The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 30

At least the next NINE chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to my Hero Patron, Cory A Cinquini.

Thank you to my Superhero Patrons, Marcus Lane, reader76 and Gregory. Thank you for all your support.

Thank you to my Galactic Hero Patrons Toramier, Luis Barreda, Spoder man, TheBerryMan, OettamLass, Gerard Steeghs, Gentleknife, Julian Riviera and Prince Acheampong. Thank you for your extraordinary support.

A massive thank you to my Mythical Hero Patron Savagesmiley. Thank you for your unbelievable support.

Thank you all for your support. I truly appreciate it.

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.


Chapter 30– Red Rain.


Shit, how could I be so fucking stupid! I messed the fuck up! Don't just dodge, Lockhart. Think about what you are dodging and where it will be going! Because if I had done that, then I wouldn't be here getting crushed by a metric ton of fucking bricks.

"Ha....haha." I hear laughter ahead of me, but it is hard to focus on it because of the pain. I was so close to winning. No, scratch that. I did win, but it was short-lived. He spotted me first and had managed to fire a killing curse at me, but I was faster, and I fired a disarming spell at him and managed to dodge the death spell in time. I weaved past his magic, and my attack hit him head-on. And then his wand flew out of his hand towards me, and I, like an idiot, high off of my own win, just stood there and waited for it, forgetting about everything else.

Like the killing curse, I just dodged. Big mistake. Huge. Because, even if I dodged it, spells would still have an effect. And the killing curse, which is so volatile, will have an impact even if it doesn't hit what it is supposed to. There is a reason why dodging is the primary prefered way to avoid the killing curse, and that is because there is so much killing intent and hate in the spell that even if it doesn't hit a human like it is meant to, it will explode anything with a life that it hits. Like the brick wall behind me. A brick wall that I fucking made. 

I forget about it, revelling in my victory, and the curse hit the brick wall directly behind me and exploded, bringing the ton of bricks down on my back and knocking my wand from my hand. I am lucky that I wasn't caught in the curse explosion itself and only in the resulting debris, or maybe make that unlucky. Because as I manage to crane my head up, I witness Piotr Rasputin slowly walking towards me with a maniacal look on his face, and he can't stop laughing.

"Ah- hahahaha! I really thought I was finished then!" I hear him cackle out, limping slowly over towards me, but I quickly avert my eyes to try and find something to help me out here. Because there is no way in hell the Piotr is going to let me leave here alive because I just saw what my earlier cutting curse did, and it is the reason why he is limping. He must not have jumped straight up, and he must have jumped forward into a roll because he is now missing a couple of toes on his left foot.

I quickly start to search around for my wand, but I can't seem to find it, and so I start to wiggle and flail as much as I can, hoping that my hand will brush up on my wand so I can find it and grab it. Even if it does hurt like a bitch underneath all this rubble, and moving is only exacerbating it, I have no other options. 

He is getting closer slowly, still laughing to himself. I would think he was delirious from blood loss if I didn't see the blood-stained bandages tied tightly around his foot. It must be a spell and a pretty useful one. I should look it up if I ever make it out of this alive.

Spotting a wand with my eyes, I don't recognise it and realise that it must be my opponent's wand. Still, unfortunately, it is too far from my reach and closer to my opponent than it is to me. Nevertheless, I don't have a cat's chance in hell of getting that wand, and so I focus on trying to find my own. I start trying more frantically as Raputing approaches his own wand, bending over to pick it up but having trouble doing so without a few toes.

I completely put him out of my mind now and searched for my wand. This is my only possible method of survival now. Either I find my wand before he picks up his own wand and reaches me, or I am dead. And then, suddenly, my struggles end up shifting the bricks on top of me, and a whole bunch start to fall and tumble down. A couple hit me on the back of the head, but I ignored the pain since it was insignificant right now. Then, I feel something roll down on top of my eye, blocking my vision in my left eye. Blood. I hate it.

And then I spot it. The bricks shuffling about proved to be a blessing in disguise as I managed to finally find my wand. There it was, sticking out from underneath a single solitary brick. The handle facing in my direction, just begging for me to take it and use it. Except it was just out of reach. I tried and stretched out as far I could with my aching limb. I distend myself trying, the pain nearly overwhelming me, but finally, my finger just scrapes against the wood, eliciting hope in me. Just a little more, and then it was mine.

"AGHH!" A foot slamming down on top of my hand quickly put my hope to rest. I look at the bloody bandaged foot clamped on top of my hand before looking up in shock to see Piotr standing above me and snarling down at me.

"Oh, were you trying to get something? My bad, you see, I stumbled onto your hand because I'm missing a COUPLE FUCKING TOES!" He punctuates his words by digging his foot deep into my hand, like when someone puts out a cigarette butt on the ground by twisting their foot on it. I stifle my grunts by gritting my teeth as I look up at him, and I can tell he is hurting his own damaged foot as he grounds it into my hand, but his vindictiveness is such that he doesn't care.

 "You wanted your wand, right? Well, I can't allow that now, can I?" Rasputin says, letting go of my foot to do something else. I don't care. Seeing my opportunity, I quickly lunge forward, trying to grab at my wand. It doesn't work. All it does is shuffle the bricks around on top of me and hurt me even more. A brick falls on top of my outstretched hand, causing it to spasm as I feel incredible pain from the point of the brick digging into my hand.

"Hahaha! Magic is on my side!" Piotr laughs as he hobbles forward. "It was on my side in the duel when it let you win so I could get my money!" He finally reveals what I wanted to know now from the beginning, lost in his own madness. I won that duel, fair and square. Not that it matters right now, given that I am in between a rock and a hard place.

"It was on my side when you disarmed me and rid me of my wand, and yet you are the one who fell!" He says, punctuating his words by kicking at my wand. However, he does so with his good foot, leaving him a bit unstable and affecting his aim, mainly kicking away the brick on top of my wand into the distance. The wand itself only moves a little, but even that is further out of my reach. 

"And it is even on my side now. Crushing your hand with a brick when you meant to pick up your wand and attack me again. This is destiny!" He manages to stabilise himself, not realising that my wand isn't as far as he thinks it is. He turns around and makes his way back to me. The anger has now faded away, but what remains is something much scarier. Arrogance. and not just arrogance but Neji Hyuuga levels of arrogance where he thinks everything is decreed by fate. Except, in this situation, Rasputin believes fate loves him. That magic is on his side.

"Haha, you are an idiot, Stick! Just a worthless mudblood. I checked up on you like I do all my opponents, and I could find nothing. No heritage or fame. So obviously, you are a jumped-up little ape that has delusions of grandeur. Trying to beat me. You can't! Magic is on our side!" He starts to ramble on, saying all kinds of things that I don't pay any attention to, more focused on something else. Though this sense of deja vu and being insulted like this does piss me off and make me feel like I haven't changed at all.

I quickly push that down and focus on trying to wiggle my way out of the bricks. Trying to find some leverage or something to free myself at least an inch so I can, at the very least, get closer to and grab my wand. Nothing seems to be working, and the bricks on top of me have now settled and refused to budge in the very least. Is magic actually on that fucker's side? Because now my only way out from under this pile of bricks is my wand, which is out of reach. Deciding to use my one hand that at least has some autonomy, however limited that maybe, I reach out my hand and clasp the ground.

"Oh, are you actually trying to crawl out from under there? Like the ant that you are!?" I hear him mocking me, but I don't care. I ignore him in favour of pressing my outstretched hand into the ground, digging in deep. My nails bending against the concrete, and my fingers scratched against it as I tried to use it to pull myself forward and free from the bricks. I find no purchase and my hand slips.

"Hahaha! Oh, I see. You want your wand, do you? Okay, go ahead. I won't stop you." My heart suddenly stops when he mentions my wand, and then it clenches uncomfortably when he starts to degrade me, not even trying to stop my attempts, seeing them as feeble and pathetic. They are. My hand scrapes uselessly against the ground as I try to pull myself free, and he just watches me all the time, taking pleasure in my desperate efforts. 

My life is in the palm of his hands, and he is enjoying it. So I don't stop my struggles. I don't let his jeering break me. I won't give up. And I don't. I keep trying, my fingers cracking and blood pouring out as I try again and again and again. My nails feel like they are tearing out, but it doesn't matter. I want to live. 

I will claw until my hand fucking disintegrates if that is what it takes. And then I realise I don't hear his laughs anymore. I can't hear him mocking me. I immediately worry about what he might be doing instead and look around for him, finding him standing in the same spot, but his face is stoic and his eyes cold.

"I have had enough of this. It is time to die, Edward." He says, pointing his wand down at me and before I can even fully comprehend what is going on, a spell has already flown in my direction. I didn't even have time to blink before it had taken effect, and it was very different from what I thought it was. Because suddenly, the bricks on top of me disappear. Vanished. My body moves on pure instinct, and I lunge to the right to go for my wand.

It was a mistake. I knew it as soon as I had done it, but I had already committed. My body was running off of pure instinct and my subconscious. As soon as the weight on top of me had lifted, it automatically went for what it thought was the best option. My wand. I associate it, as I assume most other wizards do, with safety, with power and with every other good thing you can feel. So it is no wonder why I went for it immediately, and it is also the reason why my fingertips just barely skim the thing before my entire body is wrenched back.

I should have gone for him first. He was closer, and he was also of balance because of his missing toes. I should have tackled him and tried to get his wand off of him or plain just beat his fucking face in. If I even could, my body was just battered by an entire wall of bricks, and I was only able to scramble against the floor towards my wand. Maybe it would have turned out like this anyway. With me pinned flat against the ground, spread eagle and looking up at Rasputin as he leers down at me.

"You know, I would have been fine watching you flail like a worm for a bit longer. But unfortunately, I have to get this treated before I can no longer grow them back." He gestures towards his missing toes. "Trust me, I would have loved to torture you some more. But at the end of the day, my toes are worth more than your entire life. Any last words?"

I open my mouth to tell him to go fuck himself, but he quickly swishes his wand and my mouth clamps shut. "Sorry, I actually don't care. Also, what's the point. Nobody cares about your last words anyway." He smirks, and my face starts turning red as I try with all my might to struggle free or, at the very least, open my mouth.

"Actually, there is one thing I a do that will give me some form of measure," Rasputin says, and I glare at him since my eyes seem to be the only thing that I can move. But that falters when I see him move to stand directly over me, both of his legs next to the sides of my stomach, and I worry for a second that I am about to get fucking pissed on. Thankfully, much to my relief, he starts to kneel down. I thank my good graces that I had avoided such a fate, though I still worry about what is going to happen next.

As he slowly lowers himself over me, taking his sweet time because of his fucked up foot and probably finding it hard to get into a position where his toes won't kill, I busy myself. I am pinned to the ground by some sort of charm, and it is not an immobulus since I am not frozen but something else. I don't know what. All that matters is that I can't move my body, which means that I can't move to get my wand. So I have to get my wand to move to me. 

I wish I had spent any time at all on wandless magic, but I never thought it an issue. I never thought I would be without my wand or in such a situation. That was a mistake. If I ever do make it out of this shitfest, then I will make sure I know the wandless accio spell because I sure as fuck need it right now. I tried my absolute hardest, willing for my wand to come to my hand, make my intentions known and using as much willpower as I possibly could, but nothing seemed to happen. But I didn't let up.

"Ahh, finally. Now, you may be wondering why I have put myself in such a position. Don't worry. I won't be making you slobber on anything. You are not worthy of such a distinction." I didn't even think of such a possibility. I am glad I am not worthy of that because if he tried, then I would fucking bite the thing off and spit it back in his face. Bastard.

"No, I am down here because I want to watch the light leave your eyes." He lowers himself further, moving his body forward until his head is right above mine, only a slight distance between his face and mine as we both stare into each other's eyes. "Everybody I have killed before has been in the heat of the moment, and I have never had the chance to appreciate it. This time I will." I feel something digging into my chest, ad my eyes can just about manage to see him pressing his wand into my flesh.

"Nobody will remember you." I panic, knowing precisely what is coming next. I see the bright sickly green glow appear, and I know what he is about to say next.

"Die." I quickly employ my Occlumency to get some time inside my head and start thinking and planning as much as I can before he finishes casting his spell. I immediately begin to think, and I realise that trying to get my wand is a no-go. I have no practice with wandless magic, and I just tried with all my might, and nothing happened. So, the question is, what can I do without a wand. And the answer is obvious. I am doing it right now. Occlumency and Legilimency.

"Av-" It is the only thing I can do now without my wand, and it just so happens that it is the thing I am the best at. Maybe not at using it to control myself, but when it comes to using it offensively, I am a master. I tried to use it on him earlier, but he had his defences up, and I didn't want to do anything to make the situation turn bad. But that was then, and this is now. So I immediately strike forward, trying to penetrate his head and use my Legilimency to take control of him. 

"-ad-" My probe strikes true, and I strike through to the very essence of him, not caring for subtlety or gentleness. He is trying to kill me, and so the only appropriate thing to do in such a situation is to kill him first. And so I do my best to ignore the incredible hate, anger and maliciousness enveloping his entire mind and try to destroy it. I have never cast the killing curse myself, but if this is the amount of hate and rage you have to feel, then I don't know if I ever could. This is a maddening amount of hate and fury and the sickness needed to extinguish a life directly. It is hard to ignore.

"-da-" I push with the entire force of my mind, breaking apart numerous parts and facets of whatever it was that made Piotr Rasputin Piotr Rasputin all to get to the centre of his mind, to his very core. And then, I am there. At the very depth of his being and all that makes him function and live. And I attack it. I ravage it and tear it to shreds. And he turns off. He was so focused and consumed by the emotion needed for the killing curse that I was easily able to completely destroy his mind. He is dead. Not physically, but he might as well be.

"-ka-" And yet, his words do not stop. His mind is gone, completely vanished. And yet, the green glow persists. And I realise why. I destroyed his mind, and now that is completely gone. But emotions don't just disappear. They fade away. The mind is a complicated thing that even I can't claim to comprehend even half of, and it seems I found a new oddity. The mind is gone, and yet the emotion still lingers.

That emotion of hate, viciousness and intent to murder persists. The same thing powers the spell, and so the magic continues, even with Rasputin dead in the intelligent sense. Somehow, someway, the emotion is what is keeping the killing curse going, and Rasputin's empty body is following through on his casting. And everything seems hopeless. But I don't give up. This revelation has revealed something to me, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

"-da-" I abandon Raputins head. It is too messed up for me to do anything there, and it would take much longer than the time I had to figure out what is wrong and how to stop this. So instead, I delve back into my own head. If messing with Raputin's head wasn't going to save me, then maybe messing with my own head would. My emotions were the key to this. Right now, my biggest desire was to not die. But that wouldn't help me. My biggest want right now should be my wand because that is what will save me.

"-va-" I immediately start to alter my own mind. I started locking off and restraining things that I didn't need right now. Memories, emotions and desires. I start pushing all of that deep down. So down into the depths that they can't even be seen anymore, and not even an echo of them remains. They exist, but they don't at this moment. 

I alter my own thoughts and brain, focusing all my needs and desires on the wand and on survival. My mind forgets everything else, and I am solely focused on that one single thing. Survive, no matter the cost. Nothing remains except what is needed. What is required for me to survive this ordeal.

"-rr-" Rasputin had almost finished the spell and was about to kill me when my wand rocketed towards me, directly into my waiting hand. The charm that Rasputin had applied to keep me pressed against the ground is no longer there. Maybe my new mentality and the burst of magic had destabilised and gotten rid of it, or perhaps it had disappeared after I had extinguished Raputin's mind. It didn't matter. All that matters is that my right hand, my wand hand, was free to move. And move it I did.

My hand swipes to the left, passing across Rasputin as my magic follows my command without me even having to say anything. And then the green glow dies down, and all that remains is silence. It would have been eerie if I could feel such a thing, especially as I looked up into Raputin's dead empty eyes. And witnessed the thin red line appearing across his neck.

The line gets bigger and bigger before, finally, the flesh can no longer hold back the waves threatening to rush out. And then, red pours out. Blood gushes out of his neck, falling down to cover me entirely. My face is smothered by the dark liquid that continues to pour like it wants to drown me. Like Piotr Rasputin is still around and is trying his best to kill me even after death. I have to close my eyes to prevent the torrent from compromising my vision.

Hmm. This would probably be very traumatising for me later. Not now, however, because I am in kill mode right now. I feel nothing.

Nothing at all.

I want to talk more with you guys, so I am starting to leave little notes at the end of each chapter like this.

Alright, so I am catching back up on Bleach thousand-year blood war. Episode 3. I liked it. Urhara just showed up and turned the tides, giving everybody back their bankais, and then the Quincy, who didn't expect to lose the bankais, suddenly got destroyed. Plus, the slightly hollowfied bankais were pretty cool. I only saw a big change in Toshiro with his mask, but I wonder how the others will look. Also, Rangiku is out, stabbed right through the chest. -_-.

And then, Shinji Hirako was pretty funny. Hearing that kinda amorous music in the background as he faced Bambietta was interesting. Also, his abilities are cool. His zanpakuto lets him alter his opponent's perception of directions, and his bankai allows him to turn enemies against each other. Overall, it is kind of like a watered-down version of Aizen's one. However, Aizen manipulated all the senses.

And then finally, the end where the Stern Ritters suddenly had a new power that they couldn't use before because of the bankai. Yeah, okay. That's fine. But then they all lit up different colours, and I couldn't help but think of power rangers and then the different coloured lanterns from DC.

Episode 4. Shinji was blown the fuck up straight away. And the doggy captain, Saijin, came back to save him. And that guy was cool as shit. He took out his own heart to become human and undead and beat the crap out of Bambietta. But then it ran out, and he became a wolf. That massive fucking dog, though? That guy was evil like he was scarier than Yuhaba. He ate Saijin's heart. That dog is the big bad. And Ichigo is going through some trials, seeing Buddha or the Soul King Brook or whatever.

If you want to chat more about this or any other topic, come to my Discord through the link.

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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