The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 70

At least the next TEN chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

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Chapter 70- Redundant Revelations.

Harry quickly rushed to help Professor Lockhart to his feet, but the blonde man waved him off and tried to stand up on his own. It took him a bit, and the man fumbled for a second, but Harry watched as the man pulled himself up to stand on his own two feet. Harry felt guilt inside as he watched the man stand unstably on the stone-cold ground, knowing that he had inflicted such damage on the man and made him emit such tortured screams. Screams that Harry will not forget anytime soon. Screams that would surely haunt his nights, as this was something that Harry would never forget.

"Whew, well, that was certainly strange. And I am not talking about the pain, but what happened after that." Harry looked puzzledly at Lockhart, confused as to what he was on about. "What? Did you not see it?" The Professor asks, looking back at Harry as if he had missed something very obvious. "I'm afraid not, Professor. I had my eyes closed envisioning... the, uh, the hate to perform the spell. I didn't see anything." Lockhart nods his head as if that made sense and then sets about explaining.

"Well, The Cruciatus impacted me like red lightning, constantly zapping me and delivering intense pain. Then, like a transformer or something, that red lightning energy then arced off of me and started to impact the door, creating a three-pronged lighting circuit." Harry nodded along, even though he didn't get most of that. He gets the jist, though. The Crucio hit Lockhart and then went through Lockhart to hit the door. "Then, the door just became like sludge and melted away. It was really weird. It just melted and sunk into the floor, and now it's an open doorway. I'd really like to learn how that works." Harry didn't inquire further to understand whether his Professor wanted to know about the melty door or the torture lock.

"Alright, let's go. Remember Harry, stay behind me. We still don't know what lies ahead, and there can still be more tasks ahead. Tasks even harder than this one." At that, Harry gulps, finding it hard to imagine anything more challenging than this and, for that, dreading it all the more. Harry wasn't even the one who was tortured, and yet he found it unbearable. "Understood, Professor," Harry said when he finally realised Lockhart was staring at him, waiting for his response. Harry tried to find his resolve; he wasn't even the one who was in pain, and yet he was more unfocused than Lockhart. He had to keep up and not be a burden to his Professor.

Turning his attention to the newly unlocked path, Harry looked through the open doorway, and already, he didn't like what he saw as it all looked ominous. On the other side of the now open doorway was a circular room with a runic-looking green and grey circular rug in the middle of it on top of hard grey stone flooring. There were a bunch of chests and nicknacks scattered around the edges of the room, looking very old and dusty, but there were some that just sent shivers up Harry's back. He didn't even know why; they were normal items, but something was off about them.

By far, the thing that took his attention the most was directly opposite him, on the back wall. There was a statue coming out of the wall, and it was by far the thing that creeped Harry out the most. It was of an average man, the hair on top of his head sparse but long on the sides, blending in with his long Merlin-like beard. Even though it was dead stone, the man's eyes were cold and calculating. There wasn't cruelty in them because the man simply did not have any such feelings. Cold, calculating rational. The statue was surrounded by stone snakes crawling out from behind his head, the snakes making patterns around him and seeming to blend in with his hair as if they were part of him. Harry turned away, not wanting to spend any more time on it.

Following Professor Lockhart into the room, Harry realised this room was not the end of it. On the left and right sides of the room were staircases leading up to another level, both of them framing the bust of the man in the middle. Harry didn't know what it was called, but he was sure a statue of a head was a bust, even if it was embedded in a wall. There were candelabras next to each staircase, with each and every candle lit up and illuminating the room. However, the room was still dark and dingy, dimly lit. Looking up, Harry was made aware the room was bigger heightwise than it was any other way, and up above were various paintings and cloth art that depicted many scenes. Harry didn't bother looking at them further.

Lockhart, being the cautious person he was, spent a while doing various spells Harry didn't know the effect of, scanning each area of the room, spending quite a bit of time on the bust before finally deeming it safe and moving on to the upper level. Following along, Harry climbed the staircase and finally reached the top, bearing witness to what looked like a study. There were shelves all around the area, with books and papers littering nearly every surface. There was a desk where most of the papers were congregated. Everything was dusty and grey, a significant layer of dust hiding the true colours from the eye.

Looking around, Harry was utterly bored by the decrepit place. However, he knew that Hermione would be excited and jumping for joy at all the knowledge here that she could learn, even if Harry did suspect that most of it would not be useable as it would be of a darker nature. Still, Harry contemplated maybe coming back here with his friends if he found a safe way to do so. You know, so he or any of his friends didn't have to suffer torture to gain access to the trove of knowledge.

Paying attention to things other than knowledge, Harry spotted numerous statues of very strange design littering the sides of the room, looking ancient and mildly horrifying. Most of it was snake-themed, but some of it looked foreign and very ancient. What was the world Harry was looking for? Mayan? Incan? Aztec? Harry wasn't an architect, but he was sure they were somewhere along that line. It made him wonder why Slytherin would keep such things around.

And make no mistake, this place definitely belonged to Salazar Slytherin. As if all of the snakes weren't enough of a hint, or the Parseltongue, or the torture curse, or the face of the man embedded on the wall. Harry mildly wondered if this was the so-called Chamber of Secrets. It certainly looked like it held many secrets, but wasn't the chamber supposed to hold Slytherin's monster? As that thought struck, Harry suddenly grew a lot more nervous and on edge, looking around as if anything could jump out at any moment and attack. And if he and his Professor were petrified, then most likely they would stay here forever, frozen, unable to do anything as nobody knew they were here or would ever find them.

Harry held his wand inside of his pocket, taking comfort in the warmth it gave as he waited for his Professor to finally take them out of here. Professor Lockhart was again scanning each and every bit of the room, but instead of the caution and seriousness on the man's face that had been there so far, there was a smile. He was happy as if he had found what he was looking for. In particular, he seemed to be quite obsessed with a leather tomb on a desk; the only thing on that particular desk, a plush brown leather chair in front of it. Harry could only assume there was something mighty helpful in it, something that would help Hogwarts against the attacker in the school, but he didn't distract the man. He simply waited until Lockhart found a way out.

"Um, what is that, Professor? Something that will help us find the Heir of Slytherin?" Eventually though, Lockhart had spent so long looking over the book with abundant glee that Harry couldn't help but question what had his Professor so happy. "Oh, ah, yes. It is a spellbook of some kind, a Hogwarts Founder's possession. It belonged to Salazar Slytherin." Lockhart came back to reality and seemed to remember that Harry was here with him. He calmed himself with a cough into his hand, and his face lost all giddiness, going back to the solemn Professor.

"Oh. Well, is there anything about the monster in there?" Harry asks, focusing on the main problem here. The monster goes around attacking and petrifying people. Once that is dealt with, he can go back to enjoying his school life and actually learning things this year instead of being shunned and avoided by everybody. "Hm, well, I can't rightly say. It's possible. However, I would rather try to find an exit out of here before we delve into its secrets. Look around, Harry, for anything that could be such a thing, Harry; there isn't anything harmful in here. This must have been Salazar's study." Harry nodded before beginning to look around, looking for an exit out of there.

He spent a while looking but didn't find anything. Harry just spent his time looking at all the oddities in the room, not daring to touch anything for fear of getting cursed with something for the rest of his life. Still, he made sure to look like he was doing something just for his Professor's sake, allowing the man to do the actual searching. And finally, it paid off. "Ah, I think I have found the exit." Hearing that, Harry turned his attention away from the dusty books he was pretending to peruse and turned around to see Lockhart looking over the big Mayan-looking artefact thing at the back of the room that he had noticed earlier.

It was a big cylindrical thing that was half embedded into the wall. It looked like there was a face on it with a lot of designs and with its tongue hanging out but its tongue was a snake. Overall, it's very creepy and weird. Professor Lockhart had just claimed this was the way out. "Come on over, Harry, let's get out of here." Not needing to be told twice, Harry rushed over, stopping beside his Professor and waiting patiently. "So, how do we leave?" Harry questions, very eager to leave.

"Like so." And with that, Lockhart taps his wand on the snake, and Harry watches as it slowly ropes back up and into the mouth and then he hears a grinding as the whole thing begins to move, turning into the wall and revealing itself to be hollow as a little alcove presents itself, the entire thing having turned around and disappeared into the wall. Like one of those secret passage things, you see in the morning cartoons like Scooby Doo. "Alright, hop in." Even though he says that Lockhart grabs Harry by the shoulder and drags him into it, keeping a hand on him to keep him from moving.

Harry doesn't know what to feel as the walls begin to close around them, or are they turning around? Either way, the light was fading, and they were going into darkness. Just him and his Professor in the dark... Harry had heard horror stories about this sort of thing from the older years and sometimes on the news. Harry shook his head, reaffirming in his mind that Lockhart was a good person. And then there was darkness, and Hary felt himself slightly panic in the dark, but then there was a crack, and there was brilliant light. The wall in front of them slid open and to the side, allowing them out into a beautiful Hogwarts Corridor, made even more so as he recognised it.

"This is right outside the Slytherin House dormitory!" Harry couldn't help but exclaim as he and his Professor stepped out into the hallway, the walls sliding shut behind them, not leaving any trace that there was a passage there. "The Slytherin House dormitory? And how do you know that? Students should only know the location of their own dorm." Lockhart asks, a serious look on his face. Harry feels a sense of panic hit him; after all, he only knew because Hermione cooked up a Polyjuice potion and had Ron and himself turn into Crabbe and Goyle. They only managed to find the location as a prefect berated them for being out late and led them back to it. But he couldn't tell Professor Lockhart that, could he?

"Um, you see... Malfoy was bragging about it?" Harry finishes unsurely, feeling no confidence at all as the words left his mouth. He was made to feel worse inside as Lockhart stared down at him, saying nothing. The silence stretched as he felt an uncomfortable need to move but also felt like moving would give him away, so Harry stayed still, feeling the itch to move. "That makes sense. That kid brags about anything and everything. Hell, I swear I heard him bragging about his dad having amazing hair care products." Harry just nodded along, amazed that his excuse worked. Truly, Malfoy is the perfect excuse.

"Anyway, let's see if this works." Harry watched as Lockhart turned around and examined the wall they just walked out of and cast a few spells before he held his wand to a specific spot, and the wall slid open once again. "Neat. It opened again. Let's see if we can go back in." The Professor said with a smile on his face.

"Wait, what-" Harry was once more dragged by his Professor into the darkness before he could even complain. The walls spun around, and the darkness receded before light showed up, and again, they were back in the same dusty old study that they had just freed themselves from. "Why did you do that!?" Harry couldn't help but shout at Lockhart as they stepped back into the room. They had just freed themselves from here, but now they were back, and whose to say the exit would work again.

"Well, I had to check that I could get back in here and out of here without needing a Parselmouth's help and without needing someone to be subjected to the torture curse," Lockhart said, a big smile on his face showing he was really happy that such a thing was reality. "See, now I don't need you to get in here, Harry. Still, I really appreciate you helping me out like this. Seriously." Hearing the change in tone and some of what Lockhart just said, Harry felt kind of weird. Something was off.

"Ah, you're... welcome?" Was all Harry could say in response, not sure what else to say and feeling very off. Lockhart started to chuckle, scratching the back of his head. "Ah, well... I don't even know why I'm thanking you. It's not like you are going to remember this after all. Kind of a moot point, really." Harry took a moment to comprehend what the hell his Professor was on about, but when he did he also noticed that Professor Lockhart also had his wand in his hand, at the ready. Harry quickly went for his wand.

"Stu-" But it was for naught. "Expeliarmus." The magic struck true, and Harry's wand was ripped out of his hand and flew through the air into Lockhart's waiting palm. "Can't be having that, Harry. You know, now that I think of it, right now, I could do anything, and you won't remember it. Nobody would ever know." At Lockhart's words, Harry felt terror grip his heart, and he began to back up, tripping over nothing and falling on his ass as Lockhart loomed over him with a sickening grin on his face.

"I am actually somebody from another world who took over Gilderoy Lockhart's body. Whew, feels good to get that off my chest and be so honest." Harry felt his brain stop. This world is actually a fictional reality and book series made by a bored red-headed housewife who I think is sexy. I'd definitely smash." Harry couldn't say anything as Lockhart suddenly talked in such a dirty way and about such adult things he'd never thought about.

"You are going to grow up, face Voldemort in some way or form every year, and most of the time only survive because you have a clever girl like Hermione helping you. You'll meet people like your Godfather who'll just end up dying. Dumbledore has basically been setting you up and leading you to your death. Snape is actually looking out for you due to a life debt or something. Also, he was a horny little simp that wanted your mum and was obsessed, and it is such a bitch now because she never gave up that, I assume, freckled pale ass. Don't worry, though; he'll die in the end, and so will Voldemort." Harry feels his mind overheating, hearing so many things and so many emotions, and not knowing what to focus on.

"In the end, you end up with Ginny Weasley, and Ron ends up with Hermione. Everybody was angry at that, thinking you should have been with Hermione, and I agree. I don't really care about that now, though; after all, when those two girls are old enough, I am probably going to be fucking them. To be honest, most girls you are going to meet are probably going to have spread their legs for me at some point." Harry felt anger and rage in him at the things his Professor was saying, the mix of emotions inside him all funelling into it.

Lockhart smirks, a pondering look on his face. "Honestly, I have read so many fanfics that I honestly think there may be a way for me to bring your mum, Lily Potter formerly Evans, back to life and have some good fun with her." Harry swings his fist forward, trying to hit Lockhart and maybe make a grab for his wand, but the man steps back and evades it with ease. "Oops, sorry. Got a little too into that. Don't worry; you won't remember any of this; there won't even be any traces for anyone to find. I'm that good at it." Lockhart smiles.

"You're a monster." Harry spits, frustration covering his whole being. "Hey, I'm not a monster. I'm just a horny repressed guy who wants to get with a lot of beautiful women, which happens to include your Milf mum. I'm just like any other guy out there. Don't worry, I'm not the rapey type. Just read their mind, use it to my advantage, and manipulate them type. Completely different. Not even blackmail." Harry felt tears leaving his eyes, his head a mess.

"Shit, you're making me feel bad for having normal feelings, kid." Lockhart chuckles awkwardly. But then that disappears, and his face is blank as he points his wand at Harry. "Well, I am a little fucked up; I did have some kind of trauma and shit and fucked around with my own head after killing a guy. But don't worry, I'm sure I'm fine... probably. See ya, kid." Harry wished that he could do something, but there was nothing.


The new season of The Boys is nearly here! Can't wait! It's gonna get crazy. In other news... I don't really have much going on, actually. See ya next week.

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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