The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 34

At least the next NINE chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to my Hero Patron, Cory A Cinquini and Salvage48.

Thank you to my Superhero Patrons, Marcus Lane, Gregory and Ellis winn. Thank you for all your support.

Thank you to my Legendary Hero Patron, Patron Daoist Mufasa. Thank you for your immense support.

Thank you to my Galactic Hero Patrons Toramier, Luis Barreda, Spoder man, TheBerryMan, OettamLass, Gerard Steeghs, Gentleknife, Julian Riviera, Prince Acheampong, Lifirion, Torrent, reader 76, Ahmed Ayub, MaliMi and Lorenzo Campbell. Thank you for your extraordinary support.

Thank you to my Mystic Hero Patrons Argwan and amilagarwal. I can't thank you enough for your support.

Thank you all for your support. I truly appreciate it.

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.


Chapter 33– Night To Misremember.

Hmm, what a great way to wake up. There is nothing like waking up to another warm human body pressed into your front and a handful of soft boob in your hand. Hang on a minute, didn't I go home with a bodacious blonde? I distinctly remember that. The last thing I can remember with any clarity is chatting and drinking with her at the Three Broomsticks, and then some fuzzy memories afterwards of the fun night we had. 

And I remember that she had near enough the biggest tits I had ever seen, like close to Madam Rosmerta's size. She actually looked a bit like her as well. Except, right now, I am palming a different breast. Don't get me wrong, it is big, a nice handful that feels great, but I could have sworn they were bigger. Oh well, maybe she was just using illusion charms or some type of magic to boost up her appeal. It isn't that weird. I have seen a few of those, though; thankfully, they have just been minor cosmetics so far.

Opening my eyes, I see the back of my companion's head, though I can't derive much from it since it is covered in the sheets. Not a pretty sleeper. I don't bother disturbing her, however, since although my memories are a bit fuzzy, I am confident I returned to the office with that same blonde game. And that is where we are, at my workplace, in my office. As is per usual since it is the place I have had the most intercourse, and I am comfortable here. Plus, it is customary to annoy Andromeda with it now, like a tradition. 

I call it my office, but really, it is like my bachelor pad. There is a desk and everything, which I sometimes do work on, but usually, it just serves as an object to have sex on, along with the chair. A lot of the furniture I have in here I got because it also served the purpose of a good place to have sex on, like the coffee table. And then there is my sofa. Initially, I would transfigure it into a bed whenever the mood struck or if my partner and I were both tuckered out. 

However, that didn't always work for me since we would fall asleep on the sofa and have a lousy sleep sometimes. Which is why I had a sofa specially commissioned for me. I asked Andromeda and told her what I wanted, and apart from an eye-roll, she sorted it out for me. And now I have a luxurious sofa that can sense your mood and change itself to match, such as changing itself into a bed when you are tired. Saves me a lot of hassle, and I can still do it manually as well.

Ignoring all of that, I focus back on something much more important. The no doubt fetching woman that was currently still naked on my bed except for the sheets and whose tit I was still fondling. Damn, it is like the most malleable squishy soft thing I have ever felt. I feel like I could pull my hand out, and it would stretch with it, though obviously, that is not possible. 

Wanting to get a look at her to refresh my mind and confirm for myself that I hadn't done something, I grab the edge of the sheets. I take a breath and prepare myself for the possibility that maybe my drunkness last night gave me a very different set of standards, and I ran into someone else after the cute blonde. I lift it up, and I realise that I am definitely not with the blonde that I last recalled. The reason being that whoever is in my bed now has more petite tits and ass, though I can't see their face since it is still covered.

I remove my hand that was still groping her chest down to her ass and give it an experimental feel, and it is just as good. She has a banging body, though it is less pronounced than the blonde from last night, but that isn't bad. She is definitely younger than the blonde, I would guess, around the early twenties. After a second, I manage to pull my hand away from her great ass and prepare myself to finally reveal her face, hopefully without waking her up so she doesn't ask me what I am doing. Now, mystery guest, reveal yourself.

I pull down the sheet and reveal a full head of hair since she is facing the other way from me, but that is all I need. I don't bother looking at her face when I see the colour of her hair and my hand stalls. The sheet falls from my hand, dropping to rest around her small neck. I quickly gather myself and quickly stop myself from freaking out. There could be a number of people out there with the same hair colour. I mean, we have magic, and there are colour-changing charms, so there is no reason for me to automatically assume that this person is the person I think they are.

Still, I can't help but get a really bad feeling that I have crossed a line that I shouldn't have. And I have done an irreversible thing. Getting up slowly onto my hands and knees so as to not wake her up before I am ready, I inch closer to her. Putting my hand over her and onto the other side of the bed, I lean over, and yeah. It's her. I have seen that face before, and now I know it intimately. Shit, I have really fucked up. 

Moving back, I quickly cover her back up in the sheets and then gently get up off of the bed. Walking across the room, uncaring of my nakedness, I ease myself into my desk chair and lean back in it. I sigh, feeling myself deflate at this new situation I have found myself in. What the fuck am I going to do? Hell, how the fuck did I end up like this? I remember the blonde girl, and that is it, so how did I end up with this person. 

Shit, I need to do some damage control. I need to think about the trail since there is always a trail, and if this might ever get out, because if it is just the two of us in the know, then I could probably convince her to leave well enough alone or at the very worst make her forget ever meeting me. It's a bit scummy, but it would be better for everyone in the long run. Right, so now I have to use my Occulmency to go over my memories with a fine toothcomb and get rid of the cobwebs. I need to see everything clearly to know just what happened and if anybody else witnessed it.

Okay, alright, I am starting from the very beginning, from the Three Broomsticks. Madam Rosmerts leaves, and the blond girl comes to take her place. I don't know her name, and I don't think I ever asked. After that, I just kept chatting with her and drinking Firewhiskey. I told her an altered version of my encounter with Piotr Rasputin, maybe as some way to get it off my chest or something, I don't know. After that, I told her a couple more stories, and she was really interested. And then that's when I started to get really drunk, and things faded a bit.

Thankfully with the help of Occlumency, I can get rid of the fogginess and see everything clearly. I remember that I was really drinking, and I was seeing flashes of colour every now and then, but I ignored them, thinking I was just seeing things. What an idiot I was. I didn't even think about checking her mind to see if she had nefarious purposes like I usually did. I was just trying to relax and forget about my self-inflicted horror show.

And then I offered for her to come back with me, and she looked surprised like she had never had such an offer before. Like she didn't even expect it. She was hesitant, but in the end, she agreed, and then she came back to mine, to my office. Even as I went and sat on the sofa, she just stood there, unsure of what to do. Hell, she looked kind of worried and terrified when I told her we would be going to Diagon Alley, as she thought I had a place at Hogsmeade which she would have been fine with for some strange reason.

I invited her to the couch, and she sat next to me. She looked incredibly excited at the same time as scared and timid. I decided not to rush anything, even in my drunken state. Of course, in my drunken state, that just meant not getting my pants straight off. No, I started with just some proper flirting where I made my intentions clear and some touching which she didn't shy away from. Now that I think of it, I had a lot of drinks and got drunk, but she hadn't had any more intent to just listen to my stories.

She clearly knew why I had brought her back here, and she followed me just the same. She was nervous, and I thought she was just a virgin. She didn't know what to do or how to proceed, and I didn't want to move too quickly and scare her away. I just got her to feel comfortable with some chatting with some subtle amorosity, and she was getting into it. After a bit of that, I moved on to my final line of questioning and struck. And after that, things got hot and heavy.

"Are you serious? You don't have a boyfriend?" I ask, acting like I was shocked. I kind of was and wasn't, to be honest, given how she was acting as well as how she looked. I was much too drunk to try and use Occlumency on her to better steer the conversation. Doing so would run the risk of me fucking up and screwing up her mind. 

"I am serious. I don't have a boyfriend or anything like that... in fact, I never have." I liked how quick she was to confirm that she wasn't taken, eager for something to happen.

"Wow, your kidding. You must have been hidden under a Fidelius all your life, or everybody is just blind." I say, to which she blushes.

"A Fidelius?" She questions, which is when I remember that such magic isn't public knowledge

"A charm that conceals an area and makes everybody completely forget about it." I simplify and explain to her, not seeing it worthwhile to actually explain it to her.

"Oh, wow. Well, what about you? Do you not have a- a girlfriend or something?" She asks back, expressing her interest.

"No. There was someone, but she turned me down. She was with someone else." I say, my drunken state making me a bit truthful for once.

"Then, she must have been an idiot to turn you down." She says, looking angered on my behalf.

"Hmm... Are you an idiot?" I say, which befuddles her and makes her blush in embarrassment, making her think she messed up somewhere.

"N-No, of course, I am not an idiot." She says, stuttering.

"So, you wouldn't turn me down?" I say, having led her into it. If she turns me down, then she would be an idiot, right.

"I... I-" She was obviously caught off guard and didn't know what to say.

"Are you going to turn me down?" I say, making it clear what my intentions are. I make it even more apparent when I shift closer and put a hand on her thigh and use the other to grab her chin, slowly getting closer.


"I-I..." She doesn't manage to get much out before my lips are gently touching upon hers, and then I stop, and it is she that presses in further, deepening the kiss. After that, we don't talk much. Me not having anything to say, and her not having the chance to say much with how busy we would get.

We wrapped our arms around each other and pulled in closer, deepening our embrace and kiss. My tongue is the first to venture forth into her mouth to entwine our tongues. She is inexperienced but a quick learner as we start our battle of the tongues. In the beginning, I was winning, but somehow her tongue ended up dominating mine. It felt so small in her mouth at first, but I guess with experience, she got better, and her tongue was actually longer.

Eventually, we pulled away from each other to breathe. However, we still didn't have a chance to say anything as we quickly jumped back onto one another, though this time, it was her that initiated it. It was almost desperate how she touched me, as if I could disappear at any moment, as if the moment was fleeting and she was trying to grab on and experience as much of it as she could. I didn't care. It just made things more fun for us.

She takes me by surprise when she reaches for my robes and tries to pull them off of me, obviously finding it hard since she just pulled on it as if that would magically work. I quickly help her and take off my robe, revealing the muggle clothes I wore underneath, which I had forgotten about. I don't even realise it at the moment, and if she notices or is bothered by it, she doesn't make an issue of it and doesn't even say anything. She is more interested in getting all my articles of clothes off.

Not one to be passive, I return the favour and start pulling her robe off of her frame to reveal the buxom body beneath. If my mind was more clear, I would have had some questions about her clothing that did not at all match how she looked. She had on biker boots, ripped-up jeans, as well as a punk rock chick t-shirt with purple and black striped sleeves. The clothes she had hidden under her robes completely differed from how she was acting, plus they looked very tight on her frame. They were at least a size too small.

I didn't care about any of this at the time, and I was just more interested in seeing what lay underneath. Our lips still in a dangerous tango, I move my hands to myself and quickly divest myself of my upper wear. With my own chest bare, I quickly move to make sure we are on equal terms, and I grab the hem of her top and start to lift it up. When it reaches the pits of her arms, she moves away from me and lifts her arms up in the air, allowing me to pull her top straight up and clean off of her.

Her plain white bra is revealed, which I definitely notice and which takes most of my attention given that it is definitely more than one size too small. Her tits are ballooning out of the top, and I fear that the strain on the poor piece of fabric is too much that it would soon destroy itself. Thankfully mercy is delivered to the bra when she reaches back to unclasp it, and it practically whoops in joy as it rockets off from the released tension and flies off somewhere else in the room.

I don't pay it much attention since I am more focused on the jiggling mountains in front of me, that wobble like an earthquake has just happened. Massive tectonic collisions are happening as my gaze is drawn to the flesh, like gravity pulls everything to the ground. And then it is like a black hole as it gets bigger and more prominent in front of my eyes, and then my face is consumed by the heavenly breasts.

I can't stop myself from fondling and groping them as I rest my face between them. In my drunken state, I see no problem with starting to twist my face around in them, prompting the legendary motorboat. It was all a blur as my cheeks and her flesh rapidly started touching and slapping against each other, and she seemed to be taking it in stride, given the moans I was hearing and the way she clutched my head to her chest.

An amazing experience, to be sure, but I find myself coming to a stop when a bit of her breast finds itself in my mouth, and I get a taste for it. I started sucking on the flesh, drawing a cry of surprise from my partner as I grabbed and started playing with the nipple on the other breast. My mouth leaves the meat and moves towards the nipple, latching on and lightly biting it, making her moans grow louder.

I don't know how long I spend there, but eventually, I pull away when the tightness in my pants grows too much, and I need some relief. Pushing her back onto the couch, she practically flops on it like a dead fish, and that is when I notice that her jeans are soaking. I had brought her to orgasm multiple times while focused on her breasts, and my focus was so intent that I hadn't even realised it. 

She is still there, but she is catching her breath and covering her face with her arm as she lays there, panting heavily. I would have noticed a lot more differences than just her jeans being wet if I wasn't drunk, but I was, and I missed them. Deciding to give her a bit of rest time so she can catch her breath and rejoin the world of the living, I take my time and undo her jeans. Again, I should have noticed that they were more fitting than before, but I didn't.

I slowly slid them down her thighs and then her calves, but then I hit a roadblock when they refused to move anymore, and when I looked down, I realised she still had her biker boots on. I grabbed them both and pulled them free before tossing them somewhere behind me, along with the socks she was wearing, before finally drawing the jeans fully off past her ankles and onto the floor.

Now at the bottom, I start working my way back up slowly, kissing along her legs, slowly moving up on the inside of her legs, holding her by the ankles. When I reach the thighs, I slow down even more and start to take my time, caressing her thighs and kissing them tenderly, getting close to her quim but never quite crossing that final bit.

"...Please." I hear from above, and then I hold back no longer. I grab her by the thighs and pull myself closer, moving her plain white panties to the side, not sexy, but definitely cute and innocent, and I go to town. I lick and penetrate with my tongue, and her screams are ecstasy to my ears. When I feel her hands grab the top of my head and grab onto my hair for dear life, I smile into her vagina as I continue to pleasure her, knowing that I am far from that inexperienced idiot I was when I first woke up in this body.

When I hear the piercing scream ring through the air and feel the full body shake as she twitches, and spasms and a waterfall rushes out at me, I know it is time to move on to the next part. I have made sure she is satisfied, and now it is my time to be satisfied. I move back and stand to my feet, going to undo my trousers, but then I stall. Even in my addled state, I can realise that something is wrong here.

This is not the same girl I brought back to my office. She is far smaller than the blonde and more petite, and now her hair is short and... pink?

I want to talk more with you guys, so I am starting to leave little notes at the end of each chapter like this.

I have started watching Zom Bucket 100 and Mashle, but we can talk about that another time because, guess what? ONE PIECE LIVE ACTION is out!

I have watched the first five episodes, and I have to say it is pretty good. Obviously, it is not going to follow the exact same script as the manga and anime, but I think they have done it pretty well. It all has to be condensed down as well since the actors are going to age up as well, so they can't hang around for twenty years to do the whole epic. My guess is next season will be up to enies lobby. And then the season after that will be to war of the best. The one after that will be a post-time skip to Big Mom, and the one after that is to the end. That is if it isn't cancelled, as Netflix likes to do that.

Usopp makes me laugh the most. Zoro is my favourite, being badass and kind of sassy. Dracule Mihawk was cool as shit. Did not expect Zeff and Sanji to sound like that, but it actually fits. I like it. Nami is cool, fighting just as much as the others. Luffy is good, but he isn't as goofy as I would like or dumb. But obviously, this is a TV show, so things are going to be different for a new audience. There are things I felt were off, but I am just going to call those growing pains.

Haven't heard a single shi shi shi yet, so I'm kind of disappointed. The laughs are really unique in one piece, and I think they add a lot to the characters.

If you want to chat more about this or any other topic, come to my Discord through the link.

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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