The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 60

At least the next TEN chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to my Hero Patron, Stewart Baird.

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Chapter 60- Christmas Break.

The double attack on Ernie and Nearly Headless Nick turned what had hitherto been nervousness into absolute panic. Curiously, for most people, it was Nearly Headless Nick's fate that seemed to worry people most. What could possibly do that to a ghost? People asked each other: what terrible power could harm someone who was already dead? Of course, I wasn't one of those people. I was riding on a high after having a scandalous coupling with another professor in the nurse's office. With multiple sick and ill students about the place, Aurora Sinistra and I coupled with no one any the wiser.

Is it any wonder that while everybody else is scared and worried, I am sitting at the teacher's table with a big ass grin on my face and feeling like I could go bitch slap Voldemort ten feet into the ground? Leaning forward, I looked down the length of the table to the other end, where Aurora Sinistra sat, calmly eating her breakfast with an emotionless face. My eyes catch hers, and I grin at her while she glares back before ignoring me altogether. And to think, just twenty minutes ago we were still going at it like rabid animals.

We were busy together all night, and we didn't stop at all. I was surprised because I didn't even use any potions to supplement my performance like I usually do. I guess the release of pent-up emotions kept me going, and her too, I think. We didn't stop even when light started to enter the room. The only reason we ended up stopping was because we heard numerous people around us waking up and knew Madam Pomfrey would be up soon and find us. So we fixed ourselves up, cleaned up the evidence, and went straight to breakfast. I wonder if she will come back for more? Questions for later, along with who else in this school, I want to get to know more infinitely.

Anyway, as I was saying before, the students were all panicking at this point. Most of the kids had already booked seats on the train to go home, but now the rest were stampeding to book seats on the Hogwarts Express so that students could go home for Christmas. It was mainly the purebloods who were rushing and were now furiously writing letters during breakfast. No doubt, they are writing to their parents about what happened and trying to ask if they can come home. No doubt, Christmas without the kids, the parents had plans. Some wouldn't be able to leave the castle for Christmas.

Still, the parents would learn about events and get concerned because before, it could just be explained as a prank of a useless squib and his cat. And then it was a muggle-born, so maybe someone was doing an elaborate joke. Now, though, with it being powerful enough to affect a ghost, parents will start to take notice and complain. I have no doubt that soon, Hagrid will be used as a scapegoat and sent to Azkaban to try to calm all of the parents. Useless really. And then they will blame it on Dumbledore and try to remove him, the idiots. Let's remove the powerful wizard from the castle. That will help. Stupid.

But school progressed nonetheless. Some kids got the result they desired, while others quite visibly were denied their chance at safety. The Christmas break was coming closer, and the students were either excited or dreading it. Because some would be free of this hell hole school and going to safety. In contrast, others would be stuck here, with fewer targets around, therefore making it more dangerous for themselves. Some students even came to ask me for help, but I couldn't do anything, could I? Stupid fan girls.

So, at this point, it looked like Harry, Ron, and Hermione would be staying along with the rest of the Weasley clan. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle would also be staying. Of course, there were others aside from them, but no one was really of note. Draco didn't even write a letter home or try to book a seat on the train, convinced that he would be safe on account of his 'pure' blood. You have to admire the brashness and ignorance of this kid since he is sticking to his guns and staying here. And Crabbe and Goyle are just gormless idiots who follow Draco in everything he does, just like their fathers follow Lucius Malfoy like chickens.

Different from the others, Harry seemed to be mildly happy. He looked to be glad that most people were leaving. A healthy mind check just to see where we are at revealed he was tired of people skirting around him in the corridors, as though he was about to sprout fangs or spit poison and tired of all the muttering, pointing, and hissing as he passed. Christmas would be a break for him.

Two of the Weasleys didn't seem to be feeling any pressure or fear at all. Fred and George, weirdly enough, found the funny in the midst of terror. They went out of their way to march ahead of Harry down the corridors, shouting, 'Make way for the Heir of Slytherin, seriously evil wizard coming through'. Their brother Percy was deeply disapproving of this behaviour. Fred, George, and Ginny had chosen to stay at school rather than visit Bill in Egypt with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. 

Percy disapproved of what he termed the twin's childish behaviour and didn't spend much time in the Gryffindor common room. He had already told them pompously that he was only staying over Christmas because it was his duty as a prefect to support the teachers during this troubled time. Ginny... she was looking better than before. She was quiet, but her brothers were around. I went back for another check of her mind and found that her memories of the book and what she had done had been erased. Somebody else had checked in on her and gotten rid of them. 

No doubt Riddle did it. Whoever he is possessing has given him all control if he is capable of using mind magic so precisely and erasing himself from Ginny's mind. Either that or the person he is possessing is skilled and getting manipulated into doing Riddle's bidding. Honestly, Riddle is a charismatic and manipulative person, and he got Quirell to work for him and get on the back of the man's head last year so he could do it to a naive student quite easily. Especially a Sytherin, getting promised power and status and all that. So, is the main suspect a Slytherin? A possibility. 

Life continued. Besides practising my magic and researching, I was thinking about which woman to pursue next. I wasn't going to deny myself anymore. Instead of getting bogged down in the fright and terror like others in the school, I was going to focus on myself and what I wanted. On my goals, which right now is women. So I was thinking about that, though I didn't have time to progress on that. It was during a mandatory midnight patrol that Dumbledore had the teachers doing on a rota that I was suddenly grabbed and dragged into an abandoned classroom. Aurora Sinistra had come back for more, and she wasn't taking no for an answer.

Needless to say, she took up most of my time after that night in the nurse's office. She really was pent up. She was attacking me at nearly every possible moment anywhere she could. Between classes. During breakfast, lunch and dinner. Coming to my room at night. Up in the Astronomy tower, out on the quidditch pitch, in the owlery (which was weird with all the owls), in the great hall after hours. Pretty much everywhere was tainted by us and our angry sex. The woman had found a release in me and was making the most of it, not that I am complaining.

At last, the term ended. Christmas break was finally here, and a silence deep as the snow on the grounds descended on the castle. It was peaceful, rather than the gloomy you would assume it would be since the school was very empty now. With no annoying students around and no classes to teach, I had a lot more time to myself. Aside from the golden trio, the Weasleys, and Malfoy and his butt buddies, there were hardly any other students around. The twins were having fun since they basically had free reign of the place, but I just ignored them and their messes. Somebody else could deal with them. The Christmas decorations had gone up as well.

The Great Hall looked magnificent. Not only were there a dozen frost-covered Christmas trees and thick streamers of holly and mistletoe crisscrossing the ceiling, but enchanted snow was falling, warm and dry, from the ceiling. Dumbledore led those who remained in a few of his favourite carols, Hagrid booming more and more loudly with every goblet of eggnog he consumed. I myself was downing more and more of the stuff just to try and blot out the sound of the carols. Dumbledore's taste is horrendous as if you couldn't already tell, given his fashion sense and the song he sang at the beginning of the year. Fucking Hoggy Warts.

I turned my attention to the students to try and ignore the songs. We were all seated at a round table since we didn't need the massive tables.

Percy, who hadn't noticed that Fred had bewitched his prefect badge so that it now read 'Pinhead', kept asking the others at the table what they were sniggering at. Draco Malfoy was making loud, snide remarks about his new sweater on the other side of the table from the Gryfindors; I could see Harry looking at him with a smirk. And then, the first began to depart. Harry and Ron had barely finished their third helping of Christmas pudding when Hermione ushered them out of the hall, acting very suspiciously.

I already knew what they were going to do. Or, at the very least, the outline of their plan. They were going to set up an ambush for Crabbe and Goyle, then hide their bodies, take their hair, go to the abandoned bathroom and finish the Polyjuice potion. Hermione is going to become a cat girl. I'm no furry, but that is interesting. I might swing by and check it out and see what it looks like. After that, Harry and Ron are going to go and infiltrate the Slytherin Common room and get evidence Draco is the heir of Slytherin. At this point, it could be possible since I don't know who it is. I don't think it is the little blond ferret, though. He is still being too bratty and arrogant, with no change in personality. 

I ignored them everyone else and focused on my meal and drinks, enjoying myself. "So, Minerva. Done anything fun lately?" I asked the stern professor who was eating to my right, and even then, she was doing so in such a strict way. There was not much joy or anything on her face. "No, Gilderoy. I have been busy with my work." She replies, giving a long-suffering sigh. I do bug her quite regularly, and she has learned that I won't give up, so it is better to answer.

"Oh... Do you ever do anything fun?" I ask, genuinely curious. After all, this woman's life seems to fully revolve around this school. She's here all year round, and then she is doing work outside of her class times and picking up the slack for Dumbledore, who is busy with his two other jobs. How does this woman keep going without getting fed up with life? "... I enjoy a nice Brandy after a night of hard work." She replies without much effort after a moment. She is less responsive after that. I think I might have brought about an existential crisis for her.

I sat for a bit longer, but I decided to leave about five minutes after Crabbe and Goyle did. Draco had shouted at them for getting a bit too enthusiastic in their eating to the point of getting mess everywhere. Leaving the Great Hall, I decided to just head back to my room. Except, on the path back, I end up running into someone unexpected. And I mean that given the pair of legs, I can see peaking halfway through a painting frame on the wall.

"Um, are you okay?" I ask, not sure what is going on. It is a painting on the wall, quite low on the wall as well, but it looks like it has been pushed in, revealing a secret passage and a pair of feminine legs in black pants are peaking out of it, going straight into the air. "Hah? Who is that? Could you help pull me out? I fell into this wall here. It just pushed open." I hear a drunken voice reply, and I can get the picture just from that. Whoever this is, got really drunk and left the great hall. And then, they were walking while holding on to the wall, and ended up pushing on a painting which hid a secret passage behind it and falling in, resulting in this.

"Well then, I couldn't possibly leave you in such a vulnerable position, can I?" Feeeling pretty drunk myself, I don't question it and grab hold of her ankles. I was going to pull on them, but feeling them, I enjoy the supple, soft skin of them. My hands end up trailing up and along the legs, feeling the supple yet taught skin. Slim but muscular legs, legs that have been trained. I feel up and up, my hands caressing along the meaty thigh and ending up on this person's rump. Squeezing the nice supple ass cheeks of whoever this is. "Am I stuck?" Hearing that, I am brought out of my funk and back to reality.

"Nope, just getting a good grip." With one last squeeze, I grab her legs and pull her towards me, letting go to then grab her by the waist and then bring her gently to stand back on the ground, her back facing me. I have a face full of white spiky hair in my face. So that's who it is; it's no wonder they have such a trained and lithe figure. "Oh, Gilderoy. Thank you for the help." Madam Hooch says, spinning around to see me, a happy smile on her face. She's drunk but not slurring drunk.

"No problem. Are you okay? Do you need help going back to your room?" I try my luck. I am drunk. She is drunk. It seems like the perfect combination. I was planning and going to see what a real-life cat girl would look like, but sex beats that any day of the week. "Nah, I'm all right. Just going to sober up with a nice fly. You are welcome to join me, Gilderoy. I'll be down on the Quidditch field. See ya." And then she turned and walked away, going to sober up by flying on a broom, leaving me with an invitation.

I look down at my hand and remember how nice her ass felt in it. However, I don't think anything would come of the invitation. She seems to just want to fly, and I don't see anything happening with the two of us being on brooms. Seems like a waste of a night. No, I'm going to see the cat girl. I wonder if it will be like the movies where she was a full-on cat-human hybrid, or if she will be more anime-like with cat ears and a tail with nyans and all that. Let's go find out. Wait, this is the way to my room, not to the girl's bathroom. Why was I going this way? Oh well.

So, I head in the right direction, and before long, I am standing before the girl's bathroom on the second floor. I go to open the door before I stop myself. It wouldn't look right for me to go in here, plus what if those kids are still in here. No, I should hide myself. So I get my wand and wave it over myself, using stealth spells to conceal my presence, and then I enter the girl's bathroom.

The first thing I spot is the black cauldron at the centre of the room, right next to the big sink, which I used to think was the only entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. Walking closer to it, I notice it is empty. Hermione must have only made enough for three potions. It's a good idea since Snape wouldn't let such amounts disappearring go if they made more.

My head darts up as I hear a sound coming from the cubicles. I.. I can't actually tell what that is. I start to walk towards it, caution at the front of my mind. I am glad I am already in stealth mode, as anything could be happening right now. This whole place is dark and gloomy, and I feel a weird vibe in the air.

I check cubicle by cubicle as I go along. But each one proves to be empty before finally I am stood before a closed door at the very end. I can hear some... weird sounds from within.

With my wand at the ready, I lightly push open the door just enough to peek in and...

What the... What?

Sorry for not updating last week. I wasn't feeling so good. Also, Ramadan has started, so I'm fasting. Good luck to everybody out there who is also fasting. Try not to break it.

I have finished Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth, and I loved it—it was really enjoyable. With that done, I am now going back to streaming Hogwarts Legacy, and the series on YouTube will probably resume by Tuesday. 

Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live is out, and there have been three episodes so far. SPOILER ALERT! I have been liking it so far with main man Rick Grimes back. I really liked the little dude and was upset when that thing happened. A New Episode is out today, and I'm looking forward to that.

If you want to discuss this or any other topic further, follow the link to my Discord.

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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