The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 62 [R-18]

At least the next TEN chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to my Hero Patrons, Stewart Baird, BookDragonling, Braulio Alvarez and Dandy Ghost.

Thank you to my Superhero Patrons, Conradt Moore, Austin Lloyd, Joaquin Israel Mendez Ojeda, Keisei Ojeda, Drake and SomeFatGuy. Thank you for all your support.

Thank you to my Legendary Hero Patrons, Caimbeul, COnnner23244, Bethel Ekoh, fun vids for you all, Faisal Salih, Arkay, Argwan, Jean Carlos Lazcano Cayupe and Bungyy. Thank you for your immense support.

Thank you to my Galactic Hero Patrons Luis Barreda, TheBerryMan, OettamLass, Milo Farrell, Greatestkhan, Noname, Jason Lopez, Dragon Cross, Hassan Nur, Clocker, Parzivel, MaliMi, Paul, Ryan Cesario, Gentleknife, Overlord susanoo, Gerard Steeghs, Daoist Mufasa and Joshua Fletcher. Thank you for your extraordinary support.

Thank you to my Mystic Hero Patron Spoder man, Prince Acheampong, Scott Robertson, Evil_Bob, Seto Soujiro, Pato Senalima, GentleKnife, Will Turner and Cooldad King. I can't thank you enough for your support.

Thank you all for your support. I truly appreciate it.

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.


Chapter 62- Flying High. [R-18]

"Oh. Well, I suppose you can hop on behind me then. I'll take you for a ride." Madam Hooch offers after I tell her I am not confident in my flying and I am a bit too drunk. I feel a smile come onto my face, and I immediately want to go and hop on behind her and pull her tight by the waist, but I suppress that instinct. I don't want to seem too eager. "Oh, are you sure? Would you be able to fly right with me on the broom as well?" I ask, questioning her skill and profession.

If there was one thing I learned from my interactions with Aurora Sinistra, it was that women can feel the same things that men do. Pride, anger, jealousy, horniness, And more often than not, just like men, they will let themselves be driven by their emotions. And as if to prove my point, Rolanda Hooch's face takes on an affronted expression as she looks at me, and she brings her fist to her chest in indignation.

"Are you doubting me, Gilderoy? I'll have you know I have taught every professional Quidditch player to come out of England for I can't remember how long." She reaches forward, grabs me by the hand, and pulls me forward towards her, motioning me behind her. "I could fly through a storm blindfolded with one hand tied behind my hand in just my underwear and still make it home in time for tea. Now hop on." Not needing to be told twice, I hop on behind her and place my hands on her slim waist. But then she grabs me by the arm and pulls me into her back.

"Tighter than that, Gil. We will be going very fast, so you better clutch onto me like your life depends on it because it will. Now, let's go." Feeling my feet leave the ground as she begins to hover in the air, I quickly wrap my arms around her and grasp her tightly around the midsection, pulling myself in tight to her, fearing just how fast we are about to go. I don't even have time to enjoy the pleasant feeling of her firm back against my chest or the feel of her slim stomach under my hands before we are shooting through the air.

"Okay, this is maybe a little too fast. Why don't we start slow, ey?" I shout at Rolanda over the blustering winds which are buffeting the both of us. All I receive in reply is a laugh before we start to go even faster. "If you aren't going fast, then you are going slow. If you aren't first, you are last. That's a winner's mindset, Gilderoy!" She roars back before whooping as we suddenly do a loop de loop in the middle of the sky. I very much fear for my life when we are upside down, but then I remember that brooms have safety measures, and I won't fall off unless I want to or a great enough force is applied.

We speed through the air doing wild manoeuvers, getting higher and higher every moment until we are soaring above the clouds. I've said it once, and I will say it again: humans can become desensitised to anything given enough exposure, and it wasn't long before I was enjoying this experience for what it was instead of fearing a possible date with the ground. And even if I did fall, I had my wand and magic on my side, and with that, I could overcome everything, even gravity. 

My mood wasn't even brought down when I realised that she was using one of the old-school brooms—an old Cleansweep and not one of the newer models or even one of my own Firebolts. And even with this old broom, she was pulling off death-defying stunts and flying faster than anything and with so much control. My respect for this woman went up a lot. This was her career and her passion, which she has devoted most of her life to, so obviously, she was going to be great at it, even better than the professional players playing Quidditch today. 

Eventually, we slowed down to a slow cruise through the dark sky, the clouds skimming against our feet looking like fluffy bundles of cotton that we could just jump right into, and up above, the moon was big and bright, shining down on us and illuminating this moment. Rolanda's grey hair shined in the moonlight and became a resplendent white that almost seemed ethereal. That brought me out of enjoying the nice moonlit ride and focusing on the beauty that had taken me on it. I never thought I would be on the receiving end of a 'I can show you the world' moment.

With us now being on a slow cruise, my mind began to wander, and so too did my hands. I first gently start to move my fingers, just slightly, feeling her stomach, the thin white shirt being the only barrier between our skin touching. And then I pull myself tighter against her, delighting in the feel of her back in my chest and her ass pushing against my crotch. "So, Rolanda, do you have anybody in your life? I'm always bugging Minerva about it because the woman is obsessed with her work, but you seem like someone who likes to have fun." I start a conversation because it would be pretty weird for me to continue touching her in complete silence. At least this way, I don't feel like too much of a creep.

"You seem like someone who also likes to have fun, Mr Friendly." Hearing that, my motions stop, though I don't remove my hands. "Hey, did I tell you to stop? Keep going, I like it." Hearing that, I continued my ministrations and started feeling her up again. With verbal confirmation, I am not so subtle anymore, and I move my hands beneath her shirt, feeling her abs directly. Abs, a first for me, but very nice. Fit girls are excellent. 

"Anyway, you are right about Minnie. She is a pain in the ass and no fun nowadays. Me and her used to have a lot of fun back in the good old days, but she's so boring now. I try my best, but the woman just doesn't want to have fun." Hooch says, but I am more focused on the movements of her ass as she starts to grind back into me. Damn, I could have sworn this woman was very different when I met her back at my book signings. More shy, embarrassed and reserved. I guess she is still a bit drunk, and the alcohol is loosening her reservations.

"Is that so, and what kind of fun did you have? What do you like to do?" I ask, feeling a story there. Rolanda just shakes her head back, not willing to talk about it. "Never you mind, mister. Somethings, no matter how fun, shouldn't be talked about so easily. Minnie would very much have a problem if I started telling everybody that she liked pussy in more ways than one." She declined and answered all at the same time. Well, I bet Minnie hasn't had her fill in some time, what with all her duties and stress and also the fact that she looks so old while everybody else has stayed looking youthful.

"Alright then, what about yourself? What do you like? Anything I can help with? And you didn't answer my question about if you have anyone in your life." I say, resuming my earlier line of questioning. I am actually quite interested in if this woman has a marriage or kids or anything. I admittedly don't know anything about her, so maybe she is married and has kids. I don't know. As we talk, my hands have already crept up her body, my fingertips brushing against the underside of her breasts.

"Ah, well, you see, it's kind of the same answer to all three questions," she says, and I find my interest piqued, and so, with a questioning sound from me, she continues. "You see, I like something very particular. And most people run off because of it, either too scared to try or not having liked it at all after trying. So no, I don't have anyone. And yes, I think you can help me with this, Gilderoy." She looks back at me, and she smirks a naughty smile, promising something sordid to come. I can't help but worry about what it is that she likes that scared some people off.


And then I feel like I am in a Yakuza game as she suddenly reaches back and grabs her robe and then pulls it, ripping it away and flinging it into the sky to drift down somewhere below. When I look back at her, I am astonished to find that her shirt has disappeared as well, looking down at her bare-toned back. Hmm, she wasn't wearing a bra. And then, before I can properly appreciate it, she moves, swinging around on the broomstick and turning around to face me, her breasts nice and supple, staring me straight in the face. It's not as big as some of the partners I have had, but there is something admirable in their smaller, firmer shape. Still, I look at her, confused as to what she is trying to do this high in the sky.

"We are already this high in the sky, Gil. Which means we are halfway there, and I'm sure you won't have any problem going the rest of the distance. I'm sure by this point, you have caught on to what exactly it is that I like. It isn't that hard to work out, given my job." I can only nod my head while managing to pull my eyes away from her fantastic chest to glance to the side, down at the darkness below, which felt like I could fall at any moment. But then I look back at her, and she has already gotten rid of her pants, sitting on the broom in front of me completely in the nude, looking eager.

"So, are we going to fuck or not? Because if I have to I'll use the broom. Don't leave me waiting." She smirked at me, and with such words, how could I hesitate any longer? Fuck it, let's have a go up here high in the sky on a slim piece of wood and risk falling down. Like I said before, I have magic and can save me and her if it comes to it, so let's do it. Hesitating no longer, I grab her by the face and pull her in close, smashing my face into hers. We are hot and passionate as our lips meld together, our tongues exchanging saliva as we plunder each other's mouths.

My hands are already caressing her tits, pinching and pulling on her nipples. I also can't help but reach over and squeeze the life out of that firm ass that looks like it could crack a walnut. Her hands are trying to take off my clothes, but she gets too impatient and pulls back, getting her wand from somewhere and then slashing it at me, putting a long cut through my clothes, enough for her to reach over and physically rip it off of me before tossing it down below. What is with these feisty horny teachers pulling all the clothes off of me?

"Someone's eager, aren't they?" I can't help but tease, smirking at her. She doesn't even get flustered, still moving to pull me back into her embrace and continue our previous actions. "You bet. I haven't had the chance for any hanky panky in a long while, so you know I'm thirstier than a dog in heat." She replies, kissing along my neck as her other hand goes down to my partner, rousing him with her hand and giving him sufficient attention to getting him good and ready. I'm not sure her analogy tracks, but I also don't care.

Laughing, I very much return the favour and lean over to cup her mound, rubbing her pussy, and she begins to stroke my shaft profusely. My head is down over her chest, my lips sucking on the nipples of her gorgeous breasts, and I am playing with the other with one of my hands while my other hand's fingers begin to dip into her nether regions. I can feel the shiver her body gives when I put a finger fully in, and the lubrication is crazy. She is insanely wet, to the point I am afraid she will douse the entire broom and make us slip off.

"M-More!" At her urging, I put more fingers in and started to pump her pussy faster and faster, getting her to spray more juices out in turn. Feeling her stop her motions and merely hold my cock, I move my other hand to hers and grab her and start moving it, waking her up and reminding her that she should give as good as she gets. Her hand also gets busy, and I find myself in a great mood as she pumps my dick just as fast as I am pumping her.

"Fuck. I can't take it anymore." Saying so, she lets me go and moves, freeing my hand from her clutches and hopping onto my lap. Feeling the broom started to wobble in the air, my left hand quickly came down and grasped it, steadying it in the air. It was at that moment that I realised Rolanda was in control of the broom the whole time and was keeping it steady, even when I was putting her through orgasmic bliss. What a skilled woman. With her now off the broom and on my lap, she is no longer touching the broom, and I have to control it now.

All my focus is on keeping the boom gliding smoothly through the air, so I can't refute and neither do I want to when Rolanda hugs me around the neck and reaches down between us to point my cock head at her vagina and then launches herself down on it. "Ohh fuck!" She moans out, and the only reason I don't say anything in reply is that I feel the tightness and pleasure of her athletic body as well, which makes me momentarily lose control of the broom, making it dip. I refocus on controlling the broom; all the while, Rolanda begins to move, hopping up and down on my lap, taking my cock all the way in.

Even with my focus on the broom, I can't help but use my hand to grab ahold of her peach bottom and help her jump up and down on my cock. Her hands come up to the back of my head, roaming through and pulling on my hair as she kisses along my neck and face. Eventually, her lips are on mine again, and I can only reciprocate, playing tongue twister with her and squeezing her ass. Knowing I won't be able to entirely focus on flying forever, I do what I can to start lowering our altitude, lowering us down as we continue to have fun.

Still, beneath us is darkness, even as we lower while fucking. I don't make it go down fast either, not willing to put safety ahead of pleasure, as the mood and flow will be disrupted if we suddenly start to dive bomb. "Oh shit. Fuck. S-So big!" Rolanda moans in my ear, and I can't help the burst of pride that fills me. With potions and magical means, as well as going to the gym in London and now doing some exercises in my room here at Hogwarts, I was at my physical peak—the ultimate lover in my own narcissistic mind.

"Fuck. You're so tight. I'm close!" I can't help but say. This was already a test on my endurance and restraint since I had to keep it flying; all the while, Hooch had been coming and coming again and again, spraying her liquid over the both of us and the broom below. We had been going for ages, and I was close. "Me too! Fuck! Fuck! Fuckkkkk!" And with that, she came a final time, her pussy tightening down and having held out for as long as possible, I cum.

I grab hold of her ass with both hands, keeping her quivering body held tightly down against my cock as I cum and drain myself into her wanting womb. I was so absorbed by it that I only realised I had made a mistake when our bodies started to tilt, and I realised I had let go of the broom, and we were both beginning to fall. I immediately went for my wand, but my body hit the grass before I could.

Thankfully, the broom had lowered to the point we were only a few feet off of the ground, and the grass of the Quidditch pitch was enchanted to be soft in the case of players falling off during a Quidditch match, so we were safe. With that taken care of, I only cared about holding Rolanda's ass against me and continuing to cum in her, spraying rope after rope of my seed inside of her, and then finally letting go and resting on the soft grass panting for breath. 

"W-We should put the broom away... and then we can go continue this somewhere else," Rolands says, getting up to her feet, my sperm leaking down her inner thigh. She picks up the broom, and I quickly get to my feet, following her to the Quidditch supplies shed. Entering inside, she puts the broom to the side after quickly cleaning it with a few spells. I had my eyes on her ass the whole time, watching my seed leave her pussy. Needless to say, I was very much hard as a rock again.

"Well, we should probably do something about that before we leave." Saying so, Hooch gets to her knees before me, her tongue darting out to lick my cock, up, down, the sides and all around before she took me deep into her throat. I found it mesmerising to stare down into her bright yellow hawk-like eyes as she bopped her head down on my dick.

We didn't leave the broom shed for a couple of hours.

It's Ramadan, and I'm still fasting. It's become even longer since the clocks went back or forth. IDK, I was asleep. Stay strong, everybody.

Back to playing Hogwarts Legacy, and the series on YouTube has resumed. I think we are nearing the end.

Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live is good so far, but I can't wait for when Rick gets back to all the others. I just watched episode 5, and episode 6 comes out today. It seems the echelon briefing will be revealed; I'm curious what it is.

Also, to the person who asked why I was writing this sort of stuff during Ramadan, I'm not. This was written on my Pateron two and a half months ago. I am just copying and pasting it here.

If you want to discuss this or any other topic further, follow the link to my Discord.

The link to everything you need and my patronage:

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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