and capturing us, along with other possible problems. Andromeda pointed out that joining the ministry floo network added a layer of anonymity and flexibility because nearly everybody is connected to it, and all the employees can get here from anywhere. But, again, I expressed my concern about anybody finding out our location from the ministry and tracking us down for some espionage and sabotage.


Again, Andromeda assuaged my concerns which I expected. I just wanted to know how she has solved this possible issue. She informed me that with enough money, anything is possible, and she had paid enough to the right people to get to this floo connection and change the code word. After all, it does not need to be the location name. Just use the floo network with the correct code, and you will get where you want to go. Only we know this code, but I still have some concerns if someone does discover the code.


Again, Andromeda informs me that she has taken multiple measures to ensure the security of this and tells me to watch. Coming forward, Andromeda reached the doors and touched the hinges and screws in a particular order with her wand, making the door unlock and allowing us to go through. She says that only she and Rudolph know these codes since Rudolph can be trusted not to ruin his and his father's own dream. She tells me that all the doors need such a combination, and the front entrance and the door to the floo are different, and only she knows them, and she will inform me of them later.


Andromeda informs me that she used quite a bit of Galleons to heavily reinforce this area, as a lot of work would be done here. If there were any accidents, she wouldn't want them spilling out and alerting everybody because even the muggles would notice a massive explosion. I especially enjoyed the door. Making a mental note to ask Andromeda about that in the future since I would totally want to make a fuck load of hidden doors and passageways using that. I am guessing it is the same type as the brick wall behind the Leaky Cauldron that leads into Diagon Alley, with the bricks moving around. At the very least, the activation is similar, if not the effect, since they both unlock a passageway.


Walking through, Andromeda directs me to an area where I find big leather pants and jackets with hoods and boots made of the same materials on hooks, informing me that these are our protective equipment. Very reluctantly, I put on the coat and hood, forgoing the pants, shoes and the weird leather gimp mask thing with built-in eye shields. No way in hell. Of course, that is when I notice that Andromeda is shaking slightly behind me, and when I look behind, I notice she is not wearing any of the items, so I quickly take it off and put it back, assured that I would not need one if she did not use anything.


Moving me forward into another room, much larger than all the others I have been in so far, Andromeda explained to me that this was by far one of the most durable places in the entirety of England, given the experiments we would be doing in future after the production of this year's brooms is over. Walking through, I spot multiple leather-clad figures bustling around the place, all moving under the command of a different man, who distinguishes himself by having differently fashioned leather, which Andromeda informs me is slightly enchanted dragon leather.


I go to walk towards them, wanting to get this over with and figure out how business has been proceeding, but Andromeda stops me with a hand on my arm, motioning for me to stay for a moment and watch. Which I do, realising that none of the people inside has noticed our entrance, so entranced by the work they are doing that they are fully absorbed into it, ignoring everything else. However, I understand the merit of observing their behaviour and work ethic without them knowing we are here. So I watch as they are all busy themselves, standing before a stack of some silver metallic ingots. Goblin silver.


"Ah, that's right. I forgot about the Goblin issue. The last thing I did was tell them to either keep it coming or to fuck off, only in not so many terms. I am surprised you didn't come to me and inform me of anything, what happened." I question Andromeda while watching the men and women busying themselves, listening to the precise instructions of Rudolph, who is talking to them all.


"Well, I have to admit, you certainly do have a way with words, Gilderoy. I thought it was almost guaranteed that we would look up one day and find an army of Goblins outside our front door. But no, the shipments just kept coming as scheduled, and they have ever since with no communication at all. Though the few times I have been to Gringotts to withdraw some Galleons, a few did glare at me quite a bit, but even weirder was that some of them nodded their heads at me as I passed them by." Andromeda shudders slightly, unable to decide which was worse, the glares or the nods.


"Profit above all else, Andromeda. They might be intelligent, but their greed knows no bounds. Nothing is perfect. Everybody has flaws. I just happen to have less than everybody to have existed so far." I throw a smirk her way, only to be received by a deadpan face as she corrects the glasses on her face, causing the light to reflect off of them. Damn, I got actual smart anime glasses girl vibes there, and I liked it.


"Right, well, be careful in future. We were never friends with the Goblins, but now that we have got one up over them, they will be gunning for us to take everything we have, a nasty lot they are. So question everything they do, and remember that first and foremost, they only care about themselves, individually, that is. And in any future deals, make sure you know everything and read everything before signing anything or agreeing to it. Tricky bastards are subtle, so pay attention. I have faith that you will be able to handle it all, Andromeda." I smile at her. This is the first time in weeks that we have properly interacted. She looks hesitant but eventually smiles back. I look away before making it weird.


"Good. Now, it looks like they all know who is in charge. That is me, then you and then Rudolph. It is time I set them some goals and timeframes and encourage them to make the next best thing in time for the new year of Hogwarts. Also, Andromeda, I am relying on you to do most of the work here on advertising and marketing this stuff. Just inform me when I need to go to a photoshoot or event." Leaving her with those words, I walk forward, thankfully, before they start doing any experimentation. Rudolph soon notices me and tells them to wait as he steps forward to meet me, the rest watching.


"Gilderoy, it is good to see you. I haven't seen you in so long. I was beginning to dread that you had lost faith in us." Randolph says, walking forward, pulling off his mask, and reaching out a hand.


"I have not been around because I have faith in you, Rudolph, and in Andromeda. If there was anything that would have needed my interference, then she would have informed me, but she hasn't," I laugh, holding my hand out to shake his and pat him on the shoulder. I don't know much about this man, except he has a dream which he is determined to fulfil, and he is working for me. So better to treat him well than to treat him bad and brew resentment.


"Oh, then I worry what mistake we might have made to catch your attention and bring you down to meet with us," Randolph says, scratching the back of his head and chuckling nervously.


"Oh, nothing like that, Randolph. I am simply here to see how work is commencing and to inform you of some things. I am quite pleased with how you have been progressing so far, though I have not heard much about the new workers." So I say, calming his fears and ridding him of his worries.


"Oh, good. And these new broom makers, Gilderoy? Where did you find them? Some of them have quite a lot of good ideas and plenty of research to back it up, even if it is unfinished. With all of this, I can see myself making the perfect broom in a few years, just like my father wanted." Randolph, now calmer, speaks, informing me of the new employees. I honestly thought that these people were tricksters and arrogant people, but I guess some of them were actually confident and were making strides in their research. Fortunately, it did not come to fruition because now they can all work together and make the best broom possible.


"The same way I found you, my good man. Now, let's get down to brass tax. These men are now all under your command in order to manufacture the next best broom. So, I know you have finalised your broom design. How long will it take to make one hundred of them using all the resources here at your disposal?" I question talking to the man in charge instead of the menial workers. I have decided that I only need to take the prominent people, and they can handle the people underneath them. And so I am merely communicating with Randolph. He will handle everything else and will come to Andromeda if he has any problems.


"Well, with the people I have now, I could make just over a hundred brooms in a month. However, Gilderoy, I have been talking to these other broom makers, and they have some great viable ideas and research to improve our current design. So if we could have a bit longer to research it, then we could improve the current design in a lot of ways." I take a moment to ponder his request because whether or not I accept it, there will be some consequences.


First of all, he is telling me that there are even more improvements that can be made, but the broom design we have right now is top of the market and is guaranteed to blow everything else out of the water. We will absolutely demolish the competition and dominate the broom market. Therefore, in a purely business sense, it would be better to release this model now and then save these new ideas for other models so we can sell more and have even more profit.


However, profit is purely my pursuit in this arrangement, and Randolph here and I assume most of the other broom makers in seeking improvement in the craft and advancement. Therefore, not only do I need to think about how to make the most money, but I also need to keep these people happy and motivated, so they will make advancements and continue to work. I can't work them like horses, but I also can't keep restraining their curious minds that want to go even further. I need both the stick and the carrot.


"Fifteen days," I say simply, my eyes expressing how serious I am about this. Randolph looks confused as to what I am talking about, so I lose the genial smile on my face and my expression hardness, showing I am unwilling to budge on this new term. This is enough time to make him feel he is being allowed to make as many advancements as he can while also limiting him and not allowing him to properly complete any research so as to leave more developments for the next brooms we produce.


"You have fifteen days to make any improvements you can. We are on a strict schedule, and we want to get this out before the Next Hogwarts year starts so the kids can buy it in the summer holidays. Do not rush anything. These brooms are supposed to be the best quality on the market, do not hasten your research, be careful and make sure you have fully researched anything you want to add to the broom." I tell him, and with me not giving him a second to get a word in edgewise, I inform him precisely what is going to happen. In the end, he can only nod his head in understanding.


"Good. The next fifteen days are all you have, and you will have a finalised design when it is over. Because immediately afterwards, you will begin manufacturing the brooms, and we will also begin properly testing and marketing them. When they are finally released, we will have a big population already vying for them. So I am counting on you, Randolph." This gives us two months for manufacturing and testing to make sure the brooms perform as expected and they are not going to explode on anyone and result in a lot of angry customers coming after us.


"I won't let you down, Gilderoy. Fifteen days, I understand." Randolph nods in understanding, agreeing to abide by my terms. Even though I only own two more percent of Gilderoy and Spudmore than him, he is deferring to me as he should. It is good that he is not trying to get above his level and enforce his opinions because then I would have to stop being so friendly.


"Good. I expect great things, Randolph. I will return in fifteen days to see the final design and start the manufacturing. Goodbye, Randolph." Saying so, I turn around and walk back to Andromeda, ready to leave and get back to my training, I have another duelling tournament tomorrow, and I need to prepare. Andromeda can take care of the rest. I trust her, and she has shown herself to be capable.


Still, I am kind of dreading when the marketing will begin, and I need to do a lot of events and advertisements. Not looking forward to that. I would much rather go and compete in a duelling tournament. Much more fun. It is incredible to compete with wit and strength against an opponent, to give it your all and feel your blood pumping through your veins as you fight with your all.


Wait... Am I becoming a battle junkie?


[AN: I also recommend that you check out my Pat reon because I am going to be asking some questions and changing things up. And changing the way I update and what I am updating. So if you wanna see more of this or one of my other fics more frequently, check it out.]



Thank you to my Hero Patron Cory A Cinquini.


Thank you to my Superhero Patrons, Marcus Lane, reader76 and Savvy. Thank you for all your support.


Thank you to my Legendary Hero patron Haha93. Thank you for your immense support.


Thank you to my Galactic Hero Patrons James Feazell, Luis Barreda, Spoder man, 2Bizzy, Wilder, Jeffrey Iverson, TheBerryMan, Torrent, Soap1673, Josh W, Orest and Beloved Fool. Thank you for your extraordinary support.


Thank you all for your support, I truly appreciate it.


My discord: /xHREmAaC to discuss the fics and hang out.


My Pat reon: reon com/ DragonField (no spaces and a dot before the com) for anybody who wants to read advanced chapters of all my fanfics.


That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!


Stay safe and have fun!

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