The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 37

At least the next NINE chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to my Hero Patrons, Cory A Cinquini, Salvage48 and Luis Antonio Aguilar Ocaña.

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Thank you to my Galactic Hero Patrons Luis Barreda, Spoder man, TheBerryMan, OettamLass, Julian Riviera, reader 76, MaliMi, Aaron, Prince Acheampong, Fernzyyyy, Phil Meyering and Albert Arriaga. Thank you for your extraordinary support.

Thank you to my Mystic Hero Patrons, Wilder, Aaron, Eoghan Curran and Argwan. I can't thank you enough for your support.

Thank you all for your support. I truly appreciate it.

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.


Chapter 37– Naughty Girl.


"What the fuck was that?" I ask, backing my desk away and allowing Nymphadora to get up from under there and get to her feet. But as I see her pull herself up off the floor, I quickly avert my eyes because she is still looking like Andromeda, and I have no doubt that that is one of her most accurate transformations since it is her own mother. I don't allow myself to look, knowing that just the merest glimpse would make me give in to temptation and jump her bones again. Not to mention, little Gil is still up and ready, raring to go.

"What was what?" She asks, getting to her feet and moving around, trying to get into my view, but I keep turning my head, refusing to look at her. She finds it amusing, like a game, and keeps trying to jump into my sight. I just put my head down and move to the clothes spread around all over the room, wanting to find my wand. I am glad Nymphadora didn't wear her Hogwarts uniform and just some normal clothes. Otherwise, things could have gone really wrong.

"You, turning into your mum. Why would you do that? And with her in the room. And change out of that form." I say, finally managing to find my wand from within all the fabric and then using it to fling all of her clothes back at her, all of them thankfully hitting her accurately and covering up her body as I start to put my own clothes on. 

"You didn't have a problem with it last night. Plus, she just called me a little whore, so let's just call this a little payback." Nymphadora says, as she thankfully changes back into herself since she wouldn't be able to fit into her clothes otherwise. Meanwhile, I cast Tempus and realise it is still early in the morning, and only one Hogwarts Lesson has passed, so her disappearance from the school shouldn't be an issue yet.

"That's another thing. Why the hell did you agree to do that last night. I was pissed out of my skull, but you weren't." I say, looking straight at her now that she is dressed. She took the forms of various different people last night, and me being my drunk self, didn't question it and pushed it to the max to the point where I had her turn into her mother. I just can't figure out why she would go along with that.

"Are you talking about me changing into a lot of different people? Or do you particularly just take issue with me looking like my mother?" She asks pointedly, grinning at me and pointing a finger. And no, I don't have a problem with her being other women, even if it confuses me, but Andromeda is different.

"You know what I mean. All of it, why?" I ask, legitimately confused. I know some people wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth and just appreciate that this has fallen into their laps, but this just rings too weird in my head. It is a known and true idiom to not stick your dick in crazy, and right now, with the things this girl has done and what she is saying, she is looking crazy. I don't want a shapeshifting crazy lady to be a problem for me down the line. Even if it is kind of 'scarousing'.

"...It's hard being different, ya know. Having something about you that everybody can see and know about, that you can't hide. You are the first person to... You weren't like the others." Her tone changes, and she becomes incredibly solemn as she talks. She takes a seat on the edge of my desk as she starts to tie the laces on her shoe, looking down at the ground.

"I am very confused. Your ability is incredible, and from what I can remember of last night, you are very skilled with it. But I don't see what makes me different." I move to the desk, taking a seat beside her but keeping a certain distance. I don't want this to go back into that territory, and I am not about to touch her again when I still don't know her reasons. Don't want to encourage anything, not right now.

"Don't get me wrong, almost all the boys who have hit puberty are trying to get into my pants. But before that, they were different. Apart from a few, I am pretty much isolated from the rest of my year group. When you can turn into anybody else, you become suspect number one. Or a good scapegoat." That makes sense. If there was a way to not get into trouble when at school, then you would almost always try. And she was the holy grace of excuses. Not everybody was going around making illegal Polyjuice potions, after all.

"I was always getting blamed for things other people had done, and all they had to do was have their friends back them up, and suddenly I was the criminal even though they used their own faces. Obviously, I was in other places sometimes, and they got called out on it, but they still kept doing it. I can't tell you the amount of times this was done to me while at Hogwarts. Everybody and anybody knows about the metamorphagus and would easily use me to try and save themselves. To escape detention with Filch." She says, and from what I know of the books and what I can recall, nobody should be subjected to even a minute with the old man. Malicious creep.

"So, what did you do? You don't strike me as the kind of person to just take that lying down." She really doesn't. Nymphadora, the true one and not the person I met at the bar last night, seems to be a very bright and upbeat person with a bit of a nasty edge to her. 

"You got that right. I realised this was going to keep happening, and so I figured out a way to stop it. I started to pretend to be really clumsy. I would always trip over and bump into stuff everywhere I went to the point that everybody knew I was a klutz. At that point, they couldn't keep blaming things on me because I would have been very clumsy and would have gotten caught. That's the logic anyway, and it worked." She says, looking very smug about it. I think it was a cannon thing that she was clumsy, but then she also became an Auror, so maybe this is what actually happened. I doubt you could be an Auror if you were unbelievably incompetent, after all.

"But that's not all, right. You couldn't just let them get away with it like that, right, even if they weren't able to do it anymore." I say, watching as Nymphadora's smile grows bigger. I figured she would get them back somehow. This is the girl that decided to turn into her mother under my desk when her mother insulted her, though her mother didn't know it was her. Aside from how I described her earlier, she also strikes me as being capable of being spiteful and precocious, fully willing to get her own back.

"Ha, that's right. Since everybody knew I was clumsy, it wasn't possible for them to blame their misdeeds on me anymore. But they still did manage to blame a lot on me. So, I did just what they said. I went around doing detention-worthy stuff as them, and they got in trouble for it. I made sure they paid for what they did, escaping what they did and pinning it on me. That is actually part of why I want to be an Auror, to get assholes like that." She says, smiling brightly, her teeth on full display.

"A worthy aspiration. However, that still doesn't explain why you did all that for me last night. Or why you were fine turning into Andromeda." She told me about her time at Hogwarts, and while that was informative and interesting, it wasn't what I asked her. People treated her differently because of her ability, and how are they any different than I am. 

"Because you weren't scared of it or wanted to use me like they all did. When you found out, you said it was cool. You compared me to Mystique, my favourite comic villain. You said you fantasised about Mystique and her ability, not me or mine. I offered to do it for you. You didn't make me do anything." She explains, and now that I look back on it, she is correct. I compared her to Mystique and mentioned how it was a fantasy to do it with her. In my past life, where there were movies of her as Jennifer Lawrence. And then she jumped at it and said she could do it.

"Then, what about changing into Andromeda. I can't imagine you were quite so eager to do that." I question. Now that I give it more thought, it wasn't that weird or implausible for Nymphadora to have sex transformed as other people. She has had these bowers since birth and has always been able to decide how she looked. I would think for her, it was more like changing clothes. Wearing lingerie or other naughty uniforms enhanced the sexual experience, so maybe this was like that for her. But that still doesn't explain her mother.

"Yeah, that just happened. We were using Occlumency for you to send me the images of what you wanted me to look like, and then I would take it and transform. It was slow going at first, but eventually, it was rapid fire. I think we kind of meshed somehow, and I just opened that part of my mind up to you and allowed you to hijack my powers, and then I didn't have to do anything, and you were deciding my appearance. I was still aware of the changes and what I looked like, but you were in control. And you..." She trails off there, but I already know the rest.

"I was in control, and I made you look like Andromeda. you couldn't stop it, and you had no choice in the matter." From my memories, all I remember is just sending the woman over into her mind. But on her side, she was just allowing those images to alter her without any vetting or action from herself. I sent Andromeda over in my drunken stupor, and she automatically changed.

"Well, no. I did have a choice in the matter, and I could have stopped it. It is my body, after all. It was just... from how hard you were going, and by the time I realised who I looked like, I had already been in that form for a bit. And to be honest, I didn't care. I was much more absorbed in what we were doing. Plus, I think you might have just added one to my collection. No need to feel bad." Her tone turns thoughtful, and she closes her eyes in thought with a finger to her lips.

"Your collection?" I ask, the words sounding ominous. Her eyes snap open at my words, and she turns to look at me, her eyes teasing.

"Yeah. Being what I am, looking different is no different than changing clothes or glamour charms are for other women. And I like both guys and girls. So sometimes, in private, I conjure a full-body mirror and turn into another girl, somebody I know. I start to masturbate and touch myself in front of it. Watching that girl in the mirror. There's nothing like it. I even did it with Professor Sinestra." ...I don't know what to say. Surely not.

"You're kidding me, right?" That is all I can say to that, finding no other response. Unable to help myself, I used my Occlumency to test her defences. I was very intimate with them because I spent a lot of time in there last night. She wasn't focused on them, still an amateur, and I took my chance to slip in and check, and... wow. She wasn't kidding, and she does it a lot as well, and what's with all the magical toys. Also, who is that brown-haired Slytherin girl with the tuft of orange hair at the front? Because damn.

"I'm just saying I have always been a bit kinky, and I probably would have tried it as my mum at some point or another. You have just hastened the process and added a few extras to my collection. Which now may or may not include my own mother." She says, closing an eye and sticking her tongue out at me, giggling. She is clearly trying to tease me, though whether or not she would have got around to her mother, I don't know. But the plays she did in private, I wouldn't doubt it.

"Alright, shut up. Stop messing about. I have had enough of you for one day, and-" Nymphadora oohs and then interrupts me.

"Ditto. I have had enough of you as well. In fact, I would say I have had my fill. I am positively bursting, haha." She laughs and starts wiggling her eyebrows at me. I ignore the innuendos, even though I do appreciate them, wanting to get her out of her now.

"-you need to get out of here before Andromeda comes back." I resumed where I left off, completely blanking her comment, causing her to pout. "You need to get back to Hogwarts. I am sure the professors would just give a detention for going to Hogsmeade or something, but to completely leave Scotland? Yeah, let's not let them find out. The floo is over there. You can use it." I say, pointing at the fireplace. It might seem like I smashed, and then I'm telling her to dash, but... no, that is what's happening.

"B-But, how? I can't sneak back in there now!" Nymphadora says, a panicked expression on her face.

"Sure you can. You snuck out last night, didn't you? Plus, you can use your ability and change into whoever you need to to get back inside." I say, looking at her blankly. I don't see why she is so worried. She did it once. Now she just has to do it again but in reverse.

"That was at night when hardly anyone was around. Now everybody is around, and I can't just walk around easy as pie. Plus, the passage back inside Hogwarts is in the cellar of Honeydukes. Which is open now and not empty like it was last night. I can't get through with everybody in there, and it is the only passage I know." She complains, and I find myself wanting to rub my head in annoyance.

"Alright, change yourself into someone else. Make yourself flat. I don't need to explain why I am with a girl, and put your robe on, hood up." I need her back in that school so nothing happens and there isn't a trail. Like Andromeda realising her daughter was missing from Hogwarts at that time, and that she also spotted a T-shirt that was the same one her daughter had in my office. It is entirely plausible. That could happen. I need to return her to Hogwarts right now.

"You're taking me back?" She says, surprised. I don't see why she should be. Of course. I have to take her back since she says she can't do it herself. However, she doesn't waste any time and quickly changes her appearance, which I don't get a full look at as she pulls her robe on, and her body flattens out to the point you wouldn't think it was a woman. I wonder if she can change her height.

"Yes, now, go through to the Three Broomsticks and then immediately go and wait for me outside, around the corner. It should be deserted. Just wait there, okay?" I ask as I motion her towards the fireplace and lift the pot so she can grab the floo powder. "Good. Go." I say at her nod and shove her into the fireplace. She turns around, and then with some words and a flick of her hand, she disappears in a spiral of green fire. I quickly followed afterwards, once I pulled my own robe on and covered my head.

As soon as I am out the other side, I walk straight out, trusting the Nymphadora has already done so and followed my orders. I walk out the door and head left, turning the corner to see her hooded form standing against the wall, looking very worried. I quickly close in on her, and she seems spooked at first before realising it is me.

"Ohh, I was so scared. I thought you left me? I thought I was going to get caught." She says and lunges forward to wrap me in a tight hug, and I can feel her hands roaming up and down my body. I could already tell by the one of her voice that she was faking it, it was blatantly obvious, and she was just having fun. I quickly removed her from myself.

"Alright, stop messing about. We need to-. Were you always wearing lipstick?" I can't help but get sidetracked and ask when I see her face. I guess it was because she had such a boy's face at the moment that the lipstick looked very out of place, and then I couldn't recall if she was wearing it earlier.

"Oh, I just decided to put this on while I was waiting for you. Why? Do you like it?" She makes a smooching face, and I just about manage to keep the cringe off of my face because she is doing it with a boy face at me.

"Couldn't you just change the colour of your lips if you wanted to- No, forget about that. I am going to put a disillusion charm on you, making you nearly invisible. So don't do anything that will get you caught. Follow me, and I will hold the door for Honeydukes open for you, got it, Nymphadora?" At her nod, I cast the spell, and then I feel a big invisible smack on my ass.

"Don't call me that. I don't like it." She whispers to me, and I can't retaliate as she is nearly invisible right now. "Alright, Nym then," I say, and when she doesn't say anything, I just nod my head at her and move on in the direction of our destination. I decided to let her have that one since I know how you can get bullied for names and nicknames, especially unique ones. I understand her pain.

I open the door, hearing the little chime from the bell, and then I leave it open so Nymphadora can enter. I know she did when I felt a hand on my bottom once again, except this time it was gentle. I wait a moment and then enter the store. Once inside, I look around and realise it is absolutely dead. And then I remember that this is a sweet shop, and all the main customers are currently in a lesson. It is just the guy at the desk.

"Excuse me, could you find me some Malteasers, please. I think they are at the very back of the store." I say, slyly hitting the man with a Confundus as I say it. He is dazed for a moment before agreeing and then heading off to find Malteasers, which he obviously won't since they are a muggle sweet. I quickly move towards the door and lock it before closing the curtain in front of it.

I turn around to find that there is a cellar door that is opening on its own. I quickly cast a finite in that direction, and Nym's invisibility is gone. She herself realises this as she can see her own hands as she finishes opening it up.

"You could have easily done all of this yourself." I point out to her as she takes her hood off and changes back into herself. There was nobody here, and the cashier would have been easy to get past on her own. I walk up to her, and she smirks at me.

"I know. I am planning to be an Auror, you know. And stealth and infiltration would be my biggest skillset. I could have cast the disillusionment charm myself and snuck in here as well." She says, a big smile on her face.

"Then, why did you make me come here with you for?" I ask, knowing that must have been her goal all along.

"I just wanted to spend more time with my first-ever man. Is that so wrong?" She hugs me again, but this is gentle and sensual, unlike the last one. She holds my shoulders as she goes on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek, no doubt leaving a lipstick mark, and then she moves her mouth closer to my ear.

"You forgot to put your boxers on, so I took them. They are mine now." I am stunned by the unexpected words, and so I don't react as she suddenly turns and runs off down into the cellar. I quickly pat myself down and realise I did indeed forget to put my boxers on.

"Don't worry. I wouldn't leave you hanging like that. Underwearless. Check your pocket! Byee!" I hear from the dark depths, followed by her cackles, and then the cellar door closes, Nym probably doing it with her wand. Confused about what she meant, I move my hand to my pocket and actually find something in there.

Pulling my hand out, I am greeted by the same pair of panties that I had dragged off of Nym's legs last night. And they have a big red kiss mark on the middle of them. That's why she put lipstick on, and it is why she did the obvious fake worry and hugged me, so she could put this in my pocket.

What kind of kinky chick have I gotten myself involved with? Who could have expected the straight-laced Andromeda to have a child like this? Such a naughty girl. This has been a really weird and wacky situation, and I never thought something like it would happen. 

But one thing is for sure, and that is that I certainly don't feel as fucked up or wrong as I did yesterday. Like that was all just a bad dream. She is a fun girl, I think to myself as I leave the store with a smile on my face.

"What the hell are Malteasers?" I hear behind me just before the door closes, and I can't contain the chuckle that leaves my mouth.


I want to talk more with you guys, so I am starting to leave little notes at the end of each chapter like this.

I finished Masamune-kun's Revenge R, and it was pretty good. Funny throughout, and it had an ending I liked. I did like all of the girls, but I think the ending was good. I also watched Guardians of The Galaxy Vol 3. It was great and funny, and I really felt for Rocket. A good movie. James Gun did a good job. James Gun can toe the line between serious and funny quite well.

I am back at University now, and I hate my life. It is so fucking boring. If I could, I would just stay home and write my stories as well as play video games all the time, streaming them. I finished The Witcher 3, I then played Miles Morales to get ready for Spiderman 2, and I finished that (Platinum baby!), and now I am playing Like A Dragon Ishin. I would much rather do this.

Unfortunately, I have family expectations on me, and so I have to keep going. At this point, I either want my streaming and Youtube to really take off or my writing to and show that it is profitable to my family so I can sod University off. But I don't think that will happen anytime soon, so to this torturous path, I stick.

If you want to chat more about this or any other topic, come to my Discord through the link.

The link to everything you need and my patronage:

https://linktr. ee/dragonfield

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

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