The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 58

At least the next TEN chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

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Chapter 58- Another One.

So, after that whole debacle, the duelling finished. Mainly because everybody couldn't stop talking about Harry Potter being a Parselmouth. And from there, theories were abundant, and while the main one going around was that he was the heir of Slytherin, I did hear someone saying Harry was The Dark Lord reincarnated. Not for off, given he is a Horcrux, but that wasn't even the worst rumour I heard, which actually included Harry's mum, Voldemort and tentacles. Some of these kids are sick.

And then, the next day, those rumours were all over the school. Fearmongering was at its finest, and the kids were making themselves more and more scared. Literally, everybody was afraid of Harry now, and the Hufflepuffs especially were getting worked up almost to death. All of them were walking around in groups, looking like death might jump out at them from any corner. Classes weren't interesting since the students couldn't focus. And with it being December, this sun had gone down very early. Classes were just finishing when a screeching cry rang out.

"ATTACK! ATTACK! ANOTHER ATTACK! NO MORTAL OR GHOST IS SAFE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! ATTAAAACK!" Then, a series of crashes occurred as door after door flew open along the corridor, and people flooded out. I myself also came to see what all the commotion was about but then stopped at the sight in front of me. Others were similarly shocked.

We had all come to a particularly dark corridor where the torches had been extinguished by a strong, icy draft that was blowing through a loose windowpane. Still, the pale glimmer of the moonlight shone into the corridor and illuminated the ghastly sight for all of us to see. There, right in the middle of the corridor, was Ernie Macmillan lying on the floor, rigid and cold, a look of shock frozen on his face, his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling.

And that wasn't all. Next to him was another figure, the strangest sight to be seen in a while in Hogwarts, which is pretty weird when the victim is a ghost. It was Nearly Headless Nick, no longer pearly-white and transparent but black and smoky, floating immobile and horizontal, six inches off the floor. His head was half off, and his face wore an expression of shock identical to Ernie's.

For several long minutes, there was a scene of such confusion, with everyone crowding around trying to get a better look that Ernie was in danger of being squashed, and people kept standing in Nearly Headless Nick. The victim, being Ernie Macmillian, a known pureblood dating his ancestry back several generations and not a muggle-born, was a frightening revelation for the students, mainly the Slytherins. The Slytherins, who had thought they were safe having pureblood, suddenly did not look so confident.

"M-Macmillan was a Pureblood? Why has he been attacked?" Blaise Zabini stuttered, having found it quite a shock to the system that he wasn't so safe anymore. The other Slytherins also started to wonder and make theories. At the same time, the purebloods in other houses also listened in, worried for their safety. "Maybe the heir doesn't care if we are purebloods? " Theodore Nott mumbles out quietly, though everybody hears him.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Draco Malfoy pushes himself to the front, taking charge of them all. "It's clear why Macmillian has been attacked. He must have been a blood traitor. So good riddance, the puffer deserved it." Malfoy comes forward, Arrogant and brash, and yet in this situation, his confidence only helps to reassure his fellow Slytherins. The certainess in his tone born out of ignorance and narcissism actually helped the others. Finally, I decided to calm down the students and break up the crowd.

"Alright, all of you, back up now. Stop crowding around him!" The boy who was first on the scene found himself pinned against the wall as the other teachers shouted for quiet. Professor McGonagall came running, followed by her own class. She used her wand to set off a loud bang, which restored silence and ordered everyone back into their classes. No sooner had the scene cleared somewhat than Justin the Hufflepuff arrived, panting, on the scene.

"It was Harry!" Justin yelled, his face stark white, pointing his finger dramatically at Harry. "Ernie told me Harry was trying to find me earlier, and Ernie wouldn't tell him where I was. They had a fight about it, and now Ernie is..." Justin trails off there, certainly not painting a pretty picture for Harry, who looks like he doesn't know what to do in this situation.

"That will do, Macmillan!" said Professor McGonagall sharply. Peeves was bobbing overhead, now grinning wickedly, surveying the scene. As the teachers sent the other students away and McGonagal dealt with the boys, I examined the bodies. While I bent over Justin and Nearly Headless Nick, examining them, Peeves broke into song. "Oh, Potter, you rotter, oh, what have you done? You're killing off students. You think it's good fun!" He was loud enough that the retreating students could no doubt hear his song.

"That's enough, Peeves!" barked Professor McGonagall, and Peeves zoomed away backwards with his tongue out at Harry. I ignored what was going on with them, more interested in what had happened to the two victims. The boy, Ernie Macmillian, seemed to be just as petrified as the others. It's a change from canon, as it should have been that Justin kid who got attacked here, but it was Ernie. I wonder what could have changed that. Aside from that, everything is the same. When I looked into his eyes, I felt like he was staring back.

I had tried my Legilimency on the other students, but it seemed like their minds were just as frozen as their bodies. It was like trying to use mind magic on a brick wall. There was no response. Except, when I looked into Ernie's eyes, I felt like something was staring back. Making sure I had the time, I quickly looked into his eyes and tried to dive in. It was... a weird experience. Muted. The mind was there, but it was dull. It wasn't active, but it was aware, if that makes sense. I guess it would be kind of like a coma patient who might remember some things when they woke up. Ernie was out of it, but some level of him, a very base level, was running.

This is different than the others. How curious. There is only one difference between this attack and the others, and that was the method of harm. The others were petrified when they looked at the reflection of the Basilisk's eyes and when they looked through the lens of a camera, which is another reflection. These old cameras work like that, I am pretty sure. 

But in this contact, eye contact was direct, although with a veil being between the two. The veil, in this case, being Nick. Now, I am pretty sure the direct eye contact in this case shouldn't have changed anything, as Hermione is supposed to look at the Basilisk through a magnifying glass if I recall correctly. So, it must be the ghost which has produced this change.

Walking over to the wispy black form of Nearly Headless Nick, I examine it up close. Taking a chance, I wave my hand through his ethereal form, and I pull it back as fast as I can. That felt deathly. And yes, while they usually do feel deathly and cold, which I can attest to as they have passed through me before, never like this. The blasted buggers just walk through everything because they fear no retribution as they are already dead. Well, this makes it clear they are not infallible. 

While usually, you would just shudder at the coldness and the deathly feeling when they went through you, Nick here was different. When my hand went through him, I felt a blinding flash of freezing, so much so that I immediately checked my hand and cast a warming charm on myself. Thankfully, I was alright. The other thing I felt was the call of death. It was like it was right behind me, and I was an inch from willingly going to it. I hated the feeling.

Still, these are some promising findings. Nick no doubt looked straight at the Basilisk and was attacked by its petrifying gaze. Something that should have killed Ernie instead only harmed him, affecting the ghost in the process. And nothing permanent should happen to the ghost as it is already dead. Which makes me think, what else can ghosts take that alive people couldn't. The killing curse? If a ghost can take the hit for a petrification, then I don't see why they wouldn't be able to take the hit of a killing curse. They could prove to be quite good shields. Maybe wipe a ghost's mind and have them infused into clothing, so if I get hit by a killing curse, the spirit clothes take it instead. This requires further research.

"This way, Potter," I turned around to find only the teachers left and McGonagall talking to Harry. Though Harry didn't immediatly obey the order. "Professor," said Harry at once, "I swear I didn't -" But Minerva was having none of it, much too bothered by current circumstances, and I could tell she did not know how to handle this, so she probably wanted to defer to a higher authority. That being Dumbledore.

"This is out of my hands, Potter," said Professor McGonagall curtly. "With things at this stage and with such disastrous circumstances, I am afraid it can only be Professor Dumbledore who would know how to handle this. So we are going there. Now follow." This time, she didn't wait for a reply and set off, and Harry quickly followed, the both of them marching in silence around a corner and out of sight. This just left me, Professor Filius Flitwick, and the sexy Nubian female Astronomy Professor that was Aurora Sinistra. Goddamn it, Riddle, I can't believe I have been more focused on you than this African goddess.

"Alright. While Justin seems to have been affected the same as the other victims, something... different has occurred to Nicholas here." I address the other two professors, deciding on how to go about dealing with the two layabouts here. "After having examined him, I have come to the conclusion that something very strange has happened to him. And to that effect, I recommend nobody touches him, and he is put in an isolated sealed room until Dumbledore can examine him." At my words, both professors looked over at Nick before nodding their heads, agreeing with my opinion.

"Alright, so since we can't touch Nick and he is still a ghost, Filius, can you move him to a secure location. I believe your expertise in charms will be more useful in this situation." I direct Professor Flitwick, who nods his head and moves towards the ghost, examining Nick for himself first but not touching him. "Alright, well, that just leaves the two of us, Professor Sinistra. Would you be so kind as to help assist me in moving Ernie here to the infirmary to rest under Madam Pomfrey's watchful gaze?" I asked her. No, I do not have any ulterior motives. I have certainly not split us up in the Fred way to get some alone time with the sexy professor as we split up and searched for clues. It is my main motive to get familiar with this woman.

"I am sure I can accomplish such a task myself, Professor Lockhart. You need not worry yourself." The cool, sexy, definitely foreign, somewhere from Africa, voice replies, her gaze emotionless as she moves towards the prone boy with her wand at the ready. "Really, all by yourself? When there are people in the castle getting attacked. Not to mention, we don't know exactly what magic has affected the boy, and so we should use caution and not use any magic around him in case of adverse effects." I reply, smiling at her. She looks disgusted and pissed at my words but also inclines her head in agreement.

"Great. Then, I will grab his legs, and you can grab his legs." I move over and crouch down, reaching down for both of his legs and then making sure Aurora has his head, we heft him up together. "Right, now onwards to the infirmary. Just make sure not to drop him; who knows, maybe he will actually shatter." I laugh here, but I trail off when she looks at me blandly, with no amusement on her face. After that, we started to walk towards the infirmary in silence.

"So, what country are you from. I like the accent." I ask her on the way, getting tired of the silence. She looks up at me, and when I think she is just going to ignore it, she replies. "Africa." I quirk an eyebrow at that and then quickly try to carry on the conversation. "Ah, Africa isn't a country. It is a continent." She doesn't say anything else, so I guess Africa is the most I will get out of her.

"So, did you go to school at Uagadou? You know, since you are from Africa." I try to keep the conversation going and move on to something I am very much interested in. Uagadou is the wizarding school for all of Africa. However, no one truly knows its location, only that it is inside a massive mountain. And they have very weird and esoteric magics there that I would be very interested in learning about. Except, the Astronomy Professor isn't very forthcoming. By which I mean she is silent.

I don't have the chance to try to make her speak more as there are suddenly thundering footsteps coming towards us, and I tighten my grip on Ernie to make sure I don't drop him. Turning around, I find Hargid running full pelt at us, though it is more of a jog, which still looks like a tank. Thankfully, the man slows down when he sees us, aware of how much of a threat he can be. I also take note of the dead rooster he is clutching by the neck. It is flopping lifelessly in his hand.

"What's with the rooster Hagrid?" I ask, finding the situation weird. Hagrid was running through the school corridor, dragging a dead rooster around with a worried look on his face. "Oh, the rooster. They all turned up dead at the same time. I think a creature from the Forbidden Forest killed them all." He stops, answering my question. I guess Riddle has already gotten rid of them all. Though I think in the story he did it slowly, but I think the fact he knows someone is onto him has made him do things faster.

"Well, no eggs for a while then, or whatever roosters give you. So, why are you running around the school and deafening everybody?" I ask him because he certainly wasn't thundering around because of dead roosters. He was heading somewhere before I distracted him. Hagrid gets a sudden realisation on his face and then panics. "W-Where's Harry!? I heard what happened! You have to know it wasn't him! I know him. Harry wouldn't do something like this; you have to believe me!" Hagrid starts rambling, worry on his face as he pleads for Harry's innocence.


"Woah, woah. Calm down, Hagrid." I try to calm the man down, who looks like he is overheating. It seems to work as he stops blubbering. "Look, I believe you bud. I am sure Harry is innocent, and there is another explanation for what has happened." My reassurance works as he has a look of relief on his face, and then he wipes the sweat from his brow... with the dead rooster.

"That's good. So, where is Harry?" He asks with a smile, looking very pleased but also turning his head every which way as if Harry is around the corner. "Ah, well. Professor McGonagall is taking him to see Professor Dumbledore so they can deal with the situation." At that, Hagrid's expression changes drastically, and before anything else can be said, he is running off again. Presumably, it is to Dumbledore to plead Harry's case.

"If you are quite done?" I turn to see Aurora looking at me with her cold eyes. I don't say anything else, and we quickly move off towards the infirmary. We made it there in quick time and deposited the still form of Ernie Macmillan onto a hospital bed. Madam Pomfrey is sleeping, and the woman does enough so I don't bother to wake her up. Plus, this is the same sort of attack, and nothing can be done, so it would just ruin her sleep. Plus, I have something else I want to do. 

I turn to Aurora Sinistra, who is moving to leave and block her way. I get straight to the point.

"Hey, do you want to fuck?"

I want to talk more with you guys, so I am leaving little notes like this at the end of each chapter.

I am playing Like a Dragon 8: Infinite Wealth on my Twitch. I'm on chapter eleven now. I am close to finishing it, and then once I am finished with that, I will go back to Hogwarts Legacy and finish that.

Finished the latest season of Dr. Stone, and I really liked it. I enjoyed the crafting and stuff, but I also enjoyed the enemies and stuff. After all, in a new world with no law people are going to try and do their on things and conquer. it just makes sense. By the way, the ones who live comes out today, which means Rick returns. I am going to watch it, because without him, we keep acting like we know the rules when we're lost.

If you want to chat more about this or any other topic, come to my Discord through the link.

The link to everything you need and my patronage:

https://linktr. ee/dragonfield

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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