The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 55

At least the next TEN chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to my Hero Patrons, Stewart Baird, Cedric Larroumets and Joseph Tierney-ainscough.

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Thank you to my Mystic Hero Patron Spoder man, Prince Acheampong, Will Turner, Warwick Robertson and Ahmed Ayub. I can't thank you enough for your support.

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.


Chapter 55- Forced To Be Floppy.

Today was the day of the first Quidditch match of the year. And it would be Gryffindor versus Slytherin. Admittedly, does anyone even bother when it is Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw? Because it feels like those guys are just here to fill up the seats. Anyway, I have been on a grind lately, busy with my research and training, as well as doing classes for all the kids. I was kind of worn out, and I needed a break, so I came to watch the match with everyone else. Also, I realised that there would hardly be anyone in the castle, and I didn't particularly feel like staying with a potential snake attack around each corner.

So, here I am in the stands with my fellow professors and, oddly enough, Lucius Malfoy, who has come to see his son's first match. Seeing him, I cast my eyes around, looking for his milf wife, but she was nowhere to be seen. I guess she had to stay at home. It's a shame. I would have liked to talk to her, especially since Draco had mentioned how big of a fan she was of mine. I didn't have any interest in the male Malfoy, so I ignored the man and sat and waited for the match to begin while chatting with Professor McGonagall. Well, I call it chatting, but really it was flirting. To be honest, I am not attracted to the lady. She is a bit old for me, which is probably because of stress. Otherwise, she would likely be a beauty like my gilf mistress Esther Beaufort.

As I was saying, I have been flirting with the women. And not because I am trying to sleep with her. I have managed to get out at least once a week for some stress relief. No, it is purely because of how strict and stiff the woman is. Her face is always hard, and she never smiles or anything. Always so stern. So, I have given myself the side mission of trying to get some reactions out of her. So far, she just stays emotionless at my attempts and replies quite coldly, and it's been fun. I am sure I will get at least a smile out of her before the year is up.

When there was a sudden roar of noise around me, I looked to the pitch and watched as both the Gryffindor and Slytherin teams walked out. There were mainly cheers because Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were rooting against Slytherin. Still, the Slytherins in the crowd tried to fight back with boos and hisses. To my side, I could see a slight, almost miniature curve to Minerva's lips, but then it was gone. Shaking my head, I watched as Madam Hooch, the Quidditch teacher, walked up to the two Quidditch captains and made them shake hands, which they did, though they clearly hated each other.

I was more focused on looking at Madam Hooch. And, can I just say, I want to get in her Hooch. Madam Hooch had spiky grey hair, which was cut short and had piercing, yellow, hawk-like eyes, with a pair of goggles resting against her forehead. She wore a white button-down collared shirt and black necktie under a cloak with the Hogwarts crest, and I could tell she had a fantastic body. She is the Quidditch teacher, after all, and so she has a fit and healthy body which looks amazing. I don't know how I haven't noticed her before.

Probably because she was always wearing a giant witch's hat and black robes whenever I saw her in the great hall, and she was always sitting down on the opposite end of me. To be honest, I had heard a few others talking about her and decided she wasn't worth my time. And that was mainly because they were talking about how old she was. Apparently, she sometimes spoke about the great war, which happened in 1918, meaning she was around eighty years old at this point and had been teaching at Hogwarts for decades. She had even taught the likes of James Potter and others in his year. Hell, she was probably in Hogwarts at the same time as Tom Riddle.

Still, she was at least triple my body's age, but she was still a beautiful woman. This just lends credence to my theory on magic and how it affects wizards and witches. With this energy called magic inside of us, it keeps us looking young and healthy. However, those of us without strong magic that let their magic deteriorate through not using it and those who have some mental problems and stress issues look older and worse. 

Prime examples are Dumbledore, who is stressed because of Voldemort, and Minerva, who is stressed because of her Gryffindor students, as well as all the work she has to do, including Dumbledore, as he fulfilled three different positions. Hell, I am pretty sure that McGonagall and Hooch are around the same age. Looking down at Hooch's busty, sexy form and imagining some sordid acts involving flying on broomsticks, I couldn't help but glance sideways at Professor McGonagall and wonder if she was less stressed and had some fun, would she start looking young again. I do like a Scottish accent...

She was practically best friends with Professor McGonagall as I saw them chatting to each other a lot, but she was always seated in the Great Hall. With her wearing the big hat and robes as well as being behind the table, I never got a proper look at her, and now I could only regret that I had wasted all this time without approaching her. In fact, without paying much attention to any of the female professors. Now that I looked around, I saw there were a few beauties among the staff. Actually, now that I have paid attention to Hooch, I can actually remember her.

She has been to a few of my book signings, and I have signed them for her. In fact, just this latest one where I met Harry, I remember greeting this woman, but again, she had her body covered up, and I met a lot of pretty people that day. Still, she is a fan of mine, so I wonder why she has never approached me. In fact, I saw the other professors around the place every once in a while, but I only saw her at the Great Hall. Is she avoiding me?

"On my whistle," said Madam Hooch. "Three... two... one..." With a roar from the crowd to speed them upward, the fourteen players rose toward the leaden sky. I watched as Harry flew higher than any of them, his head looking left to right and ignoring Draco, who seemed to be shouting at him. Harry just shot off past underneath him, ignoring the Malfoy. But then a heavy black Bludger came pelting toward him, just barely grazing the tips of his hair.

A beater, either Fred or George, streaked past him with his club in his hand, defending Harry and knocking the Bludger at a particularly ugly Slytherin, but then it just flew back at Harry again. Hmm, I suppose this was going to happen as I couldn't really affect this. This was Dobby, wasn't it, and I hadn't interacted with the elf, even through third parties. So, obviously, he was going to do this. In fact, I thought this might happen and so I came to watch Harry get hit by it... I think I might be a little bit of a sadist, as I put these kids through a lot and delight in their misery.

The Bludger would not leave Harry alone, and both Beaters noticed this. Both Fred and George were doing their utmost to keep the Bludger from killing Harry while Harry just continued to fly for his life as fast as he could. This went on for a while, with Harry having quite a few misses, and it was made more complicated for him, given the fact that the rainfall was quite heavy.

Harry dropped quickly to avoid it, and George managed to hit it hard toward Malfoy. Once again, the Bludger swerved like a boomerang and shot at Harry's head. Harry put on a burst of speed and zoomed toward the other end of the pitch. The Bludger followed behind him. Damn, Dobby has some juice to do this. That thing is a bloody death ball. If I could get a bunch of house elves and they could all do this, couldn't I take over England?

"Slytherin lead, one hundred points to zero." The Slytherins' superior brooms were clearly doing their jobs, which was to be expected. These were the Ultimate brooms, not including the ones we have in development. It was only natural that this happened; if only Harry had actually accepted the broom I was letting him have, he would be able to escape the Bludger with no problem and catch the Snitch as well. But clearly, that isn't going to happen.

At this point, the twins realise something is wrong and signal something to their captain. Soon after, Hooch's whistle rang out, and Harry, Fred, and George dived for the ground, still trying to avoid the mad Bludger. The rest of the Gryffindor team joined them and huddled together as they started to discuss while Slytherins in the crowd jeered at them.

Not long after, Madam Hooch's whistle rang once again, and Harry was up in the air once more, the Bludger already zooming behind him. I watched as he climbed higher and higher, looping, swerving, spiralling, zigzagging and rolling. Harry was doing his best to try and lose the Bludger, but it refused to let him go. He actually looked quite dumb doing all that stuff since it had no effect. The crowd just laughed as he fought for his life.

And then, once again, Malfoy started bugging Harry, which proved to be disastrous for the Slytherin as Harry quickly zoomed straight at him after dodging the Bludger once more. Malfoy didn't know what was going on, and Harry sped past him, but then he chased after him. They must have seen the Snitch. They were both neck and neck, Harry using his superior skills to keep up with the superior broom, and they both kept clashing with each other, their limbs getting tangled. And then they both reached for it before the Bludger made itself known once more and smashed into them, sending Harry and Draco spinning, and then when the Bludger came once more, they avoided it but started to careen towards the ground, smashing into it, hard.

I watch, amused, as, with a splattering thud, Harry hits the mud and rolls off his broom, Draco following along. His arm was hanging at a strange angle, Draco's as well. There was a lot of whistling and shouting then, as some worried for the boys, but some delighted in their misery. I was of the latter, though I kept my cheer internal. Harry seemed to be more focused on the Snitch clutched in his good hand, but then his head flopped.

At this point, a few people were panicking, and I, seeing my chance, immediately decided to go and treat the boys. Why, you may ask. Well, because while I am not sticking to canon as much anymore, if I can make things go a way in which I can predict, then why wouldn't I. Instead of going for the stairs, where all of the students and teachers are getting clogged trying to get down and onto the pitch, I instead go towards the balcony. Spotting what I wanted, I pulled out my wand, and with a quick Accio, Draco's broom shot towards me, and I promptly caught it in my hand.

I hopped on it, and then, with incredible ease, I flew over to the incident sight. Gilderoy was not actually lying in his autobiography when he said he was a seeker in Quidditch. While probably not as good as he said, he did play, and he was alright. And, of course, I had spent a fair share amount of my time on the Firebolt, having been around some when testing, and so I knew how to handle the broom. Which was why I was the first on the scene. Landing, I handed the broom to a Slytherin player that had arrived after me. Then I saw the rest of the Slytherin players crowd around Malfoy.

I decide to ignore Malfoy for the moment since his team is there, and I walk over to Harry who is laid out on the ground. His team arrived just as I kneeled over the boy, and I gestured at them to give me some space as I pulled out my wand and then started to examine the boy. With some basic scans, I can tell that he has just broken his arm, which is a good result given the massive tumble he just took 

"Oh, no, not you," Oh, it seems like he woke up, and he seemed to moan about me coming to his aid. Hmm, it seems I was doing a little too good of a job of being unreliable in Harry's eyes. I initially did so because I wanted to avoid Harry coming to me for help with The Chamber of Secrets and rescuing Ginny. Still, that is a moot point since she no longer has the book.

"Well, that really hurts my feelings, Harry." I leaned over and whispered to Harry so no one else could hear before then addressing the surrounding crowd, "Not to worry, Harry. I'm about to fix your arm." I said loudly to the anxious crowd of Gryffindors pressing around us so that they could understand my intentions. After all, Harry needs to spend the night in the hospital.

"No!" said Harry. "I'll keep it like this, thanks..." He tried to sit up, but he couldn't, and then there was a familiar clicking noise just behind me. "I don't want a photo of this, Colin," Harry roared at him; I didn't bother to turn around to see Creevey.

"Lie back, Harry," I said soothingly, my hand on his shoulders and looking deep into his eyes. "It's a simple charm I've used countless times-" I state for the benefit of the crowd. Still, Harry, for some reason, I couldn't see why, started to become more adamant in his refusal.

Harry writhed in my grip. "Why can't I just go to the hospital wing?" He said through clenched teeth. Well, don't worry, Harry, you will be going there. And It isn't going to be my fault. Honestly, I wouldn't have even done this unless Malfoy was here for me to move to next.

"He should really, Professor," said Wood, who couldn't help grinning even though his Seeker was injured. "Great capture, Harry, really spectacular. You're best yet, I'd say." Yeah, it was a good catch, but it was utterly useless at the end of the day. The one hundred and fifty points didn't change anything. The Slytherins had been using my brooms to dominate, and even if they didn't catch the Snitch, they still won. 

"Now don't move, Harry, or there will be consequences," I declared loudly for everyone to hear before rolling up my sleeves. "No, don't!" Protested Harry weakly, but I was already moving my wand, and a second later, I pointed it directly at Harry's arm. Harry, reacting impulsively (who knows why he would suddenly do that?), tried to slap the wand away, but that just interfered with the spell.

It looked like Harry's arm was being deflated. The people around me gasped, and Colin Creevey began clicking away madly. And it was apparent why as I had just vanished the bone straight out from his arm. Alright, I admit it; I did it on purpose. And I also admit to using some of my mind voodoo on Harry, so he resisted, and now I can blame it all on him. Perfect.

"Why did you do that, Harry?" I said. "If you hadn't hit my wand, your bones would have mended. But now... well, the bones are no longer broken because they are not there anymore. Now you are going to need some Skele-Gro to fix that arm, Harry. So toddle up to the hospital wing- ah, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, would you escort him? -and Madam Pomfrey will be able to fix you right up." I sighed for dramatic effect.

Then, as Harry got to his feet, I moved over to the other injured boy. Thankfully, the professors were still not here yet, so my plan was working out exactly like I wanted. I kneeled next to Draco and used a spell to make sure Malfoy wouldn't move, making it seem as if I had learnt from Harry's mistake and then I twirled my wand once again, and a second later, I directed it straight at Malfoy's arm. And it healed. Malfoy was up in seconds, happy to be okay. I could see Harry watching, distraught in the distance.

Well, that worked out perfectly.

I want to talk more with you guys, so I am leaving little notes like this at the end of each chapter.

Sorry for this chapter. It was initially supposed to just have a small recap at the beginning from Gil's point of view to explain his actions, but then I just kept on writing. We will progress further in the next one. Some more skips.

Like a Dragon8: Infinite Wealth is out, and I am playing through that on my Twitch. I just love the series. You can watch the Hogwarts Legacy series in condensed form on my YouTube. That will come out every day at the same time, a nice twenty to forty-minute video to tune into every day. So go subscribe if you want the edited-down Hogwarts Legacy experience.

Also, in anime news. Lately, I have been watching a new one that has been coming out. The wrong way to use healing magic. I quite like it, and it's a bit different than the normal Isekai. I would recommend it if anyone is interested. It's pretty funny.

If you want to chat more about this or any other topic, come to my Discord through the link.

The link to everything you need and my patronage:

https://linktr. ee/dragonfield

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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